Jessica and her cheerleading Squad beat up the football team. (Pictures)

Jessica and her squad make the football team fear their fists.

Jessica Shaw was captain of the cheerleaders squad at high school. She was in her front yard practicing her cheers when her next door neighbor Kathy waved at her. They didn't exactly run in the same circles at school. But they had been neighbors and friends for years, so Jess went over to talk to her. Besides, her brother Greg was mowing the lawn and his face was pretty messed up. Jessica wanted the scoop on which guy or guys did it to him. She didn't really like Greg, so she thought it was funny someone kicked his ass. Jess smiled at her friend when she reached the porch. "Hey Jess, come on up and sit in the swing with me. You look a little pooped girl." Kathy told her. "Thanks Kathy. I was getting a little tired practicing my cheers anyway." She replied. "So hows the cheering going Jess?" Kathy asked. "Same old story Kathy. We worked our butts off last year trying to get the crowd into the game, while Butch and his cronies keep losing." She answered in a huff. "Yeah I know what you mean Jess. You think they would win a game once in awhile."

"That's just it Kathy. They're really pretty good. But Butch and his misfits don't have any school spirit. They only play because they get out of a lot of school functions and they think the jackets are cool. They probably could win quite a few games if they would put some effort into it. But they just don't care. We go back to school in a month and a half. And football season starts a month after that. I'm sure they will be the same this year." She answered sounding upset. "That's a shame Jess. I feel sorry for you girls doing all that work for a bunch of jerks that don't appreciate it." "Thanks Kathy. I'm glad someone understands what we girls are going through. OK, I've told you my problems. Now tell me about Greg's. What guy messed him up like that?" She excitedly asked. "Oh it wasn't a guy Jess. I did that." Kathy proudly responded. "Come on Kathy, quit fooling around. Give me the scoop girl." Jess pleaded. "I guess I'll have to prove it to you if you don't believe me. Just watch this." "GREG! GET UP HERE NOW!" She ordered her brother. He knew this was coming. She had to humiliate him in front of their neighbor. He scurried to the porch because it was less humiliating to obey her then to get a beating in front of Jessica.

He stood there with his head hanging down, hoping Jessica wouldn't see his battered face and the shame he felt because of obeying his sister. "Greg, Jess and I would like a nice cold glass of iced tea. So go get us one please. And Greg." "YOU DO NOT DRINK ANYTHING YOURSELF UNTIL I GIVE YOU PERMISSION! IS THAT CLEAR LITTLE MAN!" She sternly commanded. "Yes sis it's clear." He rejectedly replied. "Good boy. Now go." Greg entered the house to get their tea. Jessica sat there with her cute mouth hanging open. "MY GOD! You were serious Kathy. How on earth did you beat him so bad that he is docile and submissive to you?" She asked in surprise. "A friend of mine introduced me to a girl at school who knows everything about fist fighting. I learned in about three months. Greg tried to bully me today and I beat him to a pulp. Now he minds me because he fears I'll give him another beating. In fact, you might know the girl who taught me. Do you know Lisa Benton?" "Yeah I know her. We tried to get her on the squad. But she said she had other interests." Jess explained. "Yes she does. Training young girls to beat up anyone bullying or pestering them." Kathy answered.

"You think she could teach me? I sure would like to put Butch in his place." She excitedly asked. "She taught me. So I know she could teach you. In fact, she could teach your whole squad if the other girls are interested. Then you could take care of all the idiots on the team." Kathy offered. "Great idea Kathy. I'll ask them and see what they think. Thanks girl. You're a great friend." "That's what good neighbors are for." Kathy replied smiling. Greg returned with the two glasses of tea and handed them to the girls. "Thank you Greg. Now hurry and finish the lawn. You'll fix us dinner afterwards and I'm getting hungry." She advised him. "I don't know how to cook Kathy." The surprised young man said. Laying down her tea, Kathy jumped to her feet and grabbed Greg by the front of his shirt. She yanked his face down to hers so their noses were touching. "ARE YOU ARGUEING WITH ME YOU WEAK LITTLE PUSSY?" She asked with raised eyebrows. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! PL.PLEASE.. KATHY.. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO." He begged with fear. "THEN SHUT YOUR MOUTH! YOU WILL LEARN HOW TO COOK TONIGHT! IS THAT CLEAR WIMP?" "YES.. K.KATHY! IT'S.. CL.CLEAR." He whinned. "Good boy Greg. Now finish the lawn." She quickly spun him around, bent him over and kicked him in the ass. He landed on the lawn face first. Humiliation and shame spread over him because the two girls were laughing. He hung his head and walked to the mower crying.

Jessica talked to the girls that evening and they were all a little skeptical. But they were willing to go talk to Lisa and hear her out. Jackie was the first to ask what was on all of their minds. "If we go through with this. Who the hell is going to try and beat up Bruno (George) and Beef?" (Roger) Smiling shyly, Marie said. "I'll take Bruno. I know he's really big. But I think he's kinda cute." A giggle escaped Cindy's pert sweet lips. "Then I'll take Beef. Because I think he's cute too." "I get Mark." Jackie replied. "That boys going to be mine." "Well, I guess that leaves me with Alex." Shannon grinned. "That's fine with me." "OK girls. It's settled if we do this." They all giggled thinking about it. The next day, Kathy took them over to talk to Lisa. And in ten minutes, they were all convinced. Especially when they heard the tales from the other girls who had straightened out their brother or brothers and or pesky loud mouth neighbors. Jessica saw first hand what Kathy did to Greg. So believing the other girls stories was not hard. They began training that day.

School was back in session and football season began in one week. The girls had been training to fight with their fists for almost three months now. And Jessica was delighted with the way things had turned out. The girls were a little skeptical at first. But when they started training, they threw their whole body and soul into it. They were totally committed and learning fast. Jess felt they were ready if it came down to it. The squad was practicing their cheers when the coach called it quits for the day and let the team go. Butch and his gang headed toward them, smiling and joking around as usual. "Hows it going Simpson?" Butch asked. He like to call Jessica that because he thought she was a dead ringer for Jessica Simpson. But he told her it meant Lisa Simpson the cartoon character. Because she was bossy and always trying to change everything and everyone. "Don't worry about us Butch, we always do our job. It's the team you should be thinking about. Are you going to try and win a game this year? Or is it going to be the same old shit with you?" She asked. "See what I mean Simpson. You're always trying to change things. We're satisfied with the way things are, so leave it alone." He answered in a huff.

"How can you be satisfied losing every game you play? Don't you have any pride at all?" She asked shaking her head. "Sure we do. Pride in what we want to do and not bothering to worry about what anyone thinks about it, including you." He replied. "Right boys". "Right Butch. Let her have it." They all said." "Nah, she just doesn't know any better. Lets go boys." "It's going to be the same thing this year Jess." Jackie said. "Yeah." Chimed in the rest. "We have to do something." "Lets wait and see how the first game goes girls. Then we'll know what needs to be done, if anything." Jess replied. "OK Jess, you're the captain. But I know we'll have to do something." Shannon said shaking her head. "Yeah." They all agreed. Jessica felt it to, but wanted to give them a chance first.

The girls were working their butts off trying to get the crowd into the game. What crowd there was that is. The stands were getting fewer and fewer fans because of the team losing so much. It was half time, and they were only down by three points. So maybe they were going to do better this year. The team came back out on the field for the second half and the girls went into their routines to physic up the crowd. It done them no good. In the next ten minutes, the opposing team scored twenty one points and the crowd started to dissipate. Same old team. The girls thought.

"Jess, we have to do something." Cindy screamed. "They're doing it again." "I agree Cindy. Lets meet them as they come out of the dressing room and invite them to my house for their lesson in humility. You girls ready to do this?" She asked to be sure. "I'm in." Said Shannon. "Me to." Replied Jackie. "You bet." Marie screamed. "I can't wait." "OK girls. The cheerleaders are going to save the day and the team." The boys came out of the dressing room laughing and joking as usual. "Butch, how would you boys like to come over to my house tomorrow night for a party? My folks are away, and we'll have the house all to ourselves." Jessica said seductively. "Just you five, big strong handsome men, and us five pretty young cheerleaders." "Sure Simpson. But why the change of heart? I thought you girls didn't care for us bad boy football players?" He asked being skeptical. "We decided we can't change you handsome boys. So we might as well join you in the fun." She answered. "That suits us. And wear your cheerleader outfits. You girls look sexy as hell in them. Right boys." "Hell yes man. Lets do it." They said agreeing. "We'll see you tomorrow night then boys." Jess said with a wink.

