Lynn turns me into a whimpering pussy. (Picture)

My best friends younger sister gives me the beating of my life.

Lynn Carter

Larry Carter and I have been best friends since grade school. We were drawn to each other like magnets, because we each had a mean streak in us a mile wide. To put it plain and simple, we were bullies. There was nothing we liked better then seeing the frightened faces of our victims as they did what we told them out of fear. Our rooms were filled with treasures we had confiscated from just about every kid in town. If a person had something we wanted, we took it. Even if they were bigger then us. Larry and I would gang up on who ever it was and they wouldn't stand a chance. There was nothing Larry and I wouldn't do to have what we called fun. He would dare me or I would dare him, then off we would go to cause havoc and raise hell. Larry's parents kept threatening to send him off somewhere if he didn't change his ways. But they never followed through on their threats.

We spent a lot of time in detention while we were in school for the pranks we pulled. And we were picked up several times by the police for shop lifting from various department stores. I'm pretty sure at least one of those times was because his younger sister Lynn ratted us out. But we never could prove it. She was always a thorn in our side. Lynn was three years younger then me and Larry and was a constant nuisance because she followed us everywhere we went. She was kind of cute, but I couldn't stand her because she was a goody two shoes. And she didn't like me at all. She put the blame on me every time Larry and I got into trouble. "Why do you listen to everything Dick says Larry? Dick only gets you into trouble. Why don't you find a nice boy to be your friend?" She told him over and over. The little bitch got on my nerves.

Most of the time we would just take off running and lose her. Her shorter legs couldn't keep up with us. Other times, Larry would shove her around until she cried and ran home. Although one time when we were fifteen and she was twelve, Larry went to push her down and stumbled over a tree root. He missed her completely and fell flat on his face. Lynn leaped on top of him and twisted his arm behind his back in a hammerlock. Larry was kicking like a mule to get her off of him but it didn't help. She finally shoved his arm up high enough to make him cry. I was laughing so hard because he fell on his face that I couldn't help him. After Lynn made him cry, she jumped up and ran home giggling. I still tease him about that. She finally stopped pestering us when she turned fourteen.

As we grew older we graduated to stealing cars and selling them to chop shops. Breaking into homes and hocking the items we stole was another way we made money. By the time we were nineteen, we had a very lucrative business going. We made a deal with a guy who ran one of the chop shops to take every car we stole. And we had a fence lined up to take the stolen merchandise off of our hands for sixty cents on the dollar. Things were going great for Larry and me until that fatal day. It's still hard for me to talk about it because there's no way in hell it should have happened. In fact, if it wasn't for the scar I have over my left eye that reminds me of that painful day, I wouldn't believe it. But it did happen. And my body trembles in fear every time I see Lynn on the streets. I quickly run the other direction, praying her legs are still to short to catch me. This is my sad story.

I went to Larry's house to pick him up one day so we could start our rounds. Lynn let me in and informed me he wasn't there. "You finally got Larry into so much trouble that mom and dad did something about it. They found out you and him stole a car and took it for a joy ride before selling it to a chop shop. Since they couldn't control him anymore, they decided to try this detention boot camp they heard about. Larry will be there for a three month trial period to see if they can straighten him out. So I hope you're happy you asshole." She said hatefully as she laid back down on the sofa. "How did they find out about the car?" I asked her just as hatefully. "I told them." She said like she was proud of it. "I was shopping in the drug store when I saw you two pull the car into the shop and come out later counting the money. It didn't take a genius to figure out what you two did." I was instantly pissed.

"WHY DID YOU TELL YOUR PARENTS YOU FUCKING LITTLE BITCH?" "You knew he would get into trouble. Why can't you mind your own fucking business? I should kick your fucking ass you God damn narc bitch." "You can't kick my ass you little wimp. So shut your big mouth before I shut it for you." She said with confidence. I sat there in shock before I busted out laughing. "Why you crazy little bitch. You've got to be kidding? I could hold you upside down and spit in your ass. And I'm going to if you don't shut that smart ass mouth of yours." Lynn just looked at me and smiled. "This is your last warning you little punk. I made Larry cry once, and you're about to be next. So shut your mouth or I'll teach you a lesson you'll never forget." "That was a fluke you stupid whore. You can't possibly think you could beat me in a fight." I answered. "We're going to find out if you open your big mouth one more time." She replied smiling.

