Kimberly beats Cole's hired muscle senseless. (Picture)

Cole hires a heavyweight goon to give Kimberly a bad beating, but she proves to be to much for him and he gets beaten senseless.

Kimberly Grayson

Cole couldn't take it anymore. For the last three weeks, Kimberly had shown up at the guest house three nights each week and on both nights of every weekend. She had used him every way possible as her sex toy and play thing. He had tried to stop her one last time on the first weekend night, but she had beaten the defiance out of him easily and quickly. That night she had been particularly cruel using him as her sex toy. So he had not tried to stand up to her again. She had completely cowered the big man and he was frightened to death of her now. He still didn't understand how his much smaller and younger sister could beat him like he was a little boy. But she could. She had proved it to him every time he had challenged her. He didn't have the nerve to try again. But he had to do something. She was getting totally out of hand with her sex games.

One night when she didn't come, he was reminiscing about the life he used to have before his Father shut him off and put him on the $5,000 a month allowance. He was smiling, thinking about the great parties and beautiful women that were so much a part of his life until his Father had stopped it. And his friends that always ran in the same circles. They were a swell bunch of guys. Especially Tyler. They used to do everything together. Not anymore though. When he thought of Tyler, an evil grin spread across his face. "THAT'S IT! DAMN! WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THIS BEFORE?" Tyler had once hired some muscle to take out a guy who was dating the woman he wanted. After the muscle beat the young man nearly to death, he stepped aside and let Tyler sweep in on his girl. Tyler had tired of her in a little over four months. But that didn't matter to Tyler. He had gotten what he wanted from the girl, so he dumped her. Ruining another man's life and his chance for happiness with the girl he loved, didn't bother Tyler one bit. As long as he was satisfied.

Cole called Tyler and got the information he needed. This weekend he would get his $5,000 dollar allowance, and he was willing to part with it to put a stop to Kimberly and her "I'm your master" attitude once and for all. The guy said he would meet him the next day. Cole was as happy as a young boy at Christmas when the guy agreed to the meeting. He had to get out from under Kimberly's heel. Cole was up early the next day. He was to excited to sleep. Visions of the guy throwing Kimberly's beaten, bloody body at his feet were dancing through his head. It made him smile and giggle like a three year old. All the mental pictures he was seeing was making him giddy and act crazy. And he couldn't wait for them to become a reality. There was a knock at the door so he jumped up from the sofa and ran to answer it.

Even he was shocked when he opened the door. He never met the guy Tyler had hired, he had only heard Tyler tell the story. Standing in the doorway was a human tank. Bubba was your typical muscle for hire. Shoulders as wide as the front end of a car. Legs as big as oak trees and arms as large as telephone poles. His hands were the size of ball gloves and his entire body looked as big as a house. He was 6 foot, 6 inches tall, and weighed 368 pounds. His whole body was solid muscle. Cole was elated. "You the guy that needs someone taken care of buddy?" "Yes yes, please, come in." Bubba had to turn sideways to get through the door. Cole almost laughed out loud because of his excitement. This guy could take care of 10 Kimberly's at the same time. He was about to get his revenge on his hated younger sister. God, life was grand. The two men discussed the deal and Bubba had accepted. Cole told him to return Saturday night just as it turned dark. He would give him the money and the key to the house.

Cole knew his parents would be gone on a little trip they had been planning for months. The servants were given the time off because Kimberly would be the only one home. And she was never there much. Kimberly was in the habit of coming to the guest house around 10:00 o'clock. So Bubba would be there in plenty of time before she left to come and visit Cole. Everything was working out perfectly. About 8:00 o'clock Saturday night, Bubba showed up. Cole gave him the $5,000 dollars and the key to the front door. He explained where Kimberly's bedroom was and told Bubba to bring her battered body to him when the job was finished. Bubba agreed, and left the guest house. It was really dark now, so he didn't have to sneak across the big lawn to reach the main house. He calmly walked over like he didn't have a care in the world. He had a job to do and had been paid. It was as simple as that. This was what he did for a living and he enjoyed it. Easy money tonight. He thought to himself.

