Lisa..My brother Kenny's demise. (Picture)

A Father and his brother both get beaten and humiliated by his sixteen year old daughter Lisa.

Lisa Benton

I was beaten senseless by my adopted sixteen year old daughter for the second time in two days. Lisa explained she had the authority in the house and now she was the boss. She owned me and I must obey her or suffer further beatings. I was totally cowered and in fear of her so I was agreeing with anything she wanted. I was getting along with Lisa much better since she convinced me I no longer had any say around the house. I was minding her completely but she still beat me occasionally even if I gave her no reason because she loved to do it. Or she would make me help her practice her wrestling holds so she could inflict pain on me that way. But on the whole we were happy. I was lounging around the house taking it easy, not realizing things were going to erupt and turn my day into one I will never forget.

Lisa stormed into the kitchen where I was making us some sandwiches and started screaming. "I WANT YOU TO FIRE MRS. BAKER RIGHT NOW!" Mrs. Baker was our part time maid who arrived three times a week and kept everything neat and tidy. I was very satisfied with her work and hoped to keep her for a very long time. "Whats the matter honey?" I asked. "I've told her never to go into my room and bother my things but she just won't listen. Half of my things are out of place and I won't put up with it anymore. I want her fired right now." Her green eyes were blazing with fury. I knew better then to try and talk her out of it. But as I said, I really liked Mrs. Baker's work and wanted to hang on to her. "Look baby, I'll tal." "SMACK!" That's as far as I got before she busted my lip and dropped me in the floor. "I told you never to argue with me wimp. Now get your ass up and call that stupid bitch on the phone." She sternly ordered. "Please Lisa let's tal.." "THATS IT!" She screamed cutting me off. Her blond hair flowed behind her while she stomped over and dropped down on me.

She grabbed my arms and slammed them down on the floor. Then she bent my elbows and brought my hands up close to my head. Now that I was under her control, she straddled my arms and wrists with her knees and firmly pinned me to the floor. She removed the white sock from her right foot and stuffed it in my mouth. "Can't let the neighbors hear your screams." She said with a smile. Lisa removed the sock from her left foot and placed it near us on the floor. "You know what I'm going to do with that after I beat you to a pulp, don't you wimp?" "SMACK! "YOU." "SMACK!" "NEVER." "SMACK!" "ARGUE." "SMACK!" "WITH." "SMACK!" "ME." "SMACK!" "IS." "SMACK!" "THAT." "SMACK!" "CLEAR?" "SMACK!" I tried to plead with her but the sock muffled my voice and my mouth was beginning to get puffy. "You have to be the dumbest man I know. Its a good thing I love to punish you."

"SMACK!" My eye started to swell. "SMACK!" My nose blew apart and felt mushy. "SMACK!" My other eye swelled up. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" My cheeks and jaw were aching. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" My mouth split and began to swell. "If you don't call that bitch and fire her I'll beat her just like this when she shows up. Do you want that wimp?" She asked. I could only shake my head no. She wouldn't understand my words with the sock stuffed in my mouth and I was uncontrollably crying. "Good boy." She picked up the other sock and rubbed it in my face to humiliate me. I could taste and smell her feet on the socks and I hated it. But I knew I couldn't stop her so I just laid there and whimpered. Fifteen minutes later she was satisfied with my punishment. She tossed her socks away and stood up.

Lisa helped me to my feet and spun me around. She grabbed my left arm and wrenched it up behind my back in a hammerlock. She firmly held my arm with her right hand and took hold of my collar with her left. Then she lifted up on my arm and collar to forced me up on my toes and marched me to the den. It was hard walking on my toes like that so I prayed I wouldn't stumble and make her angry. When we reached the den she sat me down in my chair. Then she applied pressure to her hammer lock and ordered me to pick up the phone and dial. I got Mrs. Baker on the line and tried to explain why I was firing her. But it didn't sound very convincing even to me. She was close to tears when I finally hung up. "Good boy." Lisa said patting my cheek. "Do you want me to call the service and get a new maid?" I asked. "No. You can handle her job from now on. It's not hard." She replied.

