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Dying 2 Be Thin
Tuesday, 6 February 2007
Mood:  spacey
Topic: weight
That's ironic..a fridge as a layout...I though that would be the best 'weigh' to go considering I'm such a fat piece of lard, that needs to lose a whole load of weight... and fast!

Today is being all fucked up...well, it's actually going's my first day of eating under 400 cal. I'm getting help from everyone on here, which is fun.

I'm writing down my calorie intake as I go, or I'll be prone to leaving shit out.

I haven't eaten anything so far, tonight I'm having a Quorn chicken tikka fillet, they are like 82 cal a piece, so that should be interesting.

I'm also drinkin half a litre of water every hour. This should like de-toxify my body.

Another thing that has fucked me up, is that my boyfriend and I are on a break...yes, my idea, but he is a cock. No joke, no messing, a real life cock. Actually, he can be the best person that anyone has ever met, but he isso unbelievably lazy that it's unreal.

I've decide that writing lots on here is going to keep me occupied, which is good because even though no one wil see it maybe, or give a fuck about how I feel, its ok.

I have a headache, fuck knows why, I've been drinking water like frickin' mad!

Anyways, I'm off here...



Posted by planet/dying2bethin at 2:14 PM GMT
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