That was the last straw. This little bitch needed to be put in her place. "Get your ass up bitch. I'm going to teach you not to run your fucking mouth. When I get through with you, you be afraid to say a word to me or any other male." Lynn took off her white cotton socks and stood up. She smiled in anticipation as she faced me wearing white shorts and a belly baring white top. I confidently smiled back as I compared our bodies. I'm a 6 foot tall, 202 pound muscular male who is in great shape. Lynn stood about 5 foot 5 and maybe weighed 120 pounds soak and wet. Her soft female body looked ridiculous standing next to my large muscular frame. I took off my long sleeve shirt and shoes to have freedom of movement. "This is going to be so easy." I told her. "We'll see hot shot. Now shut up and fight." She said as she raised her arms and combed her fingers through her silky black hair. When she did that, I noticed the muscles in her female arms were bigger then I expected them to be. The little bitch is trying to intimidate me. I said to myself. Like that's going to work.

I threw a punch hard enough to knock her head clean off of her fucking shoulders. Lynn ducked under it and smiled as she popped back up. "That was pitiful wimp. Maybe you better quit and go home before I hurt you." I let fly with four solid punches that would have damn near killed her if they landed. But Lynn danced around them like it was child's play. "That was nearly as pathetic as your first attempt. I don't think you're concentrating well enough. Think real hard and try it one more time." She said with a smirk. The little bitch's mouth was really getting on my nerves. I fired so many punches that she couldn't possibly dodge them all. Anyone of them would have broken her bones. But she easily avoided them as well. "You aren't very good at this are you sissy? Maybe what you need is a demonstration. Pay attention and I'll show you how it's done."

"SMACK!" She busted my top lip and I never even saw her hand move. "That's the way you punch pansy ass." I raised my hand to my lip and I could feel it beginning to swell. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU YOU FUCKING LITTLE WHORE!" I screamed. "Not with those weak little pity pats you call punches. I could dodge those with my eyes closed." She said while crossing her arms over her chest. That was it. I let loose with everything I had to beat the smart ass little bitch to the floor. She just laughed and expertly moved her feminine body to elude my thunderous punches. Her arms remained crossed over her chest during the entire flurry. After about thirty punches, I was standing there breathing heavily while Lynn was grinning from ear to ear. I couldn't believe I missed with every single punch.

"OK. I'm going to show you one more time how it's done. Now pay attention and try to learn this time you pathetic loser." "SMACK!..SMACK!" Both of my eyes were feeling excruciating pain. "Do you see how easy it is if you know what you're doing?" She smugly told me. God I was sick of hearing her fucking mouth. My only thought was to jam my fist down her throat and shut her up. But what I wanted to do and what I actually could do was two different things. Ten more bone crushing punches missed her elusive body and smiling face. I was sucking oxygen into my lungs like I had asthma when I stopped to catch my breath. "I can see you're to stupid to even learn the basic techniques. So I resign as your teacher. Now you can think of me as the female who is going to beat you senseless." Lynn said as she opened up her potent offense.

"SMACK!..SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!" Her hands moved with blinding speed. Lynn beat me around the room like I was her bitch. "SMACK!" Her solid right landed on my chin and dropped in the floor at her feet. "How's the view down there pussy? Do you think I have pretty feet?" She nudged me with her big toe and I missed when I tried to slap it away. "Get your ass up here boy. You've had this beating coming for a long time. And I'm going to enjoy myself while I give it to you." I couldn't believe the little bitch had knocked me down. I was totally embarrassed when I jumped to my feet to make her pay. "That's my good boy. Now throw some more of those pathetic punches and try to hit me again." I did just that. I was winging punches from every angle in an attempt to take her apart. But it done me little good. Lynn's defensive skills were up to the task.

"You are such a wimp." She said as I stood there exhausted. "Now I'm going to put you back in the floor so you can get another look at my feet. Get used to seeing them, because you're going to be down there quite a bit. "SMACK!" My nose shattered into a thousand pieces and I hit the floor just like she predicted. "Nice landing sissy. Right in front of my pretty feet. I'm going to be rubbing them in your ugly face pretty soon. And you'll be sucking on my cute toes while you're begging me to stop hurting you. But that comes later. First I'm going to beat you like the dog you are." NOW GET UP YOU PATHETIC WEAKLING!" I slowly climbed to my feet. I was hurting all over and my face was really beginning to swell. But that fucking bitch's mouth was trampling on my last nerve. I had to clamp it shut if it was the last thing I did.

