Melanie the boyfriend tamer. (Illustrated) (Picture)

Poser art by the lovely and talented Veronica.

Melanie is forced to prove which sex is the strongest when her boyfriend gets upset.

Melanie Vance

Melanie Vance and her boyfriend Kevin were on their way home from the Coliseum. The ride was a quiet one because Kevin was upset. He wanted to enter the ring and stop Marla from destroying his friend Drake in the Ultimate Fighting Championship match. But Melanie pinned him down in her lap and kept him from interfering. He was not only pissed off about that, he was embarrassed as well. Even though he wasn't prepared for her sneaky attack and was pinned down before he realised what was going on, he still felt ashamed she was able to do it so easily. He out weighed her by over sixty pounds and his male body was extremely fit and muscular. So it boggled his mind how she was able to wrap him up until the fight was over and he couldn't break her holds to escape. It was a very hard pill to swallow.

Kevin still wasn't talking to her by the time they arrived home. Melanie was beginning to worry about the situation. Kevin had been upset with her before. But he usually sat down to talk it over after an hour or so. It was going on three hours now and he was still giving her the silent treatment. They had a decent relationship and she didn't want to jeopardise that. What she did at the Coliseum was in the heat of the moment. She simply reacted without thinking about the consequences. It wasn't her intention to embarrass or humiliate Kevin. He just didn't have any business sticking his nose in where it didn't belong. Her best friend Marla was whipping Drake's ass in a fair fight. The thrill of watching a female totally annihilate a male was very exciting. So she slightly got carried away when Kevin tried to interfere.

Melanie decided to start the conversation herself and try to put an end to this ridiculous spat. So she went looking for Kevin to hash it out. She found him sitting in the exercise room he was building. He didn't have it quite finished yet so there wasn't any exercise equipment in the room. He was sitting on one of the folding chairs with his head down. Melanie knew he was brooding over what she did. She moved the other chair closer to him and sat down. "Look Kevin. We need to talk about this." She said, trying to get him to break the silence. "I don't want to talk about it Melanie. So leave me the hell alone." He replied without looking up. "It wasn't a big deal Kevin. I didn't mean to embarrass you. Now stop being a baby and tell me how you feel." That got his attention and made him even madder.

"How the fuck do you think I feel Melanie? And it was a big fucking deal. You grabbed me when I wasn't prepared and embarrassed the hell out of me in front of hundreds of people. I'm probably the laughing stock of the whole city by now. You're damn lucky I didn't get loose is all I have to say. I was mad enough to put your ass in the hospital for pulling that sneak attack on me. I still might do it if you don't get the fuck away and leave me alone." He angrily said. "You don't have to be so sarcastic Kevin. I'm trying to apologise for my actions. But you're making it very difficult. Now calm down so we can talk this out rationally." She said in an attempt to settle him down. "DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN GOD DAMMIT! NOW LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE BEFORE I REALLY GET PISSED OFF AND HURT YOU!" He screamed. Melanie was shocked by his behavior. And he was beginning to piss her off.

"That's enough Kevin. You're beginning to irritate me with your attitude. And I particularly don't like being threatened. Now stop it before you make me angry." She warned as she stood up. "Ohhhhh. I'm so scared. You get lucky with a sneak attack and now you think you can kick my ass. Well I got news for you bitch. It would take me about five minutes to prove just how wrong you are." He replied while holding up five fingers. "You know I hate being called a bitch." Melanie told Kevin while poking him in the chest. "And I don't think you could beat me in five minutes. In fact, I'm not convinced you could beat me at all. So knock off the threats or we're going to find out." She said while squinting her eyes with an I dare you to accept my challenge look. "That's fine with me. You need to be taught a lesson so you'll know who's in charge around here. It damn sure isn't you" He said while moving the folding chairs out of the way.