"Me?" I asked in surprise. She violenty yanked my arm up. "ARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "My arm. My arm." I screamed in pain. "P.please.. Lisa. You're.. g.g.going.. to.. my.. arm." I pleaded. "Shut your mouth and do as I say." She sternly ordered. "OK! OK! Please let up on my arm honey." "I will when I'm through with you now shut your mouth and listen. Don't worry about not having enough time to do the maids job because you'll have plenty. I want you to call the law firm and tell them you're quiting." "WHAT?" I asked in shock. "WHAM!" My head was slammed down on my desk and tears began to trickle down my cheeks. "WHAM!" My arm was almost torn from its socket while my face met the desk again. "Do you still want to argue with me wimp?" She asked in a no nonsence tone. "NOOOOOOO! NOOOOOOO!" P.please.. L.L.L.Lisa.. I'm.. s.s.sorry." I whimpered. "Good boy. Now pick up the phone and call the law firm."

My hand trembled while I dialed the number. My arm was near the breaking point and my face was swelling rapidly and hurt like hell. It was hard to speak without screaming or crying out in pain. But I knew I would get much more if I did so I gritted my teeth and accepted it. I got one of the partners on the line and told him I had had enough so I was quitting. He tried to talk me out of it but I refused to listen. "Good boy." She said releasing my arm. "Now go to the kitchen and make me something to eat while I go take a shower. Then you take a shower while I'm eating. And be quick about it because we're going shopping. Now move your ass." I knew better then to ask why so I scurried to the kitchen to do her bidding. Then I drove her to the Mall like she ordered. When we got there I followed her around like a docile puppy without asking any questions.

She finally entered the Uniform Shop so I assumed she needed a uniform for soccer or some school activity she was planning to join. My face turned as white as a sheet when she strolled over to the servant uniform section. "Pick out two or three of these maid outfits and go try them on in the dressing room." She commanded. I looked around to see if anyone was watching and turned back to my daughter. "Please Lisa don't make me do this." She got right in my face and her green eyes bore into mine. "Do you want me to give you a beating right here in this shop with all these people watching? Or are you going to shut your mouth and do what I told you??" I shook with fear because I knew she would carry out her threat. "Pl.please.. don't.. h.hurt.. me.. L.Lisa. I'll.. what.. ever.. you.. s.say." I whined. "That's my good boy. Now pick out a few and get your ass in there."

Shame spread over my face while I took three maid outfits to the dressing room to try them on. Luckily the first one I tried fit me pretty well. As we went to the counter to pay I was getting stares from quite a few ladies and it embarrassed me all to hell. I wanted to explain that I was buying them for our maid who wasn't able to come with us today. But that excuse sounded lame even to me. When we got back home Lisa made me put on the maid uniform and start cleaning. Tears were falling from my eyes while I paraded around the house doing what needed to be done. Lisa laid on the sofa and laughed as she looked at me. "You should be grateful I'm not forcing you to wear the heels you little sissy." She said with a grin. I was glad of that but I still felt ridiculous in the black and white maid uniform and the black stockings.

I felt totally humiliated every time I passed a mirror and saw my reflection. She forced me to wear the uniform all day and told me to wash it that night so it would be clean for tomorrow. "We'll have to get you a few more some day." She said smiling. I dared not say anything no matter how degraded I felt. The next day was one I would remember for the rest of my miserable life. It was Sunday so Lisa and I were both home when the door bell rang. I looked at her and she smiled. "Get the door Regina." She had started calling me that because she loved to humiliate me. So I hung my head in shame while I went to open the door. I knew that refusing would be much worse and more painful.

I was in total shock when my brother Kenny walked in. "WHAT THE HELL?" He said as I shut the door. "What are you doing here Kenny?" I asked. "Mrs. Baker called me close to tears. She wanted to know why she was fired and I promised her I would look into it. And the law firm called me and asked if I had any idea why you quit so suddenly. I know you don't need the money since our folks died and left us our inheritance. But I know you loved that job. But the hell with all that, why are you dressed in that maid uniform? What the hell's going on here Richard?" I just stared at the floor because I was afraid to speak. "Nothing is going on that's any of your business Uncle Kenny." Came the response from the sofa.

