Susan and Lindsey beat up two older pests. (Pictures)

Susan and Lindsey are sick of two pests and teach them some manners with their fists.

Susan Buckly

Lindsey Dowell

Susan Buckly and Lindsey Dowell are discussing what they're going to do to the two idiots who keep pestering them every time they go to the park. "Lisa says we're ready Lindsey. What do you think?" "I feel ready Susan. Lets do it. I'm sick of those two." She replied. "OK girl. Lets take them to my house and teach them some manners." Susan suggested. "Suits me, lets do it." They laughed as they headed for the park. Like clock work, they hadn't been in the park ten minutes when the two young men showed up. "Hey Jim?" Jack asked. "You ever seen better looking butts then the two hanging on those chicks?" "Nope, not me. Jim said grinning. "Prime meat I would say." The two girls were waiting for this. "Why thank you guys. We kind of like yours too. How would you two like to come with us to my house?" Susan asked. "My folks are gone for the weekend and we could have a lot of fun. What do you guys say?" "HELL YES!" The two young men answered. "Lead the way ladies." Susan and Lindsey looked at each other and smiled. "Like taking candy from a baby." Lindsey whispered in Susan's ear. "Yes. And we're going to make these two babies pay for it." She replied as they climbed into their car.

They reached Susan's house ten minutes later and invited the young men in. "Make yourself comfortable guys while we get things ready for our party." "Alright girls, don't be long. I've got something waiting for you in here." Jack said as he pointed to his crotch. "Yeah me to." Agreed Jim with a grin. "Oh we won't be long fellas. We've got something for you too." They went to Susan's room to make their plans. Susan and Lindsey changed into the short flair out skirts that just barely covered their well shaped young butts and the tight fitting tops of matching colors. They each took off their tennis shoes and socks and went back to the living room giggling like little girls while they thought about what they were going to do. The young men were waiting patiently. Susan who was 5 foot 2 inches tall and 108 pounds, chose Jack who was slightly bigger then Jim. Lindsey at 5 feet 1 and 103 pounds, went to deal with Jim. Jacks 5 foot 11 inch 196 pound body was delighted to see Susan wearing a sky blue skirt and tight top. While Jim's 5 foot 9 inch 187 pound frame was equally happy with Lindsey's maroon skirt and tight top. The two 19 year old young men were feeling lucky about these two sixteen year old girls.

The two girls stood about six feet from their targets and smiled as they held out their arms in an invite. The young men grinned and walked forward at a fast pace. When Jack was near enough, Susan shot out her firm, shapely leg and kicked him in the stomach with her bare foot. "WHAM!" Jack dropped to his knees trying to catch his breath. When Jim got close, Lindsey quickly stepped up and to her left to wrap her right arm around Jim's neck. Bending him over backward, her choke hold on his neck forced him to look up at the ceiling. Jim couldn't catch his breath either when she applied pressure. A few minutes later he passed out and dropped to the floor when Lindsey let go of him. While Jack was on his knees and helpless, Susan stepped up and shoved his head between her strong thighs. Bending over, she wrapped her arms around his waist and lifted his body as high as she could off of the floor. Dropping to her knees, she drove his head into the floor hard. "WHAM!" He was dazed and disoriented.

She reached down to grab his arms at the wrists and lifted them into the air. Placing a bare foot on the side of his head, she twisted both of his arms while he screamed in pain. "AAARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She kept the pressure on his arms while standing on his head until she was fairly sure his arms were useless. Smiling, she dropped them to the floor. Lindsey kicked Jim over on his stomach and picked up his large arms while he slept. Putting her bare foot in the middle of his back, she brought his arms up in the air and viciously twisted them. He instantly woke up and screamed. "AARGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She rendered his arms useless too. The two girls high fived each other while the young men floundered in the floor moaning. Without the use of their arms to try and defend themselves, the young men were easy prey for the evil smiling young ladies. Susan picked Jack up from the floor and stared into his confused eyes. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE YOU CRAZY BITCH?" Jack screamed. "Now Jack, you shouldn't talk to someone like that when you're at their mercy." Susan admonished. "You might get hurt" "SMACK!..SMACK!" "Like that." She said as she nailed him over both eyes.