All of a sudden Melanie had an anxiety attack and began to regret her reaction to his threats. She chastised herself for letting her anger get the best of her. Maybe she was getting in way over her head. Kevin was a pretty strong guy. And she had never fought with a male before. Other then when she grabbed him at the Coliseum. But that was a spur of the moment thing. She reacted on impulse and completely surprised him. In this battle he would be ready and alert. She did take some self defense and aerobic boxing classes a few years ago. And she had playfully wrestled around with Marla and some of her other girlfriends. But was that enough experience to handle a hard bodied male who was determined to prove he could whip her ass with no sweat. She was really worried when she saw the cold look in his eyes.

"Just remember you brought this on yourself. I don't know where you got the idea you could take me without a surprise attack. But I'll beat that notion out of your head real fast. Just let me know when you're ready to admit I'm superior to you." He said while he doubled up his fists. Melanie's confidence was wavering when she raised her own fists to do battle. Keven didn't waste any time. He came out firing with both barrels. Melanie went into defensive mode and prayed her mistake in judgment didn't end up causing her to much pain. The lessons she learned while taking the self defence and aerobic boxing classes quickly came back to her. She was able to parry or elude his hard thrown punches without being hit. But that seemed to make Kevin more angry and step up the pace. She continued to fight defensively and didn't attempt to throw a punch. Kevin kept up the pressure.

After safely fending him off for ten minutes she began to regain her confidence. He was starting to breathe heavily and his punches were getting much slower. Deflecting some of his blows and evading the others was getting easier by the second. Melanie began to feel better about her chances of winning this battle of the sexes. When she avoided a six punch onslaught and then slapped away his next four, she decided it was time she tried her luck on offense. She blocked his next sweeping right and firmly planted her feet when she swung. "SMACK!" Her right cross plowed into his jaw like a freight train. Kevin stumbled back in surprise and shook his head. Since Melanie had him confused and off balance, she opened up her arsenal a little more. "SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!..SMACK!" The two to his stomach didn't bother him much. But the three solid shots to his face sure as hell did. His bottom lip was busted and both eyes felt the pain.

Melanie got a large boost of confidence and courage when she landed the sequence of punches and sent him reeling back. For over ten minutes she kept herself from harm with her defensive skills. While she was able to land the first punches she threw with ease. Maybe she didn't make an error in judgment after all. A smile appeared on her beautiful face as she stepped up to continue. Kevin on the other hand was not only confused, he was dumb struck. What the fuck is going on? He asked himself. She should be down and at my mercy by now. This is bizarre. He went back at her with renewed determination. It was time to end her lucky streak and show her who was boss. But the only thing he accomplished was confusing himself even more. His accuracy hadn't improved one bit when his next six punches failed to find their mark. Something was definitely wrong. And he didn't know what.

"SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Melanie connected with two sharp jabs and a straight right that landed between his eyes. She was overjoyed to see her muscular boyfriend stagger back again. His nose was as red as Rudolph's and he was wincing from the pain he felt over his left eye. She could see he was beginning to worry about the outcome and that sent a tingling sensation rushing through her well developed female body. "SMACK!..SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..WHAP!" A right and left hook found his cheek bones. Then two more pounded his mid section before she crushed his jaw with a mind numbing kick. She damn near had an orgasm when she saw his body hit the floor like a wet dish rag. MY GOD! I PUT HIM DOWN! THIS IS FUN! She screamed in her mind.

"Get up boy. You can't beat me down in five minutes if you're lying at my feet." She taunted with a smile. "You asked for it bitch." Kevin replied as he shot up from the floor. He was slinging punches like there was no tomorrow. Both of his hard male fists was seeking a target to destroy on her female body. But Melanie's defensive skills were up to the task. Her fast moving body along with him tiring out, made it easy for her to stay out of the way of his body damaging blows. And continually missing was weakening him even more. When there was a lull in his punch count she took over. And her punches were much more accurate. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..CRACK!" The final bell ringing uppercut dropped him like a ton of bricks. Kevin hit the floor and somersaulted over on his stomach in a daze.

