Laura and Lucy humiliate two Defensive linemen. (Pictures)

Two Defensive linemen try to free Bruce and Brad from slavery.

Superbowl weekend was coming up. Bruce explained to Laura that the team always congregated at his house every year to watch the game and have a party. He knew the house belonged to her now so he begged her to let him have the guys over. Since he had been on his best behavior and accepted his place as her slave Laura consented to let him have his party. As long as he understood that he must clean up the mess when it was over. Failure to clean it or do a good job would earn him a very bad beating. He accepted. Bruce talked to Miss Lucy and she agreed to let Brad come. He had been a good boy lately and seemed to be adjusting to his role as her slave. She wanted him to know that good behavior would earn him small favors once in a while, just as bad behavior would result in a thorough beating. The two girls decided it would be a good time for them to do some shopping and see a movie. Everything was set.

That Saturday the boys were allowed to go out on their own and pick up the refreshments. While they were gone, Brad took the opportunity to talk to Bruce about the life they were living. He wondered if he ever thought about trying to do something about it to change what happened to them. Bruce explained he loved the life he was living and wouldn't want to change it in any way. Brad let the subject drop so Bruce never thought anymore about it. That night, Lucy and Brad stayed in one of Laura's spare bedrooms so they wouldn't have to make the drive back the next day. Everything went smoothly so the girls had no idea Brad was planning something. Even though he had talked to Bruce about not living as free men, Bruce had no idea either. He assumed it was just idle talk. Everything was right with the world as far as Bruce was concerned. Brad felt differently.

The next morning the boys fixed breakfast for them all and Brad seemed perfectly happy. The men set up the tables for the refreshments while the girls checked the paper to decide what movie they wanted to see. The girls went to take a shower and get dressed while the men filled several coolers with beer so they wouldn't have to run to the fridge so often. The men finally had everything ready and the girls were set to leave. Final instructions and warnings were issued to the men before Laura and Lucy left for their shopping spree and movie. All seemed well. The girls had a ball. The movie they chose was very good and they found quite a few new outfits they liked while shopping. They had an early dinner and decided to shop just a bit more before returning home. The boys had really been good lately so they wanted them to enjoy themselves at their party. They knew if they went home early the boys would feel like they had to run everyone off. They really didn't want to spoil the boys fun. Besides, they were enjoying themselves as well.

They didn't know that trouble was brewing at home. Brad was obeying Lucy's orders out of fear and not because he accepted his fate. He saw this party as a chance to enlist some help to make him a free man again. He felt embarrassed to tell his team mates he needed their help to escape the clutches of a young girl but he decided a little embarrassment wasn't much to endure if he got his life back. Brad talked to everyone there but didn't have much luck. Some of the guys thought he was joking and didn't take him seriously. He was a large and powerful man so they couldn't believe he was being held against his will and forced to be a slave to a sixteen year old girl. It simply wasn't possible. Others wasn't sure if he was serious or not but they were married and didn't want to get involved in other couples lives. If someone tried to butt into their business they wouldn't take it kindly at all. So they ignored his request.

He did how ever manage to convince two Defensive linemen he was telling the truth. Ethan and Ivan were single and were wondering why Brad and Bruce never showed up at the clubs anymore. It was hard to fathom Brad needed their help to escape from a young girl. But he was always there for them when they needed his help so they believed him and agreed to help. They talked to Bruce but he told them he didn't want to be free. He was happy with his life. But Brad told them Bruce was being forced to do all kinds of terrible things so they came to the conclusion he was brain washed or something. They decided to save Bruce from himself. He couldn't possibly love the kind of life Brad was describing so Bruce must not realise what he was saying. He wasn't informed they intended to free him along with Brad but he would appreciate what they did for him when it was all over and he was a free man.

