Schoolgirls assault Superman. (Pictures)

Sixteen year old schoolgirls lure Superman into a trap for some sexual pleasure.

Superman was on his way to see Lois. A year ago he would have been excited over the prospect of seeing the woman he secretly loved but that was no longer the case. Because Kara had shown Lois how to control him with her soft touch. Now he was nothing more then a play thing to both of the dominate women. So he didn't dare ignore her commanding request to see him. Lois could be just as cruel as Kara if she was upset or disappointed. It still bewildered his confused mind how weak he became after being fondled by a females silky hands. But the thing that was really strange was losing his invulnerability. That he didn't understand at all. He could defeat Lois or any other human with just his little finger. But the second her talented fingers touched his penis Lois could throw him around the room or beat him to a pulp if she so desired. And he was helpless to stop her.

Having that kind of power over the strongest man in the world had turned Lois into a severely strict disciplinarian. She was no longer the wonderfully sweet woman he fell madly in love with. Oral sex was constantly on her mind and her sexual pleasure was the only thing that mattered. Lois became obsessed with it just like Kara did. He cursed himself for being so weak but he couldn't deny the fact he craved their magical touch. He lost all sense of reality when they fondled his dick with their silky soft hands. Unfortunately he also lost his mighty strength and his invulnerable power. Which meant he would suffer a terrible beating if he didn't satisfy their lust. Kara of course was the most dangerous but Lois was capable of causing him excruciating pain with her hard fists and lethal kicking feet. So he feared her wrath as well.

Lois Lane

"It's about time you got here. I summoned you over five minutes ago." Lois angrily said with her hands on her hips. "I'm sorry Lois. I had to finish a task for Kara." He offered as an excuse. Lois let her robe fall open to reveal her white satin bra and panties. The hard look in her cold, blue eyes when she approached Superman scared him to death. His steel hard body was trembling with fear while he lowered his head to keep from looking her in the eyes. "Get that uniform off and make it snappy." She ordered. Superman instantly obeyed and stripped in a fraction of a second. His knees turned to water as soon as her soft hand touched his cock. In mere seconds he was under her spell and blubbering like an idiot. "You can move at super speed wimp." "SLAP!" Her hand print was visible on his red face. "So don't lie to me again. You know what I'll do to you if you lie. Now what took you so long?" She asked while still controlling his dick.

"I..I..I dove into the ocean because I needed a shower before I got here." He admitted while he stood there shaking. "That's better. All you had to do was tell the truth. But you chose to lie. You know I hate being lied to little man. Now I have to waste time punishing you." Lois sat down on the sofa and dragged his naked body across her lap. Superman was already shedding heavy tears of shame. "WHACK!" "Why do you never learn?" "WHACK!" "I repeatedly tell you not to lie and it never sinks into your hard head." "WHACK!" "And I'm getting sick and tired of it." "WHACK!" "I'm beginning to believe you like being punished." "WHACK!" "I can't think of any other explanation." "WHACK!" "Unless you're simply an idiot." "WHACK!" "Now straighten your ass up and obey my commands from now on." "WHACK!..WHACK!..WHACK!..WHACK!..WHACK!" Lois dumped him in the floor at her bare feet. "Kiss my feet and apologise for lying you pathetic little weakling." She sternly commanded.

Superman obeyed without the slightest hint of defying her. Lois closed her beautiful blue eyes and let the wonderful feeling wash over her shapely body. Having the strongest man in the world grovel at her feet in fear was a powerful sensation. It was an intoxicating drug which Lois knew she would never have her fill. She smiled when she finally opened her eyes and saw his bright red ass sticking up in the air. "ENOUGH!" "Now lie on your back and don't move a muscle. I'm to horny to wait until we reach the bedroom." Superman flopped over on his back and laid there like a statue. Lois quickly straddled his shoulders and planted her wet muff directly in his face. "You know what to do little man. God help you if I'm not satisfied. So get to work Supersissy." She breathlessly commanded. He instantly worked his tongue in and out of her like a jackhammer. Lois screamed with pleasure and ground her pussy in his face.

Unknown to Superman or Lois, three teenage schoolgirls happened to be looking in her window. They forgot all about the raffle tickets they were selling and watched the unbelievable scene unfolding in front of their eyes with extreme fascination. Their attention was drawn to the window when they heard Lois slap someone. The three girls were shocked to find out it was Superman. They waited for him to take control of the situation and calm Lois down but he seemed to be trembling and terribly afraid of the much smaller woman. They were completely flabbergasted when they saw Lois throw him over her lap and spank his bare ass. Especially since he was not only crying like a baby he was howling in pain. His invulnerability wasn't protecting him for some reason. That's when they remembered Lois playing with his dick. They easily deduced she had sapped his mighty strength and other powers by fondling him. A huge grin spread across their lovely faces.

