Veronica. Ruler of the Family. (Picture)

Veronica dominates her husband and step son with her fists and feet.

Veronica Rockwell

Veronica Rockwell was absolutely gorgeous. The most stunning creature God ever put on this Earth. She had swirling, silky black hair that cascaded down past her shoulder blades. Her beautiful grey eyes sparkled like expensive diamonds, and her luscious ruby red lips were tailor made to be devoured by hungry kisses. She had flawless skin that was as smooth and soft as a babies bottom. Her 5 foot 9 inch 130 pound feminine body was perfectly proportioned in every way. Long, sleek, fantastic looking legs that were any mans dream, a slim waist that was made to be held in a mans strong hands, and large, round breasts that begged to be suckled. A woman that fit every mans fantasy, what ever it may be. The thirty three year old female knew her beauty gave her a certain amount of power over men of all ages. And she knew how to use that power to gain what she wanted. But her beauty was not the only quality she possessed.

Veronica was also a highly intelligent woman. She finished first in her class at Vassar, and went on to receive several Master and Associate degrees in Business Administration and Management at the University of Columbia. Which lead to her exulted position in one of the highest regarded Advertising Agencies in New York. Her position as President and CEO of the Advertising Agency she owned and ran, gave her the venue she needed to wield the enormous power she possessed. And having power over everything and everyone around her was what Veronica loved the most. Because under that radiant beauty that could not be matched, beat an ice cold heart that was as evil as Satan's himself. A heart that held not one drop of compassion for her fellow man or woman. Because compassion was considered to be a weakness, that the beautiful Veronica simply would not tolerate.

In Veronica's eyes she was a powerful Goddess who's pedestal allowed her to look down on her flock of employed sheep. You followed her orders precisely, or you were led to slaughter. She was ruthless and demanding to a fault. When you signed on the dotted line to work for Veronica, you were unknowingly signing your life away. Because as far as she was concerned, she owned you lock, stock and barrel for the rest of your miserable life. If you incurred her wrath and were terminated, finding another job was utterly impossible. Especially after she spread ugly rumors about your honesty and integrity. If you were completely ruined and lost everything, then that was your problem. She couldn't have cared less. Cruelty and humiliation were special traits that she used with extreme delight. Forcing someone to cower down to her was Veronica's favorite pastime.

But the miserable existence her employees were forced to accept, was a Birthday party compared to the fearful life her husband Fredrick and step son Stephen had to face. They were mere possessions she toyed with, or used to vent her anger. Fredrick Rockwell used to be a respected Lawyer in a prestigious Law Firm. His wife died from cancer when his son Stephen was only twelve years old. The two males clung to each other for support, and became very close. Stephen wasn't very happy when his father started dating Veronica, but he kept his feelings to himself. He did want to see his father enjoy life again. And Veronica seemed to make him smile and forget his sadness. So he eventually gave up his selfishness and accepted her into the family. They were married shortly before Stephen left to attend Yale University. He was going to become a Lawyer like his father.

While Stephen was away at College and unaware of what was happening at home, Fredrick's life had changed forever. One day Veronica decided his income was not relevant to secure their financial future. She felt her needs would be better served if he were to remain at home. So she fired all the help and ordered him to take over their duties. Fredrick laughed at her little joke until he realised she was deadly serious. When he flat refused to go along with her demands, Veronica gave her husband the beating of his life. By the time she was through kicking and punching him all around their expensive apartment, Fredrick was on his knees begging her to end his suffering. He pleaded with his wife to accept his apology and allow him to obey her wishes. He was forced to quit his job the next day, and assume the responsibilities formerly held by the cook, house keeper, and gardener.

