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Nostalgia Fix

Some of us who played back in the golden age of EverQuest miss how the game used to be, we miss the things that even so simple and small could still be a challenge. Traveling was one of these things, and even getting a bind was another.
A perfect way to get something like this back would be a Classic Server but that will never happen, but there is a way to still get some of that classic feel back to the game. Classic Spell Graphics. Yes, you can get these back and it is extremely easy to do.
Can you get in trouble? No
Why not? This will only effect your computer and only you will see the classic spell graphics, no one else will unless they do the same thing as you. For those who are having trouble remembering the old graphics here is a few examples to refresh your memory.

Last but certainly not least, who can forgot that lovely spell graphic of Spirit of the Wolf!

Also what is so great is spells work like they used to! Lower level buffs look all green and when you hit that certain level and get newer buffs they get a blue glow to them and look much cooler just like they used to.

How do you get these? Simple, open your EQ Folder and search for the following files. Once found, drag them out of your EQ Folder and keep them somewhere, just get them out of that folder.

Now you may be sitting there thinking, "Ok I understand the spell effects folder and the two spell files but what are these global and gequip files? I am pleased to tell you that not only can you get the old spell graphics back but as well the old skeleton and wolf models!

THATS RIGHT! Getting the global and gequip files out of your folder will bring those back although, there is some small side effects. Such as Beastlord pets will appear as Humans with no gear on. Druids in Wolf Form will also appear the same. So if you do not wish to deal with those bugs then you can just forget about removing the global and gequip files and only take out the spell graphic ones.

Normally after you makes changes like this the EQ patcher will overwrite them with the new ones so what you have to do is right click on your desktop and make a new shortcut. Follow the following pictures.

Locate the Eqgame file

Click OK and finish that up naming it whatever you like. Once done right click on the new shortcut and go to properties. At the top go to the shortcut tab if there and at the very end of the "Target" put a space after the quotation mark and type "patchme" without the " ".

Click apply and there you have it. From now on start EQ with that shortcut and it wont patch. Come patch day you will have to patch and delete the files again but that would only take 30 seconds top to do so its not a problem. I hope you all enjoy the classic feel and thank you for reading.