"Here's how we'll work this girls." Jessica explained. "I'll take Butch to my room with me. Jackie, my brother is at college. So you take Mark there. Shannon, I've put up anything in my parents room that might get broken. You take Alex there with you. Marie and Cindy, the living room and den are the two biggest rooms in the house. Since you will have the two biggest boys, you can choose between you who gets which room." "It doesn't matter to me Cindy. Do you have a choice?" Marie asked. "Yeah. I'll take the den. It looks cozy to me." Cindy replied. "OK girls, were all set. Lets teach these boys some manners." Jessica said pumping them up. "Right!" They all agreed. The boys arrived on time and the girls were ready for them. Swinging her sexy feminine hips, Jessica went to Butch and placed her fore finger under his chin. She looked him in the eyes and smiled. "Butch, how about you and I go to my room so we can be alone?" "Sounds like a plan to me Simpson. Lets go." He said with a leering smile.

"You and I get her brothers bedroom Mark. Follow me big boy." Jackie said coquettishly. "Right on your tail." He answered breathing heavily. "We rate the parents room Alex. Is that OK with you handsome?" Shannon asked smiling sweetly. "Hell yes girl, lead on." He said with his tongue hanging out. "Lets you and I go to the den Beef baby. So Marie and Bruno can be alone." Cindy said while wiggling her finger at him. "Right behind you Cindy." He said checking out her ass. Jessica took Butch by the hand and led him to his massacre in her room. The young man followed her like a trained puppy with a foolish grin on his face. He was dreaming of what he wanted to happen tonight. He didn't know that his dreams were going to be shattered. Jackie and Mark were giggling like young kids as they headed to Jessica's brothers room. Mark because he had great expectations about tonight, and Jackie because she was leading a lamb to its slaughter. Cindy was holding both of Beefs hands and walking backward while shaking her shapely hips. The large young man had no idea he was about to get butchered. Shannon smiled at Alex and told him to follow her to their designated room. He shuffled along behind her in a daze, not realising the daze was going to become permanent. Marie was dancing around Bruno getting him all excited. The big burly young man had no clue that his destruction was about to begin.

Jessica closed the door to her room. Before she could turn around, Butch grabbed the cheeks of her firm beautiful ass. "Whoa big boy, we have all night. Besides, I need to get these tennis shoes off. Doing all that cheering wears a girls feet out. Would you mind helping me Butch baby? I think you would look cute on your knees at my feet." She asked rubbing his chest. "I'll help you take them off to speed things up. But lets not talk crazy about me being on my knees Simpson. It's not my style." "It was just a joke Butch baby. Don't get angry and spoil our fun. And would you mind calling me Jessica, at least for tonight?" "OK Jessica, no problem." He said as he knelt down and removed her left tennis shoe and placed it on the floor beside him. As he reached for her foot to remove the white sock, Jessica straightened out her leg and slowly raised it in the air. His eyes and head followed it automatically, which caused his chin to be in the air and exposed. She flexed her right leg and snapped her right foot up to connect with his chin. "WHAP!"

He flopped to his back seeing stars and dizzy as hell. Jessica slipped off her right shoe and both socks. Then she dropped on his stomach and drove the air from his lungs, which caused him to gasp for air. In his dazed condition, he didn't realise she had pinned his arms and wrists to the floor and gagged him with her sock so his screams wouldn't alert the others. Jackie was standing in the middle of the room holding her arms out with an invite for Mark to get a big hug. He imitated her by stretching out his arms as he walked to her. When he was near enough, Jackie grabbed his right wrist and began spinning him around in circles. He was running backwards slightly off balance and had to go where she took him. After building some momentum, Jackie released his arm and sent him flying towards the wall with her coming after him. "SLAM" His back collided with the wall and stopped him dead. Jackie was there to grab his head and slam it into the wall three times. "SLAM!..SLAM!..SLAM!" He slumped to the floor semi unconscious.

Shannon had Alex in their room and he was trying to grope her anyway he could. She was playing along setting him up. As he grabbed for her perky firm ass, Shannon let out a small groan. "What's the matter babe, did I hurt you?" He asked. "No. It's nothing you did Alex baby. I just got a cramp in my leg. We cheerleaders get them once in awhile from all the jumping around we do." "Do you think you could rub it out for me? You football players know all about cramps." She asked suckering him in. "Sure babe. Lets take a look." As he knelt to check her leg, Shannon drove her knee into his chin. "WHAM" Dropping the surprised young man to the floor. She swung her right leg and kicked him in the face. "WHAP!" Alex slumped over out cold. Cindy had Beef lying on the leather sofa in the den. "Can I call you Roger? I know you don't like it much. But would you do it for me please?" "Sure Cindy, what ever you want. But you have to do something for me." He replied with an evil grin. "What's that Roger? I'll do anything to please you. That's why were here sweetie." She replied. "Take off your top so I can see those firm young breasts up close and personal." He said staring at them. "It's a deal Roger. But you have to close your eyes while I take it off. I'm a little shy." She said acting coy. "Works for me babe. They're shut so start stripping."

While Roger was lying on his back with his eyes closed, Cindy sprinted over and leaped in the air. She slammed both of her knees into his large stomach and chest. "WHAM!..WHAM!" His eyes flew open as he tried to get his breath, and he flopped to the floor on his stomach. Cindy again jumped up and landed on the back of his head with both knees. "WHAM!..WHAM!" Knocking the big man out. Marie was still dancing while Bruno stood relaxing against the wall hooting and hollering for her to remove something. When she danced closer, Bruno reached out to grab her. Quick as a flash, Marie grabbed his right arm and jerked him toward the floor. She put her right leg between his and tangled them up so he lost his balance. He dropped to the floor and Marie was quickly on him. Slipping her arm around his throat and rolling him to her right, she was able to get her legs around his sizable middle in a scissor hold. As he reached for her arms, she powered her strong legs causing him to forget the arms and reach for her legs. He tried to scream in pain but her choke hold prevented that. Each time he reached for one hold, she applied pressure to the other. The confused young man couldn't figure out what to do. As he was pondering his dilemma, Marie was able to choke him unconscious.

Jessica was perched on top of Butch when he regained his senses. He tried to scream at her to get the hell off of him, and realised there was something stuffed in his mouth. "You can't scream Butchy because my sock is crammed in your mouth. How does it taste by the way? Since it just came off of my foot. I'll bet it doesn't taste very good at all. But since I'm in charge, you'll just have to accept it." Butch tried to buck her off, but she had leverage and he couldn't budge her. His next thought was to drag her off with his legs. But when he brought them up in the air, Jessica grabbed his left while dodging his right and savagely twisted it outward. He again tried to scream through the sock but it was hopeless. After twisting his leg a few more times, She let it flop back to the floor. "Now lie still Butch while I discuss why you're here and in this mess." He kept squirming, so Jessica decided to show him he had no choice but to listen. "I guess you need to learn who's in charge Butchy boy." "SMACK!" She punched him in the eye. "Now lie sill." That only made him squirm more when the pain flashed across his face. Jessica just shook her pretty head.

"Have it your way Butch. But you will see it my way before I'm through with you tonight." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" His eyes were red and sore, his lip was cut, and his nose hurt like hell. "Are you going to listen now Butch? Or do you need another demonstration?" She confidently asked. His face was on fire. But it wasn't in his nature to take orders from a girl. He bucked with all he had and didn't move her an inch. "OK Butch. Another demonstration coming up." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" This time his nose was broken and one eye was cut along with his cheek bone. "I can do this all night if you don't lie still and listen Butch." She warned. He decided to hear what she had to say. "Good boy. Now lets get down to business." Jackie had taken off her shoes and socks and stuffed one sock in Marks mouth. She was astride his back with both of his arms in a hammerlock when he came to. "Ahhhh, I see you are finally awake Markie boy. How does your head feel?" She asked with a grin. His muffled sounds made her smile. "Oops. I forgot you can't talk with my sock in your mouth. So I guess you will just have to listen."

Hearing that her sock was in his mouth, Mark started struggling trying to dismount her. Taking his right arm in both of her hands and trapping the left with her knees, Jackie began shoving it further up his back. He tried to scream when the pain hit him, but only gargled sounds escaped his sock filled mouth. "Now be a good boy and stay still Mark. Or I'll break your arm. You're the wide receiver for the team and you can't catch any balls with a broken arm. So lie still." He again tried to throw her off and Jackie became very frustrated with him. She shoved his arm up until it was near the breaking point. He screamed from the pain. "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "I SAID LIE STILL MARK AND I MEAN IT!" She scolded. He managed to shake his head yes so she let off of the pressure. "Good boy. Now listen closely." Shannon was kneeling on Alex's arms and wrist and had him firmly pinned to the floor when his eyes came open. "Hi Alex. How do you feel big boy? Did I hurt your little head?" She asked with a grin. He mumbled something she couldn't make out. "That was a rhetorical question Mark. You can't talk because my sock is stuffed in your mouth to minimize your screams. And you'll be screaming a lot before this night is over big boy."

