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Sample Letter for Sponsors

Here is a sample sponsor letter that should increase your effectiveness, help you properly interpret Emmaus to others, and effectualize your responsibility in sharing God's grace as a Sponsor to those you ask to write letters on behalf of your Pilgrim. Simply copy and paste the text below into a text editor (Word, Notepad, Wordpad) and change the items in bold type accordingly. Make copies and send them out. It's as simple as that and the effect it will have on your Pilgrim... well you probably recall yourself from your Walk.

(Pilgrim's Full Name Goes Here), a dear friend, loved one, family member, or acquaintance to you will be attending what is known as a Walk to Emmaus, (Walk# ???) at on (Place where Walk is occurring) on (Date Walk is occurring). (Pilgrim) has touched your life in some way, shape or form and I ask for your assistance in making (his/her) Walk that much more special.

What is a Walk to Emmaus you ask? The Gospel of St. Luke relates the story of Cleopas and his friend walking along a road to a town called Emmaus. The risen Christ joined them and explained the Scriptures as they walked. After Cleopas and his friend recognized Christ, they rushed back to Jerusalem to tell others of the good news (this can be found in Luke 24:13-35). Like the same walk that happened so many years ago, this Walk that (Pilgrim) will be attending is a 72 hour experience that strengthens and renews discipleship and can change a person forever. Some changes are spiritual in nature, others can affect relationships with family, friends, coworkers, etc. All in all, this is a great experience that I wish everyone could experience for if they did, our world would truly be different as many say it is one of the happiest they have ever known once they have returned from their Walk.

Some may ask "is (he/she) joining a cult"? No. The walk to Emmaus is nondenominational and is definitely not a cult. This will be a weekend that will provide spiritual growth, Christian love, be full of happiness, and will be full of surprises. One such surprise is receiving notes from family, friends, coworkers, and loved ones. This is truly a welcome surprise since (Pilgrim) will not have contact with the outside world or those of us in it during the 72 hours (he/she) is there. In fact (he/she) will be free from grueling schedules, phones, computers, TV, radio, and work; in other words free from all the stresses we each deal with daily.

As (Pilgrim's) Sponsor, I am contacting as many folks as possible who know (Pilgrim), including (his/her) other family members, friends, coworkers, and loved ones from her past, present, and believe it or not even (his/her) future, and are asking them to send a letter to (him/her). (Pilgrim) will receive these at a very special time during (his/her) Walk.

This is an opportunity for you to tell (him/her) how (he/she) may have influenced your life, or recall a humorous event, or reminisce on a special event that is very special to just you and (him/her). It can be just a general letter of support and need not be religious in any way if you choose. This is a letter of love and/or friendship that will be read by (Pilgrim) and (Pilgrim) alone; not even I as (his/her) Sponsor are able to read the letter you sent.

Would you please help me make (Pilgrim's) Walk to Emmaus special by doing the following?

  1. Write a note or letter. There is no requirement on length; it can be as long or short as you want.
  2. Sign your letter and place it in a sealed envelope.
  3. Write (Pilgrim's) first and last name (Pilgrim's Full Name Goes Here), on the envelope. Please do not write your name on the envelope in order to ensure (he/she) is surprised.
  4. In the upper right hand corner of the envelope mark one of the following codes:
    • F for Family,
    • C for Close friends,
    • or O for Others (like long lost friends, former classmates,
      and coworkers)
  5. Put the envelope in a larger envelope with your return address and mail it to me at the following address: (Remember to give your mailing address)

Please do not let (Pilgrim) know about your letter or this request in order to ensure (his/her) surprise. Your letter should be sent to me preferably no later than (Date one month prior to the Walk).

On (Pilgrim's) behalf, I thank you for your time and effort and greatly appreciate you taking time to make (his/her) day. I know (he/she) will appreciate your response even more.

(Your Name here)