Nikki beats Jared again and dresses him like a woman. (Picture)

Nikki beats Jared for not minding and dresses him up to look like a woman.

Nikki Norton

Sixteen year old Nikki has waited over a week to catch her nineteen year old brother Jared when he came home. She beat him and her twenty year old brother Bill senseless and ordered Jared to enlist in the service the next day and learn a trade. Bill had already joined and Nikki told him to learn a reliable trade so he could get a good job when he got out and not be a burden on their parents. Bill left for basic training but Jared never came home after leaving the house. She knew he would have to come home soon, because he only had the clothes on his back with him. He didn't have any money to buy new ones, so sooner or later she knew he would show up for his clothes. She was waiting. She realised he would probably try to get them late at night when he thought she would be asleep. For the last three nights she camped in his closet, waiting for him to sneak in and get them. Tonight was her lucky night. She heard a noise by his window and saw he was coming in. She was ready.

Her 5 foot 2 inch 113 pound body waited with anticipation for him to open his closet door. He was going to be very, very surprised. Jared slid his 5 foot 11 inch 197 pound frame through the window. He saw Nikki's light go out two hours ago and was sure she was probably asleep by now. The beating she gave him and his older brother Bill was still weighing heavily on his mind. He just couldn't understand how she had pulled it off. They were both older and much bigger then her. So it befuddled him how it had happened. He was absolutely sure it would never happen again. He stayed away, waiting for his parents to go on one of their holidays so they wouldn't be there when he came to confront Nikki. He didn't want them to see their kids fighting. He knew it would really upset his mother. They left earlier today and he waited for this late night hour so Nikki wouldn't expect him home. The high and mighty bitch had to be put back in her place.

Nikki watched him through the slits in his closet door. He would soon open that door to a world of pain, or so she thought. She was totally surprised when he came through his window and headed for the door. Maybe he was planning to get something to eat before packing his things. She followed him out of his room and was even more surprised to see him head for her room. He was going to attack her while she was sleeping, the big coward. He was still in for a rude awakening. She wasn't there because she was behind his cowardly ass. He eased open her door and tip toed into her room. Smiling, Nikki came up behind him and raised her smooth shapely leg. She placed her bare foot on his ass and shoved him on to her bed while she flipped on the light. "Hi Jared. Where you been you little pussy? I've been waiting for you for better then a week now. Afraid to come home was you little boy?" "Fuck you Nikki. I just didn't want mom and dad here when I put your ass back in it's place." "Oh, so you grew some balls while you were gone, huh wimp?" Nikki said laughing. "You know they won't do you any good. Because I'll just cut them off like I did the last time little man."

"I don't know how you pulled that off Nikki. But it was a freaky accident or something. It will never happen again. So be prepared to go back to the little bullied sister you always were bitch." "That's what I love about you stupid males and your simple brains. You can always come up with a ridiculous idea of how something happened instead of facing the truth that is staring you right in the face. And that truth, is that I beat you both silly and can do it again anytime I want to." "Well lets find out then you big mouth bitch. Because I'm tired of hearing your bull shit." The irate young man screamed. "That suits me little boy. Come and get your beating." Jared stepped forward to throw a hay maker of a punch. Nikki ducked under it and punched him in the stomach. "THUD!" He bent over from the pain and a left to his temple put him in the floor. "SMACK!" He tried to kick her legs out from under her so she jumped in the air and kicked him in the face before coming back down. "WHAP!" "Looks like another freaky accident is about to happen little Jared." She said laughing.

