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To pay directly from your e-gold® account, fill out this payment order form and press the Preview button.

e-metal® payment order


3567319 (webmaster)


(numerical amount of chosen units, e.g. 1000.00)
  USD ' worth of                              

-----------------------Authorize Payment-------------------------


    (Account Number)


     Use SRK Passphrase Entry...

Turing Number:

Turing Number          Enter sequence of numbers displayed in
grid directly above. Audible Turing Number


After clicking Preview, you will be presented with a summary of the transaction you have entered.
At that point you may choose to Confirm this e-metal spend.
Once you confirm an e-metal spend, you can not reverse the transaction and take your e-gold back.
(See non-repudiation policy)

This e-gold payment order requires that cookies be enabled on your browser to function properly.
Would you like to have an e-gold checkout button on your web site? Visit the e-gold® programmer's page

9/26/2006 2:31:49 AM GMT
© 2005 e-gold Ltd.