Kimberly had taken a nice long bath. She usually didn't go to Cole's until about 10:00 o'clock, but there wasn't anyone else home. She thought she would go early for a change. The red lacy bra and panties she was going to wear tonight was lying on her bed. She had just finished brushing her beautiful blond hair and decided to go brush her teeth before getting dressed. She padded to the bathroom naked and picked up her tooth brush. With the water running, she didn't hear Bubba enter her room. He waited near the bathroom door, flattened against the wall. When Kimberly finished brushing her teeth, she checked herself out in the bathroom mirror one last time. Satisfied with the way she looked, she opened the door and stepped into her bedroom. Someone grabbed her around the waist. "Damn, you're brother didn't tell me you were such a fine looking piece of tail. I think I'll get a little pussy before I ruin your fine body and take you to your brother. How does that sound sweetheart?" Kimberly panicked at first. She never expected to be attacked in her own home. But when he started telling her what plans he had for her and her feminine body, she got thoroughly pissed. And when he mentioned Cole, she really got angry.

So that asshole Cole sent this idiot to do his dirty work for him. Cole is going to get the beating of his miserable life when I get my hands on him. She said to herself. But first I have to deal with the problem at hand. She hadn't gotten a look at him yet because he grabbed her from behind and hadn't let her turn around. She could tell by the size of his hands that he was a big man. But she couldn't tell how big. It didn't matter. She was pissed and her adrenalin was pumping. She found out soon enough when he turned her around to get a look at her body. "Let's see what the rest of you looks like sweetheart. Hopefully it's as fine looking as the back." He spun her around and held her out at arms length. "MAN!" "You are one fine looking piece of tail doll. Bubba's gonna have some fun knocking off a piece of that. Now you just cooperate sweetheart and Bubba will take real good care of you. Yes sirree, real good care. It sure was nice of you to be naked and waiting for me doll. Real nice. I don't need to waste any time ripping off your clothes."

Kimberly assessed the situation. The man was big. REAL BIG! But he wasn't thinking of her as a threat. That would work to her advantage. His mind and eyes were distracted by looking at her naked body. So that would work in her favor too. Like I've said before. She thought to herself. Men are so pathetic and weak. They see a little skin and their tiny minds think immediately of sex. They start acting like little boys and lose focus of everything else. With him holding her at arms length and staring at her naked body, she struck without warning. She swung her right leg up as hard as she could and kicked him right in the balls. "WHOP!" When he turned her loose and grabbed his crotch, Kimberly threw an uppercut from way down low. "CRACK!" It landed flush on his chin and his large body flopped to the floor on his back. As he lie there dazed and still clutching his balls, she began to repeatedly stomp on him.

She stomped on his stomach, his thighs, and his ribs. "STOMP!..STOMP!..STOMP!" When she stomped him in the face with her bare foot, the back of his head banged the floor pretty hard. "STOMP!..BAM!" He rolled over to try and get up, but she kicked his left arm out and he fell back to the floor. Kimberly stepped on his left wrist with her left foot to hold it in place and began stomping on the underside of his arm muscle. "STOMP!..STOMP!.."STOMP!" She done quite a bit of damage before he could get her off of his wrist. He tried to get up again, so she leaped in the air and drove both knees into his back. A loud scream escaped his mouth. "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"Kimberly grabbed him by the hair with both hands and slammed his face into the floor. "BAM!..BAM!.."BAM!" When he reached for her hands to make her turn loose of his hair, she took hold of his right arm with both hands. Then she turned her naked body so she was sitting on his shoulders facing his feet.

With her bare feet planted firmly on the floor on both sides of his enormous body, she pulled his right arm up between her legs and lifted it in the air. A hard yank produced another loud scream. "AARRGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She pulled on his arm as hard as she could and felt something tear. That brought another ear piercing scream. "AARRGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He kept flopping around and finally dislodged her from his back. She rolled away to safety. When they both reached their feet, she saw the hatred in the big mans eyes. "You little bitch. Bubba's really gonna hurt you now. Then I'm gonna fuck you so hard it will rip you apart. Nobody fucks with Bubba bitch. "NOBODY!" She noticed that the big man was limping slightly on his right leg. She must have stomped it good enough to a least give him a charlie horse. And he was holding his right arm up against his body. So she had been right when she thought she felt something tear when she pulled on it. He was in bad shape and she was pissed.

