Kimberly dominates 5 men in the weight room. (Picture)

Kimberly takes over the weight room, by terrorizing 5 men into worshiping her fabulous body to feed her sexual needs.

Kimberly Grayson

Kimberly woke up in her spacious king size bed and was horny as hell. It was Saturday morning and all night long she had dreamed about the big man she destroyed in the cage Friday night. The poor man gave her multiple delicious orgasms before she finished him off. But the last one...ahhhh the last one was grand. Thinking about that glorious orgasm is why she is so damned horny right now. It was the best orgasm she had ever experienced. And she can't get it out of her mind. The broken man was on his knees with his upper body bent back. She stood over him straddling his shoulders with his arms clutched in her hands and his battered face mashed against her golden mound. Whimpering and sobbing sounds were mixed in with his slurping as he frantically worked his tongue to please the blond female fighter. The big man was frightened to death she would beat him further if she wasn't satisfied with his performance.

Kimberly was in heaven. The big man certainly knew what he was doing when it came to oral sex and he had the longest tongue she had ever felt. The orgasm was going to be stupendous. She felt her juices rising and knew they were about to flow out in a torrid rush. When it hit, she threw her head back and screamed with pleasure. Unfortunately she got so carried away with the euphoric feeling she twisted the big mans arms until they snapped. When she broke his arms he tried to scream but his mouth was forced to tight against her dripping wet pussy. His teeth and lips rubbing across her clit combined with his tongue buried deep inside and the air from his muffled scream rushing up her canal the orgasm was greatly intensified. So much so that Kimberly viciously twisted his broken arms again. The poor man passed out from the excruciating pain while Kimberly rode the exotic feeling to it's stupendous ending. When she came down and stepped away the big man slumped to the floor sound asleep.

She was lying in bed rubbing her pert breasts and luscious honey pot while she thought about that cataclismic orgasm. But rubbing herself just wasn't getting the job done. So she leaped out of bed and pulled her dressing gown over her peach colored silk pajamas. Then she shoved her bare feet into her high heeled bedroom slippers and bolted out the door and down the stairs. She urgently needed a wet tongue inside her and her step brother Cole was only a short distance away. When Kimberly charged through the door like the cops on a drug raid Cole instantly dropped to his knees and waited for her commands. He had long ago given up trying to resist the dominate young woman. It was much safer and a lot less painful to obey her orders. "Get your worthless ass over here wimp. I need that tongue of yours in me right now. Get it in deep and work it like a mad man or I'll beat you within an inch of your miserable life."

Cole scurried over to the easy chair she was sitting in and pressed his face into her wet pussy as hard as he could. Kimberly moaned with pleasure and began to buck her shapely hips. Cole worked his magic and she was shortly on the verge of a mind blowing orgasm. His talented tongue lapped continuously like a dog until she screamed and shot her feminine wad all over his face. They were both breathing heavily when her orgasm subsided. Kimberly reached down to stroke his hair while she praised his efforts. "That's my good little dog. You've learned to use that tongue of yours in just the right way to please me. I'm glad I found the one thing you can do well because you're useless at everything else. Now wipe your face and attend to my feet while I sit here and relax." She ordered. "Yes Master Kimberly anything you want." The submissive young man replied. "That's right wimp, anything I want. I do have you trained well."

Cole removed his shirt and wiped his face clean. Then he prostrated himself at her bare feet and gently kissed her smooth, silky skin and pretty toes while Kimberly lie back in the chair and sighed. With her sexual urges taken care of her well formed body began to descend from the exotic high that Cole had given her. After her lucious body had completely calmed down she kicked Cole away and stood up. "Good boy Cole your Master is pleased. I have some business to take care of so you can go back to your mundane life. I may need you later this evening so keep yourself available. Understood?" "Yes Master Kimberly. I would be honored to please you again tonight if that is what you wish." He passively answered. "Very good little one you have learned your lesson well. You're becoming the best slave any Master could hope to own. Just remember what I will do to you if you screw up." She reminded him in a stern voice. "It is always on my mind Master Kimberly. I won't ever forget"