He tried to shake her off of him. But she was firmly planted and he couldn't move her an inch. "You must quit that moving Markie, or I will hurt you. I only want to talk right now." He again tried to uproot her and Shannon began shaking her pretty head. "Dumb jocks. They always have to learn the hard way." She raised her fists and smiled. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Pain exploded through his face and he really began to thrash around trying to throw her off. "Lie" "SMACK!" "Still" "SMACK!" "Mark" "SMACK!" "so" "SMACK!" "I" "SMACK!" "Can" "SMACK!" "Talk" "SMACK!" "To" "SMACK!" "You" "SMACK!" His nose was broken and his mouth puffed up. And his eyes and jaw were in a great deal of pain. He finally decided to listen. "Good boy Markie. See what happens when you cooperate?" Cindy was sitting on the leather sofa with one bare foot holding down Roger's head, and the other on his broad back. His arms were up in the air in the grasp of her feminine hands. Roger's eyes fluttered open and he realised the position he was in. He opened his mouth to say something and noticed there was something in his mouth.

"Don't try to talk Roger. My sock is in your mouth and I wouldn't understand you anyway. So just shut up and listen." She ordered. When the big man found out he was chewing on the sock she had just taken off of her foot, he tried to squirm free and remove it. Cindy twisted both of his mighty arms in directions they weren't meant to go. "I told you Roger. Just lie still and listen to what I have to say." At 258 pounds and 6 feet 3, Roger wasn't about to let some petite little chick who was 106 pounds and 5 foot 4 to give him orders. Again he struggled to get free and Cindy really jerked his arms this time. The sock choked his words off. "MMMMMMFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!" "You have to learn I mean business Roger. So lie still and hear me out." He grunted out a yes, thinking he would beat the shit out of her after she was through. "Good boy Roger. Now listen up." Marie was sitting on Bruno's back with her bare feet planted on both sides of his head and his neck trapped between her ankles. His arms were bent back in her soft smooth hands. Bruno jerked awake when she lightly twisted one of his huge arms. "There you are Bruno. I thought you were going to sleep through this whole night." He noticed that her bare feet were right in his face. He tried to raise his 266 pound 6 foot 4 inch frame off of the floor to get away from them.

But Marie's 5 foot 1 inch, 103 pound body didn't budge. "Just listen to me Bruno and I'll let you up in a minute." Again he tried to roll his large body to get away from her feet and it made Marie very angry. She savagely twisted both of his large muscular arms while she screamed at him. "JUST LISTEN YOU BIG MORON AND I'LL LET YOU UP WHEN I'M FINISHED!" He calmed down and listened before she permanently hurt his arms "Good boy Bruno. Now we can have a polite conversation." Sitting astride Butch, Jessica explained the situation to him. "I want to make a pact with you Butch. The other girls are offering the same deal to your friends. We are tired of cheering for a bunch of losers who could win a game if they put out some effort. So here's the deal. I am going to let you up so we can have a fist fight. If you win, you get this body of mine when ever you want it. And don't say you don't, because I have seen you looking at me when you didn't think I was noticing." "If I win, and I will. You and your idiots will play your hearts out every game and try to win it. If you lose and I know you tried your best, then that's OK. But if I think you didn't try your best, I will beat you again right there on the field with everyone watching. So it's a simple deal. You win, you get me and I'm off your back. I win, you play like I know you can play to win some games for the dedicated fans that show up every week. Is it a deal Butch?" He shook his head yes with an evil smile on his sock filled mouth. "Good boy Butch, lets play."

All the girls offered the same deal to the guys and they accepted. Under those red and white cheerleader skirts was prime female meat. And they wanted it badly. They were all ready to rumble. Bruno had gotten to his feet and Marie stood back. Taking her sock out of his mouth with a disgusting look on his face, he looked at the jet black haired cheerleader and smiled. "You're going to pay for stuffing this filthy sock in my mouth. And I know just what payment I want to receive. That firm sweet ass of yours is going to be all mine in a short while. So prepare yourself." He said with confidence. "Big talk big man. Now step up here and prove it." Marie replied. Bruno hated to mess up that pretty face setting under that jet black hair. But if it got him into those red panties under that cute red and white skirt, then it was worth it. Besides, she made the deal. So it was her own fault. Marie was standing there with her small hands on her well defined hips while smiling at the large center for the team. She knew in his mind he saw no danger standing in front of him. But she was definitely going to show him he was wrong.


With visions of red panties in his large hands and firm young butt against his crotch, Bruno went at Marie with ham like fists ready to pulverize her. She just stood there with her hands on hips while he fired a big right at her head. She slightly drew her head back to make him miss. He threw a murderous left and the same thing happened. Another right and left missed while Marie dodged his efforts. It was grating on his nerves that he hadn't hit her and she wasn't even trying to defend herself. Four more punches were heaved at her smiling mouth. Marie simply moved her upper body with her hands still perched on her shapely hips and dodged them all. Bruno decided to change tactics and fired a hard right straight at her head. Marie moved her head to the left and the punch sailed harmlessly over her shoulder. Then she brought her knee up into his huge barrel like stomach. "WHAM!" The air escaped from his lungs and Bruno collapsed to his knees at her feet. She still had not moved from her spot. Marie grasped his hair with her left hand and pulled his head up and back. Then she preceeded to punch him with her right like a jackhammer. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Bruno dropped to the floor on his side. She had broken his nose, busted his mouth, and marked up his eyes. Marie had evaded nine thunderous punches from the mammoth of a man without moving her feet an inch. Bruno on the other hand was on his back in front of her with his face marked up pretty good.

Bruno climbed to his feet and was standing a little to her right. He fired a huge back hand fist at the female fighter while she continued to stand there with her hands on her hips. Bending her upper body forward, the punch sailed by without touching her. She popped back up and punched him with a left hook. "SMACK!" And a right cross. "SMACK!" Another left hook. "SMACK!" A right to his wide girth stomach. "THUD!" And an uppercut to his chin when he bent over. "CRACK!" Which deposited him back in the floor on his big butt. She still had not moved from her spot. Bruno was really pissed now. He gained his feet and charged Marie to drive her from that damn spot. But when he was near enough, she shot out her beautiful right leg and buried it deep in his soft stomach. "WHAM!" Bruno slumped to his knees again and nearly passed out from the pain. Lifting his head with the thumb and fore finger of her left hand, she smiled and drove three hard rights to his exposed face. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" He dropped to the floor sound asleep. His puffy lips were resting on her right bare foot. Marie placed her hands back on her hips and smiled as she looked down at his sleeping body. She still had not moved from her spot.

When Bruno came to his senses there was a pungent smell in his nostrils and something soft under his mouth. He opened his eyes and saw his mouth was resting on Marie's bare foot. He scrambled away from her and stood. "Ahhh there you are Bruno. I was wondering when you were going to wake up." The thought oh him lying on her bare foot because she had knocked him out with her girly fists was hard to accept. And that smirk of a smile was still on her pretty face. He had to change what was happening quick. Throwing punches as fast as his huge muscular arms would go, he tried to wipe that smirk off of her face. But her defensive skills were fantastic. Ducking, dodging, weaving, and swaying, he completely missed her with them all. Marie punched back to show him who was the better fighter by far. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" He was forced back. Angry about being knocked back by a girl, he stepped up and tried again. But he kept missing while she periodically landed hers. "SMACK!" His eye was swelling. He missed with three more big punches and was tagged again. "SMACK!" His mouth was busted. Four more hard male shots missed their mark. "SMACK!" His nose was flattened and it became hard to breathe. A right and left sailed by her head. "SMACK!..SMACK!" A right and left of her own swelled his eye and badly bruised his jaw.

Bruno stepped back. His face was in bad shape and really hurting. The only thought on his mind was to move her from that damn spot. It was like she was drawing energy and strength from it. He could kick her ass gooD if she were standing somewhere else. He circled her at a distance trying to figure it out. The bitch didn't even turn her head when he was at her back. IS SHE THAT GOD DAMN CONFIDENT? He said to himself. Since he was a football player, Bruno decided to tackle Marie and drive her from that confounded spot. Still standing behind her, he went to the wall about fifteen feet from where she stood. Charging like a bull elephant, he ran at her. When he was about five feet away, he dodged to his right trying to fake her out. But he was a center not a running back, so his movements were way to slow. Marie shot her fine looking right leg behind her. "WHAM!" It caught the charging young man in his very large stomach and stopped him dead. It went in deep which caused him to gasp for breath and he crumpled to his knees. Bending her knee, she flexed her leg back out and the soft smooth sole of her right foot slammed into his swollen face. "WHAP!" Dropping him to the floor again. She had done all of this on instinct. She had not even turned her head to look at him while she put him back in the floor.

Bruno climbed to his feet very groggy. It was so humiliating to be put in the floor by a young girl who had done it without paying any attention to him at all. Like he was not worth the time it took to bother with him. Like he was so easy to handle she didn't have to look at him to beat him. Like he was a toy to amuse herself with that she could discard when ever she felt like it. And she still stood in that God damn spot like a fucking queen or something. Giving up on sneak attacks, he went around to her face to confront her. Bruno delivered eight straight punches she was easily able to avoid. How the hell is she doing this? He asked himself. When he came at her again Marie decided not to wait. She opened up and repeatedly drilled him with her hard feminine fists. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Bruno dropped to his knees again. One more. "SMACK!" Put him on his back at her feet. Marie knelt down and grabbed his shoulder for leverage. Then she laid into him at will. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" He was asleep again when she finished. Standing, she placed her hard punching feminine hands back on her shapely hips and smiled as he slept at her feet.