Beverly took charge right away. She was the risk taker and leader of their little band. Connie and Debra always followed her lead. Sometimes Beverly would get them in trouble with her brazen schemes but most of the time they fully enjoyed themselves by agreeing to her plan. And they rarely got caught. "How about it ladies? Wouldn't you love to have Superman under your control and crawling at your feet? Just listen to the pleasure Lois is receiving by forcing him to give her oral sex. I'll bet his tongue can move faster then a hundred miles an hour. Can't you just picture it? The mightiest Super Hero in the world obeying our orders like a slave. I'm getting wet just thinking about it." She said with dreamy eyes. Debra and Connie smiled when visions of a docile Superman obeying their orders passed through their minds.

"Do you really think the three of us could pull it off Bev?" Connie excitedly asked. "Of course I do. Didn't you notice how fast he turned weak when Lois grabbed his thing? He wouldn't expect three sixteen year old Catholic schoolgirls to pull a stunt like that. He'd be putty in our hands before he knew what hit him." She answered. "Yeah. But how do we get him alone?" And where would we take him so we wouldn't be disturbed?" Debra asked. "I've got an idea girls. Just play along with what ever I say. Agreed?" Beverly asked her friends. "You know we do Bev." Debra replied with a smile. "Don't we always go along with your plans?" Connie added. "Great. You guys are the best. Just leave it to me." Beverly said while she hugged her two best friends.

They waited until Lois was through with Superman and he was dressed. Then they rang her doorbell. Lois answered the door with a smile. "Good afternoon ma'am. We're selling raffle tickets to buy sports equipment for the girls in our school. The prize is a brand new 28 inch Sony color television. It's cable ready and has HD capabilities. It's for a very good cause and we really need the equipment. Will you please buy some tickets and help us reach our goal. We would greatly appreciate it." Beverly asked with a honey dripping voice. "Certainly girls. I would be glad to help. I'm a Catholic school alumni myself. Wait right here and I'll get my purse." Lois replied while stepping away from the door. The three girls noticed Superman and acted surprised to see him.

"OH MY GOSH! IT'S SUPERMAN!" Beverly screamed like she was shocked. "IT IS HIM! I DON'T BELIEVE IT" Debra and Connie said in unison. "Good afternoon ladies. How are you this fine day?" He asked with a charming smile. "Fine thank you." They answered together. "Can I ask you for a favor Superman?" Beverly said smiling sweetly. "The drawing for the television is Friday afternoon at three o'clock. Could I persuade you to come by and draw out the winning ticket? I'm positive we could sell them all if we told everyone the famous Superman would be there. It would only take about five minutes of your time and it would really help our cause. Please say yes Superman." Lois returned before he could answer. "Why he would be happy to make an appearance girls. Wouldn't you Superman?" Lois said while giving him a do not challenge my authority look.

He knew better then to disobey. "Yes girls. I would be glad to help." He replied. "WONDERFUL!" "Thank you so much Superman." Beverly gratefully answered. The three girls left with a smile after selling Lois ten raffle tickets. "OK you got him there. But I still don't see how we can get him alone." Debra wanted to know. "Me either." Connie chimed in. "When will you girls learn to trust me? Now listen up. Sister Kathryn is leaving Friday morning to fulfill her Missionary duties in Africa. So her room will be empty. Mother Superior and the other Sisters will leave right after the drawing and go to Church. They have to finish building the props and set them up for the play they're giving on Easter Sunday. So the school building will be entirely deserted. I'll lure Superman to Sister Kathryn's room with some kind of excuse. You guys will already be there to spring our trap. He'll be at our mercy in no time." She explained. Connie and Debra agreed.

Superman drew out the winning ticket at precisely three o'clock Friday afternoon. The crowd began to dissipate and the Sisters were gathering their things to leave. Beverly approached Superman before he could get away. "Superman. I need one more favor please. Sister Kathryn organised this event to raise the money for us but she suddenly took ill this morning and wasn't able to attend the drawing. She is eternally grateful for your help and would love to thank you in person. Would you mind spending a few minutes with her so she can properly thank you. I'm sure it would make her feel much better." Beverly asked with a sorrowful looking face. "Certainly Miss. I'm not scheduled for patrol until later this evening. I would be happy to help cheer her up." He replied. "Thank you Superman. You truly are a Hero in my book. Follow me if you would please." Beverly said with an evil smile.