Kimberly smiled as she walked out the door. For sixteen years she couldn't stand the sight of Cole and his male attitude. But now that he was her docile submissive slave she even missed him once in a while when she was to busy to go see him. Her life sure had changed since the day she gave him that terrible beating and discovered the sexual pleasure it gave her. But it had changed for the better, of that she was certain. And it would stay that way. Kimberly took a long, hot bubble bath and dressed to go see Mr. Falcone. He phoned late last night and asked to see her. It was a beautiful sunny day so she decided to wear her white sun dress with the little yellow sun flowers on it. It was thin and would keep her cool. She slipped her bare feet into her 4 inch white high heels and headed for her car. The boss man had mumbled something about fan mail and she was excited to see what he meant.

Kimberly parked her red Mustang and swung open the big door to the warehouse. She was warmly greeted by the guards that were strategically posted around the room. She smiled at them and walked toward the big mans office. When she opened the door and entered she was mildly shocked to see the boss man sitting in his chair behind five large mail sacks. "Hey Mr. boss man, your desk looks like a Post Office. What the hell is all that mail?" She asked. "That Miss Kimberly is why I asked you to come down this morning. This is all fan mail for you. Offers to become your slave, proposals of marriage and even men asking to spend one night with you for a large sum of money." He replied with a smile. "Really? Well I'll be damned. It looks like I'm very popular with the fight fans. It makes a girl feel all tingly inside to be loved so much. In fact, I'm getting very horny just looking at it. Send the guards outside." "NOW!" She commanded in a no nonsense tone. The big mans face turned as white as a sheet but he obeyed her order.

"I really wish you wouldn't talk to me like that in front of my men Miss Kimberly. I'll lose their respect and loyalty if I appear weak to them." He nervously told her. Kimberly grabbed the man by his hair and bent his head back. She could see the fear in his eyes when she got right in his face. "Keep your whining mouth shut. You'll obey my commands without question or pay the consequences. I don't care how weak you appear to your men. If you open your mouth about it again I'll make you get on your knees and service me while they watch. Is that clear?" She asked while glaring into his frightened eyes. Mr. Falcone was close to tears. The dominate young female scared him to death and he wasn't ashamed to admit it. "Yes Miss Kimberly. Please forgive me. I spoke without thinking and I'm sorry." He muttered. "You damn right you did you little pussy. Don't ever let it happen again. The one thing I will not tolerate is a slave that doesn't know his place. If I have to remind you about it again a beating comes with the warning. Understand?" "Yes ma'am." He answered while trembling like a leaf.

"Good boy. Now quit talking and start licking before you really piss me off." Mr. Falcone removed her white panties with shaking hands and pushed his face against her feminine treasure. Kimberly threw her gorgeous legs over his shoulders and leaned back on his desk. It wasn't long before moaning sounds of pleasure escaped her full, thick lips. Mr. Falcone lapped at her seeping cunt like it was his favorite food. She quickly soared to the sky and moaned with pleasure. The orgasm hit her with the power of a waterfall cascading down the mountain side. Her shapely female body bucked like a stallion as she ground her honey pot against the big man. His face was covered with her sweet juices that he wasn't able to swallow. Kimberly sighed with contentment and shoved him back with her foot. "Good boy. That was fantastic. You're going to be the best pussy licker I have if you keep performing like that. I'm very proud of you."

"Thank you Miss Kimberly. I'm so glad I was able to please you because there's nothing I love more then making you happy. I worship the ground you walk on my beautiful Goddess." He confessed. "That's sweet little man. Your Goddess is very pleased." Kimberly heard a loud clanking sound and her mood turned sour. "What the hell is that noise. I almost lost my concentration and ruined my delicious orgasm because of it. Someone is about to get a bad beating if it doesn't stop." "That's the men working out in the new gym I had built for you fighters. There's exercise equipment and bar bell weights to keep you all in tip top fighting condition. Since you and a few other new fighters have joined the club it's become a very lucrative business. I thought you all needed a place to help build up your strength and stamina so I had an exercise gym built for you. It's a nice room but it does get rather noisy sometimes." He explained.