It would have been much less painful if I had been smart enough to stay in the floor. But no one ever accused me of having brains. "Good boy. Now try to hit me again you little pussy." I did. I went back at her with renewed determination. I threw punch after punch at her fucking grin and wore myself out again. "Nice try loser. It's my turn now. Why don't you take another look at my feet. "SMACK!" I hit the floor and bounced. When I shook my head to clear my vision, there was her feet directly in front of my swelling face. "That's a good little boy. You landed right where I told you to. Don't you think my bare feet are pretty? And my toes are so cute. They might smell a little since I just took my socks off. But you won't care about that when you're begging. All you'll care about is praying I will listen and stop beating you to a pulp. Now get up." She ordered.

I struggled to my feet and stood there panting like an over weight dog. Lynn was standing in front of me with her hands on her hips and a confident smile on her face. I growled like an angry bear and sent a right cross at that irritating smile. Lynn blocked it with her left arm and pimp slapped me with her right hand like I was an unruly whore. "SLAP!..SLAP!" She placed her hands back on her hips and continued to smile. I cut loose with a head splitting left hook. But she easily blocked that one as well with her right arm and slapped me again with her left. "SLAP!..SLAP!" Her hands returned to her hips and the smile returned to her face. Angry out of my mind because she was making me look like a pussy, I fired a right and left to cave her face in. She blocked them like it was the simplest thing in the world to do and let me have it with both hands. "SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!" Her hands went back to her hips, and that irritating smile returned to her face. I felt like crying.

"Awww, is the bad little boy going to cry?" She teased. "FUCK YOU!" I screamed as I threw a hay maker of a punch. Lynn drew her upper body back and I missed her grinning face by a foot. She didn't have the same problem. "SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!" I dropped like a thousand pound lead weight and landed right at her feet. I could hear her giggling above me while I lie at her feet and whimpered. This just couldn't be happening. I said to myself. A sixteen year old girl is beating me like I'm a punk and I can't seem to stop her. My mind was screaming at me to get up, but my heart wasn't in it. I admitted to myself that I was beginning to fear Lynn. Which was a monumental moment in my life. Because I've never been afraid of anything or anybody. I felt a queasiness in my stomach after confessing that, which made me want to vomit. Fear was an emotion that I loathed.

Lynn took the decision out of my hands and made it for me. She wiggled her toes in my face and laughed at the disgusting look I had while I pitifully whimpered and tried to slap her foot away. Committing that offensive act pissed me off enough that I found my courage and climbed to my feet. "Good boy. Now see if you can do better this time with those useless male arms you have" I threw a weak right that Lynn easily slapped down. "SMACK!" My left eye was instantly throbbing with pain and started to swell. My pitiful left was batted down just as easily. "SMACK!" Now my right eye hurt like hell and it was swelling up. My right and left combination was swatted away by the young gladiator like they were nothing but pesky flies. "SMACK!..SMACK!" Both sides of my jaw was in pain and badly bruised.

"If that's all you've got, you might as well leave those worthless arms at your sides while I beat you like a rug. Now try harder you big pussy." She scolded. I put everything I had into the next punch. Lynn knocked it aside like the others and shook her pretty head. "You're absolutely pathetic you miserable loser. Take another look at my feet. "SMACK!" My eyes rolled back in my head and I dropped to my knees. My muscular arms flopped to my sides like they were dead, and I slumped to the floor on my face. Her left foot was right under my nose when I stopped moving. I began to cry like a baby. "You can cry all you want you big pussy. It won't do you any good. I'm going to beat you until you beg me to stop. Then I'm going to beat you some more because you're not man enough to stop me. Now get your ass up you big cry baby." Lynn sternly ordered me. I felt so humiliated to be lying at the feet of a sixteen year old female and crying my eyes out. I'm nearly twice her size and my muscular arms were probably three times bigger then hers. But I was on the floor bawling like a baby, while she was standing over me laughing.