Jared got to his feet with murder in his eyes. He started firing punches as fast as his large fists would move. Nikki smiled, because to her they were so slow it was like he was fighting under water. She avoided the eight hard punches he attempted with ease. Seeing him slow up a bit, she took command. "SMACK!" His nose hurt. "SMACK!" His eye hurt. "SMACK!" His lip was split and hurt. "SMACK!" His chin was marked and hurt. "SMACK!" His jaw was hurt as he flopped back to the floor. "You didn't get any better at this did you wimp? If you watch me, you'll see how it's done. But I don't think your foolish male brain can figure it out anyway." "Fuck you Nikki, it's not over yet. I'm just getting started. Your ass will be mine soon bitch, just wait and see." He jumped to his feet and punches were coming at her right and left. Her pretty feet began to dance and they all missed their mark. "Missed me again little man. You're simply pathetic at this."

Getting pissed, Jared tried everything he could to shut that taunting mouth and wipe that fucking smirk from her face. But it was like trying to hit a ghost. She was never where he punched, even though she had been there a second ago. Unfortunately for him, Nikki never had a problem finding him. "SMACK!..SMACK!" His cheeks were reddened. "SMACK!" His nose was broken. "SMACK!" His left eye was cut. "THUD!..THUD!" His stomach was softened up. "SMACK!" His jaw was in pain and he again hit the floor. "You fight like a little child Jared. Your little male arms just flop around hitting nothing. Their pathetic weakling, just pathetic." Jared came off of the floor like a mad man. Huge muscular arms were firing massive blows with ham like fists, trying to prove her wrong. Rights and lefts were delivered with mass destruction behind them. But all his efforts just proved Nikki was right. He didn't touch a thing.

Nikki laughed and punched back with her taunting following each strike. "SMACK!" "See how a real fighter does it punk." "SMACK!" "You notice when I throw a punch you feel pain." "SMACK!" "And you're going to feel a lot of it pansy ass." "SMACK!" "Because I know what I'm doing you little sissy." "SMACK!" "Your ugly face is going to get uglier." "SMACK!" "Your big sturdy body is going to be ruined." "SMACK!" "Because it can't stand up to the feminine power." "SMACK!" "In my female fists." "SMACK!" Jared hit the floor whimpering. "Whimpering is followed by crying Jared. Then comes the fear and shame. Followed by the begging and pleading. And finally your surrender. Then you'll be at my pretty feet kissing and smelling while you're sobbing for me to stop beating you to a pulp. Does that sound familiar weakling? Isn't that the way it went the last time little man? And I let you off easy so you could save a shred of your male pride. But not this time pussy. I'm going to break you. There won't be much left of the Jared you know when I'm finished with you this time. You'll be a broken little pile of flesh."

Jared slowly got to his feet. He didn't know what to do to stop this nightmare. Nikki was taking him apart like the last time and he had no clue on how to stop her. His mind was totally blank. Fear was beginning to settle in and it scared him to think what she might do if he lost to her again. He must beat this bitch at all cost. BUT HOW? Hoping something would connect, he threw punches with reckless abandon. Just one please hit her he prayed, just one. Then his pride would be saved. His prayers were not answered. Nikki began to take him apart piece by piece. "SMACK!" The cartilage in his nose was scrambled. "SMACK!..SMACK!" Both eyes began to swell. "SMACK!..SMACK!" Both cheeks began to swell. "SMACK!" His mouth exploded in pain while it busted open. "SMACK!" One eye was cut open now. "SMACK!" Now the other one matched it. "THUD!..THUD.!" His stomach caved in. "SMACK!" His jaw felt cracked and he flopped on the bed sound asleep.

Nikki propped her pillow up on the head board and climbed on the bed. She relaxed her head back against the pillow and stretched her nice looking feminine legs out. She placed her left bare foot under Jared's head, letting it rest on her upper ankle. Crossing her right leg over, she placed her pretty toes and smooth soft skin of her upper foot across his mouth and nose. She sat there smiling while she rubbed her toes and soft skin on his mouth and nose while he slept. About fifteen minutes later she saw him stir and grinned while she stuck her big toe in his mouth. A few seconds later his eyes flew open. He felt and tasted her toe in his mouth and smelled her foot. He batted it away and jumped off of the bed. Nikki was laughing at him. "What's the matter little Jared. Don't you like the taste and smell of my foot?" "YOU BITCH! I'LL KILL YOU FOR THAT!" He came at her like a wild man, chucking punches right and left.