The game was over and everyone had gone home except Ethan and Ivan. Bruce was cleaning up the mess and not paying any attention to them. Laura and Lucy came home but used the side entrance so they wouldn't disturb the men and their party. They put their shopping bags in the bedroom and changed into the new bikinis they purchased. The two beauties decided to take a swim in Laura's heated indoor pool until all of the guests were gone. Just as they finished changing into the bikinis Brad burst through the door with two large men. Bruce was still cleaning up and didn't realise the girls had returned. All of a sudden he heard screaming coming from the bedroom and went to investigate. When he stepped around the corner and looked towards the bedroom he saw Laura and Lucy arguing with Brad, Ethan and Ivan. He took off at a dead run to stop the men from doing something stupid. He thought they understood when he told them to butt out. His next thought was of Brad talking about their life when they were out yesterday. He should have known this was coming.

Lucy Canton

Just before he reached the bedroom he saw Lucy punch Brad in the stomach. "THUD!" It was followed by an uppercut to his chin. "CRACK!..SLAM!" Brad hit the wall and slid down to the floor out cold. Ethan made a grab for Lucy. When Bruce saw Ethan grab Lucy he entered the room and screamed. "HEY!" It looked to Laura like he was in on this conspiracy because of the way he charged into the room. She didn't want to believe it but the proof was undeniable. A solid hay maker was delivered to his exposed chin as he rushed in. "SMMMACK!" Bruce collapsed into the corner sleeping like a baby. Ivan grabbed Laura. Ethan's 6 foot 3 inch 308 pound frame was struggling to hold Lucy in his arms. Her 5 foot 2 inch 102 pound body was wiggling like crazy while she kicked the hell out of his shins with her bare feet. She was finally able to break free and turned to Ethan with her fists ready to do battle. Ethan couldn't believe he was about to have a fist fight with a sixteen year old girl in a yellow string bikini. But there she stood right in front of him and she was angry as hell.

Lucy smiled when she turned to the big man and raised her fists. When she beat Brad into submission and turned him into her slave she discovered she loved the feeling of her fists striking a mans flesh. Here was a chance to tests her finely honed skills on another huge male. She had practiced diligently since her destruction of Brad to improve her fighting abilities. Now she could ascertain if it had been worth the effort. "I'm going to whip your ass until you're crawling at my feet and begging for mercy big boy. I don't know who you are but I know what you'll be when I get through with you. A big cry baby who'll be pleading with me to stop beating you. I know Brad put you up to this but you shouldn't have been stupid enough to listen to him. Don't worry wimp, you'll be a lot smarter after I'm through beating you senseless. Unfortunately you'll also be in a lot of pain." She informed him.

Ethan stared at her and laughed. She really couldn't believe what she was saying. He was three times her size and she was only a girl. "You've got to be kidding you little bitch? Look at my size and then look at yours. Hell I'll hold you upside down by your feet and paddle your bare ass until it's ruby red. You really don't think you can beat me up do you? You're just a fucking little girl. Now come to your senses before I have to hurt you bitch." He threatened. "You talk to much big mouth and I don't remember giving you permission to open your big pie hole. So I guess I'll have to shut it for you so you'll learn not to speak until I give the order. This won't take long at all." "SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Ethan was taken by surprise when she suddenly attacked. Female fists were spearing into his face and body at an alarming rate. Punch after punch landed and hurt.

He tried to throw some punches of his own to keep her off of him but the adept young female eluded them with ease. While he couldn't seem to avoid hers. They struck so fast it was impossible to know where the next one was headed. "SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!" Both of her slender arms were pumping like a well oiled machine that was set to run at fast speed. Her tanned skin and yellow string bikini seemed to blend together and form a streak of sun light. It blinded him so much he couldn't find her with his lumbering punches. She had no trouble finding him. "SMACK!" Lucy was enjoying herself tremendously. "SMACK!" The large man was easy to hit and so pitifully slow she could have evaded his devastating punches with her eyes closed. "SMACK!" A bewildered look covered his face and she could see his confused mind was trying to find a solution to his problem. "SMACK!" But she could tell him there wasn't one. "SMACK!" He was going to get a very bad beating and there was nothing he could do to prevent it.

"SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SLAM!" His back struck the wall and he dropped to his knees before slumping to the floor on his face. "GET UP FATSO! YOUR FACE NEEDS REARRANGED A LITTE MORE!" Lucy commanded. Ethan lie there shaking his head. When his eyes came into focus he was staring at Lucy's bare feet. How the hell did I get down here? He asked himself. Did I slip and fall? Ethan climbed to his feet and faced her. "Good boy fatso you're learning to obey already. Now put up those pathetic male fists of yours and lets dance." Ethan let fly with a multitude of bone crunching punches. Each one was designed to take her head off and put her in the floor. Lucy easily ducked and dodged his pitiful attempts and frustrated the big man. Her firm young body was moving gracefully while she avoided all of his futile swings.

It was demoralizing to see a beautiful young girl one third his size evading everything he threw at her. She should be on the floor sleeping or at least crying and afraid to move. But instead she was standing in front of him laughing at his feeble attempts to hit her. He stepped up his efforts to crush the little bitch and repair his male pride but all it accomplished was to tire him out faster and make her laugh at him even more. When his punch count considerably slowed and the strength behind them disappeared Lucy took it to him. "Let me show you how it's done." "SMACK!" "Now pay attention you big pussy so I don't have to repeat myself." "SMACK!" "Do you see how easy it is if you know what you're doing?" "SMACK!" "Ohhh man I'll bet that one hurt." "SMACK!" "But then again they all hurt when I punch." "SMACK!" "Wouldn't you agree sissy boy?" "SMACK!" "That's a nice black eye you have little man." "SMACK!" "Now the other one matches it." She teased.

Ethan's thick legs buckled and he nearly went down. He was slightly off balance when her next punch exploded on his wide open jaw and spun him completely around. "SMACK!" Ethan dropped to his knees and his upper body fell against the wall. Lucy grabbed his wrists and pulled his huge arms back while she planted her bare foot against the side of his head and pinned it to the wall. Roughly yanking back on his arms while she twisted his wrists brought a loud scream from his swollen mouth. "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "MY ARMS MY ARMS! PLEASE LUCY YOU'RE BREAKING MY ARMS!" He squealed. "I told you to keep your big mouth shut until I gave you permission to speak. I guess I'll just have to show you what happens when you disobey me you pathetic little weakling. You better learn quick before I permanently hurt you." She said as she jerked his arms back again. "AAARRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "OK OK I'LL SHUT UP! JUST DON'T BREAK MY ARMS! PLEASE STOP LUCY IT HURTS!" He painfully begged.

Lucy worked on his muscular arms until she was sure they were useless. When she released them they fell lifeless to his sides and remained there. She grabbed him by the hair and bent his upper body back to wrap her left arm around his throat. Then she knelt down on her left knee and pulled his head up snug to her body. Lucy smiled and began to beat his mid section with her right fist. "THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!" Ethan was completely helpless in her grasp and unable to defend himself. By the time she finished turning his stomach into soft tissue the big man was nearly out on his knees. Lucy stood and threw his large frame in the floor. Then she patted his cheek with her bare foot until his eyes flew open. "On your feet pansy ass." She ordered. Ethan lie there scared to death. A sixteen year old girl dressed in a yellow string bikini had turned him into a sniveling coward. He hated to admit it but he was afraid to get up.

"Please I've had enough. You win." He whimpered like a bitch. "I'll tell you when you've had enough little man not get on your feet." Ethan shamefully began to cry. "Please.. L.Lucy. I.. give.. up. Don't.. b.beat.. me.. anymore. Please.. have.. m.mercy. I.. give.. up." Lucy smiled and dragged him to his feet. "You better learn to obey me weakling. When I say get up I mean get your ass up. Let me show you what happens when you don't mind me." When she raised her fist his swollen face turned completely white with fear. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" He screamed. "Shut up wimp." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Ethan staggered back from her onslaught of punches and was bawling his head off. "SMACK!" His eyes rolled back in their sockets and he collapsed at her feet. He was sound asleep. Lucy looked at his battered face and smiled. Both eyes were nearly closed and his mouth was puffing and bleeding. His broken nose was mushy and his cheeks were swollen like balloons. Cuts, bruises and abrasions thoroughly covered his badly swollen face. Lucy turned to see how Laura was doing.