Bruno awakened and slowly rolled to his hands and knees and made it to his feet. He looked at Marie as she stood there smiling with her hands on her hips. God she is so beautiful. How can some one that beautiful be so damn tough and hit so damn hard? He asked himself. Bruno raised his ham like fists and slowly approached her with absolutely no idea what to do. Marie didn't have that problem. He threw three punches that Marie simply blocked. He tried five this time and they too were batted away. Frustrated, he tried nine punches which drew the same results. Going out of his mind with shame from being so incompetent, he cut loose with a deluge of punches. Marie slapped them aside as well. He began to cry like a baby because of the shame he felt from being handled so easily. The humiliation was too much to bear for the gigantic young man. She was handling him like he was a two year old toddler trying to hit her. He raised his mighty arms for one more try and threw six more punches that she easily batted down. Great sobs were wracking his bulky frame while tears filled his swollen black eyes and stained his rainbow colored cheeks. He felt completely helpless against the petite young cheerleader. And the humiliation of that thought took over his mind. He tried to hit her again, but the two efforts were very pitiful tries.

His mighty muscular arms hung lifeless at his broad sides and his chin drooped to his chest. And his wide shoulders slumped in defeat. Great sobs escaped his throat while he wept like a child. Marie reached up and grabbed his shirt. Her punches were fired like pistons to his already mangled face. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Bruno dropped to his knees in front of her. Marie had to tilt him back a bit so she could see his battered face to punch him. Four more hard feminine fists were delivered between the young mans blackening eyes. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" She let go of his shirt and threw an uppercut to his exposed chin. "CRRRACK!" The force of the blow put him back to sleep and sent his head and upper body flying back to touch the floor behind him. The punch was so hard, his upper body bounced off of the floor and slowly began to rise back up. As it reached the apex, he slumped forward to land against her upper thigh. His head slowly slid down past the red and white pleated skirt and over her smooth feminine thigh. On down it traveled past her knee and calf, finally coming to rest at her feet. Bruno's lips were resting on her left bare foot this time. Marie placed her hands back on her hips and waited in her spot for the bulky young man to finish taking his nap.

Bruno awakened and noticed his lips were again resting on her bare foot. He made it to his knees when everything that happened to him came flooding into his mind. He was nearly three times her size. Yet she had amused herself while toying with him, handled him like an unruly child, and beaten him back while not looking in his direction. She had shown him she could handle him easily without warranting her attention to do it. He hadn't laid a hand on her, while his face was swollen, his eyes were black and blue, his cheeks multi colored, his mouth and lips split and very puffed up, and his body was totally wrecked and battered. She had put him to sleep many times, and twice he had awakened to be sleeping on her bare foot. And she did all of this while standing in one spot. As he remembered all of this, he knew he had been completely and totally beaten. His head slumped to his thick chest and his shoulders drooped down in submission. Heavy sobs of shame shook his mighty frame. Tears were flowing like a waterfall because he felt so humiliated and useless. Marie placed her hand on his head and stroked him like he was a broken hearted child. He looked at her beautiful smiling face and sobbed much harder seeing how small she really was compared to him.

His head dropped back down. As he looked at her pretty bare feet, his mind began to show him visions. She was no longer a mortal young female, but a Goddess sent to show him the error of his ways. That infernal spot became a pedestal for his Goddess to stand on while he worshiped her. He grabbed his shirt and ripped it open, tearing all of the buttons off. He tried to stem the flowing of his tears as he removed his shirt. He wiped his swollen battered face trying to rid it of the blood and tears that stained it. His beautiful Goddess should not get her feet wet from his tears, or stained from his blood. Throwing the shirt down, he prostrated himself on the floor in front of her. Bruno placed tender kisses on the feet of his Goddess while he worshiped her. Marie smiled as she stood there for a few minutes and let him pay homage to her and her feet. She finally ordered him to rise to his knees, and he immediately complied. She placed her left hand under his chin and gently lifted it up to look into his blackened eyes. "Do you know your place now Bruno?" She asked. "Yes ma'am I do." He softly whimpered. "Will you obey me in all things?" "Yes ma'am I will."

"I don't have to beat you further to show you you're no match for me?" "No ma'am you don't." Then you know I am the boss and in complete control?" "Yes ma'am I know you are the boss." "You do not have to fear my fists again as long as you obey me. Marie said. But I will beat you very badly if you step out of line. Is that understood Bruno?" She sternly asked. "Yes ma'am I understand. I will obey you from now on without question." He answered. "Good boy Bruno. I believe you know where you belong and will not misbehave. Now rise and carry me to the sofa please." Bruno stood and picked her up like she was a feather. The tears began flowing again when he felt how much smaller she really was compared to him. The shame and humiliation of how easily she had handled him filled him completely. Marie again stroked his head and soothed him. "I know how humiliating it was for you to be beaten up by me Bruno. But it had to be done. I've made a much better person out of you. You'll realise it in the near future. Just remember to obey me and you have nothing to fear. Now put me down please." Bruno gently sat her down like he was handling a beautiful fragile rose that needed to be treated tenderly. He automatically dropped to his knees at her feet and laid his head in her lap. "I really like you Bruno and I think your very cute. So you will be my boyfriend from now on. Is that clear?" "Yes ma'am. I would like that very much." He replied with a smile. "Good, because you really had no choice in the matter." She told him. Marie went back to stroking his head like he was a small child that needed to be consoled. She smiled as they waited for the others to finish.


Cindy had released Beef. As he removed her sock from his mouth, he snarled at the pretty blond and told her his plans. "I'm going to damn near kill you bitch for putting that sock in my mouth. Then I'm going to really enjoy myself with that fine body of yours when ever I feel like it." "News bulletin Beefy boy. You're not going to enjoy anything when I'm through with you. Except what I give you permission to enjoy. So shut your big mouth and lets dance." Beef thought this blond bitch was stupid. Hell he could break her in half without even trying. And she wanted to have a fist fight with him. He was nearly three times her size. She was really dumb. He didn't have any problem hitting a girl, especially if he got into her panties afterwards. Since she asked for it, he might as well give it to her and get to the fun stuff. Cindy was smiling as he came at her. He probably thought this was a cake walk. She would have to show him different. The teams mighty right tackle threw two punches to put an end to this shit. But they didn't tough her. Cindy laughed at him as she began to take the huge young man apart. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" She turned his face red from either her punches or the embarrassment of being hit by a girl. Beef looked at her like he couldn't believe she had hit him. "What's the matter big man? Did you think I was just going to slap at you like a little girl? You might as well get it through your big foolish head I'm serious." She told him.

The little bitch can hit hard for a girl. Beef thought as he went at her again. Dancing on her pretty bare feet, Cindy evaded everything he tried to hit her with. Being that he was so big, he tired early and slowed his attack. She started drilling him with fast hard female punches. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" "That's how you punch big man. You'll know how it's done before I'm through with you. Because your going to be hit with a lot of them." She had him pissed off now. Huge lumbering roundhouses and large hooks and crosses were thrown at her pretty mouth and perky little nose. But they only hit air. "Let me show you again big boy. Try and concentrate this time." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" The bulky young man stumbled back with a very surprised look on his marked up face. "You see how easy it is if you just concentrate Roggey?" Cindy told him grinning. Bewilderment was covering his chunky face as he again tried to hit the dancing young blond. And he became even more bewildered when he continued to miss. "You didn't learn a damn thing Roggey. And I hate having to repeat myself." She informed him as she laughed at her little joke. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" "Was you paying attention that time you big moron?" Damn his face hurt. What the hell was in her hand, lead weights or something. No girl could hit that hard.

Beef had to do something. They had been at it for almost a half an hour. and all he accomplished was to get his face bleeding and hurting while he was forced to listen to that loud fucking smart ass mouth of hers. Deciding it was time to put her in her place, he stood toe to toe with Cindy to slug it out. But he was the only one getting slugged. "SMACK!" "Can't seem to hit me can you big boy." "SMACK!" "But I don't seem to be having the same trouble with you." "SMACK"!" "So it's useless for you to continue pansy ass." "SMACK!" "Get on your knees and beg me little boy. I might quit hurting you." "SMACK!..SMACK!" "I don't think you can take much more of this." Beef flopped to the floor in a daze. That damn bitch can hit hard. What am I going to do? I'm more then twice her size, so why in the hell am I lying in the floor. I must get up and rectify this nightmare. As Beef stood before her, Cindy thought it was time to show him she was much more superior to the large young man. She began chopping him down like a tree. Her feminine fists became an axe cutting down a mighty redwood. "SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Beef tried to defend himself, but it was impossible. Her hard punches were taking a heavy toll on his bulky frame and chunky face. He was so large that her punches couldn't move him back. And his thick male legs wouldn't seem to work properly to take him out of harms way. Cindy kept cutting with her axe like fists, and all he could do was stand there and take the beating.