"She's right in here Superman." Beverly told him while she opened a door. The unsuspecting Superman followed her inside like a lamb to his slaughter. Connie was standing a few feet in front of him when he entered the room. Debra stepped out from behind the door and quickly yanked his tights down before she began to fondle his balls. Connie lunged forward and grabbed his flaccid dick in her soft hands. It was rock hard as soon as their velvety palms touched his privates and his legs instantly turned to rubber. Beverly closed the door and wrapped him up in a full nelson to keep him from collapsing. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" "You..can't... dooooo.....thissssss." He said while he slurred his words and feebly struggled to escape their clutches. But his formidable strength was gone in seconds. Beverly was easily able to hold him in her strong grip while Connie and Debra weakened him further.



"Hush wimp. You can't get loose and we all know it. So relax and enjoy yourself." Beverly whispered in his ear. Superman frantically tried to power out of her full nelson and escape but the teen age girl was now stronger then the mighty man of steel. Beverly laughed at his pathetic attempt and applied pressure to her unbreakable hold. Superman screamed when the terrible pain hit him. "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" "Now settle down before I really hurt you. Understand Supersissy?" She asked in a no nonsense tone. "Yes. I understand. Please miss this isn't right. You must let me go." He whimpered. "We'll let you go after we've had our fun. So keep your mouth shut and do as you're told or we can make this very unpleasant for you." Beverly released her hold on him and slipped off his top. Then she and the other two girls took their clothes off.

Superman stood there trembling while he waited for his unbeatable strength to return. He prayed he would be strong enough to escape these fiendish females before they were through undressing but the three girls were down to their bra and panties in no time. Connie shoved him in the floor and removed his tights and boots. Now the man of steel was bare ass naked. The three girls stood over him with a smile on their luscious lips. Superman was thoroughly ashamed of himself when his penis started to grow while he stared at their firm young bodies. The three girls were very well proportioned and absolutely gorgeous. Beverly was stunning in her lacy red bra and panties. Her auburn hair and green eyes meshed perfectly with her skimpy clothing.

Connie was equally stunning in her lacy black underwear. Her shoulder length blond hair and bright blue eyes went well with her outfit. And Debra looked just as lovely wearing a lacy peach bra and panties. It matched her light brown hair and brown eyes like they were made for each other. Superman was slowly regaining his strength while he sat there in the floor. When Beverly picked him up he was hoping he had enough to fight them off and escape. He had to try it now before they took hold of his dick and rendered him completely helpless. As soon as Beverly lifted him to his feet he struggled to break free. Unfortunately he was still weak and vulnerable. His magnificent body went limp when Beverly rubbed his impressive cock and began to chastise him for his stupidity. "You just don't give up do you weakling? Now we have to punish you for not accepting your fate. You will learn to behave or else." She scolded.

"Places girls." Beverly told her friends. Connie and Debra immediately went to the designated spot they were assigned. "We figured you would put up a fight and have to be disciplined so we planned our strategy in advance. It's a shame we have to mess up your handsome face but you asked for it." Beverly turned loose of his steel hard dick and soundly punched him in the mouth. "SMACK!" Superman stumbled back and was caught by Connie. She spun him around and fondled him some more. "You might as well give up this ridiculous idea and obey our commands." She said before nailing him with a solid right on the jaw. "SMACK!" He backpedalled out of control and fell into Debra's waiting arms. A few strokes with her silky fingers kept him under their spell. "You can't escape pansy ass so accept it." She harshly told him. "SMACK!" He was sent back to Beverly.

"If you had any common sense you could have avoided this brutal beating." SMACK!" Back he went into Connie's strong grip. "Some Super Hero you are. You're as weak as a new born kitten." "SMACK!" Debra grabbed him before he collapsed. "You really are a wuss Superman. Your bulging muscles are useless against our power." "SMACK!" Back to Beverly. "Are you beginning to see the light Supersissy? You're powerless to stop us from doing what ever we wish." A few gentle rubs was followed by another savage punch. "SMACK!" Connie caught his reeling body. "Everyone would laugh if they saw how easily we're handling you. The mighty Superman getting beaten up by sixteen year old schoolgirls. How pathetic." "SMACK!" Debra was waiting. A little fondling to keep him weak was all it took. "I'll bet this is really humiliating for you you little wimp." "SMACK!"

Beverly latched on to him before he fell. Superman's muscular body was sagging in her grip when she jerked him up to her beautiful face. Beverly decided not to rub his manhood. Superman was no threat to the three dominate females in his poor condition because he was out on his feet. His sleepy eyes were nearly closed and his thick legs were buckled and shaking. He would have collapsed if she wasn't holding him up. "I trust you've learned your lesson weakling. Now behave yourself like a good little boy so we can get down to business. We won't hesitate to beat you senseless if you continue to rebel against our authority so keep that in mind Supersissy." Beverly drew back her fist and crushed his jaw with a lights out right cross. "SMMMACK!" Superman was unconscious before he hit the floor like a lifeless rag doll.