Laura King

Ivan didn't fare any better then his buddy Ethan. He had a good grip on Laura's 5 foot 5 inch 105 pound body but she was fighting like a wildcat to free herself. Suddenly she threw her head back and totally shattered his nose. "WHAM!" It hurt like hell and he turned loose of her real quick. His large 6 foot 5 inch 326 pound frame wasn't prepared for the feminine fists that came crashing into his face when Laura spun around. Her black hair and black string bikini was a blur of motion while her hard hitting punches found their mark. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Ivan was being driven back by her furious assault. Her left arm worked like a firing piston as jab after jab landed in his face. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" A right hook or left cross was occasionally mixed in to keep him off balance. His ball glove size hands were to busy trying to ward her off to mount an offense of his own. But for each punch he was able to stop, three others connected with exact precision. His nose was broken by her head butt so he was having trouble breathing. And his very surprised face was rapidly swelling with many visible cuts showing everywhere.

Ivan tried to grab her again and get her under control but her curved feminine body was a whirling dervish. He just couldn't seem to get a hold on anything and keep it in his big hands. And she was so damn quick that dodging her punches was next to impossible. They landed where ever she aimed and they landed hard. "THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!" He knew he was in trouble when his eyes wouldn't focus and his head was spinning like a top. Bright stars were floating over his head by the thousands. They seemed to be getting bigger and were a multitude of colors. "SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!..SMACK!" If his face and body wasn't in so much pain it would have been a beautiful sight. Like a glorious Fourth of July celebration. Only this one was going off in his head. His thick legs buckled and he stumbled side ways to try and maintain his balance. "THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!" Two hard fists sank into his mid section before a right cross to his temple dumped his muscular body in the floor.

Laura stood over him with her fists clenched at her sides and a very pissed off look on her beautiful face. She didn't recognize the big man lying at her feet but that meant nothing to her. Bruce was the only one on the team she used to fantasize about. The others were just big men surrounding her idol. But now her idol was her slave and property and this male specimen was trying to take that away from her. He was about to get the beating of his life for not minding his own business. And Bruce was going to be next. "GET YOUR ASS UP YOU BIG PUSSY. I'M GOING TO TEACH YOU TO KEEP YOUR NOSE WHERE IT BELONGS!" She threatened. Ivan looked up at the young female who was speaking to him. Her voice seemed to be coming from very far away and he couldn't understand a word she was saying. His brain just wasn't functioning properly. "I SAID GET ON YOUR FEET YOU BIG WIMP AND I MEAN NOW!" She angrily told him. Ivan vigorously shook his head and her words became clear. He remembered where he was at and what was happening. He got up.

When Ivan reached his feet, Laura went back to work on him. Female fists tore into Ivan's face and body with no remorse. The big man was staggering and stumbling with every punch while she beat him around the room. "SMACK!..SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!" His head was flopping up and down like a bobble head doll. His bulky legs turned to water and wouldn't hold him up. "SMACK!" His large body landed at her feet so hard it bounced. He was so out of it he could offer no resistance when Laura straddled his back. She slipped her slender arms under his oak tree limbs and clasped her hands behind his thick neck. While firmly holding him in the full nelson she planted her bare feet out to the sides for leverage and scooted down to sit on his lower back. Then she jerked his upper body off of the floor and leaned back as far as she possibly could. "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" A painful scream escaped his mouth when he was bent to the breaking point. "PLEASE LAURA YOU'RE BREAKING MY BACK! LET ME GO! OH GOD PLEASE LET ME GO!" He pleaded.