Melanie decided it was time to get up close and personal. She leaped on his back and drove him back to the floor when he attempted to get up. Then she entangled both hands in his golden locks and jerked his upper body back. "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Kevin screamed and reached up to pry her hands out of his hair. Melanie moved her right hand under his chin and bent him back further. "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" He felt as if his back was going to break. "You don't sound so tough when you're screaming like a little girl." She teased while she laughed at his pitiful struggles to free himself. Kevin needed both hands on the floor to help ease the pain. The second he raised one to try and break her holds, it put enormous pressure on his back. The situation looked hopeless.

While Kevin was concentrating on easing the pain in his neck and back, Melanie changed tactics. She took him completely by surprise when she slammed his face into the floor. "WHAM!..WHAM!..WHAM!..WHAM!" Kevin temporarily lost his senses because of the unexpected maneuver. Melanie climbed off of him and started stripping. Her gorgeous body was getting over heated from all the fighting and tussling. It felt a lot cooler in the room when she got down to her bra and thong panties. "Ahhh. That's better. Now my body can breathe." She said to the stunned man lying on the floor. "Let's shed some of your protective gear so I can see the bruises I'm going to give you." Melanie slipped his shoes and socks off and then removed his jeans. Kevin was coming around so she backed off to be ready when he stood up.

Kevin was a little confused when he gained his feet and realised he only had on his shirt and underwear. What the hell? How did she get my clothes off? I wasn't out was I? He asked himself. He let it slide from his mind when he noticed Melanie coming at him. "Time to feel the pain bitch." He began swinging for the fences with both muscular arms. Melanie went back on defense and waited for an opportunity. Her weaving and swaying body looked like it was made of elastic while she easily evaded his thunderous punches. When an opening came she struck with authority. "SMACK!..SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!" Both sides of his jaw felt like they had been hit by a sledge hammer. Then the two battering ram punches to his mid section bent him over in pain.

When Kevin clutched his stomach with both hands and bent over, Melanie stepped forward and grabbed the bottom of his shirt. In one quick motion she pulled his shirt up and over his head. Kevin was immediately plunged into total darkness. He could hear Melanie's giddy laughter, but it sounded like it was a great distance away. With Kevin's head covered with his shirt, he couldn't see a damn thing. Melanie took advantage of his blindness to land a crushing uppercut. "CRRRACK!" Kevin left his feet and hit the floor like an anvil falling from the sky. Melanie was laughing so hard she couldn't follow through with her advantage. Kevin used the respite she gave him to rip his shirt off. He was enraged with fury when he climbed to his feet. She was making a complete fool out of him and laughing about it in his face. He had to put a stop to it.

"ENOUGH IS ENOUGH BITCH! NOW YOUR ASS IS MINE!" He threatened with hatred. "Uh oh. I made the little boy mad. Now I'm in trouble. Just look at me shake." She said taunting him with a grin. "LET'S SEE HOW FUNNY YOU THINK IT IS WHEN YOUR HEAD IS SEPERATED FROM YOUR FUCKING SHOULDERS." He screamed while attacking. Punch after deadly punch was sent at that irritating grin. Kevin wasn't going to be satisfied until it was smashed from her face and bleeding like a sieve. But his clumsy efforts failed to produce any results. The black haired warrior danced around his human missiles like it was child's play. When he missed a hard left cross she took it to him. "THUD!..SMACK!" A murderous left to the guts nearly reached his backbone. It was followed by a cannon ball right that sent him stumbling to his right like he had vertigo.

"This is getting easier you little sissy. Maybe you should apologise for acting like an asshole before I knock your ass out." She taunted. "Fuck you Melanie. I'm just getting started. Hell will freeze over before you can knock me out." He replied with bravado. But he wished he felt as confident as he talked. Her God damn punches were really beginning to take their toll on him. "We'll see little boy we'll see. Now bring it." She said with extreme confidence. Kevin was perfectly willing to oblige her. He leaped back into the fray with both arms pumping like well oiled machines. But throwing good looking punches with extrordinary power behind them, doesn't help your cause if they don't land. And his didn't. Melanie moved her svelt body like she was dancing to her favorite tune on the radio and easily avoided them all.