"An exercise gym huh? I suppose I better go check it out. Be a good boy and have some of your men take my fan mail out to my car. I'm excited to find out how badly those pathetic males want my fabulous body. And what their willing to give up for the honor of serving me. I might even find a few more slaves in the batch to add to my stable." She rubbed his head like he was a loyal and obedient dog. "I may stop by and see you later little man so stay available." Kimberly walked toward the sound of clanking steel until she found the exercise gym. She noticed 5 men in the room when she entered the door. Two of the men, The Black Bear and Uri the Mad Russian she had beaten to a pulp in the cage. They cowed down in a corner when they saw the cruel blond enter the room. Two others were fighters she had seen before but hadn't fought or talked to. They also seemed nervous when they noticed her.

The fifth guy was one of the new fighters Mr. Falcone had mentioned. When he saw the beautiful young female he walked over to casually introduce himself. "Hello sweetheart. My name is Bronco Bardo. And who might you be?" "I'm your worse nightmare if you ever call me sweetheart again you puny little wimp." Kimberly replied. She already couldn't stand the big bastard because of his swagger and attitude. Bronco looked shocked to be called puny, especially by a young woman less then half his size. "What the hell do you mean puny you little bitch? I'm 6 foot 4 and 273 pounds of solid muscle." He sarcastically replied. "The only muscle I see is in your head fat boy. Now get your puny ass away from me before I give you the beating you deserve." Bronco busted a gut laughing at her ridiculous statement. "You must be crazy bitch. Let me show you something before you let your big mouth overload your ass." He strolled over and picked up the bar bell from the floor.

"This is 300 pounds of weight little lady. Now watch a real man in action. Then you can apologise to me before I paddle your cute little ass and send you on your way." Bronco hefted the large weight up to his chest and got his balance. Then with a mighty grunt he shoved it above his head. He held it there for a few seconds before dropping it to the floor. "How's that for a show of strength sweetheart? Now don't you have something you want to say to me?" He asked with a cocky grin. "I certainly do muscle head." Kimberly told him. "I gave you fair warning about calling me sweetheart. Now I'm going to show you why you should have listened." The other four men flattened themselves against the wall to get out of her way. Bronco had no idea what was about to happen to him, but they did. Kimberly removed her sun dress and white heels and approached him in only her white bra and panties. Bronco sprouted a large erection while he admired her flawless, smooth skinned body.

But his hard on didn't stay hard for long. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Kimberly tore into him like a whirling tornado. The big man was taken totally by surprise. Her hard feminine fists ripped up his face in a very short time. Before he realised what was happening he was helpless and at her mercy. But Kimberly wasn't going to show him any. "SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!" He was barely conscious when he dropped to his knees and slumped to the floor at her feet. Kimberly turned toward the other four men and strolled in their direction. The Black Bear and Uri the mad Russian cringed in the corner with fear covering their ashen colored faces. The other two stood nervously beside each other, concerned about what she planned to do. Kimberly reached the two men and grabbed the front of their work out jerseys. She pulled their frightened faces down and looked them straight in the eyes.

"Do either one of you wimps want to call me sweetheart or anything else?" She asked. "No ma'am." They both replied with quivering lips. "Good boys. At least some of you idiots have some manners. Now I'm going to give you some orders and I want them followed to the letter. Understood?" She asked with a sweet smile. "Good boys. We're going to get along fine. Just keep obeying and don't piss me off. I guarantee you wouldn't want me angry." She turned them loose and spoke to the other two. "You two get your asses over here." "NOW!" The Black Bear and Uri scurried over to fearfully stand in front of her. "Very good. All you little weaklings mind really well. That makes me happy. I'm not through teaching muscle head a lesson so I need you pansy asses to help me out. Is that clear?" The four men shook their heads yes, knowing their voices would crack if they spoke. "Good boys."