"See what I mean Little Jack?" "Fuck you Susan you deranged whore. I'm going to kill you for this." He threatened. "I don't think so Jack. You won't be doing much of anything when I'm done with you." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" His mouth exploded with pain along with his nose and jaw. He stumbled back from the blows. When Susan approached him he tried to kick her. But she was ready for this. Sliding to her right a step, she grabbed his foot while it was in the air. He was desperately trying to keep his balance with the other one. Grinning, she drew back her right fist and delivered punches to his unprotected face. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" His cheeks were turned red and his eyes began to swell. One more to the mouth while he was hopping around on one leg busted his lip. "SMACK!" He crashed to the floor on his back. Susan kicked him in the ribs and head as he tried to get up. "WHAM!..WHAM!..WHAM!..WHAM!" He lie there groaning while she stepped back to admire her work.

Lindsey hauled Jim to his knees and held him by his shirt. He was threatening her also. "YOU'RE IN DEEP SHIT WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU BITCH!" Lindsey laughed in his face while she taunted and punched. "SMACK!" "You can't lift those hands stupid." "SMACK!" "So idle threats won't work." "SMACK!" "But my hands work just fine." "SMACK!" "Don't they Jimmy boy?" "SMACK!" "SO SHUT UP YOU MORON!" "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" She let him drop to the floor as she looked at her art work. His eyes were both cut, his mouth was bleeding, his nose and cheeks were really red, and his jaw had a small mark on it. "I'm so happy you came home with us boys." The cute brunette said. "This is so much fun. Don't you think so Jimmy boy?" Not being very bright, Jim was still running his mouth. "I'LL GET YOU LINDSEY! SOONER OR LATER YOUR ASS WILL BE MINE!" "You really are dumb boy." She replied shaking her head. Dragging him to his feet this time, she stepped back and picked her targets. "SMACK!" His nose became redder. "SMACK!" His mouth split open. "SMACK!" His eye was in great pain and he grimaced. "SMACK!" His chin hurt like hell. "SMACK!" One more solid right dropped him back to the floor.

Jack got to his feet shaking his large arms. They were starting to get some feel back into them and he couldn't wait. He was going to beat this bitch for a week when they were usable. He grinned thinking about it, while Susan stood there shaking her head. "I Don't know what you're grinning about Jack. But if it's because you like getting beat up by a pretty girl you came to the right place." He tried to raise them to defend himself but they weren't quite ready yet. "SMACK!" "Ohhhh I bet that hurt Jack." "SMACK!" "But you like pain I guess." "SMACK!" "Or you wouldn't be grinning while I beat you up." "SMACK!" "I don't mind though. It's my pleasure." "SMACK!" "And it's loads of fun." "SMACK!" "For me anyway." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" He collapsed to the floor. My arms better hurry up and heal he thought to himself. This bitch can hit pretty hard. Again he struggled to his feet shaking his arms. They responded this time. He smiled, waiting for her to come at him again. It was pay back time and he owed this bitch plenty. Jack always paid his debts.

Jim was trying to get his arms to cooperate too and they were showing signs of coming around. A little longer and this bitch was going to be very sorry she fucked with him. Lindsey picked him up smiling. "Time for more target practice Jimmy boy." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" His lips were becoming puffy and his nose and eyes were in great pain. "THUD!..THUD!..CRACK!" Two hard punches to his stomach was followed by an uppercut to his chin that put him back down. Susan saw him shaking his arms and noticed they were becoming usable. She smiled to herself, thinking how surprised Jack was going to be when he saw they wouldn't make any difference. Advancing on him, she was ready when he quickly raised his fists and threw some punches. He was totally shocked that not one of the eight punches he threw connected with anything. Susan laughed at the look on his face. "Didn't work out like you planned did it Jack? In fact, I'm glad you have the use of your arms. Now I can show you you're not a match for me even with them. So lets get serious Jack and down to business. The business of beating you to a pulp that is." She said grinning. "You're dumber then I thought." Replied Jack. "Because I'm going to beat you until you beg. And then I'm going to beat you some more for being stupid you dumb bitch." "OK big boy, lets do it."