When Bubba charged her Kimberly's right leg shot up and buried her bare foot deep in his mid section. "WHAM!" He stopped dead in his tracks and bent over clutching his stomach. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Her hard fists went to work on his face with accurate punches. He was waving his left arm trying to ward her off while back pedalling. She kept up her assault with a smile on her beautiful face. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" He finally got over the surprise of being attacked by a naked young girl using her fists. Getting his feet under him, he threw a mighty left at Kimberly with deadly intentions behind it. When she ducked under it he tried to throw a right. But his large, muscular arm wouldn't do what he wanted it to do. She saw the pain spread over his face when he pulled his right arm back to his body. "What's the matter wimp? Did the naked girl hurt your puny little arm? Well that's not all I'm going to hurt you dumb ox. You're about to get the beating of your miserable life." She threatened.

Growling like a lion, Bubba went at her again. His large, thick left arm was firing massive missiles as fast as he could chuck them. But his great bulk added to the injuries Kimberly had given him made his lumbering punches slow and easy to evade. Kimberly laughed out loud at the big mans pitiful attempts. She occasionally threw her own female fists when the opportunity presented itself. After dodging three bone crushing punches she jabbed him in the mouth. "SMACK!" Three more sledgehammer blows were avoided before her right connected with his left eye. "SMACK!" Four more ham like fists flew at her trying to take her head off. And four more missed their target by a wide margin. "THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!" Kimberly drilled him in the stomach with two hard shots, before her right slammed into his jaw. The human tank stumbled back. "Ohhhh, that one hurt. Didn't it pussy?"

He came out swinging again with as much strength behind every huge punch that he could muster. Punch after punch with bodily damage written all over them was thrown at the blond haired gladiator. But his luck wasn't any better then his previous tries. With her naked body swaying like a harem belly dancer, they all missed their mark. Confusion spread across his large face when his destructive fist struck nothing but air. Wearing a big smile, Kimberly opened up on the monstrous man with a vengeance. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" His face became a swollen, bloody mess as she beat him unmercifully. Bubba's hateful look turned to confusion. That was followed by frustration and finally fear. The little blond hellion could hit hard and was easily able to avoid anything he tried to hit her with. This had never happened to the enormous thug before. And he didn't have a clue on how to deal with it. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!.."SLAM!" His broad back hit the wall and stopped his momentum. "SMACK!" Her solid right made him slide down the wall and stagger towards the middle of the room.

Kimberly knew she had the big man where she wanted him. The look on his battered face told her everything she wanted to know. He was used to his victim being afraid and not fighting back. Plus, she was a female and she would have bet her life that no woman had ever had the nerve to punch him before. It was a situation he had never faced, and he was completely lost for an answer. "How does it feel to be on the receiving end you big pansy ass?" "SMACK!" His nose shattered. "Just get used to it big man. Because I'm going to beat you silly for taking this job." "SMACK!" Now his mouth was busted open. "SMACK!" His jaw was aching. "Then I'm going to beat that stupid brother of mine until he can't stand up for a week." "SMACK!..SMACK!" Both of his eyes hurt like hell and one was cut open. "That's a bad looking eye you have there wimp. I think you might need a Doctor." "SMACK!" Her fist exploded against his chin and he stumbled back. "Stand still you big sissy." She scolded with a smile.

Bubba couldn't believe what was happening to him. He had never lost a fight in his life. Yet this sixteen year old naked girl was beating him like he was a little boy. He was over three times her weight and three times her size. But she was easily handling him. He felt something he had never felt before and he wasn't quite sure what it was. But if he had to guess, he would have called it shame. "You don't look very good asshole." "SMACK!" A solid right landed between his eyes. "Maybe it was something you ate." "SMACK!..SMACK!" Both of his cheeks were swelling up. "Like my hard fist." "SMACK!" That one felt like she cracked his jaw. "Let me feed you some more you over grown weakling. Then we'll know for sure if that's what is making you look so sick." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!"Bubba's tree trunk size legs buckled and he nearly went down.