The three females high fived each other and laughed until they were in tears. "This was your brilliant plan Beverly. You go first while Debra and I keep him under our control." Connie told her friend. "Thanks girls. This is going to be a night to remember. Using Superman as a sex toy is a girls dream come true. Especially since the pathetic little wimp is going to be scared to death of us when we wake him up. So let's get to it." Beverly nudged his battered face with her foot until Superman opened his badly swollen black and blue eyes. "Get up Supersissy it's time to have some fun." He slowly climbed to his feet with tears running down his cheeks. Connie grabbed his right arm and wrenched it up his back in a hammerlock. Then she hooked her right leg over his so he couldn't kick. Debra did the same with his left arm and leg. Beverly gently stroked his raging hard on while she looked into his tear filled eyes.

"Are you going to give us anymore trouble weakling?" She sternly asked the defeated man of steel. "No Miss." He pitifully whimpered. "Good boy. Just do as you're told and you won't get hurt. But if you attempt to escape or fail to obey any order we'll mop up the floor with you. Are we clear?" "Yes Miss." He whined with quivering lips. "Excellent. First of all you will refer to me as Miss Beverly. This is Miss Connie and she is Miss Debra." She said pointing to her two best friends. "Behave yourself and you'll be out of here before you know it. Now let's have some fun." The two girls dragged him over to the bed and threw him down. Debra took control of his throbbing cock while Beverly removed her lacy red undergarments. Connie menacingly stood over him in case he tried something.

Beverly climbed on top of him and pinned his massive shoulders down with her knees. Then she settled her reddish brown muff over his mouth with her gorgeous ass resting on his battered face. "Get that tongue deep inside of me and work it little man. I'll be very angry if I'm disappointed with your performance so I would advise you to give it your all. Now start lapping." She commanded. Thanks to Kara and Lois, Superman was an expert at oral sex. So he wasn't worried about being punished for doing a shoddy job. He drove his tongue into her sweet pussy and worked it like a jackhammer. Beverly was immediately screaming in ecstasy. She bucked her hips and rubbed her well developed breasts while her captive took her to great heights. She finally collapsed on his barrel like chest after her fifth glorious climax.

Superman patiently waited for Beverly to regain her composer and release him. She finally slid off of his muscular body and stood on unsteady legs. "THAT WAS FANTASTIC!" "You're exceptionally good at eating pussy you little wimp. I couldn't be more satisfied. You've earned yourself a treat after you take care of my friends." She breathlessly told him. Superman had been totally humiliated beyond his wildest dream. And he was ashamed of himself for being to weak to stop three teenage girls from beating him senseless and forcing him to do such degrading acts. But her promise of a treat suddenly made all of those unbearable feelings disappear. "Thank you Miss Beverly I'm glad I was able to please you. And I promise to give Miss Debra and Miss Connie equal pleasure." He replied with a happy smile.

Beverly took over fondling his pulsating cock while Debra moved to the ready position. Connie climbed aboard the smiling man of steel and planted her golden honey pot on his mouth. Superman shoved his tongue in her pussy and his nose in the crack of her sweet looking ass. Then he feverishly worked to get the beautiful young woman off. Connie was gyrating her hips and moaning with pleasure in seconds. She rode his face like a bucking bronco while she pinched her hard nipples and threw back her head to scream. Her fifth orgasm rushed out of her like gigantic waves slapping against a rocky shore. Then she slumped over on his chest and tried to catch her breath. Superman was proud of himself for giving her such enormous pleasure. She finally stumbled off of him and grabbed the bed post to keep from falling. It took several minutes for her legs to stop trembling.

"HOLY SHIT! THAT WAS OUT OF THIS WORLD!" She shouted when she could breathe properly. "Thank you Miss Connie. I'm happy you were satisfied." He answered with a smile. "Satisfied? Hell I'm ecstatic. We could make a fortune pimping you out." She said as they all laughed. "Now it's my turn. I can't wait to see what all the fuss is about." Debra said as she climbed up on the bed. She settled her light brown haired pussy on his mouth and wiggled her hips until she had a comfortable seat. "OK super tongue show me what you've got." Superman instantly obeyed her. He drove his tongue in deep and rapidly worked it like a mad man. Debra was quickly screaming with delight and rocking her shapely hips in rhythm. Twenty minutes later she erupted like an oil gusher for the fifth time and nearly passed out.