"SMACK!..SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!..SMACK!" The young mans arms drooped to his sides as they became useless to him. His mighty legs finally buckled and he dropped to his knees in front of her. Unable to reach his barrel like stomach anymore, Cindy concentrated on his big round face. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" He knelt there totally helpless while she rearranged his features with her small hard fists. She finally stopped to see the damage she had caused and his large frame fell against her nicely shaped legs. Cindy grabbed him by the hair and leaned his head back to admire her work. His eyes were black and starting to close. His mouth and lips were grotesque looking. His cheeks and jaw were bruised up pretty bad, and his nose was flat and slightly crooked. His entire face was swollen way out of proportion. Cindy knew he was through. He was sleeping on his knees in front of her, and she was pretty sure he had been unconscious for the last two or three minutes of the beating she had just put on him. Letting go of his hair and stepping aside, the mighty redwood tree of a man dropped to the floor. "I hope you come to your senses when you wake up. Or I will have to finish taking you down. I'm not sure you would survive another beating like I just gave you big man. So I hope you are smart enough to know that. Because I'll really hurt you if your not."

When he awakened, the only thought on his mind was that he had to beat her or else. He was a large football player who was used to meeting things head on. So that's what he did. Getting up in her face, he tried to take it off. Huge bone crushing fists were fired at Cindy. She smiled sweetly as she danced around them all. "Look out Beef, here I come big boy. Stop me if you can." "SMACK!" "I guess you can't." "SMACK!" "Are you getting the idea you're going to lose yet wimp?" "SMACK!" "Because you are pansy ass." "SMACK!" The bulky young man was totally confused. How the hell can I beat this blond headed bitch. Stepping up to her, he tried to pace himself so he wouldn't tire so fast. He tried two punches and Cindy dodged them both. He tried two more from a different angle and they missed also. As he was debating what to try next, Cindy opened up on him. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" He again dropped to his knees in front of her. "CRACK!" An uppercut put him to sleep again. Cindy slapped Beef awake with the hopes he had finally seen the light and would accept she had beaten him. He rolled around on the floor crying his eyes out, knowing it was useless to get up. But also knowing he had to. He wasn't the smartest guy on the team, but he was smart enough to know Cindy had easily beaten him up. And would beat him again if he got up. He just couldn't quit. He rose to his feet.

Cindy was tired of his stupid male ego getting in the way of the truth that was staring him in the face. He had to know he stood no chance when he got up. But he did it anyway. "MEN ARE SO DUMB!" She said as she laid into him with a vengeance. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" He was out cold after the third punch, but Cindy was pissed at his foolish male pride. Beef was startled awake from a dream about a pretty cheerleader beating him to a pulp. When he become fully coherent, he knew it wasn't a dream. She had systematically beaten him down a little at a time, until there wasn't much left. He was almost three times her size. Yet he was putty in her strong feminine hands. His tears began to flow freely. How could he face the guys when they emerged from their rooms with big smiles on their faces from the fun they had with their women. They would see his battered tear stained face and make fun of him. He couldn't let that happen. He must get to his feet and defeat this blond headed bitch or move out of town forever.

When he got to his feet, Cindy was shaking her pretty head. Foolish male pride was keeping him from seeing the truth. She would have to show him it was useless to challenge her further. Beef threw a mighty right and Cindy just blocked it and punched him. "SMACK!" He threw a roundhouse left and she blocked it. "SMACK!" Another right blocked. "SMACK!" A left. "SMACK!" One more right blocked. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" His legs folded up like a card board box and he dropped to the floor at her feet. He was sound asleep again. He again rose to his feet after waking, and tried to take her on. His heart wasn't really in it because he knew it was useless. But quiting just wasn't an option. Before he could strike, Cindy beat him to it. "SMACK!" "You are such an idiot Roggey." "SMACK!" "I'm just to good for you wimp." "SMACK!" "You can hardly stand now you little weakling." "SMACK!" "You will be lying at my pretty feet in just a bit." "SMACK!" "Sleeping like a baby." "SMACK!" "In fact, how about now big boy." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Beef dropped to the floor at her feet, sleeping like a baby. "I told you little man." She said grinning.

Cindy looked at his battered face and she hardly recognized him. It was swollen twice it's size and his eyes were nearly closed. If he didn't quit, she might kill him. She slapped him awake to see if she could talk some sense into him. "You better quit while you can still see and breathe Beef." The large young mans body was shaking with sobs. He couldn't stop the tears from coming, as they quickly covered his badly beaten face. He felt so ashamed to be crying. He tried to get up, but his thick legs just didn't want to work. He looked up at Cindy and stared at her beautiful blond hair and very pretty face. Knowing he wasn't man enough to take her, broke his heart. The will to fight left him and it was replaced by humiliation. Great sobs came from his badly busted mouth, because he felt so completely lost. He had been beaten to submission by a blond cheerleader half his size. Cindy went to console him and he was afraid she was going to beat him some more. A loud wailing scream escaped his swollen lips as he crawled to his knees and begged. "NOOOOOOOO.. C.Cindy. Pl.please.. m.m.more. I.. g.give.. up. st.stop. You're.. j.just.. g.g.good.. for.." Glad that he finally had seen the light, she went to help him up. Still thinking she was going to hurt him, he flopped to his large stomach and began to grovel.

Before she could stop him, wet kisses from his swollen lips were planted on her pretty bare feet. Beef continued to beg. The feeling of his kisses on her bare feet felt so good, that she let him grovel for a little while before she stopped him. "Do you agree that I have beaten you Roger?" "Yes Cindy, you have beaten me." "Then you know that you belong to me now?" "Yes Cindy, what ever you say." "I am your boss Roger, and you will obey me or else." "Yes Cindy, anything you want. Please don't beat me any more." Having a big man groveling at her feet, kissing them and doing what ever she ordered, was looking like a very good thing to Cindy. She hadn't started out for this kind of finish, but there was no turning back now. She loved the thought of a man at her beck and call. "I've busted up your face pretty bad Roger, but I still think you are very cute. So you will be my boyfriend from now on. Do you have any objections to that, or do I have to show you who's boss again?" "No Cindy. That's fine with me. I think you're very beautiful."

"Why thank you Roger. That's very nice of you to say, considering what I just did to you. I think we are going to get along fine. Just remember who's in charge and we will have no trouble." "Yes Cindy I'll remember." "OK Roger. I'm going to help you up now so we can join my friends in the living room." Beef was about to start crying when they neared the living room. Because his friends were going to give it to him good. But when they entered, he was surprised to see Bruno with his head in Marie's lap. And his face looked as bad as his own. Cindy sat on the sofa near Marie and grinned at her as she ordered Beef on the floor at her feet. He knew better then to disobey. His busted lips were kissing her bare feet in a split second.


Shannon, at 5 foot 3 inches and 109 pounds, was ready to face off against the 6 foot 1 inch, 193 pound running back for the team. He looked like a strong force to reckon with. He looked her body up and down while making plans to violate that body after he put her in her place. "Your ass is as good as mine Shannon. So save yourself some pain and give it to me now." Alex informed her. "Show me your man enough to take it first little boy." Shannon replied. Thinking he had nothing to worry about, Alex sauntered up to Shannon and started to throw a punch. But she was way to quick for him. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Not expecting the onslaught of punches, the young man was easily driven back. "I bet you wish you could do that Alex my boy." He felt his face and it was bleeding in a few places. Mad as hell, he charged her and threw punches in bunches at her cute little nose. Which to his dismay, all missed.

As he stopped to figure out what had just happened, Shannon smiled and went at him again. "SMACK!" "Don't know what's going on huh?" "SMACK!" "Let me tell you boy." "SMACK!" "You're getting your ass beat." "SMACK!" "And it's easy too." "SMACK!" "So get used to it wimp." "SMACK!" "Because it's going to happen all night." "SMACK!" "Until you are begging and crying." "SMACK!" "AND YOU BELONG TO ME!" "SMACK!" Alex shook his head in disbelief. How the hell was she doing this? Alex took his time and picked targets he thought he could hit. But the results were the same as before, he missed. Shannon on the other hand didn't. "SMACK!" His nose was broken and bleeding. "SMACK!" His mouth was split open. "SMACK!..SMACK!" Both eyes were hurting very much. "SMACK!" His jaw felt like it came loose. "SMACK!..SMACK!" His cheeks were swelling a bit. "THUD!..THUD!" His stomach felt queasy. "CRACK!" The uppercut to the chin when he bent down from the stomach blows put him in the floor. "Meet the floor Alex. You're going to see a lot of it." Shannon informed him. Alex rose from the floor and stepped up to challenge the young female fighter with hate in his eyes. Being knocked down had totally surprised him and he needed to gain back some respectability for himself. His mighty arms were throwing punches with wild abandon to shut her fucking mouth. They however, were still missing her completely.