Nikki let him throw about a dozen punches that she dodged while she laughed at him. Deciding it was time, she blocked his next right and threw an uppercut to his chin. "CRACK!" It snapped his head back. She followed that with a left hook to his eye. "SMACK!" Then a right hook to his jaw. "SMACK!" Another left cross to his mouth. "SMACK!" And a final right cross to his jaw. "SMACK!" He dropped to the floor on his back out cold. He was out twenty minutes this time. When he came to, Nikki was lying on her bed again. He went to get up and noticed his shoes and socks were off. Looking down, he saw that his toe nails and finger nails were painted pink. He again went crazy while throwing all kinds of punches at the young blond warrior. She danced away from them all. When he tired, she took the offense to him. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" His eyes were swelling and turning black and his cheeks were also swelling while turning a shade of purple.

"THUD!..THUD!..THUD!" A three punch combination to his now softened stomach bent him over in great pain. A hard right cross to his temple put him in the floor asleep again. "SMACK!" He awoke this time with Nikki sitting in her chair waiting patiently for him to come around. He rose from the floor and his head felt funny. He put his hands up to check and noticed she put his long curly brown hair up in curlers. Before he could try and yank them out, Nikki attacked. "SMACK!" "Oh no you don't sissy. Those stay in." "SMACK!" "I put to much work into making you look pretty to let you mess it up." "SMACK!" "So keep your mitts off of your nice little curlers." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" He dropped at her pretty feet fast asleep again. She looked at his face and it was coming along nicely. His eyes were turning black and swelling pretty good. His cheeks were turning purple and swelling. His nose was broken, his mouth and lips busted and very swollen, and his chin and jaw were cut and bleeding. She thought he never looked better.

When he finally came to this time, Nikki was waiting for him. She had taken his clothes off and found an old dress of her mothers that she wore when she was a little heavier. It was yellow with little white flowers all over it. She didn't give him a chance to tear off the dress or take out the curlers. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" She drove him back to the wall. His tears were coming like a rain shower. And his mighty frame was shaking with sobs. She was humiliating him more and more each time she knocked him out. Then she wouldn't give him time to do anything about it by attacking as soon as he was awake. He tried to defend himself to get some room, but she was just to quick. Soon, his large muscular arms were dangling at his sides, leaving him completely defenseless against the blond female fighter. His legs were buckling and his head was drooped to his large chest, when it wasn't being battered around by her hard fists. "SMACK!" A final punch right between the eyes and he was asleep again.

He came to this time with Nikki standing over his badly beaten body. "Are you ready to admit I am much to good for you weakling? I can do this all night you know. You're so easy to put to sleep wimp. So you better give up while I'm still in a good mood." His tears were cascading down his multi colored cheeks and his eyes were half way swollen closed. His nose was barely getting air and his mouth and lips were so swollen he could barely talk and be understood. His legs felt funny, so he glanced down and saw she had put pantyhose on him this time while he was sleeping. The shame and humiliation hit him like a runaway train. Mighty sobs escaped his badly swollen lips and great wails came from deep inside him. She had handled him like a small child and dressed him like a woman when he slept. She was now talking to him like he was nothing. No threat at all. Something to just kick around and have fun with. A useless, pitiful lump of clay that she could mould into what ever she wanted. A toy to amuse herself with. It was unbearable. He climbed to his feet to fight.