Jack began firing huge hard shots at her cute face and head with the intention of taking it off. Susan started dancing on her feet while she ducked and dodged everyone of his efforts. She didn't miss him though. "SMACK!" His nose felt broken. "SMACK!" His mouth was bleeding bad. "SMACK!..SMACK!" His eyes were very painful. "SMACK!" A right hook to his chin sent him stumbling back. As Lindsey went to pick Jim up from the floor, she was surprised when he grabbed her and pulled her down to him. She recovered quickly and kneed him in the stomach while he was trying to get a good grip on her. "WHAM!" The air rushed out of the young man and he doubled up in pain while clutching his stomach. Escaping his grasp, Lindsey kicked him in the head and back before stepping away. "STOMP!..STOMP!" "Got the use of your arms huh, Jimmy boy? Well it won't do you any good. They can't save you from the beating I'm going to give you. So try and accept that." "You're plumb delusional bitch. I'm going to take you apart." Jim bragged. "You're welcome to try little Jimmy. In fact, I want you to try your very best. So when I beat you silly, you'll know I did it because I'm superior."

Jim came up chucking punches as fast as he could to hurt this bitch bad. But Lindsey was smiling while she bobbed and weaved, making him missed with them all. A bewildered look crossed his face and Lindsey laughed at him. "Surprised you didn't I Jimmy boy? This is how you do it punk." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Four hard punches drove him back stumbling. "See how easy it is Jimmy?" Lindsey asked. Not to be denied, Jim came back at her throwing shots with destructive power. But they never seemed to find their mark. Lindsey didn't have that trouble. "SMACK!" "Oops, broke your nose Jimmy boy." "SMACK!" "That eye is watering now too." "SMACK!" "And those lips are getting bigger." "SMACK!" "Your big mouth is bleeding wimp." "THUD!..THUD!" "Pretty soft tummy pansy." "CRACK!" An uppercut deposited him on the floor again. Jack rose to his feet with hatred on his marked up face. He was winging punches right and left, but had to slow up because he was tiring. Susan laughed and attacked. "SMACK!" "Bad looking eye there Jack." "SMACK!" "Pretty soft nose too" "SMACK!" "Lots of blood coming from your big mouth Jack." "SMACK!" "Your other eye matches now sissy." "THUD!..THUD!" "That stomach isn't very hard wimp." "CRACK!" An uppercut to his jaw when he bent over in pain put him on his back.

"Are you getting the idea you're fighting a lost cause Jack?" She taunted as he laid in the floor groaning. He looked up at that smirking big mouth of hers and jumped to his feet to wipe it off her face. Rights, lefts, hooks, crosses, jabs, roundhouses and straight hard punches all drew the same results. They missed their mark. Susan didn't. "SMACK!" "You're pathetic Jack." "SMACK!" "A very pitiful fighter." "SMACK!" "A worthless man." "SMACK!" "A big mouth punk." "SMACK!" "And an idiot to boot." "SMACK!..SMACK!" A combination to his cheeks put him back down. Jim slowly got to his feet. He couldn't figure out why he didn't have her in the floor crying and at his mercy by now. She's only a GIRL. With renewed determination, he went at her again with all he had. But the bitch just wouldn't stay still. He never seemed to be punching where she was standing. But she could always find him. "SMACK!" His eye was cut bad and bleeding. "SMACK!" Blood was splattered on his shirt from his busted mouth. "SMACK!" Her punches hurt where ever they landed.

"SMACK!" His nose was broken. "SMACK!..SMACK!" His cheeks were beginning to swell. "SMACK!..SMACK!" So were his eyes. "SMACK!" His teeth were getting loosened. "THUD!" His stomach was churning with pain. "SMACK!..SMACK!" His jaw felt lose and sore as hell. "SMACK!" His lips were really big. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Down he went, wondering how female fists could hurt so bad. "Not doing so well are you Jimmy boy? Don't worry, it's going to get worse for you." "SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH! OR I'LL BEAT YOU TO DEATH!" He screamed. "You have to hit me first pansy ass." Lindsey said laughing. "And so far that's where your trouble lies wimp." "NOW SHUT UP AND GET UP YOU BIG PUSSY!" He barely gained his feet before she laid into him with conviction.

"SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" His head flopped back and forth like it had a mind of its own. "THUD!..THUD!" A right left combination to his softening stomach. "SMACK!" A right cross sent him stumbling back. "SMACK!" A left hook cut his cheek bone. "SMACK!" His nose became hard to breathe out of. "SMACK!" His mouth was on fire with pain. "SMACK!..SMACK!" Two straight hard punches to the middle of his face and he collapsed at her feet completely dazed. Shaking the cob webs from his head, Jack focused on his mark and delivered rights and lefts with authority. But Susan just wasn't there anymore. That damn dancing she was doing was confusing him all to hell. Why don't the bitch stay in one place. He just couldn't hit her. Susan was delighted with his lost confused face. She had him right where she wanted him. And she was going to keep him there while she broke him down.

"SMACK!..SMACK!" His face was becoming a swollen mess. "SMACK!" It hurt all over. "THUD!" His stomach didn't feel well either. "SMACK!..SMACK!" His legs were telling him they were shaky. "SMACK!..SMACK!" His body was asking him to lie it down. "SMACK!..SMACK!" His heart was telling him to kill the bitch. "SMACK!..SMACK!" His mind was asking him HOW?. "SMACK!" His arms were getting heavy. "SMACK!..SMACK!" He slumped to the floor, completely lost on how to deal with this. Not waiting for Jack to get his bearings, Susan jerked him to his feet and resumed his punishment. "SMACK!" "You're pitiful Jack." "SMACK!" "You have noticed I'm only a girl haven't you?" "SMACK!" "A sweet sixteen year old girl." "SMACK!" "With long hair and frilly clothes." "SMACK!" "Nice legs and firm breasts." "SMACK!" "A pert young butt and shapely thighs." "SMACK!" "With painted nails and perfume." "SMACK!..SMACK!" "AND HARD FISTS THAT ARE WHIPPING YOUR ASS!" "SMACK!" "Down you go again pussy."

Tears were in Jim's eyes and it pissed him off. How could he be getting beat up by a little girl. He lifted his tiring arms and tried to fix this bad situation he was in. He let fly with all he had to end this nightmare once and for all. It didn't work. "SMACK!" "Nice try sissy but you missed." "SMACK!" "You don't stand a chance you know." "SMACK!" "You're just to much of a weakling." "SMACK!" "And I'm so much better then you." "SMACK!" Jim was really crying now and couldn't stop it. The embarrassment was eating him alive inside and the shame of it was killing him. He felt like a lost child. He was used to controlling everything around him and didn't have an answer for what was being done to him by a PRETTY GIRL! Lindsey looked at his swollen color changed face and saw the tears flowing down his battered cheeks. She was completely giddy with excitement. She had a boy much larger then her lying at her feet crying and he had a very bad looking face. This was the greatest feeling ever. She had to have more. She hauled him to his feet and ordered him to fight. He threw a weak right and she easily block it and punched him straight in the face. "SMACK!" His left was blocked and she repeated the punch. "SMACK!" The tears were flowing much faster now.

Jack was despondent. This couldn't be happening to him. He was feared most places he went. Taking a beating from a female was to much to accept. The tears started to flood his swollen cheeks too as humiliation filled his soul. Climbing to his feet, he threw out his arms to try and ward Susan off while he backed away from her. "OK! OK! You've made your point Susan. I won't bother you again. Just let me out of here." "Why Jack. Why would you want to leave sweety. The party just started and I'm enjoying it very much. Aren't you having fun Jack? This is what you wanted wasn't it? To get me alone somewhere? Well here I am Jack." "COME AND GET ME WEAKLING!" He tried to run for the door but his legs were just to weak to move fast enough. Catching him by the back of his shirt collar, Susan jerked him back to land in the floor on his back. Turning to face him, she placed her feminine hands on her shapely hips and smiled. "GET UP WIMP! I'M GOING TO BEAT YOU UNTIL YOU CAN'T CRY ANYMORE!" "S.Susan.. pl.please. D.d.don't.. do.. t.this." "GET UP! OR I'LL DRAG YOU UP AND THE BEATING WILL BE WORSE!" Crying his eyes out, Jack got to his feet.