Veronica studied Karate and Jujitsu while attending College. She wanted to be fully prepared to face any life threatening crisis that may come her way. So handling her 37 year old, 6 foot 3 inch 213 pound husband was a snap. Even though Fredrick was a very fit man with a solid muscular frame, he never stood a chance against the sadistic female. Stephen was sucked into her web of deception when he decided to come home on spring break instead of going with his friends to Fort Lauder dale. He had absolutely no idea what had happened to his father after leaving for College. He thought he was coming home to a happy couple who enjoyed each others company. So he was ill prepared to face the events that occurred.

"I'M HOME!" Stephen shouted as he walked through the door. A few seconds later, a puzzled look came over his face when he saw his father rushing from the kitchen to greet him wearing a pink, frilly apron. His father didn't know the first thing about cooking. He couldn't even grill steaks on the BBQ that would be edible by the time he got through with them. "What's with the apron dad? Are you trying to upset Henrietta? You know she doesn't like people in her kitchen." He asked his father as the two men released their embrace. "Uhhh, no not exactly son. I'm afraid Henrietta is no longer with us." "WHAT?" "Did she die or something?" He asked concerned. Before Fredrick could answer, Stephen heard a sweet feminine voice speaking from behind him.

"I fired her Stephen." Veronica admitted as she was descending the spiral staircase. Stephen turned to address his beautiful step mother and fell silent as he stared at what she was wearing. Black leather pants covered her long sleek legs and perfectly shaped ass. They were skin tight and fit like a glove. Her feet were encased in knee length black leather boots, tied with black laces wrapped around tiny silver buckles all the way to the top. Her top was a long sleeved white silk blouse, that was cut low in the front and back. Stephen came out of his trance when she reached the bottom of the stairs and spoke to him. "Welcome home Stephen, It's nice to see you." She said with a sweet smile "Fired her? Why on earth would you do that? She's been with us for ten years." He asked. "That's really none of your business Stephen." She informed the surprised young man.

Fredrick interrupted, trying to avoid a confrontation between the two of them. Stephen didn't realise the danger he was in. "Never mind Stephen. Come on, I'll help you take your bags up to your room." "Wait dad. I really would like to know why you allowed her to fire the best cook in the world." Fredrick's face turned snow white when he saw Veronica whirl to face his son. "I said it was none of your concern young man. Now drop it. As long as you live in this house, you'll obey my wishes without question. Now do as your father asked and go to your room." She sternly told him as she walked off. Stephen was at a loss for words because of her outburst. He stood there with his mouth agape, while watching her stroll away. "What the hell?" He asked his father. "Come with me Stephen. I'll try to explain everything." Fredrick replied. The two men picked up his bags and started up the stairs.

Stephen laid his bag on the bed and unzipped it to put the contents away. "Leave your clothes packed Stephen. I want you to leave this house immediately." Fredrick told his son. "WHAT?" "I just got here. What the hell is going on dad?" He asked. "Sit down son. I'll try and explain it to you." His father said wringing his hands. When he was through explaining the situation, Stephen sat there in shock. "Let me get this straight dad. Veronica fired Henrietta, Althea, and Julio on a whim. Then she beat you to a pulp, and forced you to assume their duties as cook, house keeper, and gardener. Is that correct?" He asked dumbfounded. "Yes Stephen. That about sums it up." Fredrick said with his head shamefully hanging down.

"How dad? You're well over two hundred pounds and have a solid muscular frame. While Veronica is quite a bit smaller then you, not to mention the fact that she is female. So how could she force you to do anything. I don't get it." He responded. "I know son. I couldn't believe it at first myself. But those beautifully manicured hands of hers become rock hard fists that punch with the strength of a battering ram. And her well pedicured feet are lethal weapons of destruction. She can kick like a powerful Stallion, with or without those leather boots on. I'm a very fit male that knows how to handle himself in a fight. But Veronica easily beat and kicked me around this apartment like I was a small boy. I never stood a chance. That's why I want you out of here as quickly as possible. I don't want you caught in her web of enslavement. So please son, leave this house." He pleaded.