"Yes. You definitely swallowed my fist little man." Kimberly laughed at her little joke and the fearful look on his large face. "And when I put you in the floor, you'll be chewing on my bare foot." "SMACK!" He staggered again. "You look like you're afraid wimp. Was it something I did?" "SMACK!" His thick legs buckled again. "Or is it something I'm going to do?" "SMACK!" Now his other eye was opened up and squirting blood. "Like beat you senseless while your helpless to stop me." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Her last barrage of solid punches turned his eyes glassy and his mighty arms dropped to his sides. He stood on rubbery legs while he stared out into space with unfocused eyes. He was totally defenseless and didn't even realise that Kimberly had reached up to curl her fingers in his suit coat to hold him steady. "For such a large man, you're just as much of a weak little pussy as that brother of mine. It looks like he hired the wrong muscle head to beat me up for him. Because you my little bitch are pathetic." "SMMMACK!" Down Bubba went.

As soon as his big body hit the floor, Kimberly was on him. Her bare feet went to stomping his whole body. "STOMP!..STOMP!..STOMP!..STOMP!..STOMP!" Bubba was clearly dazed from the terrible beating Kimberly gave him. When her foot slammed into his face and caused the back of his head to hit the floor, he was nearly knocked out. "STOMP!..BAM!" Kimberly humiliated the big muscular man by rubbing the sole of her bare foot all over his face. He was so out of it, that he began to suck on her toes when she shoved them in his mouth. Kimberly laughed. "I told you you would be chewing on my bare foot wimp. But I didn't say anything about sucking on my toes. Although that does feel real nice. You seem to be real good at it too little man. Do you still use a pacifier?" Kimberly removed her foot from his face and picked up his large left arm. "Lets make this one as useless as your other arm asshole. Then you'll be even easier to handle and completely at my mercy." Rolling him over on his stomach, she placed her foot in his arm pit and began twisting his large muscular arm as far as it would go.

When the pain registered in his brain, Bubba quickly came out of his semi conscious state. He screamed at the top of his lungs.."AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "Oops, did I hurt you bitch? I'm really sorry about that. Here, let me fix it for you." She gave his arm another hard twist and he screamed like a frightened little girl. "AAIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" "Damn, I must have hurt you again. I guess I don't know my own strength. How about one more try you pathetic little bitch?" "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" "OH..GOD! PLEASE..STOP! YOU'RE..GONNA..BREAK..MY..ARM!" He pleaded. "You shouldn't have taken this job if you're not man enough to handle it asshole. And by the sound of your little girl screams, I would say you're not. So shut your mouth until I give you permission to speak." Another hard twist and she felt something rip apart in that arm as well. "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" "MY..ARM! MY..ARM! OH..GOD! LET..ME..GO! PLEASE! LET..ME..GO!" He begged. "I told you to keep your big mouth shut you little bitch. Now I have to punish you for disobeying me.

Kimberly released his arm and straddled his large body. Pinning his useless, torn muscled arms to the floor was easily handled. "When I give you an order bitch, I want it obeyed immediately. So if I tell you to shut your mouth, then you clamp it shut. Now I have to show you what happens when you don't mind me." She raised her feminine fists and the big man began to cry. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Bubba hadn't cried in over thirty years. But he was bawling like a new born baby now. When the huge monstrous man started crying, Kimberly had an orgasm that rushed through her like a flood. When it subsided, she continued to beat his face until it was a mangled, swollen mess. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Her second orgasm poured out of her when she finally stopped and looked at what she had done. Bubba's tears were flowing like two waterfalls spilling down a mountain side.

