February 2007 Point Totals

pilonv1                 137.18
Chibbi Brady            134.51
donny2112               128.19
Javy007                 126.69
argon                   123.23
DayShallCome            122.24
JoshuaJSlone            122.10
Bungalow Bob            119.52
sonycowboy              117.12
rage1973                117.09
jamesinclair            117.09
Ganondorf>Link          116.21
GhaleonEB               115.55
szaromir                114.85
Mithos Yggdrasill       114.66
Clever Pun              113.72
AniHawk                 113.45
Jokeropia               113.41
deftangel               112.50
starship                112.50
Kurosaki Ichigo         112.44
Hiro_Kunimi_80          111.60
duderon                 111.36
bycha                   111.27
JJConrad                110.98
seattle6418             110.76
DefectiveReject         110.10
farnham                 109.73
MiamiWesker             109.54
Orgen                   109.05
Nuclear Muffin          108.79
LOCK                    108.76
bunkum                  108.69
BenjaminBirdie          108.28
megaman511              107.83
TJ Bennett              107.44
Earthstrike             107.25
BuzzJive                106.84
Heidir                  105.91
Fortu                   105.49
perfectchaos007         105.11
duk                     104.94
fanduck                 104.83
Stopsign                103.76
WhatRuOn                103.15
lix2k3                  103.02
Stop It                 102.89
ksamedi                 102.48
Blaburn                 101.29
Mrbob                   100.07
UncleGuito               99.55
Azelover                 99.54
TheKurgan                99.20
SpudBud                  97.95
djtiesto                 96.83
Jewbacca                 96.76
Jirotrom                 95.50
mclem                    95.10
jet1911                  95.09
Hammer24                 94.89
squatingyeti             94.69
The Sphinx               94.36
Mr Killemgood            94.11
SouthernDandie           93.98
mood                     93.80
TheProfessor             92.53
hadareud                 90.87
beermonkey@tehbias       90.38
PhoenixDark              87.30
Andokuky                 84.81
Porkepik                 84.10
schuelma                 83.71
mylilbuddy               83.31
acklame                  83.03
Diablos54                81.72
spwolf                   77.96
Xisiqomelir              76.41
Kintaro                  74.47
CoryCubed                70.06
rs7k                     66.14
hyonoid                  61.37
mmlemay                  51.83
siamesedreamer           51.36
3rdman                   50.40
PantherLotus             49.48
Idioteque                48.60
nextgeneration           46.37
Jtyettis                 44.78
gkrykewy                 43.82
JCBossman                42.95
Sean                     42.40
Treo360                  40.17
brain_stew               38.31
dirtmonkey37             33.07
Tobithecat               32.26
S8 RoXoRz                28.13
Baker                    23.51

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