"SMACK!" "Give it up Alex, I'm to good for you." "SMACK!" "And I'm going to hurt you bad if you don't realise it soon." "SMACK!" "You're just to pitiful of a fighter." "SMACK!" "And I'll take you apart if you don't quit." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" "Down you go again you wimp." Alex collapsed to the floor at her feet, not even knowing where he was. His head was swimming with pain and he was groggy as hell. He climbed to his feet and went at the young blond gladiator. He had to change the outcome that was beginning to look bleak if he didn't do something quick. When he got near, he threw punches with as much force as he could in hopes of connecting. His luck was still very bad. They all missed like the previous ones, or were blocked by the blond female fighter. Shannon didn't even bother to move or dance. She just blocked some of his attempts and dodged the others. He was beaten she knew, but his male ego wouldn't let him admit it. She would just have to drive the point home and show him he had no other choice. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" He toppled over backwards to the floor. He was fast asleep. Maybe he would listen to reason when he woke up. she thought to herself.

His eyes fluttered open and it dawned on him she had knocked him out. The humiliation he felt as he realised this, overwhelmed his mind. He didn't have a clue how to beat her, and tears flooded his eyes when the shame of admitting that consumed his soul. Fear began to grow in his heart when he saw her coming for him. Shannon helped him to his feet and curled her slim female fingers in his shirt to hold the swaying young man steady. Picking her targets, she punched and taunted. "SMACK!" "I'm making a mess out of your face little man." "SMACK!" "Your eyes are beginning to blacken boy." "SMACK!" "Your nose is bleeding buckets wimp." "SMACK!" "Those cheeks are turning purple and yellow pansy ass." "SMACK!" "That big mouth of yours is getting bigger by the punch." "THUD!..THUD!" "Your tummy is caving in each time I punch it.". "SMACK!" "So you had better start begging me pussy." He stumbled back when she released him. The young man didn't really have any courage left to face her again. But hearing her talk to him like that was very hard to take. He raised his heavy arms and closed his thick male hands into fists. Shaking her head in disbelief, Shannon showed him she was not fooling around. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" He was asleep before he hit the floor at her bare feet.

When he awakened, Shannon lifted him to his feet. "Had enough weakling?" She asked? He felt so ashamed of himself for not being able to stop this young girl from beating him silly. The tears began to flow again, as humiliation filled him. He was only able to stand because she was holding him up. His large arms wouldn't come up to try and protect him from the awful pain he knew was coming from those hard feminine fists. Felling dejected and lost when she turned him loose, he slumped to the floor crying like a baby. Shannon berated him. "You had enough yet little man? Or do I need to convince you some more that I'm superior to you? Do I have to beat you until you can't walk to prove my point? Or are you smartening up? I can do this to you all night if need be. So it's your choice wimp. But make up your mind quickly or I will pick you up and demonstrate how pathetic you are against me." Alex lie there crying. He couldn't let this blond bitch beat him and embarrass him in front of the guys. They would have a ball making fun of him losing to a girl. He had to find a way to beat her. But how? Climbing to his feet, he charged her while thinking he could run her down and kick her ass in the floor.

Shannon smiled when she saw his tactic. Didn't he remember she was a cheerleader? When he was close enough, she shot her leg up in the air in one of her cheer kicks. "WHAP!" And slammed her pretty bare foot into his face. The maneuver acted like a clothes line punch. Alex slammed into the floor barely conscious. Having had enough of his macho crap, Shannon climbed aboard and pinned his arms to the floor with her knees. Looking into his half closed black and blue eyes, she explained things to him as she punched. "SMACK!" "You can't win little man, you're to weak." "SMACK!" "And way to slow." "SMACK!" "And way to dumb." "SMACK!" "I'm much stronger." "SMACK!" "And faster." "SMACK!" "And smarter." "SMACK!" "SO GIVE UP BEFORE I REALLY HURT YOU!" "SMACK!" "IS THAT CLEAR YOU WEAKLING?" "SMACK!" Seeing her beautiful face above him with the angry scowl on it put fear in his heart and soul. How in Gods name had this pretty young girl beaten him and not even have a scratch on her. It boggled his mind when he thought about it. So he tried to shut it out. This just should not be happening, but it was. And he had no clue on how to stop her. "Do you give up Alex and admit that I am better then you? Are you smart enough to realise you can't win? And that I will beat you senseless if you don't accept it."

He was totally ashamed and completely humiliated from being beaten up by a girl. And his tears couldn't be stopped. "OK.. S.Shannon. I.. g.give.. up. d.don't.. h.hit.. me.. anym.more. Pl.please." Wanting to be sure, Shannon asked. "If this is a trick to get me off of you so you can start again, I will beat you until I can't raise my fists anymore Alex." "IS THAT CLEAR LITTLE MAN?" "Y.Yes.. it's.. cl.clear. I.. g.give.. up. Pl.please. m.m.more.. S.S.Shannon. Pl.please." "Alright, I'll let you up to prove it to me pansy ass. And you had better obey me." Rising to her feet, Shannon issued an order. "Kiss my bare feet to show me you are sincere Alex." He stared at her not sure he heard correctly. Grabbing him by the shirt and lifting him up to her face, she screamed at him. "PUT YOUR SWOLLEN LIPS ON MY BARE FEET! OR I WILL PUT MY FISTS BACK ON YOUR SWOLLEN LIPS WIMP!"

Crying uncontrollably, Alex rolled over and kissed her soft smooth bare feet in fear. His body was shaking with sobs as he felt the humiliation of preforming this disgusting act. But the fear of the young blond tigress was greater then the shame. "Good boy Alex. Maybe you are getting smarter after all." He kept kissing, not daring to stop until he was told. "From this day on, you are my boyfriend Alex. And you had best obey me or I will repeat this demonstration of superiority over you." "DO YOU UNDERSTAND YOU LITTLE WEAKLING?" "Yes Shannon. I.. underst.stand."` "Good boy." She replied. Picking the young man up from the floor, she grasped the back of his collar and marched him to the living room. When they arrived, Alex was very surprised to see Bruno and Beef had also been beaten to a pulp. Sitting down in a chair, Shannon smiled at the other two female conquerors. She ordered Alex down to her feet and he immediately obeyed.


Jackie had made the same deal with Mark and he was happy to oblige the crazy bitch. At 6 foot 5 inches and 195 pounds, the wide receiver for the team was ready to kick this stupid bitches ass. At 5 foot 3 inches and 105 pounds, Jackie didn't seem worried at all. But Mark was soon going to change that. He smiled to himself, thinking of what he was going to do to that fine body after he bruised it up for dreaming up this ridiculous plan. Mark wasn't going to fool around. The sooner he beat her ass, the sooner he was playing with it. Jackie was dancing and smiling when Mark attacked. Chucking quick hard punches to take her head off he thought was a smart decision. But continuously missing was getting on his nerves. Jackie smiled and surprised him. "SMACK!" His mouth was bleeding. "SMACK!" His nose was bleeding. "SMACK!" His cheek was bleeding. "SMACK!" His eye was sore as hell. "SMACK!" His jaw hurt now. "Hey there Markie boy. You seem to bleed pretty easily don't you?" The petite young cheerleader said with a grin.

"We'll see who's bleeding in a minute bitch." That mouth was irritating him and he needed to shut it up. Punches were winged at Jackie with amazing speed. But to her they were being thrown under water and were really slow. When he tired, she retaliated. "SMACK!" "More blood Markie boy." "SMACK!" "And your nose just broke little man." "SMACK!" "That eye seems awful red pansy ass." "SMACK!" "So does the other one now." "THUD!..THUD!" "That tummy isn't as hard as I expected." "SMACK!" "And your jaw sticks out just begging to be hit wimp." Mark stood there in silence. His face was bleeding and hurt all over, and the bitch wouldn't shut that fucking mouth. What the hell is going on he thought. Sick and tired of her mouth, he tried to shut it up again. But the little bitch kept dancing away from his big hard fists. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" "This is going to be easier then I thought you little sissy. Your ass is going down." She told him.

True to her word, Jackie fired punches that was to fast for the young man to defend. "SMACK!..SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!" His face was marked up further and his stomach was churning as he bent over from the pain. "CRACK!" "Down you go boy." She said as the uppercut put him on his ass. Jackie stood there smiling as she waited for mark to get to his feet. The look of confusion on his face was priceless. "You had enough Markie? Or do you want me to continue to beat your ass some more?" Rising to his feet, Mark charged the loud mouth bitch with destruction on his mind. She shouldn't have talked to him like that. The bitch was dead meat. Punches came flying at Jackie's pretty head like rain drops falling from the sky. But avoiding them was easy as she ducked and dodged to frustrate the young man. When he slowed, she struck. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Again Mark was driven back with his handsome face bleeding profusely. "You're rather pathetic at this aren't you wimp? Maybe you should have picked one of the other girls. Because you don't stand a chance with me little man." Anger beyond his control was building inside of him, listening to that smart ass mouth.