"JESUS CHRIST WHAT A RIDE!" Debra said expressing her gratitude. "I've never felt more satisfied in my life. That was amazing." Thank you Miss Debra I was happy to oblige." He replied. "Get off of there Supersissy. We can't dump your sticky load on Sister Kathryn's bed." Beverly ordered. Superman leaped to his feet in anticipation. "SNAP!" "Kneel down at my feet." She said snapping her fingers. He obeyed her without question. "You guys take an arm and bend him over backwards so I'll have room to pump his dick." She explained to her friends. Connie and Debra each took an arm and bent him over backwards. They stretched his arms out while sitting in the floor and braced their bare feet against the side of his head and his ribs. Superman was completely immobile but wasn't feeling any pain from their holds.

"Hold him steady girls so he doesn't flop around." Beverly said as she knelt down on his left side and wrapped her silky hand around throbbing meat. Superman closed his eyes and waited for the exquisite pleasure to mount. Beverly expertly handled his bulging cock and moved her soft hand in rhythmic strokes. The man of steel was soaring through Heaven in a very short time. He lost control of his senses and was oblivious to everything around him but her gentle caress. In less then five minutes his milky sperm exploded from the head of his dick like it was shot out of a cannon. Beverly continued to stroke his enormous meat until he was thoroughly drained. She had to catch his weakened body when her friends turned him loose so he wouldn't fall face first into the large puddle.

Superman finally gained control of his muscular body while the three girls were putting their bra and panties back on. He crawled over and prostrated himself at their bare feet with a contented smile on his swollen face. "Thank you Miss Beverly." He said in appreciation while he tenderly kissed her cute toes and silky soft skin. Then he debased himself in front of Connie and Debra and gave their bare feet equal attention with his lips. Beverly was completely taken by surprise when he willingly kissed her bare feet. They beat the mighty Hero to a pulp while they totally humiliated and shamed him. But his only thought was to express his overwhelming gratitude for allowing him to ejaculate. A plan began to form in her mind. Superman was nothing more then a puppet whose strings could be controlled by any assertive female who was willing to seize the opportunity.

When they finished dressing Beverly casually approached Superman with a smile. He assumed everything was over so he was unprepared for her bold move. Beverly snatched his top with both hands and jerked his face down to hers. "The stories I've been hearing about Supergirl kicking your ass all over the planet finally make sense. She's the one who first discovered your weakness isn't she?" She asked. "Yes Beverly she was." He admitted. "SLAP!..SLAP!" Beverly slapped his face and then back handed him. "It's Miss Beverly you little wimp. I'll give you severe beating if you forget it again. Do we understand each other?" She sternly asked. Superman was at his full strength so the slaps didn't hurt him at all. But for some reason he was still afraid of the dominate young woman. "Yes Miss Beverly I understand." He meekly whimpered. "Good boy. Now keep your mouth shut and pay attention."

"We know Lois Lane rules your life because of your weakness. We were spying through the window when she spanked your ass and ordered you around like a dog. And I'd venture to guess you're nothing but a slave to Supergirl. What we did here today was exciting and very pleasurable and my friends and I would love to experience it again. I know you have your strength back and can easily stop me from treating you this way but you're meekly accepting it without batting an eye. The only logical explanation must be you love being dominated by a strong female. Which means I own you as much as Supergirl and Lois Lane. And you WILL obey my orders like a good little boy. Your super hearing allows you to hear us if we call for you so you better show up if you want to avoid receiving another painful beating. Is that clear?" She asked with a hard stare. "Yes Miss Beverly." He replied with trembling lips.

"That's my good little boy." She said as she released him and patted his cheek like he was a child. "Now run along and save the world or what ever it is you do. We'll call you when we're in the mood. I'm positive we could get Lois or Supergirl to trap you for us if you fail to heed our summons. We females tend to stick together you know. So take my advice and come when we call. Now get out of my sight before I decide to mop up the floor with you and put you to sleep for forgetting my name." She threatened. "Yes Miss Beverly." He answered as his face turned white with fear. Superman took off at super sonic speed before she changed her mind.

"What was that all about?" Connie asked. "I was making sure we get a repeat performance when ever we want one." Beverly replied with a smile. "Are you saying he'll service us anytime we want?" Debra asked in shock. "Yep. All we have to do is call." Beverly answered. "You're the greatest." Debra told her with a smile. "Yeah Bev. You're the best friend a girl could have." Connie added. "What can I say girls. When you're right, you're right." Beverly said as she threw her arms around her two best friends and laughed. The three teenage girls left the building with a smile on their lovely faces. Life as a schoolgirl had just become a whole lot sweeter.