"I'm sorry dad. I can't just walk out and leave you here. Especially after what you just told me. We have to face her together like men and get you out of this nightmare. It's the only logical solution. I don't care how good you say she is, she can't handle both of us. Once you're free, you can file for divorce and get her out of your life permanently." Stephen told his father confidently. "You don't know her Stephen. Her capacity for cruelty is beyond comprehension. She has no remorse in her what so ever. You can see it in her beautiful grey eyes when she's inflicting pain on you. She thoroughly enjoys what she's doing. Hurting and humiliating people comes as natural to her as breathing does for you or I. You must get out of this house where you'll be safe. Please son. For once in your life, do what I ask without arguing with me about it. It would kill me to see you broken and under her ruling thumb. You must go." Fredrick stated.

Before Stephen could answer, Veronica burst through the door. "FREDRICK!" "Get your lazy ass down to the kitchen and finish preparing dinner. You know what I will do to you if it's not served precisely at six o'clock." "NOW MOVE YOUR ASS!" She commanded. "Yes dear." Fredrick said as he started for the door. "NO DAD!" Stephen yelled. Then he turned to his step mother. "Veronica, your reign of terror is over in this house. I'm home now, so things are going to change. You can change with them or get the hell out." He challenged. "Is that so?" Veronica said with a smile. Fredrick turned as white as a sheet. He quickly stepped between the two and tried his best to calm the situation down. "He didn't mean anything Veronica. He's just exhausted from his long trip." He said with imploring sad eyes.

"SMACK!" Veronica back handed him in the mouth. "I never gave you permission to speak, so keep your big mouth shut. Now get your ass down to the kitchen before I really get angry." She threatened. Stephen got over the shock of seeing his father hit and attacked. "DON'T EVER HIT HIM AGAIN YOU BITCH!" He screamed as he reached for her. Veronica casually grabbed his right wrist with her left hand. Then she stepped up and turned her back to Stephen while reaching behind her to wrap her right arm around his neck. The next thing Stephen knew, he was sailing over her shoulder and hitting the floor hard on his back. "SLAM!" "Please Veronica, don't hurt him." Fredrick pleaded. "WHAM!" The right side of his face was crushed by her right boot in a roundhouse kick. He dropped to the floor like his legs had been chopped out from under him. "SLAM!"

"I can see you both need to be taught who is in charge around here. It will be my pleasure to act as your teacher." She told the two large males. Stephen recovered from being stunned by her throw, and rolled to his hands and knees to get up. Fredrick was lying in the floor holding his sore jaw, so he wasn't a potential threat at the moment. Veronica turned to deal with her step son. Taking a small step towards him with her left leg, she drew her right leg back and sent it flying forward. "WHAP!" Her leather booted foot exploded right in his face. Stephen flopped over on his back in a daze. Veronica reached down and dragged Fredrick to his feet by his hair and shirt. "You should have known better then to question my orders wimp. Perhaps a refresher course in pain will remind you who is the boss in this house."

Fredrick's face was filled with fear when she drew back her right fist and began to beat some sense into his head. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" His handsome face quickly began to swell from her pile driving fists. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" He was totally defenseless against her onslaught. Veronica saw Stephen stirring, so she sent her husband sprawling to the floor with a devastating right cross to his jaw. "SMMMACKK!" His large body spun in a circle before he landed on his face. He lie there moaning in pain while she stood over him smiling. Stephen was up and heading in her direction. Veronica stepped up to meet him head on. "It's your turn little man. Come to momma and get your beating." She told her angry step son. He growled like a grizzly bear and charged right at her.

Her shapely right leg shot out in a front kick that buried her boot deep in his stomach. "WHAM!" Stephen stopped dead in his tracks and slumped to his knees clutching his stomach. Veronica turned her gorgeous body sideways and slapped his face back and forth with her foot. "WHAP!..WHAP!..WHAP!..WHAP!..WHAP!..WHAP!" Then she bent her knee and snapped a strong side kick right in his face. "WHAM!" Stephen dropped to the floor with puffy lips and a broken nose. He was helpless to defend himself when Veronica hauled him to his feet and curled her fingers in his shirt to hold him steady. "I run this house you worthless piece of shit. You'll learn to obey my rules like your father did, or I'll beat you like a dog until you comply." "UNDERSTAND BOY?"