After toying with him for about a dozen hard punches, Melanie decided to show him how it was done. While he was cranking up to deliver another right cross, she interupted his plans with a wrecking ball right that nearly took his head off. "SMMMACK!" Kevin wobbled on rubbery legs for a few steps before he collapsed like a house of cards. "Oops. Little boy fall down." She teased while she stood over him laughing. Kevin shook his head to clear the cob webs and rose up from the floor. His legs were still a little shaky from the powerful punch. He was waddling around like a one year old who was learning how to walk. "You're not to steady there big guy. Maybe you should lie down and rest." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Both eyes were beginning to swell and his mouth blew up like a balloon. The last punch nearly unhinged his jaw and dropped Kevin like a stuffed rag doll.

Melanie blasting his jaw and dropping Kevin like a rag doll.

Kevin was groggy as hell and unable to focus his glassy eyes. Melanie decided it was time for a ground war to show him how strong she was. She leaped on his limp body and quickly put Kevin in a cradle hold. His left arm was trapped under her left leg and his right was pinned down by her left shoulder. While Kevin was deliriously trying to figure out where he was at, Melanie clapsed her hands together and bent him in half. The poor man was helplessly wrapped up like a pretzel with his right knee flat against his forehead. "It's been a lot longer then five minutes and you've haven't kicked my ass yet. Your face is all marked up and I don't have a scratch on me. And right now I've got you trussed up like a steer at the rodeo. So take a wild guess and tell me who's winning this fight you big pussy." Kevin was to out of it to answer. "What's the matter wimp? Cat got your tongue?"

Melanie pinning Kevin down in an unbreakable cradle hold.

Melanie released him and his sagging body flopped back in the floor. She grabbed him under the arm pits and dragged his semi conscious body in front of the folding chair. She lifted his upper body a little when she sat down and slipped her gorgeous legs around his neck. After crossing her shapely ankles in his lap, she tightened her car crushing legs and leaned back. "Let's see if this head scissors brings you back to life." She said while stretching her legs out and squeezing. "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Kevin quickly came out of his stupor. "OH MY GOD! YOU'RE CRUSHING MY SKULL! LET ME GO! OH GOD! LET ME GO!" He begged with tears in his eyes. "What's wrong sweetie? You've told me a hundred times you love the feel of my smooth legs. So enjoy yourself and give them a good rub down." She said with an evil grin.

"PLEASE MELANIE YOU'RE GOING TO BREAK MY NECK! LET ME GO PLEASE LET ME GO!" He begged like a little bitch. "Well that's a typical male for you. You repeatedly plead with me to let you rub my legs. Then when I finally agree, you decide you don't want them near you. That's being fickle and just plain rude. Now be a good boy and give my legs a nice massage." She commanded. "PLEASE MELANIE! YOU'RE KILLING ME!" He begged again. "I said massage my legs you weak little shit. Now obey me before I pop your head like a grape." She sternly ordered. Tears poured out of his eyes while he quickly raised his hands and rubbed her flawless skin. "That's much better. Don't hesitate again you pathetic loser. Or I'll give you more pain then you ever imagined." She warned.

She made Kevin rub her fantastic looking legs for about ten minutes. He cried through the terrible ordeal because of the pain and the shame he felt. Melanie had control of the fight from the very beginning. She mopped up the floor with him and he couldn't do a damn thing to stop her. And she pinned him down three times in painful wrestling holds he simply couldn't break. His face and body was beaten to a pulp and he ached all over. Humiliation spread through his body like a wild fire when he sadly admitted to himself she had won. He didn't have the will to continue. His spirit was broken and his courage was gone. And the anger he felt at the start, had turned into absolute fear. The idea of standing up to her frightened him to death. His muscular body wilted in despair while he lie between her strong legs and cried like a baby.