"Oh, hi Lisa." "HUH?" "What the hell are you talking about?" He asked. "Just what I said uncle Kenny its none of your business." He just stared at her for a second then turned back to me. "Explain all this Richard." "This is your last warning uncle Kenny you better heed it." Lisa threatened. "Shut up Lisa I'm talking to to my brother." He angrily told her. My face turned snow white and I started trembling. Lisa slipped off her socks so she wouldn't lose traction and pointed to the corner. "Go kneel in the corner Regina. And stay there if you know whats good for you." Kenny's mouth fell open when I scurried to the corner and knelt down. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING RICH?" He screamed. "He's doing exactly what I ordered him to. Just like you should have done Uncle Kenny. Now I'm going to teach you to mind your own business and show you it is much less painful to obey me." Again Kenny's mouth dropped open because he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Kenny is an executive in an Advertising firm and like me he never exercises much. The heaviest thing he handles is a pen or a chart pointer. He is slightly smaller then I am at 6 feet and about 180 pounds. And I was sure he had never been in a fight in his life. Like me before I knew better, he looked at Lisa and didn't see any danger. So when my 5 foot 2 inch 110 pound sixteen year old daughter advanced on him he merely laughed. I wanted to tell him that was a big mistake but I knew Lisa would just tell me to shut up. So I cowered in the corner and fearfully watched. Lisa convinced Kenny she was serious by punching him in the eye before he even realized it was coming. "SMACK!" He reached up to grab his eye with a grimace on his face to see if it was bleeding. He then looked at her and snarled while he began throwing roundhouse punches. Each one was designed to take Lisa's head off and put her in the floor. She easily avoided his onslought while periodically smacking him with rights and lefts. "SMACK!..SMACK!" Kenny slowed his attack when he began to tire out and Lisa stepped back smiling.

"You're going to be easier to beat then Regina was and she was pretty easy you little wimp." She said as she nodded at me in the corner. When I looked at her face I saw the familiar look that was always there when she was (putting males in their place) as she described it. It was lit up like a Christmas tree and her green eyes were sparkling like emeralds. You could tell she really enjoyed what she was doing. Lisa began systematically chopping him down while she toyed with Kenny. She dodged his pitiful punch and let him have it. "SMACK!" His eye was cut. She ducked another one and connected with two of her own. "SMACK!" His nose was flattened to his face. "SMACK!" His lips were split. She simply blocked the next one and swelled his other eye. "SMACK!" The next time he missed she worked on his abs with a couple and then landed a potent uppercut to his chin. "THUD!..THUD!..CRACK!" Kenny dropped to his knees in a daze. I'll give him credit. He kept coming even though he was doing no damage.

"GET UP WIMP!" "Your teacher is not through with your lesson." Lisa sternly ordered. I looked in Kenny's face when he rose to his feet and I could see the rage and confidence he had at the beginning was quickly turning to confusion and fear. I knew that look because it had been on my face many times. He couldn't understand how this could be happening which was exactly how I felt at the start of my training. And like me, he was finding out it was very real and very painful. "OK Kenny it's time to get serious. No more toying with you. You should have listened when I told you to mind your own business and get the hell out. Now you're about to painfully find out why you should have obeyed me." "SMACK!" "Can you see me out of that swollen black eye Kenny boy?" "SMACK!" "I guess not or you wouldn't have a broken nose now."

"SMACK!" "Your big mouth just got bigger." "SMACK!" "The other eye is cut and swelling." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" "Those cheeks are awful red boy." She said grinning. Kenny was beginning to tire and his legs were shakey. Lisa smacked him around the room like she was dealing with a three year old instead of a thirty year old man. She cut through his feeble defense like butter, while dodging every punch he threw. "SMACK!..SMACK!" Kenny's head was repeatedly snapped back and forth as she battered his face. "SMACK!" A right dropped him to the floor. "You men are all such pathetic weaklings." Kenny lie there moaning for a few seconds, then climbed to his feet again.

Lisa wasted no time. Punch after punch drove him back towards the corner I was kneeling in. As they reached me, I had to move out of the way while Kenny flopped in the floor next to me. He looked at me with his swollen face and begged. "Help me Richard for Christ sake." I turned to Lisa to plead with her to please leave him alone. "Honey. Pleas." "SMACK!" She knocked me in the floor next to him without letting me finish. "Bad choice Regina. Now I'm going to beat you both senseless." Although I was afraid, a thought buried deep inside of me erupted up into my brain. We were two fully grown men and she was a sixteen year old girl. Surely she couldn't beat both of us together. This was my chance to end this nightmare I was in and get back some resemblance of a normal life.