Lindsey battered Jim's face and body with a look of pure elation on her pretty face. The poor young man couldn't defend himself from the onslaught of punches raining down on him. He was staggering all around the room sobbing like a child. While Lindsey took great pleasure in making him cry. Finally he slammed to the floor to get away from those terrible pain inflicting female fists. "GET UP PANSY ASS! I'M NOT THROUGH WITH YOU YET!" Jim began begging. "Pl.please.. L.L.Lindsey. St.stop. I.. c.can't.. t.take.. anym.more. Pl.please.." Lindsey smiled and said. "I like that pleading sissy boy. Get up so I can make you do more of it." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! PL.PLEASE NOOOOOOOOOOOO L.L.LINDSEY! ST.STOP! PL.PLEASE!" He screamed. She pulled him to his feet laughing. Lindsey punched him in his soft stomach. "THUD!" He bent over in great pain. She grabbed his head and put him in a head lock. She noticed Susan also had Jack in a head lock dragging him around the room. Getting her attention, she pointed at the two young men's head and got the message across to Susan that she wanted to bang their heads together.

Susan agreed. So they faced each other and started running forward. "WHAM!..WHAM!" The two men dropped to their knees barely conscious. Lindsey sat down behind Jim and pulled out his large weak arms so she could get her shapely legs under them. Bending her knees, she brought her legs up and around and crossed her ankles behind his thick neck. She hooked her pretty bare feet on each side of his head and smiled. She had him in a full nelson with her strong female legs. Jim screamed in pain. 'AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Seeing Jack on his knees, Susan went behind him and hooked her right leg around his throat. His chin was resting on her calf and his throat was caught in the crease of her knee. She pulled his head tight against her left leg and hooked her cute toes around it. His feeble struggles to try and free himself made her laugh. His arms slumped to his sides in less then a minute, and he passed out.

Meanwhile, Jim screams were getting weaker. The pressure on his back, shoulders, and arms was to much to take. He soon passed out too. The two girls let them drop to the floor while they hugged each other laughing. "GIRL! THAT WAS GREAT!" Lindsey said. "You're right." Susan agreed. "It was fantastic. Lets let them sleep awhile and figure what to do with them next." "Suits me Susan. I'm getting thirsty anyway. Lets get a cold drink while we decide." "Good idea girl. Lets go." Drinking their juices, the young female warriors talked it over. "I know one thing." Susan said adamantly. "I want to humiliate Jack until I'm sure he won't ever bother me again." "That's how I feel Susie. I want them completely afraid of us so they won't pester us anymore. And they have to do some groveling too." Lindsey said with a smile. "I liked that feeling of swollen male lips on my feet." "OH YES!" Susan agreed, "That's a must." They both smiled at that.

Finishing their drinks and their plans, the two young ladies went to wake up the two beaten young men. As they slapped them awake, the two young men instantly began to plead. "N.No.. m.more.. S.S.Susan. Pl.please. I.. g.give.. up. Pl.please.. st.stop.. h.h.hurting.." "Sorry Jacky boy, but you've got more manners to learn. So get up or I'll drag you up." Tears streamed down his swollen, black and blue face while Jack rose to his feet. Shame spread over him, as he sobbed in fear of a young pretty girl that he should have been able to take. Admitting to himself that she beat him into fearing her was an overwhelming feeling to carry. Afraid of a girl was the last thing he would have ever thought would happen to him. But it did. And he was afraid.