Jackie was laughing at his bright red face that was marked up from her punches. And the anger she could see was building in his eyes. This was going much better then she had hoped. In fact, it had been rather easy. And she was having fun. Mark tried again to shut that damn mouth of hers with punches he prayed would land. But his prayers were not answered. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" She battered his poor bleeding face back and forth and he was helpless to stop her. "THUD!..THUD!" Two more to his fast becoming soft stomach put him on his knees. "SMACK!" A right cross to his temple put him at her feet. He lie there dizzy and in quite a bit of pain while her laughter rang in his ears. Struggling to his knees and finally to his feet, his roundhouse right sailed over her ducking head. "SMACK!" Her own hard right landed between his eyes. His legs folded up and he crumpled to the floor at her feet. Mark again climbed off of the floor with concern covering his face. The idea of getting beaten up by a pretty cheerleader had never entered his mind. After all, he was a big bad football player and twice her size. But the reality of getting badly beaten by the young girl was staring him in the face. The guys would really rib him about this if he didn't rectify it. It seemed unreal, but the pain all over his face and body was telling him it was true.

He stared at the auburn haired pretty cheerleader trying to figure a way to beat her. But nothing was coming to mind. Firing jabs, crosses, hooks, roundhouses and uppercuts, he tried to change the outcome. But it wasn't in the cards. He was still missing and she was not. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" His arms drooped to his sides and his legs buckled. Then he collapsed to the floor at her feet again, sound asleep. Jackie was ecstatic. She had knocked his ass out. She smiled as she looked down at his sleeping body and noticed how bad his face was. It was completely swollen everywhere. His eyes were black and starting to close, and his nose was flat to his face and bleeding. His mouth was busted and very swollen, along with his multi colored cheeks. He didn't resemble the young man she had brought to this room at all. She had really beaten him to a pulp. Jackie slapped him awake and hauled him to his feet. Holding him by his shirt on unsteady legs, she beat him again while she smiled. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" When she turned him loose, he was stumbling around the room. His head was perched on his chest with his swollen black eyes shut. His mouth was hanging open and slobbering on his shirt. Finally stopping for a second, he dropped to his knees and then to the floor on his face. He was sleeping again at her feet.

When Jackie slapped Mark awake again, his tears came rushing out like a dam had broken inside him. His body was shaking with heavy sobs and blood was coming from a lot of places on his terribly swollen battered face. He tried to stand, and it took three tries to accomplish it. He was still wobbling on noodle like legs when he tried to attack her. Jackie just smiled as she batted away his weak attempts. She toyed with him while he continued to flail away at her with pitiful punches. Finally tiring of the game, she put him in his place. "SMACK!" "That's how you punch you little punk." "SMACK!" "Can you tell the difference between your worthless punches and my solid fists weakling?" "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" His face just exploded with pain and the room was filled with the sound of his heavy sobbing. "SMACK!" He was out on his feet when Jackie laid three more punches to the middle of his face. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" She stood back smiling as she watched him slowly topple over to land on his already rearranged face. He looked like a peaceful sleeping baby lying at her feet. She knew she had won, but she had to convince Mark that it was a fact.

She again slapped Mark awake and asked him. "Have you had enough Mark? Or do you need more convincing from my sweet feminine fists?" He lie there crying and feeling lost. Humiliation and shame was felt clear down to his toes. He couldn't face the guys knowing they had played with their women and done what they pleased with them. While he had been beaten to a pulp by this young girl half his size. He struggled to his feet for one more try while Jackie shook pretty her head. Mark was being completely stubborn. Mark was barely able to stand as he stood in front of Jackie trying to change his destiny that looked dismal at the moment. He threw a weak right. Jackie blocked it and pleaded with him. "Quit Mark, you're beaten." A weak left was batted away. "You can't win pansy ass, I'm way out of your league." Another pitiful right was batted away. "It's useless to continue little man, you're pathetic." Another left blocked. "I'm going to really hurt you weakling if you don't come to your senses."

Two more feeble punches were batted down. "I'm much to strong for you sissy boy and your pitifully weak." One more right was attempted which she blocked. "Last warning wimp, you're pissing me off." He started to raise his fist and Jackie erupted. "I TOLD YOU TO QUIT YOU WEAK LITTLE PUSSY! NOW I'LL SHOW YOU WHY YOU BETTER OBEY ME FROM NOW ON!" "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" "DO YOU SEE WHY NOW YOU IDIOT?" She screamed at his sleeping body as it landed at her feet again. Jackie let her temper cool down before she woke the stubborn fool up. Finally able to control herself, she slapped him awake. Standing over him with his shirt curled in her soft feminine fingers, she slightly lifted him off of the floor. Staring into his black, half closed eyes she asked. "Have you had enough? Or do I need to smash your face completely in while I hold you up here?"

Great sobs escaped the young mans battered body as he looked into her beautiful face under that falling mane of shiny auburn hair. He was broken. His courage deserted him when he looked at her soft female fists and felt fear. They had taken him apart and he knew she would use them on him again if he didn't quit. He was absolutely sure he couldn't take anymore and that he couldn't stop her from hurting him. The shame and humiliation that covered him like a blanket brought the tears falling down his beaten battered face. But the pain she would give him with those terrible female fists, would have been much worse for the battered young man to take. "No J.Jackie. d.don't.. h.h.have.. to b.beat.. anym.m.more. I.. g.give.. up. Pl.please.. m.more. "Well it's about time you saw it my way little man. Because you never stood a chance. I am your girlfriend now Mark. Or do you want to argue that point with me too?" "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" "Th.that's.. f.fine.. w.with.. J.Jackie." "Good boy Mark. I would have hated to mess up that handsome face of yours any more."

"Prove to me that you are mine and don't need any further beatings today. Roll over and grovel at my feet to show me you believe I own you and that you will obey me Mark." It sounded degrading to the young man. He hoped he could do it without getting sick and pissing her off. But something very strange happened when he prostrated himself at her bare feet and began kissing her soft smooth skin and pretty toes. It just felt right. Like this was where he belonged. And it was..........rather nice. "Good boy Mark. You're doing a very nice job and making me feel good. I guess you know your place now and that makes me very happy. You may stop so we can go join the others." "May I ask a question please Jackie?" He pleaded. "Yes you may." The lovely fighting cheerleader replied. "When we get to the living room, may I still kiss your soft smooth feet for awhile?" Smiling, Jackie responded. "Yes Mark you may. But when I say that's enough, you had better obey and quit. Is that clear?" "Yes Jackie it's clear. Don't worry, I know my place." "Good boy, you're learning. Now lets go to the living room." They went to the living room to join the others. Mark wasn't surprised to see the other guys at their women's feet. Some how he just knew. Smiling, he groveled at Jackie's feet while she relaxed.

Jessica Shaw

5 foot 2 inch, 104 pound Jessica stood up and walked away from Butch so he could get up from the floor. 6 foot 2 inch, 200 pound Butch, rose to his feet and removed the sock from his mouth. "You have to be the dumbest fucking blond I know Simpson. I'm going to beat your ass so bad, you'll wish you never came up with this stupid plan. Then I'm going to fuck your brains out while you beg me to stop." "You're welcome to try Butchie boy. But you're in for one hell of a surprise. I had to pop you a few times to get you to listen to me. So I'm giving you a head start. I won't throw a punch for five minutes to make it even. Do your best Butchie boy, because I'm going to kick your ass for you." She confidently said. "It won't take five minutes Simpson. So just spread your legs now and let me get started showing you where you belong." He replied. "Lets go then hot shot." Jessica challenged. Butch raised his large fists and advanced on her while grinning from ear to ear.

Wanting under that skirt and in those panties, Butch tried to end it quickly. He threw punches at her pretty face as fast as he could while Jessica danced on her pretty feet. Punch after punch failed to find their mark and he was getting sick of seeing that fucking smile pasted on her face. After missing three more shots, he decided to just tackle the bitch and finish her on the floor. To fast for the clumsy young man, Jess danced out of the way and he missed her by a foot. "You have to do better then that if you want what's in my pants Butchie boy." She taunted. Pissed off beyond all means, Butch fired punches for two solid minutes to shut that smart ass mouth. But each one was way to late as she had already moved away. "Your times about up wimp. Then your ass is mine." "Fuck you blondie. I'll have you begging in no time." He screamed. "Not the way you fight you sissy. The begging will be done by you." Jess replied.

Four more hard male swings were evaded by the confident blond fighter and she announced that his head start was up. "Time to pay the piper with your blood Butchie boy." Getting really angry, He delivered six rights and lefts to shut her up. But they produced the same results as the others. "My turn little boy. Pay attention and learn." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" The young man stumbled back in shock. Feeling his face, he saw that his mouth was bleeding and there was a cut over his eye. "Did you learn anything wimp? Or do you need me to show you again?" Jess asked sweetly. Tired of her shit and her mouth, Butch went after her like a man on a mission. Rights and lefts were flowing like a hail storm at the pretty blond gladiator. But not a one touched her beautiful face. Butch began to tire and Jessica saw her opening. Her punches were far more accurate. "SMACK!" "You missed me Butchie." "SMACK!" "But I didn't miss your ugly mug." "SMACK!" "And I won't all night. Because it's easy to hit." "SMACK!" "So get used to the pain wimp." "SMACK!" "Because there's going to be plenty of it." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!"