So I helped my brother to his feet and we faced the young blond fighter together. Two grown men with a combined weight of 380 pounds, against a five foot two inch 110 pound young girl. This was surely a total mismatch. But we were about to painfully find out, we were no match for my young daughter. We didn't stand a chance in hell of winning. Lisa backed up to the middle of the room and beckoned us to her with her finger. "Come and get your lesson wimps." She stood there in her pink short outfit and waited. She smiled as we walked toward her. Her beautiful face was glowing and her green eyes were sparkling. Fear ran down my spine when I looked at her. But I was committed now and my brother needed help. We should have stayed on the floor. Lisa began dancing on her bare feet and she became a whirlwind of movement. She fired punches from all angles. "SMACK!" To my mouth. "SMACK!" To his nose. "SMACK!" To my eye. "SMACK!" To his mouth. "SMACK!" To my nose. "SMACK!" To his eye. "SMACK!..SMACK!" To our chins. We both slumped to the floor. "Come on weaklings this is so easy I'm hardly getting a work out." She taunted.

We climbed to our feet and stepped to her sides so she was caught between us. We both threw rights and she ducked under them. Missing had us a little off balance. She popped up and grabbed us both behind the heads. Then she smacked our heads together face first. "WHAM!..WHAM!" We stumbled back slightly. "SMACK!..SMACK!" A hard punch to each of our mouths and we collapsed to the floor again. "GET UP YOU BIG PUSSY'S AND FIGHT!" As we stood up, Lisa began taunting while she battered us around the room. "SMACK!" "You should have stayed in the corner Regina." "SMACK!" "You should have went home when I told you to Kenny." "SMACK!" "Nice black eye Regina." "SMACK!" "Yours looks good too Kenny." "SMACK!" "Pretty soft nose you've got little man." "SMACK!" "Those lips are getting puffy you little sissy." "SMACK!" "Your lips are too wimp." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" "Your faces are swelling nicely." "SMACK!..SMACK!" "So are your eyes." "SMACK!" "You sissy's are pitiful." "SMACK!" "Isn't this fun pansy asses?" "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" We dropped like lead weights to the floor.

We laid there whimpering like babys. "P.please.. L.L.Lisa. I'll.. go.. h.home.." (sob) Kenny pleaded. Lisa stood there punching the palm of her hand. "Sorry little Kenny. Or is it Kendra? Yeah, I'll call you little Kendra from now on. Its to late weakling." I tried begging too. "Pl.please.. (sob) We.. g.g.give.. up. P.please." "Why do you wimps always want to spoil my fun?" She asked. Our faces were swelling quickly and we were shaking with fear and humiliation. "NOW GET UP YOU WEAKLINGS AND FIGHT LIKE MEN!" Kenny and I stood on trembling legs with tears flowing out of our swollen black eyes. We raised our fists to fight. "Good girls. Now lets continue your lesson." We might as well left our fists at our sides because they were useless against the young blond tormentor.

"SMACK!" My mouth split open. "SMACK!" Kenny's eye was starting to turn black. "SMACK!" "How can you call yourselves men?" "SMACK!" "I'm only sixteen wimps." "SMACK!" "And a GIRL!" "SMACK!" "Stop me if you can." "SMACK!..SMACK!" "I guess you can't." "SMACK!" "Isn't this fun girls?" "SMACK!" "It is for me." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" We were beaten senseless while we stumbled around the room. Our arms were dangling useless at our sides and our heads were hanging to our chests. Our faces were swollen and bruised, our eyes were turning black, our noses were broken, and our legs were buckling with every punch. Whimpers came from our busted split lipped mouths and tears were falling like waterfalls down our multi-colored cheeks. we could offer no resistance and cried from the shame we felt.