"OK Black Pussy. I want you on your knees in front of me with your ugly mug tilted back. Understand?" "Yes ma'am." He replied as he dropped to his knees. "Good boy." "I want you on your knees behind me Uri the useless. Is that clear?" "Yes Miss Kimberly." The frightened man fell to his knees behind her. "Very good wimps. I'm pleased you both are so obedient." Kimberly removed her bra and panties and stood in front of the four men as naked as the day she was born. They all had instant rock hard dicks while they stared at her perfectly shaped female body. She straddled the Black Bears shoulders and pulled his face up to her golden mound. Then she turned her head and snapped her fingers at Uri. "SNAP!" "Put that face of yours up against my ass real tight." Uri buried his face in her gorgeous ass without hesitation.

When she was satisfied with the two men's position she turned to the other two men. "You two pick up muscle head and bring him to me." They each grabbed an arm and hauled him to his feet. Then they dragged Bronco over to the dominating blond. She gripped him by the jersey with her left hand to hold him up and keep him steady. "Now both of you kneel beside a foot and kiss it like you're in love. Press hard with those lips or I'll bust them up for you." "UNDERSTAND!" The two men nodded yes and began kissing her bare feet like they belonged there. "Good boys." "Uri, get that tongue in my ass as deep as you can and lick like your life depends on it." "The same goes for you Black boy. Shove that tongue in deep and lap like a good little dog." The two men strained to stretch their tongues as deep as possible and licked like mad men. Their combined efforts coupled with the two kissing her bare feet had Kimberly ready to explode in seconds.

Kimberly smiled as she looked at Bronco's battered face and barely open eyes. "Don't worry I haven't forgotten about you you pathetic loser." Her right fist started pumping like a jackhammer. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" His face ballooned up and turned black and blue very quickly. Orgasm after orgasm spilled out of the beautiful young blond while the four men worked their magic. Kimberly was in orgasm heaven. Each orgasm made her feel stronger. She easily held Bronco up with one hand while she beat him senseless with the other. The four men worked frantically to please her and save themselves from a terrible beating. Her smooth, silky skin glowed from the erotic pleasure they were giving her. Poor Bronco was sleeping on his feet but she continued to pound away on his grotesque looking face.

After the sixth orgasm rushed out of her like a flooded river she decided it was time to switch positions. "SMACK!" Bronco hit the floor like a wet sack. "ENOUGH WIMPS!" The four men stopped and knelt there waiting for further orders. Kimberly stepped away from the Black Bear and turned to face the four men. "Uri, you and black boy remove your jerseys and wipe your faces." "You two go add 100 pounds to each side of the bar bell that muscle head threw in the floor after trying to show off." The four men done as they were told. Kimberly positioned Bronco on his back with his arms flat against his sides. The multiple orgasms she had just experienced made her feel like a super woman. The four men gasped in amazement when she reached down and picked up the 500 pound bar bell. She curled it up to her chest a few times to see if it was adequate for what she had in mind. Their jaws dropped to the floor. "Yes I think this will do nicely." She said smiling. "Good job wimps."

They couldn't believe their eyes when she carried it over to where Bronco slept. She handled the weight so easily you would have thought she was carrying a broom instead of 500 pounds. She placed the bar over Bronco's lower chest so it was positioned in just the right place to keep his body and arms pinned to the floor without crushing him. Satisfied, she knelt on his shoulders and sat her creamy wet, shinning muff on his battered face. "OK weaklings listen up" "Black pussy. I want you and the Russian sissy kneeling behind me. It's your turn to make love to my pretty bare feet. I want to feel those lips on my soles so press hard." "You two losers kneel on each side of sleeping beauty here. You get to fondle and suck on my perfectly formed breasts. Bite to hard and you'll lose some teeth." UNDERSTAND?" Their faces turned white as they nodded yes. "Good. Now all of you get to work. Do a good job and don't piss me off or you'll pay with blood and pain."

