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The Movie


A Digital What Production


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Let Me Give It To You Straight Chummer....

Why a Shadowrun movie? Why not? I think it's about time this great RPG stepped into the mainstream light. Of course your probably asking yourself, who the hell do you think you are? Well, no one really. I just feel the urge to be creative and this game above all others allows me to do so. This of course will require a great deal of work. And more people who love the game as much as I, and who have a passion for animation. If you think your one of those people then I implore you to hop aboard.

Things Needed


Our director and script writer Brandon has whipped out the opening scene for our movie. It sets the stage for what looks like to be one hell of a ride with a Runner known as Strife. Wanna read an excerpt then click here

I'd also like to thank the artist that drew the pic that resides as the background image for this page. Thanks know who you are.

Check out our Blog. It's the best place to speak your mind and let us know what you'd like to see in a Shadowrun movie. Get going chummer!

Our news section has been updated!!!

Set Designer: I could really use help in this department. My main focus at this point are the character models.

Texture Artist: Is extremly difficult to do models and then texture them as well. I have Adobe Photoshop but my experience with it is minimum. Any takers?

Newest Characters

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