"Come on hot shot. Get your ass up. Your lesson isn't over yet. I'll let you know when you can lay in the floor and cry like a baby." I slowly struggled to my feet and stood on unsteady legs. "Good boy. Now I can knock you back down at my feet where you belong. Isn't this fun?" She said with an evil grin. "SMACK!" Down at her feet I went. "Get up sissy boy. You can't whip my ass if you're lying in the floor staring at my feet." Tears were rolling down both swollen cheeks when I finally made it up. "That's a good little boy. You're beginning to follow my orders already. I like that." "SMACK!" Back in the floor I went, crying my heart out. "See if you can't stay on your feet a little longer pansy ass. I'm getting tired of waiting for you to get up." I had to shut that fucking mouth of hers. I somehow made it to my feet and let fly with what I thought was a hard punch. Lynn caught my fist in her left hand and sweetly smiled while she crushed it. "AARRGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed like a banshee. "Ohhhh, I bet that hurts doesn't it? Maybe this will take your mind off of the pain in your hand." "SMACK!" Down I went again, with my swollen lips resting on her toes.

"Ahhh yes. That feels good. Why don't you kiss my feet while you're down there and beg me to stop beating you senseless you little wimp?" She wiggled her nasty toes against my lips and I whimpered while I tried to get away from them. "That wasn't very nice of you. Don't you like my cute little toes? What's the matter, do you think they smell?" She giggled and rubbed her toes on my nose and mouth again. I buried my face under my arms and pitifully sobbed while I lie there. "OK you pathetic little weakling, get on your feet. I'm going to teach you to kiss my foot when I put it in your ugly face." "NOW GET YOUR ASS UP BITCH!" I slowly struggled to my feet and slightly wobbled while I stood there bawling like a baby. "Good boy." "SMACK!" Right back at her feet I went. My strength was completely gone. The black haired female warrior standing over my sobbing body had thoroughly beaten it out of me.

"Kiss my foot or get up and fight you big cry baby." She commanded. Humiliation spread through me like a virus when I opened my quivering mouth and whined like a pussy. "L.Leave.. me.. al.alone." Lynn grabbed me by the hair and shoulder and forcibly dragged me to my feet. "SMACK!" Then she easily knocked me back down at hers. "Kiss my feet or fight pussy. Those are your only options." "Please.. L.L.Lynn. I.. don't.. want.." I pleaded again. She didn't listen. She yanked me back to my feet and smiled at the fearful look in my tear filled eyes when she drew back her female fist. "SMACK!" I collapsed like a limp dish rag. "Kiss it wimp. Kiss my foot or get your ass up here and fight." She ordered as she shoved it in my face. I was really crying now and completely scared out of my mind. "AAWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW!" "Sniff, sniff." "I SAID KISS MY FEET OR GET UP AND FIGHT! NOW MOVE YOU PATHETIC LITTLE WEAKLING!"

"DON'T MAKE ME LYNN! PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME!" I begged like a bitch. She grabbed me by the hair and jerked me back to my feet. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I screamed when I saw she was going to hit me again. "SMACK!" My legs folded up like a card board box and deposited me on the floor. "GET UP!" She commanded. I squalled my ass off. "AAWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW!" "Sniff, sniff, sniff." Lynn showed me no sympathy at all. She hauled me back to my feet and clutched a hand full of my T shirt to keep me up there. When I was steady enough to stand on my trembling legs without falling, she released me and stood back. "That's my good little boy. Now put up those weak pathetic arms of yours and fight." I dropped my head to my chest and totally broke down.

"AAWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW!" "Sniff, sniff." "Pl.please.. L.L.Lynn. I'm.. b.begging.. you. St.stop.. hitting.. I.. g.g.give.. up." "You just don't get it do you. I don't care if you give up. We're playing by my rules now. So I'll decide when you've had enough. I've wanted to beat you senseless for years. It's your fault Larry has to spend the next three months or more in that place. So you might as well shut your whiny mouth and put up your useless fists. Because I'm going to keep beating on you whether you fight back or not. Now do you understand you worthless piece of shit." My broad shoulders slumped down in defeat. Heavy tears saturated the front of my T shirt while I stood there bawling. It didn't faze Lynn one bit. She grabbed the front of my wet T shirt and smiled at my terrified look. "Are you ready to stare at my feet again you pathetic cry baby." "SMACK!" Down I went.

"You know the rules wimp. Kiss my foot or get up here and fight." My spirit was broken and my will had been crushed. But the thought of kissing her disgusting foot was to much for my male pride to handle. It took me a while, but I made it to my feet and was able to stand on my trembling legs. My muscular arms felt like they weighed a ton. But I managed to raise them and throw a punch with everything I had left in the tank. It struck Lynn right on the chin because she hadn't tried to dodge it at all. But it was so feeble and weak, that it didn't even move a single strand of her black hair out of place. I stood there sobbing while I waited for the punch that would put me back in the floor. Lynn didn't disappoint me.