Standing on unsteady legs with his whole body shaking from the sobs escaping his busted mouth, he gave up. His will to fight her was gone. His spirit to change what was happening to him wasn't there anymore. His courage deserted him completely and his heart died inside. He looked into her smiling eyes and totally broke down. He wished he were dead. Knowing she had him completely cowered now, Susan sauntered up to the beaten, battered young man. She knew he wasn't a threat to attack her. Curling her soft feminine left hand in his shirt, she jerked his tear stained swollen face down to hers. Looking him straight in the eyes, she smiled. "Jack, are you afraid of me?" "Y.Yes.. S.S.Susan.. I.. am." "Will you do what I tell you to do or do I have to beat you some more?" "Y.YES! Y.YES!" "I.. w.will.. wh.what.. s.say.. S.Susan. d.don't.. h.hurt.. anym.more." He begged.

"I will not stand for any rebellion or reluctance when I give you an order Jack. Is that understood?" "Y.Yes.. it.. is.. un.un.unders.stood.. S.Susan." "Good boy Jack. Follow my orders and you'll be leaving here soon. Disobey me once." "AND I'LL HURT YOU FOR THE REST OF THE NIGHT! IS THAT CLEAR WEAKLING?" "yesssss.. yesssss.. it's.. c.c.clear. pl.please." "Alright. Get on your knees Jack, right now." He quickly. dropped to his knees. Jim was on his knees with his hands clasped in the begging position. "L.L.Lindsey. I.. b.beg.. d.don't.. h.h.hit.. a.again. pl.please. I.. g.g.give.. up." "Will you obey my commands Jim?" "Y.Yes.. y.yes. Wh.what.. ev.ever.. w.want.. L.L.Lindsey. Pl.please." "I will not tolerate disobedience Jim. I will beat any defiance out of you and will enjoy doing it. Is that clear?" "Y.Yes.. L.Lindsey.. it's Pl.please." "That's my good little boy Jimmy. Just mind and you won't get hurt."

The humiliation Jim felt was causing him to cry harder then ever. This was new to him and very, very hard to take. But those fists were tearing him apart and he wasn't sure he would live through it. Shame and embarrassment was filling his whole body, but he didn't care. He didn't have the courage to face those pile driving female fists again. He knew his life as he knew it was over. He was a beaten sobbing shell of what he was when he walked through that door. "Show me that I don't have to punish you further Jim. Kneel down and kiss my bare feet like it's where you belong. Make love to them like you thought you were going to do to me." Placing her fist in his face, Lindsey stated. "Do a very very good job to Jim." "OR THIS WILL MESS YOUR FACE UP UNTIL IT'S UNRECONIZABLE! YOU PATHETIC PUSSY!" The color drained from his battered swollen face as he dropped to her feet and made love to them wholeheartedly.

Satisfied that he belonged to her, Lindsey relaxed and closed her eyes to relish the feeling of his busted lips on her silky smooth skinned feet. She couldn't believe how much she enjoyed this. But it sent shivers of pure ecstasy through her entire body. Ordering him to stop for a minute, she went to relax on the sofa and get more comfortable. Then she made him resume and he groveled without a thought of disobeying. When Jack reached his knees, Susan ordered him to kiss her feet all over. He knelt and went at it like it was his life's destiny. The fear far out weighed the humiliation of debasing himself at her feet, so he followed her orders without question. Susan was in heaven. She totally loved this feeling. In fact, she would find someone to do this for her every day for as long as she wanted it. When the two conquering young females were fully satisfied that the young men were completely under their control, they allowed them to stop. Telling them to remain on their hands and knees, they walked toward the door ordering them to follow. Susan opened the door and the humiliated young men crawled out on the porch.

Telling them to stop, they each got in the face of their beaten adversaries and explained their rules. "The park is off limits to you losers now is that understood?" They each acknowledged they understood. "If we catch you there, we will beat and humiliate you in front of who ever is there that wants to watch. You will never bother us again where ever we may meet. Is that clear?" They shook their heads yes. "Good boys." "Now thank us for straightening out your miserable lives." They each thanked the female fighter that had beaten them to submission while their tears fell freely down their pitiful looking faces. "Now be good little boys and run along." The two young girls got behind the one they had destroyed and placed their bare foot on their ass. Then they shoved them off of the porch on their faces. Laughing, they went back inside while the two losers ran to their car to escape.