"Shut up you weak little bitch or I will break your puny back. You stuck your nose in where it doesn't belong so I'm going to teach you how painful it is to mess with me. I'm going to break your pathetic body while I destroy your spirit and will. You'll soon be crawling at my feet and blubbering like a little baby. The idea of sticking your nose into my affairs will never cross your feeble mind again. Because you'll be so afraid of me you'll piss your pants if I order you to." She scolded. "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "OH GOD IT HURTS! PLEASE LAURA LET ME GO! I'M BEGGING YOU! LET ME GO!" "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "I told you to shut your big mouth didn't I? You better obey me if you know what's good for you." Laura kept the big man bent to the breaking point for quite a while. His back was in excruciating pain and his large muscular arms were completely numb. He repeatedly screamed and begged but she paid him no mind. When she finally released the poor man he collapsed to the floor whimpering and sobbing.

"Get up you pathetic little weakling I'm just getting started." She commanded. "Please L.Laura leave me alone. I don't think I can g.get up. You ruined my back." He whined. "GET UP LITLE MAN! RIGHT NOW!" She said raising her voice. Ivan just laid there and bawled. He was in so much pain he was afraid to move. "If I have to pick you up asshole your beating will be much worse. Now get on your feet before you really piss me off." Laura warned. Ivan struggled to his feet but was standing on wobbly legs. His back was still in a great deal of pain and he had no feeling in his numb arms. His very frightened face turned even whiter when he saw Laura raise her fists to beat him down some more. "Oh God Laura please don't hurt me anymore. I give up. Please Laura I give up." He pleaded in a shaky voice. "Give up all you want whinny ass. I'm not through showing you why I'm the boss around here. So shut your big mouth and fight." She ordered.

Ivan tried to raise his muscular arms but they wouldn't obey him. His bulky legs were trembling and tears were running down his swollen cheeks like a damn had burst under each eyelid. Laura smiled and beat him to a pulp. "SMACK!..SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!" His trembling legs gave out and he flopped to his knees. Laura grabbed him by the shirt and tilted his upper body back to continue his beating. Ivan wailed like a banshee. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" He was sleeping on his knees while she viciously beat him senseless. She finally turned him loose and watched as Ivan crumbled to the floor on his swollen face. He was sleeping like a baby at her feet. She looked over to see how Lucy was doing and noticed her big man was also out cold and lying at her feet. "I think it's time to humiliate these two idiots Lucy. What do you say?" She asked. "Sounds good Laura. Do you have any ideas?" "As a matter of fact I do." Laura replied with an evil grin.

The two girls completely striped the big men before Laura dragged Ivan over to where Ethan lie. Lucy pulled Ethan's arms back and placed his hands above his head. She knelt across his wrists with her knees and clutched his two middle fingers in her left hand. Laura placed Ivan on top of Ethan's body in the 69 position and knelt down above his head. She put his arms on his back in a double hammerlock and took hold of his two middle fingers with her left hand. Laura grabbed Ethan's penis in her right hand and fondled him until he had a raging hard on. Lucy did the same with Ivan. When they both were rock hard the giggling girls slapped the men awake. "OK wimps, here's what we want you to do. Suck each others dick until you both cum. Follow my orders like a good boy Ivan or I'll break your fingers. Then I'll pick you up and beat you within an inch of your miserable life."

"Understand bitch?" Laura sternly asked. "Yes.. L.Laura. Please.. d.don't.. break.. my.. f.fingers." He begged with tears in his eyes. "The same goes for you Ethan. I'll break your fingers if you don't comply with my wishes. Then I'll beat you senseless for the next two hours." "Is that clear?" Lucy asked in a no nonsense tone. "Yes.. L.Lucy. What.. ever.. you...say. Just.. don't.. hurt.. me.. again. Please... I'm..begging.. you." He whimpered. Laura guided Ethan's dick into Ivan's mouth and got a good grip on a handful of his hair. Lucy raised Ethan's head until Ivan's dick was deep down his throat. The two big men were bawling like babies when the two girls told them to begin. Laura pushed Ivan's head down and then jerked it back up while Lucy lifted Ethan's head and brought it back down. The two girls were giggling uncontrollably as they watched the two men suck each others dick. "I'll bet you a dollar mine makes your man come first Lucy." Laura said with a smile. "You're on Laura." "Get to sucking Ethan I don't want to lose my dollar." She commanded with an evil grin.