Nikki blocked his first six punches and punched him between the eyes. "SMACK!" She batted down the next four and punched him between the eyes again. "SMACK!" Three more were batted away and she was tired of toying with him. She began to batter him all around the room. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" She smiled, thinking that someone seeing this from a distance would think she was beating up her mother. She pinned him against the wall and totally rearranged his face. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" When she finally stopped, he crumpled to the floor at her feet. She slapped him awake with her bare foot and spoke to him. "Have you had enough little man? You're no match for my female muscles. Have you figured that out yet? The last time was not a freak accident. I can do this to you anytime I wish. Beg me Jared. Plead with me and I might quit. Ask me to let you grovel at my feet where you belong wimp." "OK.. N.Nikki. I.. give.. up. (sob) st.stop. I.. c.can't.. b.beat.. you. (sob) Pl.please. I.. g.give.. up." (sob)

"You didn't beg to grovel weakling. Do I have to beat that out of you too?" "NOOOOOOOO!" Pl.please. L.let.. at.. y.your.. f.f.feet.. N.Nikki. Pl.please." He whined.(sob) "Good boy little man, yes you may. And you better do a very good job to pussy." "IS THAT CLEAR?" "YESSSSSSS!" "OK then, get to it boy." Jared rolled over and kissed and smelled her feet like he belonged there. The degrading act and the shame and humiliation he felt was far far less then his fear. He was totally afraid of Nikki. She let him quit ten minutes later. She ordered him to his feet and he got up as quick as his battered body would let him. She placed the slim fingers of her left hand under his chin and gently lifted his head to look into his black and blue swollen eyes. "Do you admit that I own you Jared?" "Yes Nikki." "Will you obey me now Jared?" "Yes Nikki." "You don't need anymore persuading little man?" "NOOOOOOOOO Nikki." "Good boy wimp. That's what I wanted to hear."

"Mind me and I won't hurt you. Disobey me and I'll beat you within an inch of your miserable life." "IS THAT CLEAR WEAKLING?" "YESSSSSSSSSS.. NIKKI.. YESSSSSSSSSS!" "Good boy. Now lets go fix your lovely hair and make your face beautiful." His tears rained down as she led him to her vanity table. Nikki turned her three foot long vanity bench vertical to the vanity and mirror. She forced Jared to sit on the end closest to the mirror. Taking his weak useless arms, she put them behind his back in a double hammerlock. Placing her left foot on the bench behind him, she pushed up on his arms until he screamed in pain. She then braced her left knee under his arms at his crossed wrists and held them in place. Having his arms trapped and unable to get in her way, she cupped his chin with her left hand and pulled his head back to rest against her left shoulder.

With her right hand, she could reach anything on the vanity table and use it on him without any interference. She put some base foundation make up on his face, followed by rouge and powder. Eye liner and eye lashes were taken care of. Pink lip gloss was put on his swollen trembling lips. When she was finished, she was smiling and satisfied with his pretty feminine look. He on the other hand was crying in shame. Great sobs wracked his large body as he looked into the mirror and saw what she had done to him. She admonished him for crying and messing up his pretty face, because the tears were making his make up run. "Jared, you must stop that crying sweety. Look at your pretty face. You've smeared all of my hard work with your pitiful tears. You're going to make me angry little one if you don't quit. You don't want me angry do you little man?" "NOOOOOOOOOOOO.. Nikki. Pl.please.. d.don't.. g.get.. an.angry." "Then you must stop that crying. Now lets see. You look to pretty to be called Jared. What shall we call you little one? Ahhhh yes, how about Geraldine? Yes I like Geraldine. So that's who you are now sweety."

The muscular young man drooped his head in shame and humiliation while his tears again flowed freely. Finished with his face, Nikki released his arms from her knee and sat down behind him. She pulled his arms back behind him straight out and rested them on the bench with his palms up. She sat down on his palms and trapped his arms again. She placed her shapely legs around his waist and pulled his arms snug to his sides. Then she put her bare feet over his legs in front, hooking her toes and upper foot under the inside of his legs. Now with his arms and legs held securely, she could work on his long shaggy brown hair with the curlers in it. Taking them out, she picked up one of her hair brushes and began to brush his hair. Making the curls she caused to form lay in place. "You are going to look just beautiful when I'm through with you Geraldine. Your face is very cute with the light make up I have put on you. And your nice curly brown hair will be stylish and make your pretty eyes and thick pink lips stand out. You'll be really proud of the way I've made you look. You'll be Queen of the ball sweety."