Lisa was enjoying herself immensely. "SMACK!" "You sissy's are pathetic." "SMACK!" "You wimps can't fight at all." "SMACK!" "You're just pansy asses." "SMACK!" "Useless little weaklings." "SMACK!" "You'll know your place when I'm through with you." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Down we went. We lay at her feet while crying and begging. " We.. g.g.give.. up. We.. g.g.give.. up. (sob) L.L.Lisa." (sob). She looked down at us and laughed. Grasping my hair and blouse, Lisa pulled me up off the floor. "Time to go to sleep wimp so close your little eyes." "SMACK!..SMACK!.. SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" I stood there for a few seconds out on my feet. My head back and my arms dangling useless at my sides. It was like my body had short circuited and I couldn't move it. Then I rocked slightly and slumped to the floor at her feet. I was sound asleep. Lisa smiled.

She picked Kenny up and he wailed like a frightened child. "Your turn to take a nap sissy." She grabbed his shirt to hold him up. "You should have listened to me Kendra." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" He was asleep before he collapsed to the floor at her feet like a wet sack. Lisa slapped me awake and dragged me over to lie next to Kenny with our heads pointing the same direction. She picked up her pink socks and came back to us. She straddled Kenny's chest and pinned his arms to the floor with her knees. She reached down to grab me by the collar and raised me to my knees. She stuffed her pink sock in my mouth and bent my head back toward my feet. She slipped her left arm around my neck and easily held me there in a Dragon sleeper while I looked up at the ceiling. She had us both thoroughly pinned and immobilized.

Looking at Kenny, she smiled and slapped him awake. "I told you it would be much less painful to mind me Kendra. But you wouldn't listen." "HELP RICH! H.H.HELP M.M.ME!" He screamed. "He can't help you Kendra. He's having a little trouble trying not to pass out." She stuffed the other pink sock in his swollen mouth and he whimpered. "Time to learn your place Kendra." He tried to plead but the sock choked off his words. "You." "SMACK!" "Will." "SMACK!" "Learn." "SMACK!" "Your." "SMACK!" "Place." "SMACK!" "Kendra." "SMACK!" "Or." "SMACK!" "Else." "SMACK!" Tears stained his swollen face as he tried to beg. "MMMFFFFHHHHHHHHHHH!" "I can't understand you sissy boy." Lisa said grinning. "You." "SMACK!" "Will." "SMACK!" "Mind." "SMACK!" "Your." "SMACK!" "Own." "SMACK!" "Business." "SMACK!" "From." "SMACK!" "Now." "SMACK!" "On." "SMACK!" "Kendra." "SMACK!" "IS THAT CLEAR WIMP?" All he could do was shake his head yes. "IT HAD BETTER BE YOU PATHETIC WEAKLING!"

Lisa tightened her left arm around my neck and I passed out. She released me and I flopped over on my face, sleeping like a baby. Now with both fist, she turned back to Kenny. Fear spread across his face when he saw what was coming. And he knew he couldn't stop her. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" She put Kenny to sleep too. Lisa stood and kicked Kenny and I over on our stomachs. Then she knelt down and slapped us awake. Removing the socks from our mouths, she ordered us to start kissing her bare feet. She forced me to do this on a whim after my second beating and discovered she loved it. We each placed gentle kisses on a silky soft bare foot while she sighed with pleasure.

I was used to the smell and taste of her bare feet even though I hated it. But Kenny wasn't. After a few kisses he made a noise like he was disgusted. Lisa went off. "Keep kissing Regina if you know whats good for you." She ordered. She reached down to grab Kenny's arm and violently twisted it. He really screamed in pain. "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" "YOU SPOILED MY GOOD FEELING KENDRA! I SHOULD BREAK YOUR PITIFUL LITTLE ARM!" She hatefully screamed. "Oh.. G.G.God. l.let.. me.. g.g.go.. L.L.Lisa. (sob) I'm.. s.s.sorry. He pleaded with her. I.I'll.. g.g.good. (sob) L.L.Lisa. St.stop." (sob) "THIS IS YOUR LAST WARNING SISSY BOY!" "OK! OK! Pl.please.. l.l.let.. g.go." (sob) Lisa released his arm and it flopped lifeless to the floor.