A satisfying thrill rushed through Melanie when she saw his body slump down in defeat. Kevin had lost his nerve and given up. He was a beaten and broken man. She released him from her flawless skinned prison and dragged him to his feet by the hair. When he was standing, she gripped him around the throat with her left hand and looked into his tear filled, swollen eyes. "Are you through being an asshole you big baby?" She asked with squinted eyes. "Yes Melanie. I'm sorry for the way I acted." He whimpered. "Are you going to give me anymore trouble?" "No Melanie. You win." He whined with large tears in his eyes. "I believe you owe me an apology wimp. And it better sound sincere if you don't want another senseless beating." She sternly warned. "I already apologized Melanie. What else do you want from me?" He replied a little cocky.

His eyes grew as big as saucers and his face turned as white as a sheet when she scowled and drew back her fist. "Don't you ever use that tone of voice with me again you fucking weakling." "SMMMACK!" The powerful right sounded like dynamite going off when it struck his jaw. Kevin was unconscious before his lifeless body hit the floor. Melanie stormed over and roughly slapped him awake before yanking him up on his knees. Kevin cowered down in front of her like a mistreated dog. Heavy tears flowed from his black eyes like a hard summer rain. And his muscular body was trembling like a leaf in a strong wind. Melanie slightly spread her legs apart and placed her hands on her curved hips. "If you'll remember correctly, you called me a bitch you fucking moron. And you know I despise that word. So I better not hear it again if you value your health. Is that understood?" She asked with a no nonsense look.

"Yes.. M.Melanie. I'm.. s.s.sorry." He sobbed with a broken heart. "Oh no. A simple apology isn't good enough since you decided to get cocky with me. I'm the boss in this relationship wimp. You'll show me the proper respect and be submissive from now on. Get that through your thick head or I'll beat it in. And we both know I can do it. So you better keep your mouth shut or you'll be severely punished. Is that clear?" She sternly asked. "Yes.. M.M.Melanie." He answered with a quivering voice. "Good boy. Now. For calling me a bitch and running your cocky mouth, you're going to kiss my feet to apologise. I want your lips firmly pressed on my skin. If I'm not satisfied, I'll give you a good beating for ten minutes and then we'll try it again. Understand?" Y.Yes.. Melanie." He whimpered.

"Good. Now give me your hand." She commanded. Kevin stuck out his left hand and Melanie placed her left foot in it. "Remember. I better feel the kiss if you want to remain in one piece. Now get to it." She ordered. Kevin bowed his head and firmly kissed her silky soft skin. "Good boy. Now stick out your tongue and lick each one of my toes." Kevin didn't hesitate. He lapped her sweet toes like a faithful puppy. "Very nice. I believe you have accepted your place." She took her foot out of his hand and put it back on the floor. "I'm not going to help you with this one. Prostrate yourself and grovel." She commanded. Kevin flopped down on the floor and tenderly kissed the smooth skin on right foot like he was in love with it. Then he repeated the degrading act and licked her toes without wavering. Melanie smiled, knowing she owned him. "That's a good boy." She cooed while stroking his head like a loyal dog. Kevin accepted it without complaint.

Kevin kissing her foot and licking her toes like a lap dog.

"You can get up now. Put your clothes on and go order Chinese for dinner. And bring me a cold drink. Teaching you a lesson made me thirsty." She commanded her docile boyfriend. "Yes Melanie. Right away." He answered as he scurried off to carry out her wishes. Melanie smiled at his rapid obedience. "I think I'm going to like being the boss. I won't have to suffer through his foul moods anymore. And if I don't feel like listening to him babble, I can simply tell him to shut up. I know he doesn't have the courage to defy me. I can dictate where we go and what we do without worring about him arguing with me over it. Yes, being in control of your man is the only way to live. And I'm certainly going to enjoy it." Melanie plopped down in the easy chair and waited for her personal maid to bring her cold drink. Let's see. What else can I force him to do that would please me. She asked herself. Then an evil grin appeared on her beautiful face. "Oh yes. That sounds devine." She said laughing out loud.