She rearranged his face with her hard right fist while the muscular young man stood helpless in her grasp. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" His head was bouncing up and down like a bobble head doll. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" A final uppercut knocked the young man completely off of his feet. "CRRRACKK!" Stephen's 6 foot 2 inch 210 pound muscular frame bounced when it hit the floor. He lie there in a daze, trying his best to get the room to stop spinning. Veronica calmly strolled towards her husband to continue his lesson. Fredrick was on his feet and backing away from her, with his hands out in front of him pleading for mercy. He was scared to death of the fierce look in her beautiful grey eyes. He knew that look well. When she gave him that look, he knew mercy was the last thing on her mind.

"NO VERONICA! PLEASE NO! WE'LL BE GOOD! PLEASE! DON'T HURT US ANYMORE! PLEASE! I BEG YOU!" He whimpered nearly in tears. "Shut your mouth and come here you whining little bitch. You know disobeying me warrants punishment. My authority in this house is never to be questioned. When I snap my fingers you jump. That's the rule and you know it. I've proved to you many times that you're to pitifully weak to stop me from enforcing my rules. Yet you continue to misbehave. This is the last time you will disappoint me little man. I guarantee it." "NOW COME HERE!" She screamed as she grabbed him by the throat. Fredrick knew it was useless to struggle. Even though his muscular arms were three times the size of hers, she was way to strong for him to break free. All he could do was accept the pain and pray he survived.

Veronica pushed him back and slammed him into the wall. "SLAM!" Then She went to work destroying his solid abs. "THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!" The poor man sagged in her strong grip while she ruined his mid section. "THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!" Satisfied his abs had been turned into oatmeal, she thrust her right leg between his to keep him propped up and began to pound his face with both of her hard fists. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!"Fredrick was barely conscious when she finished breaking his abs down, so he hardly felt the terrible pain she was inflicting on his face. When she was through ripping it to shreds, it was grotesquely swollen out of proportion and a rainbow of colors. When she released him, Fredrick's thoroughly battered body collapsed at her feet like a lifeless puppet who's strings had just been cut.

"Sweet dreams sweetheart. That should teach you to obey my commands without question or hesitation you pathetic little weakling. Now I'm going to introduce that sissy son of yours to pain he never knew existed. It shouldn't take him long to realise he's not man enough to stand up to me either. Because you're both nothing but a couple of pussy's." Stephen was on his feet holding his head in both hands. The room had finally quit spinning, but he had an enormous headache. When he saw Veronica coming his way, he noticed his fathers sleeping body lying in the floor. Pure rage enveloped him at the sight of his poor fathers busted up face. "YOU BITCH! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU FOR WHAT YOU DID TO HIM!" He confidently stated. Veronica just smiled at his idle threats.

Stephen stepped up to deliver a roundhouse right that was designed to separate her beautiful head from her creamy shoulders. Veronica squatted down to make him miss and extended her right leg out. Then she quickly spun in a circle and swept his legs out from under him. "SLAM!..BAM!" Stephen landed like he had been dropped from a tall building. His head snapped back and smacked the floor so hard it nearly knocked him out. Veronica stood and began stomping and kicking his prone body. "STOMP!..STOMP!..WHAM!..WHAM!..WHAM!" His ribs and chest was in a great deal of pain from her stomps, while his jaw, cheek, and temple took the brunt of her vicious kicks. While he was incapacitated, Veronica jerked him to his feet and proceeded to beat him senseless. Stephen was completely helpless against her barrage of punches.