"That was absolutely pathetic. Now I'm going to put you back at my feet. Let's see if you've learned your lesson and smartened up any. Now hold real still for me sissy." I didn't move a muscle. What was the sense in it. "That's a good boy." "SMACK!" I dropped straight down on my face like a sawed off tree falling. I landed right at her feet. "OK wimp. Time to make a decision. Kiss my foot like the bitch you are. Or get back up here so I can knock you down again. You have to choose one or the other, so take my advise and choose carefully." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! PLEASEEEEEEEEE!" I screamed like the bitch she said I was. Lynn jerked me up and held me steady. "Do what I tell you little boy." "SMACK!" "I'm tired of constantly repeating myself." "SMACK!" "You really don't have a choice in the matter." "SMACK!" "Because you're not man enough to put up a decent fight against me."

"SMACK!" "You may be older and a lot bigger then I am." "SMACK!" "But you're nothing but a weak little pussy." "SMACK!" "I could whip you with one hand tied behind my back." "SMACK!" "So you better start obeying my commands." "SMACK!" I was out on my feet. My large muscular arms hung limp at my sides, and my thick bulky legs were buckled and shaking. Lynn firmly held me up with her left hand while she mercilessly beat me with her right. There was nothing I could do to stop her. "SMACK!" I was back in the floor squalling my head off. I whimpered while I listened to her cruel laughter as she rubbed her foot in my badly swollen, battered face. "AAWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW!" "Sniff, sniff, sniff." "Kiss it pansy ass. Put those swollen lips on my toes and pretend you're in love with them. Or I'll drag you to your feet again and pound your ugly face to a pulp." She sternly threatened.

I began to beg again, knowing my pleas would fall on deaf ears. "PL.PL.PLEASE.. L.LYNN.. I.. G.GIVE.. UP! DON'T.. B.BEAT.. ME.. ANYM.M.MORE.. PL.PLEASE!" "I told you once you pathetic little weakling. You can cry and give up all you want. The only two choices you have, are fight or kiss my feet. She hauled me up from the floor and grinned at my terrifying screams of pure terror. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" "SMACK!" Down I went crying my swollen eyes out. "Now kiss my foot or get up." "AAWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW" "Sniff, sniff, sniff." I bawled like I've never bawled before. When she saw I wasn't going to obey her, she dragged me back up and held my trembling body in front of her. My legs didn't want to hold me up and threatened to collapse any second.

"You better start minding me and quit being so damn stubborn you little sissy." "SMACK!" I dropped like a rag doll with my swollen face right in front of her bare foot. "Kiss it pansy ass. Do it before I really get pissed off and beat you so bad you'll need medical treatment." "AAWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW!" "Sniff, sniff." "STOPPPPPPPPPP LYNNNNNNNNNNN! PLEASEEEEEEEE STOPPPPPPPPP!" I pleaded. She roughly grabbed me and dragged me up from the floor. "Shut your whining mouth you big cry baby." "SMACK!" Down at her feet I went, sobbing like a spoiled brat. Lynn wiggled her toes in my face again. "Are you ready to kiss my foot and beg me to stop beating you little man?" "AAWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW!" "Sniff, sniff, sniff." She laughed at my pitiful squalling, knowing she had me frightened out of my mind.

Shaking her head at my stubborn stupidity, Lynn roughly jerked me to my unsteady feet. "You're either a total moron or you love pain." She said as she blasted my chin with a bell ringing punch. "SMACK!" My severely swollen face slammed into the floor. I was praying Lynn would hit me hard enough to knock me out. Then I could escape the horrendous torture she was putting me through. But she seemed to know just how much power to put behind every punch. That way I would continue to suffer. "Come on you whiny little bitch. Kiss my pretty toes or get on your feet." When I didn't mind her, she picked me back up and let me have it. "SMACK!" In the floor I went at her feet once more. I opened my mouth wide and really squalled in pain. "AAWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "HAWWW!" "HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW!" "Sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff." "You really are pathetic." She said in disgust.