The two girls were frantically working their mans head to win the bet. Slurping sounds were heard between heavy sobs while the two muscular males were humiliated beyond their wildest dream. Both men began to move their hips in rhythm with the sucking mouth of their partner. The erotic feeling of getting their dick sucked, overcame the shame of being forced to suck one themselves. Lucy and Laura were cheering their man on to victory while laughing hysterically. A few minutes later Ethan let out a satisfying moan and shot his load down Ivan's throat and all over his face. Laura shouted in victory. "WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO WE HAVE A WINNER!" "DAMN!" Lucy said in disgust. "Ethan you just cost me a dollar." She roughly jerked his head up and down to punish him. About a minute later Ivan released his load. Some of it rushed down Ethan's throat while the rest of it splattered on his face. The two men were bawling like lost children because of the humiliation they felt.

Laura and Lucy dragged the two men to their feet and handed them their clothes. They each jerked an arm up their mans back and grabbed the scruff of his neck with their other hand. Then they yanked up on their arms to force them up on their toes and marched them to the front door. Laura opened the door and they dragged them out on the porch. "I want to know one thing before we throw you out on your ass. How did you convince Bruce to go along with this crazy plan?" Laura asked the crying Ivan. "We.. didn't.. convince.. him.. L.Laura. He.. told.. us.. to.. mind.. our.. own.. business.. because.. he.. was.. happy.. with.. his.. life. But.. we.. thought.. he.. was.. talking.. crazy.. so.. we.. decided.. to.. save.. him.. anyway." He explained with a whimper.

"So he had nothing to do with this whole mess?" She asked in confirmation. "No. It.. was.. B.Brad's.. idea." He replied. "Good for him. I don't want to see either one of you around here again." "Is that clear wimps?" She sternly told them. "Yes.. L.Laura.. it's.. clear." They replied shaking in their boots. "Good boys. Now beat it before we change our minds and beat you like dogs." They threw the two men off of the porch and went back inside. Laura and Lucy went back to the bedroom. Bruce was awake and leaning against the wall. When he saw Laura enter he covered up and pleaded with her. "Please Mistress Laura I didn't do anything. Please don't beat me." "It's OK Bosco I know you wasn't involved in their plan. I'm not going to beat you." She replied. Bosco groveled at her feet and loveingly kissed them in gratitude. "Thank you Mistress Laura I'm glad you believe me. I'm very happy with my life and never want it to change. I love you Mistress Laura with all my heart and soul." He declared. "That's sweet Bosco I'm glad you feel that way. I'm very happy with you too." Laura answered.

She sat down in the chair by the corner to watch Lucy deal with Brad. Bruce knelt at her feet and placed his head on her thigh. She stroked his hair and smiled as she heard him sigh with pleasure. Lucy was totally pissed off. She let Brad go to the party and even allowed him to go out with Bruce yesterday to get their refreshments. And he repaid her kindness by enlisting help to free himself from her bonds. "You really messed up you little bitch. You'll never be free so you might as well accept it. I own you asshole and I always will." Lucy dragged his crying body up from the floor and beat him half to death. By the time she was through he was crawling at her feet and repeatedly begging for forgiveness. Lucy sat on the edge of the bed and made him suck all of her toes. Then she forced him to lick the soles of her feet clean. When he finished she shoved his head between her creamy thighs and squeezed him unconscious. Before passing out, Brad admitted to himself that she had broken him. He would obey her for the rest of his life. His only thought was to do his best to please his Mistress in the future. Lucy had won. She knew all along she would. No pathetic male could stand up to a determined female for long. They were simply superior.