Kenny resumed kissing her bare foot like his life depended on it. And I think it did. She was very pissed. We both kissed her silky smooth bare foot and toes for ten minutes while she moaned in ecstasy. She ordered me on my back so I could service the soft sole of her foot for another ten minutes. Then she had us switch so Kenny good kiss her smooth skinned sole as she mashed his swollen face. She sighed with pleasure one last time before she ordered us to stop. She reached down and dragged Kenny to his knees. Then looked into his badly swollen eyes. "I'm getting a little hungry so I need you weaklings to sleep for a bit while I eat." She curled her fingers into Kenny's shirt and drew back her fist. "SMACK!" She punched him in the mouth and he slumped to the floor out cold. She raised me to my knees and let me have it too. "SMACK!" I was unconscious. She went to the kitchen while we slept.

When she reentered the room Kenny had awakened and was slowly crawling toward the door. She grabbed him by the back of his collar and dragged him back to the center of the room. Lisa laughed at his feeble attempts to stop her. She dropped him next to me and placed her bare foot across his throat. "Stay there while I get what I need Kendra. Or I'll beat you senseless again." "DO YOU UNDERSTAND WIMP?" He croaked out a yes before she lifted her foot from his throat. Walking to the sofa, Lisa picked up a throw pillow and strolled back to us. She placed the pillow under Kenny's head which slightly lifted it off the floor. Lisa picked up Kenny's legs by the ankles and brought them back toward his head. She placed a foot beside each of his ears with his toes down. He was now bent in half. She kicked his arms into the position she wanted and stepped over each of his legs with one of her own.

Kneeling down, she trapped his legs with hers and placed her knees on his arms and wrists to completely pin him to the floor. He couldn't move a thing. His whole body was totally pinned and immobilized. She reached over to grab me by the hair and pulled me to her. Lisa is a fanatic about personal and feminine hygiene. She takes two and sometimes three showers a day. And each time she uses the bathroom she takes a wash cloth and washes all of her feminine parts with soap and water. She takes no chances she might stain her beautiful clothes and panties. I thought to myself, Kenny should be grateful for this. Because I knew what was coming. She had pinned me like that before and it is very humiliating.

Lisa reached down and grabbed Kenny by the hair. She held his head in the up position and sat her pink shorts butt down on his face. She pulled me up to a sitting position with my back to her and put me in a sleeper hold. Lisa applied pressure to the sleeper hold and wiggled her ass in Kenny's face. She was really enjoying herself while laughing at our weak struggles to free ourselves. In about two minutes our arms flopped to the floor and we stopped struggling. My sixteen year old daughter had put us both to sleep at once. As we slept, Lisa picked up one of her teen magazines. She strolled over to the chair and sat down. She was sitting there reading when I woke up. "Get over here Regina. My feet need attention." I crawled as quick as I could so she wouldn't get angry. I was lavishing kisses on her bare feet when Kenny moaned. "Crawl to me Kendra and be quick about it."

When Kenny reached her she kicked me to one side. "Just kneel at my feet Regina like a good little girl. And keep your big mouth shut if you don't want me to hurt you." Lisa grabbed Kenny by the head and hauled him to his knees in front of her. Her green eyes bore into his swollen black and blue eyes. She could see the fear covering his face and was delighted. "Kendra sweety." "DO YOU KNOW YOUR PLACE NOW?" She asked? "Y.Y.Yes.. ma'am." He whined as his body shook with fear. "PL.PLease.. L.L.Lisa. Just.. l.l.let.. me.. g.g.go.. h.home." (sob) He pleaded. "In a bit little girl." She replied. "You see that I am in charge here don't you Kendra?" "I AM THE BOSS!" "When you come to visit, and you will or I will come to your house and drag you here. You will obey me like Regina does." "IS THAT CLEAR SISSY?" "Yes.. ma'am.. its.. I.. will.. m.m.mind.. you.. L.Lisa. I.. sw.sw.swear." He whimpered. (sob) "That's my good little girl Kendra."

"I know you will never tell anyone about this Kendra. Because it would be very humiliating to admit a sixteen year old girl beat you until you cried like a baby. Right Kendra?" "No! I.. w.w.won't.. t.tell.. L.L.Lisa". He said as the tears flowed from the shame and degradation he felt. "Good girl. I'm proud of you. Now. Each of you take a foot and kiss it with your swollen lips. I'll let you go soon Kendra." So Kenny and I each kissed her silky soft, smooth bare foot all over. Sighing, Lisa finished reading her teen magazine.