"Now kiss my foot you little punk." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO PLEASEEEEEEEEEE!" I screamed. "Then get your worthless ass up and fight." Lynn was beginning to sound like a broken record. The evil grin on her pretty face, told me she wasn't going to show me any mercy. But the thought of kissing her nasty feet really turned my stomach. I began to hate myself for being to weak to get out of this mess. I was thoroughly ashamed over the fact that I was lying at the feet of a female and sobbing like a spoiled brat. The size difference in our bodies was overwhelmingly in my favor. And my muscular male arms were much bigger then hers. So it didn't make any sense that she was mopping up the floor with me. But my severely battered face and pain wracked body, was positive proof it was happening. Lynn had reduced me to a weak little bitch and there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it.

When Lynn hauled me to my feet and put me back in the floor again, I knew I was beaten. I didn't have the courage to resist her anymore. My spirit had been totally destroyed by the raven haired warrior. And like it or not, my will belonged to her. "Are you ready to kiss my foot like an obedient little puppy? Or do I have to pick you up and rearrange your ugly face some more?" She asked with her hands spread out on her shapely hips. I wished with all my heart I could have told her to get fucked. But I was a chicken shit. A brutally beaten, scared out of my mind chicken shit. I looked at her bare foot and closed my tear filled eyes while I berated myself for being such a wimp. Then I surrendered and placed my swollen lips on her soft skin. I heard Lynn snicker triumphantly while I kissed her stinking foot like I belonged there.

"That's a good boy. Press hard so I can feel those thick lips on my skin. And do a good job, or I'll pick you back up and beat you half to death. Is that clear you little sissy?" She proudly asked. "Y.y.yes.. L.L.Lynn.. it's.. cl.clear. don't.. b.beat.. me.. anym.m.more.'ve.. won. I.. g.give.. up." I whimpered like a pussy. "Of course I won. I told you I could whip your ass. You're nothing but a pathetic weakling who thinks he's a bully. But when someone stands up to you, you start crying like a baby and begging like a bitch. Now shut your mouth and worship my feet like the submissive little pussy you are." She sternly ordered. I obeyed her command and firmly kissed her soft skinned bare feet. It was the most humiliating thing I've ever done in my life. But I couldn't handle anymore pain.

"That's a good little boy. Now open up so I can put my big toe in your big mouth." She said while laughing at her joke. "AAWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW!" "Sniff, sniff." My squalling mouth opened up and Lynn shoved her big toe all the way in. "Good boy. Now suck on it you little sissy." I sucked on her big toe as hard as I could. I heard her laughing above me and cried my eyes out at the shame and humiliation I felt. "Good job. Now lets see how you do with my other big toe". She said as she pulled her right toe out and shoved her left in. "Good boy. You're a very good toe sucker. I'll bet you've done this before. Haven't you pussy? I kept sucking and didn't answer her. I didn't think she really wanted me to. "I ASKED YOU A QUESTION WEAKLING! DO YOU WANT ME TO PICK YOU UP AND BEAT YOU SENSELESS AGAIN?"

My whole body trembled in fear at the sound of her angry voice. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" "I'M SORRY! PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!" I begged. "THEN ANSWER ME WIMP! HAVE YOU SUCKED TOES BEFORE?" "NO LYNN!" I answered with a quivering voice. "That's better pansy ass. Don't hesitate again or your ass will get a good spanking." "UNDERSTAND?" "Y.y.yes.. L.L.Lynn. I.. underst.stand." She smiled at my trembling lips and shaking muscular body. "Good boy. Now clean my toe real good or you'll piss me off." "Y.Yes.. L.Lynn." I sucked and sucked on her big toe while I lie there crying the whole time. It was so degrading to have to mind a female that was smaller then I was. But Lynn had completely beaten the defiance out of me. I was to scared to disobey and risk receiving more pain.

The taste of her feet was totally disgusting. I'm surprised I didn't throw up. But I knew I would get another terrible beating if I did, so luckily I was able to control myself. She finally pulled her big toe out of my mouth. "OK cry baby. Go back to kissing and begging." I kissed her silky smooth feet and begged her to leave me alone and let me go home. But Lynn wouldn't listen. Before I thought about what I was saying, I opened my mouth and pissed her off. "Come on Lynn, that's enough. Leave me alone. Please." She grabbed me by the shoulders and jerked me up to my knees. "YOU KNOW BETTER THEN TO RUN THAT BIG MOUTH OF YOURS! NOW I'M GOING TO SHUT IT FOR YOU!! I GIVE THE ORDERS HERE WIMP! AND YOU WILL MIND ME OR ELSE!"