"Have you learned to keep your big yap shut until I give you permission to speak wimp?" "YESSSSSSSSSSSSS! PL.PLEASE..ST.STOP..B.BEATING..ME! I..G.GIVE..UP..L.LITTLE..L.LADY! PL.PLEASE..D.DON'T..H.HIT..ME..A.AGAIN! I..G.GIVE..UP!" He whimpered like a bitch. Kimberly had her third orgasm when he began to beg her for mercy. "Will you obey my orders weakling?" She sternly asked. "Y.YES..M.MA'AM! J.JUST..D.D.DON'T..H.HURT..ME!" He whined. She smiled and climbed to her feet. His shirt was soaked through with her sexual juices. "I'm going to clean myself and get dressed so we can pay my brother a little visit. Kneel at my feet and don't move a muscle. Or I'll beat you until I knock your pathetic ass out." "IS THAT CLEAR?" "Yes ma'am. I understand." "Good boy." Kimberly padded to the bathroom and Bubba trailed along behind her on his hands and knees. He waited silently while she cleaned herself, and then followed her back to the bedroom. She put on her red lacy bra and panties while the big man meekly knelt at her feet. His huge body was trembling with fear while his tears began to trickle down his swollen, multi colored face again. When she was ready to go, she grabbed the back of his collar. "Get up sissy boy. And don't give me any trouble if you don't want me to beat you senseless again." Bubba submissively climbed to his feet. Kimberly marched him across the lawn toward the guest house. When they reached it she knocked on the door. Cole leaped up to answer the door with a large smile on his face. When he opened it, Kimberly placed her foot in Bubba's back and shoved him through the door. He collided with Cole and they both dropped to the floor. Kimberly stormed in and kicked off her slippers as she shut the door. She strolled over and kicked Bubba off of Cole and placed her bare foot across Cole's throat. He was helplessly pinned to the floor. "Get over there and kneel in the corner you big sissy. And stay there until I tell you to move." She ordered Bubba. "Yes ma'am." He answered with a whimper. Bubba was crying his eyes out when he crawled over and knelt in the corner. Cole began crying himself when he saw the huge muscular man follow her orders. He knew he was about to receive a very bad beating. "Crying is not going to help you pansy ass. You sent sissy over there to work me over because you're not man enough to do it yourself. Well he wasn't man enough either asshole. Now I'm going to give you the worse beating of your life. And we both know you can't stop me. So shut your whining mouth and get on your feet."

Cole was to afraid to get up so she picked him up herself. She beat him black and blue for nearly two hours. He bawled, begged, pleaded, and groveled, but it didn't do him any good. When she was through with him, he was sleeping at her feet and unrecognizable. She slapped Cole awake and sat down on the sofa with him kneeling by her right foot. She snapped her fingers and ordered Bubba to kneel in front of her left foot. He complied without the slightest bit of hesitation. They were both uncontrollably crying like spoiled brats. Kimberly placed her hands on the back of their heads and pushed their faces down to her toes. "KISS THEM YOU LITTLE BITCHES! AND I BETTER HEAR THE SMACKS AND FEEL YOUR SWOLLEN LIPS ON MY SKIN!" They both kissed her smooth silky skin and pretty toes while she sat back and waited for her orgasm to build it's way to the top. It didn't take long. It hit her like a speeding A train. She threw her head back and screamed with pleasure while it soaked her panties and creamy thighs.

She grabbed Bubba's hair and hauled him up to look into his frightened, swollen eyes. His lips were quivering and his large body was shaking with fear. "Don't ever let me catch you around here again wimp. Or I'll beat you until your own Mother won't recognize you." "IS THAT CLEAR PUSSY?" "Y.YES..M.M.MA'AM!" He said as his face turned white with fear. "Good boy. Now give me the money this little bastard paid you." Bubba took out the $5,000 dollars and handed it to her with trembling hands. "Good boy. Now get your ass up and get the hell out of here before I change my mind and give you another beating." Bubba climbed to his feet as fast as he could and ran for the door. Kimberly's laughter was ringing in his ears when he reached his car. He drove off squalling his tires.

She pulled Cole up to his knees and smiled at his tear stained, swollen, battered face. "As for you you little bitch. If I don't have ten orgasms in the next hour. You going to wish you were dead when I get through with you. Now get on your back and get that tongue of yours ready to go to work." Cole flopped over and lie down on his back like a docile lamb. His tears were rapidly running down his face. Kimberly had tamed him and now owned him completely. He didn't have the will to fight her anymore. His spirit and heart were broken, and his courage had totally evaporated. He was her play thing, her sex toy, and her personal slave. And he would be for the rest of his miserable life. Kimberly had won. She was his Master.