The muscular young man sat there in shame. He could not stop the tears from flowing when he looked at his reflection in the mirror. She had been right about one thing. He was no longer a man. She had turned him into the broken pile of human flesh she said she would. He was a toy for her to amuse herself with and she was amusing herself now. The redness of embarrassment could be seen even through his black, blue, and purple colored swollen face. The humiliation was unbearable, but he was not man enough to stop her from using him as she pleased. She had proven that to him. He had no will left to fight her. No courage could be found anywhere in his huge muscular body. No spirit, no male pride, or sign of him being a man was there anymore. She had broken him completely. And she was enjoying herself degrading him. Her hard female fists had changed him. Totally taken over his body and mind. He was hers now. His life was no longer his to live as he saw fit. She controlled him now. Body, mind, and soul. And he felt completely helpless and useless. He was a beaten, broken man.

"There you are Geraldine. What do you think sweety? Did I work magic or what? You're beautiful, just like I promised you you would be." Jared looked in the mirror through his heavy tears. Except for the stubble on his masculine face, he was a woman. A made up, curly headed, yellow dress, pantyhose, painted nailed woman. He cried even harder. "There, there, Geraldine. You don't have to cry because I made you look so beautiful. It was my pleasure sweety. Just one girl doing a loving favor for another. You're so pretty sweety. I'm proud of what I've been able to accomplish with what I had to work with. You're simply adorable. OK sweety, time for bed now." She pulled him up from the bench and took him over to her bed. She laid him face down at the foot with his head in the middle of the bed. "Now lie there sweety until I get some things I need." "DON'T MOVE LITTLE GIRL!" He lie there crying, wondering what she was going to do to him that he knew he wasn't man enough to stop her from doing. Nikki took two pair of old panty hose from her drawer. She was going to throw away as soon as she got the chance to go to the mall and buy new ones. She cut one in half.

She folded his T shirt that she stripped from him and put it under his throat with the ends draped over both of his mighty shoulders. She placed his useless arms back in the double hammerlock and tied his wrists together with one leg of the panty hose she didn't cut. Pulling his arms up his back until he screamed in pain, she took the other leg and wrapped it over his left shoulder and around his neck where the T shirt lay. Then over the right shoulder and tied the end where his wrists were bound. This held his arms in place. She hiked up his yellow dress so his bare ass was showing and lightly patted his cheeks. "You have a cute little butt on you Geraldine. I bet the boys go crazy over it." Nikki said laughing. She took one half of the cut pantyhose and tied his feet together. Bending his knees, she tied the other end up where his arms were bound. Now his thick legs were held in place.

She took the other half of the panty hose and wrapped it around his fore head. Tying it at the foot of her bed with his face and head looking up at the head board. His head was now held in place so he couldn't move it. He was now totally trussed up on the foot of her bed, unable to move anything. Nikki fluffed up her pillow and turned off the light. She climbed in bed and lay on her left side. She placed the silky soft sole of her left foot against the bottom half of his mangled swollen face and the right half was covered with the soft smooth sole or her right foot. Nikki stuck her big toe and the next two in his badly swollen mouth. "Now don't you bite my pretty toes Geraldine. Or I will get up and spank your cute little ass for you. Go to sleep little one and don't disturb me so I can get a good nights rest. Good night Geraldine. I'll see you in the morning my cute little girl." Nikki sighed and closed her pretty brown eyes to go to sleep. Poor Jared...I mean Gerald, lie there in fear of waking her up and getting a severe beating. He tried to stem his tears, but it was very difficult. Humiliation and shame filled him completely. He wondered where his miserable life was going to go from here. Only Nikki knew that. He belonged to her.