She drew back her fist and I nearly pissed my pants. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Lynn repeatedly beat me while she held me in her tight grip. My poor face was swollen twice it's size and was completely black and blue. But Lynn showed me no mercy at all. I was helpless in her grip and totally defenseless against her raging anger. I cried like a lost little boy. "SMACK..SMACK..SMACK!..SMACK!" I was barely conscious when she drew back her fist to knock me out. "SMMMACK!" I was sleeping before I hit the floor at her feet. When she slapped me awake, I instantly began to cry again. She had me scared to death. "AAWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW! HAWWW!" "Sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff." Lynn had pulled off my jeans and shorts so my bare ass was exposed. I was smart enough to know what was coming next. And to weak to attempt to stop her.

She was sitting on my shoulders and had my arms pinned on my back. She easily held my weak muscular arms with only her left hand, so her right hand was free to hold her hair brush and spank my ass. "Time for your spanking you naughty little boy. You'll learn to keep your big mouth shut until I give you permission to speak. I'm the boss. You'll do what ever I tell you or get punished." She sternly explained. Lynn raised my head by my hair and bent her knees until the soles of her feet were in my face. She continued to bend her knees while forcing my head back, until it was firmly pinned against her butt. I tried to beg her not to humiliate me by giving me a spanking. But my voice was muffled by her smooth soles. All that came out was a pitiful muttering sound. "MMMFFFFFHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She just laughed and began to spank my bare ass with her hair brush.

"WHACK..WHACK..WHACK..WHACK..WHACK..WHACK!" I tried to scream but it was muffled too. My tears were puddling on both sides of my head from the awful pain. And the humiliation of being spanked like an unruly child by a younger female, covered my muscular body like a blanket. Lynn paddled my bare ass until it was bright red and on fire. I never cried so much in my life. She climbed off of me and pulled my trembling body up to my knees. "STAY!" "I'LL BEAT YOU FOR AN HOUR IF YOU MOVE YOU LITTLE SISSY!" She ordered. "AAWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "HAWWW!HAWWW! HAWWW!" "Sniff, sniff, sniff." I continued to squall while I obediently knelt there. I was to frightened and sore to try and get away. Lynn picked up one of her white socks and strolled back to me. "Good boy. You mind real good when you're scared. Don't you pussy?" She said with an evil grin.

She forced my sobbing mouth open and stuffed her white sock in it as far as she could. I knelt there like a docile little lamb without any thought of trying to resist her. Then she spread her hand over my swollen face and pushed my upper body back until my head was resting on the floor between my feet. She put her right foot in my tear stained battered face to hold me down there and stood up. With her hands perched on her shapely hips, she looked down and smiled at my fear filled black and blue eyes. She rubbed the sole of her foot in my face while I submissively lie there and whimpered. I cried harder from the shame I felt, because I was to much of a pussy to stop her from humiliating me. Lynn had easily proved I wasn't a match for her lethal female fists.

"Now listen closely you little weakling. I want you to thoroughly understand what I'm about to tell you. Stay away from Larry when he comes home. I don't want to see your ugly face around here again. If I find out you are meeting him some where else, I'll give you such a terrible beating that you may never recover. Is that clear you little pussy?" She asked in a no nonsense voice. "Yes Lynn. It's clear." I whined like a bitch. "It better be loser. We both know I can carry out my threat, because you're to weak and pathetic to stop me. So you better mind what I'm telling you if you want to remain healthy." She took her foot out of my face and removed her sock from my mouth when she dragged me to my feet.

Lynn grabbed the back of my collar and lifted me up on my toes. Then she quickly marched me to the front door. When we got there, she opened it and spun me around to look into my frightened eyes. "This is your only warning bitch. So you better mind me and stay away from Larry if you know what's good for you." She grabbed the front of my T shirt and drew back her right fist. The fear spreading across my face made her smile. "SMMACKK!" Her pile driving right cross hit me between the eyes and sent my muscular body flying. I landed in the front yard out cold. Lynn threw my clothes on top of me and laughed as she closed the door. I woke up a little later and put my clothes on before I ran home crying like a baby. I never went back. I was to afraid of Lynn and her hard hitting fist. She was the boss and I obeyed her wishes.