"SMACK!" "Do you still think you're going to stop my reign of terror pansy ass?" "SMACK!" "Throwing me out of this house is much more difficult then you expected isn't it boy?" "SMACK!" "Your father was to weak to stop me. So what made you think you could handle the job?" "SMACK!" "You're even more of a weakling then he is." "SMACK!" "You're both pitiful excuses for men. So turning you two into docile little lambs that will obey my every command is going to be easy." "SMACK!" You'll soon be crawling at my feet and begging me to end your suffering." "SMACK!" "Then you'll pray that I find an ounce of compassion in my heart and stop your pain." "SMACK!" "But I'm afraid that's not the way it works." "SMACK!" "I'll only stop when I'm satisfied you're totally cowed down and won't cause me anymore trouble." "SMACK!" "And all you can do is accept what I dish out until I've made up my mind." "SMACK!" "You have no other option wimp." "CRACK!"

The final jaw breaking uppercut, dumped him in the floor next to his beaten father. Veronica stood over them with her hands spread out on her shapely hips. Stephen's mangled face looked nearly as bad as Fredrick's. Both were grossly swollen and multi colored. Fredrick's eyes fluttered open and tears came pouring out when he saw his son lying next to him with an unrecognizable face. He sat up and lifted his son to a sitting position so he could wrap his arms around him. Stephen was coherent enough to return the embrace while the two men cried on each others shoulders. "Well isn't that touching." Veronica said sarcastically. "Two big cry babies consoling each other in their hour of need. I wish I had a camera so I could get a shot of this precious moment for you two pathetic weaklings." She said with a smile.

Veronica went behind them and pulled the two sobbing males apart. She reached over and grabbed Fredrick's left wrist in her right hand and stretched it across his throat and over his right shoulder. Then she wrapped Stephen's right arm around his throat and over his left shoulder with her left hand. Sitting down behind them, she hooked the toe of her left boot in the crease of Fredrick's right arm. Then she dragged it behind his back in a hammerlock and pinned it there with the sole of her boot. She repeated the maneuver with Stephen's left arm and her right foot. Bracing her feet firmly against their trapped arms on their backs, she roughly pulled their other arms tight around the throats of the two muscular men. They were to weak to offer much resistance in trying to stop the dominate female warrior from choking them.

While she watched their battered faces turn from red to purple to blue, she chastised the two beaten men for daring to attempt their ridiculous rebellion. "Have you two idiots learned your lesson? You don't have the strength in your puny male muscles to match my female power. I can whip both of your asses at the same time using one arm on each of you. You're nothing but pathetic little wimps." She scolded. "Now that you know who's boss in this family, you'll follow my rules without question. I expect my orders to be carried out quickly and precisely the way I explain them to you. Any further attempt to stand up to me by either one of you sissy's will be dealt with accordingly. Your punishment will be severe and very painful. I will not tolerate disobedience or bad behavior. So if you want to remain in one piece, you will obey my commands immediately." She sternly told the two men she had beaten senseless.

When Veronica released Fredrick and Stephen, they flopped to the floor gasping for air like they were having a bad asthma attack. Veronica strolled over and sat down in the easy chair while propping her booted feet up on the ottoman. When her husband and step son were breathing fairly normal, she spoke to them with authority. "Crawl to me you weak little bitches. And be quick about it." Fredrick instantly scurried over to her on his hands and knees. Stephen was a little slower reacting, but he crawled to her like a whipped dog without uttering a word. "Good boys. I believe you've finally learned your place in this house." She said with an evil smile. The two battered men knelt there on their hands and knees with their heads hanging down in shame. Every drop of fighting spirit and courage had left their muscular bodies. Their will belonged to the beautiful Veronica.