The Black Bear and Uri lavished the soles of her bare feet with firm kisses while the other two men fondled her pert breasts and sucked on her hard, pink nipples. Kimberly began swaying her beautiful body up and back as she ground her feminine treasure all over Bronco's battered face. The orgasms weren't long in coming. Stream after liquid stream continuously poured out of her. Each orgasm grew stronger then the last while the four submissive males did their jobs to perfection. Kimberly was able to concentrate on her orgasms rather then bark orders to some fool not taking care of his business. The dominate young blond rocked her shapely hips and moaned with pleasure for quite a while. She lost count of the mind blowing orgasms that spilled out of her golden honey pot. One last orgasm was building up to shoot out of her like a geyser. It was going to be spectacular.

It was near the top and ready to blow any second. Kimberly grabbed the hair of the two men at her breasts and mashed their faces against her. Then she screamed at the two kneeling behind her. "SUCK ON MY TOES YOU LITTLE WEAKLINGS! NOW!" The two men garbled up three toes apiece and sucked on them like a pacifier. The orgasm blasted out of her like there was 100 pounds of pressure behind it. Her creamy juices covered the sleeping Bronco's face and the floor surrounding his head. Kimberly screamed with pleasure while she rode the erotic ecstasy until it reached it's mountainous top and started descending back down. As it began to fall she pulled the two men away from her breasts and viciously slammed their heads together. "WHACK!..WHACK!" They collapsed across Bronco's upper body out cold. When it was finally over and her breathing returned to normal she pulled the other two off of her toes and threw them aside. She stood and dried her inner thighs and sopping wet pussy with their jersey's.

Kimberly dressed herself as the two men lie at her feet waiting for further orders. When she was through she commanded them to rise and stand in front of her. "You two weak little bitches obeyed every order I gave you and didn't cause me one bit of trouble. So I'm going to show my gratitude and not put you to sleep." The two men breathed a sigh of relief until she dropped the bomb on them. "I'm going to let you knock yourselves out." She said with an evil smile. Tears formed in their frightened eyes when they realised they had fallen for her trap. "Double up your pitiful fists and punch yourselves in the face as hard as you can. Do it right or I'll take over and make you wish you had obeyed me. Now when I say go, drive your fist into your face with all the pathetic power you can muster. Is that understood?"

Tears flowed down their cheeks as the two men shook their heads yes. "Good boys. Now get ready. GO!" They punched themselves in the face as hard as they could. "SMACK!"."SMACK!" "AGAIN!" Kimberly ordered. "SMACK!"."SMACK!" "AGAIN!" "SMACK!"."SMACK!" "AGAIN!" "SMACK!"."SMACK!" "AGAIN!" "SMACK!"."SMACK!" Uri's eyes rolled back in his head. He slumped to his knees and flopped over on his face in the floor sound asleep. Kimberly looked at the Black Bear with evil in her bright green eyes. "If you're not sleeping after your next punch I'll knock your head clean off of your shoulders." "NOW PUNCH HARD!" The frightened man wound up and hit himself with a solid hay maker. "SMMMACK!" His arms sagged to his sides and he dropped off to sleep. His body toppled over and slammed into the floor face first at her feet. "SLAM!" Kimberly couldn't keep herself from laughing. "Good boy wimp."

The dominate young blond surveyed the room with a large smile on her beautiful face. Five muscular males were lying on the floor sleeping peacefully. Three had busted up faces and two were sporting a very large knot where she had banged their heads together. "A very good day I would say." She said out loud as she headed for the door. "I must do it again sometime." With her beautiful body sexually satisfied Kimberly strolled out of the warehouse and drove home. A nice hot bubble bath was first on the agenda before making any other plans. In fact, since her Mother and Father were going to be home she decided to spend a quiet evening with them. The fifteen or so orgasms she had enjoyed today left her feeling quite content. The male species would be safe tonight from the dominate blond. But the beautiful male destroyer would prowl again soon. "SO BEWARE MEN! BEWARE!"