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Guild Ranks -Continued-

Black Dragon

Black Dragon is the first non-officer rank. This rank has the ability to invite new members, and edit the public note. Black Dragon's are like Veterans and are also responsible for filling the Dragon Master in on the events of the day.

Black Dragon: Tamerz, Danni, Sonsiaris, Edwinna, Galire

Gold Dragon

Gold Dragon is the next rank after Black Dragon . A Gold Dragon is also considered a Veteran but is perhaps newer to the Guild or is not on often enough for higher status in the Guild. Gold Dragons may also invite new members.

Gold Dragon: Bloodblound, Beastshunter, Uandiiniu, Vele, Duzrok

Blue Dragon

Blue Dragon status is essentially much the same as Gold Dragon except that this member is newer to the guild and has not had time to become acquainted with the system.

It is not usual to find an older member at this rank if they have not been on for five (5) or more days without notice. (See Rules for more information)

Blue Dragon: Maskanio, Malatharia, Vaatii, Solange, Eday

Guild Rank - Page 3