"My feet are worn out from walking in these boots all day. I want you each to remove a boot and gently massage my tired feet. Knowing they had no other choice, Fredrick and Stephen unlaced her leather boots and slipped them off of her feet. The pungent aroma rising from her bare feet after being encased in the leather boots all day was overwhelming. Stephen used every bit of his will power to control his nausea and save himself from another terrible beating. Fredrick was used to the smell, so it never bothered him much. Veronica sat back and relaxed while the two defeated males rubbed her hot, sweaty feet. She noticed the disgusting look on Stephen's face and made a mental note to force him to lick her feet when they were through. She smiled to herself, knowing he would feel thoroughly degraded while preforming such an act. But that was his problem. He would obey her orders or else. That she was absolutely sure of.

When her tired feet felt considerably better, she gave them the order to stop. "Fredrick. Because of your ridiculous coup I was forced to stop, you obviously will not have dinner prepared by six o'clock. Go order some Chinese to be delivered. Then set the table and retrieve a nice bottle of wine from the cellar. Before bed tonight, you will receive a harsh spanking for disappointing me. Now run along." She commanded. "Yes dear." Fredrick replied as he hurried down stairs to obey her wishes. Veronica grabbed Stephen by the shirt and pulled his swollen face up to hers so she could look him right in the eye. "I saw the sickening look on your face while you were rubbing my feet pansy ass. That was a grievous error on your part that needs to be corrected. And I know just the thing to make you see the light." She said as she patted his swollen cheek.

"My feet get hot and sweaty when I wear those boots for a long period of time. If I'm not ready to take a shower, I usually wipe them down with a cold, damp cloth. But this time, I think I'll let you clean them for me. So get down there and lick the sweat off of my soles and upper foot. Then you can suck my toes until they're clean and shiny." Stephen stared at her in disbelief. Just the thought of licking her feet and sucking on her toes nearly made him vomit. He dug down deep and summoned the courage to defy her one last time. "NO WAY!" "I refus" That's all he got out before she began slapping the shit out of the poor young man. "SLAP!..SLAP!" "THAT WAS NOT A REQUEST YOU LITTLE BITCH!" "SLAP!..SLAP!" "IT WAS AN ORDER YOU WILL OBEY!" "SLAP!..SLAP!" "OR ELSE I'LL BEAT YOU HALF TO DEATH!" "SLAP!..SLAP!" "NOW GET DOWN THERE AND BATHE MY FEET WITH YOUR TONGUE!" "SLAP!..SLAP!" "AND DON'T YOU EVER BACK TALK ME AGAIN YOU PATHETIC LITTLE PUSSY!" "SLAP!..SLAP!" "UNDERSTAND?"

Tears were falling from his eyes like a hard summer rain. The small amount of courage he found quickly evaporated from his battered body. He lost all hope in that moment and gave himself up to his dominate step mother. "Yes.. V.V.Veronica.. I.. underst.stand." He pitifully whimpered. Veronica spread her fingers over his tear stained face and shoved him in the floor. "Good. Now start licking like an obedient dog. I may forgive your bad behavior if you do an adequate job. But heed my warning wimp. If you piss me off, you'll wish you were dead by the time I'm through with you. Am I making myself clear?" She sternly asked her sobbing step son. "Y.Y.Yes." He sobbed. "Good boy. Now get to work." She commanded. Stephen placed his tongue on the sole of her left foot and closed his tear filled eyes. Veronica settled back and smiled as she watched him lick her foot like it was ice cream.

When Fredrick returned to the room and saw what she was forcing his son to do, he broke down and cried like a baby. Veronica simply snapped her fingers and pointed to her right foot. Fredrick instantly dropped to his knees and started sucking her big toe like it was a pacifier. He knew trying to resist would be futile and very painful. Veronica relaxed while she watched her two submissives pay homage to her feet. The thought crossed her mind that having two permanent slaves would lighten Fredrick's work load so he would be available to satisfy her sexual needs more often. It was time Stephen gave up the ridiculous idea of becoming a Lawyer and assumed a job he was much more suited for. With two slaves under her control, she would enjoy a more comfortable life style. She decided to call Yale tomorrow and tell them Stephen would not be returning. Yes, being the ruler of the family certainly had it's advantages.