Butch was driven back again. His face was really marked up and it was becoming hard to breathe from his broken nose. That fucking mouth was still running and getting on his nerves. And that ugly smirk was driving him crazy. Once more he charged at her, firing punches like a maniac. But they were still missing their mark. Her laughing at his pitiful attempts to hit her made him even more crazy. He tried to kick the bitch. But Jess was as quick as a cat and caught his leg. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Three solid rights dropped him to the floor moaning. "Looks like you're never getting into these lovely panties of mine pansy ass." Jessica said as she flashed him with her little red undies. "Because you aren't man enough to take me you little pussy." "NOW GET YOUR ASS UP HERE AND TAKE YOUR BEATING!" Butch rose to his feet a little slower, trying to figure out how to shut her up. Wary of those hard feminine fists, and tried to calmly take his time and finally hit something.

He threw calculated punches to save his energy. But the bitch never seemed to be where he was punching. He on the other hand, always seemed to be easily reached by her. "SMACK!" "That eye is beginning to look bad little boy." "SMACK!" "And that mouth is bleeding pretty good too." "SMACK!" "Those lips are getting really puffy wimp." "SMACK!" "The other eye is in bad shape now sissy." "SMACK!" "Those cheeks are turning colors pussy." "THUD!" "That tummy isn't as hard as before." "SMACK!" "And that chin is bruising nicely." Jessica said. He flopped to the floor in pain. Butch wasn't sure how she was pulling this off, but it didn't matter. She would be his soon. Raising his large fists, he went at her with murderous intentions. Jessica's defensive skills kicked in as she danced around all of his threats. Thinking it was her turn to show off, she punched back. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Butch was easily driven back while she smiled at his rage filled face.

Jumping back at her, he went on a rampage throwing punches like a wild man. When he tired slightly, Jess struck again. "SMACK!" "You don't seem to be very good at this Butchie." "SMACK!" "Because you're nothing but a loud mouth punk." "SMACK!" "But you'll know where your place is when I'm done." "SMACK!" "And that place will be at my feet." "SMACK!" "Doing my bidding" "SMACK!..SMACK!" "You will have no choice but to obey me wimp." "SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!" His face was becoming a swollen black and blue mess. Jessica was proud of what she had accomplished. Butch though, was beginning to worry about the outcome. He just couldn't seem to hit the bitch with anything and she was killing him with those hard firm feminine fists. What could I do to stop this fiasco? He thought to himself. Not having an answer, he went back at her with the only thing he knew. Try to strong arm her like he had everyone else. But he just kept missing. Jessica smiled as she broke him down piece by piece and he couldn't stop her. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" He stumbled around the room where ever Jessica wanted to take him.

Butch was stumbling on unsteady legs as Jessica beat him around the room. He was barely conscious and was helpless to defend himself. Jessica knew he was beaten and she was relishing her victory while she beat him senseless. One more hard fist to his jaw. "SMACK!" And he collapsed to the floor out cold. Jessica stood and looked down at him. His face was a total wreck. She smiled at the damage she had done. He was going to be hers to command when it was over. He was to weak and pathetic to stop her. Slapping him awake, she stood back. "Beg me to stop Butch because it's over for you." She taunted. Butch felt ashamed that he was crying from the fist of a girl. He tried to stop it but it was useless. "G.Go.. h.hell.. b.b.bitch. I'll.. n.never.. b.beg.. a.. for.. anyth.thing." "Well Butchie boy, it's beg or get beaten until you can't take anymore. Which is getting close little man. Then you'll beg like a poor man wanting spare change. So save yourself some pain weakling." "F.Fuck.. J.Jessica. I'm.. n.not.. b.b.beaten..y.yet." "Let me show you how wrong you are pansy ass." Jess picked him up from the floor and held him by the shirt. She jerked him up where she wanted him and began to prove her point. "SMACK!" "That face is almost unrecognizable sissy." "SMACK!" "And I'm making it worse for you wimp." "SMACK!" "You can't stand on your own and you need my help you pathetic loser."

"SMACK!" "Your muscular arms are useless against me pussy." "SMACK!" "And I'm completely unmarked you little weakling" "SMACK!" "You're sobbing uncontrollably from my soft female fists you big cry baby." "SMACK!" "And I can put you to sleep when ever I please little man" "SMACK!" "Like right now wimp" "SMACK!" Butch dropped to the floor fast asleep. Just like she had predicted. Slapping him awake, she was laughing at his pitiful struggles to keep her from picking him up from the floor. Jessica asked him. "Do you see my point yet Butchie boy? You're just to slow and weak to take me." "K.K.Kiss.. ass.. bl.blond.. b.bitch. I'm.. n.not.. b.b.begging." "You will soon wimp. Because you're no match for my quick feminine fists. And I will soon have you helpless." "W.We.. w.will.. s.see..b.b.bitch." "Have it your way pussy. I'm enjoying myself." He wished he felt as good as he was letting on. His face was hurting and badly swollen. And his body felt like he had fallen from a two story building without a net. His black eyes were beginning to close and it was hard to breathe from his nose. He just couldn't lose this fight with Jessica. His reputation would go down the drain and the guys wouldn't respect him any longer. Losing WAS NOT an option.

Jessica let go of the stumbling young man and stood back grinning. His unsteady legs were shaking as he tried to mount an assault. A ham like right was dodged and a mighty left was blocked by Jessica. Two more were batted down and the last one almost made him lose his balance on his wobbly legs. Jessica laughed at his predicament. She blocked four more before deciding to strike back. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" His head flopped back and forth uncontrollably while he was driven back to the wall. He tried to defend himself, but Jess was just to fast and good with her hard female fists. It was a useless effort. As he slammed into the wall. "SLAM!" She banged his head into it with quick solid punches. "SMACK!" "BANG!" "SMACK!" "BANG!" "SMACK!" "BANG!" "SMACK!" "BANG!" She stepped back after one more punch had snapped his head against the wall. "SMACK!" "BANG!" He collapsed forward to land at her feet sound asleep.

Grabbing him, she woke him up and hauled him to his feet. Slamming him against the wall. "SLAM!" She curled her slim feminine fingers in his shirt to hold him up and began slapping his face back and forth. "SLAP!..SLAP!".."You".."SLAP!..SLAP!".."are".. "SLAP!..SLAP!".."a".."SLAP!..SLAP!".."very".."SLAP!.. SLAP!".."naughty".."SLAP!..SLAP!".."boy".."SLAP!.. SLAP!".."Butchie".."SLAP!..SLAP!". Being slapped around and talked to like an unruly child was more then the young man could take. He broke down and cried like he had never cried before. Tears were coming like an over flowing dam. Being treated like a child and not being able to stop her from doing it to him was to unbearable. His spirit was broken. His courage left him and he was lost. He was a beaten, broken, humiliated young man with no will left to defy her. She had won. "J.Jess. Pl.please.. I.. g.give.. up. Pl.please.. st.stop." "Then you're begging me to stop beating you. Is that correct wimp?" " Y.Yes.. J.Jess. Pl.please.. st.stop." "Will you obey me Butchie?" "Y.Yes.. J.J.Jess. Y.yes." "Then let me hear you admit that I have beaten you and I am the boss." "Y.You.. h.have.. b.b.beaten.. J.Jess.. and.. are.. t.the.. b.b.boss." "Very good Butchie, very good."

Jessica grabbed his shoulder and threw the sobbing young man in the floor. Walking about eight feet away, she placed her hands on her shapely hips and ordered him. "Crawl to me Butch and grovel at my feet while you kiss them." "Pl.please J.Jess. En.nough. Seeing he wasn't going to obey, she started for him. Fear struck deep in his heart when he saw her coming. "NOOOOOOO PLEASE NOOOOOO! I'LL DO IT JESSICA! PLEASE NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" "THEN GET YOUR ASS TO CRAWLING! BEFORE I GET GOOD AND ANGRY BOY!" The broken young man crawled as fast as his battered body would allow him. When he reached her, he dropped down and pecked her on her left bare foot. Reaching down and grabbing a hand full of his hair, she jerked him to his knees. "SLAP!..SLAP!" "KISS THEM PROPERALLY WEAKLING!" She shoved his face down and placed it firmly on her left bare foot again.

"NOW KISS IT!" He kissed it five times with firm kisses. Jerking him back up. "SLAP!..SLAP!" She then pushed his swollen face down to her right bare foot. "KISS IT!" He placed five firm kisses on that foot. Jerking him back up. "SLAP!..SLAP!" She pushed him back down to her left foot again. "KISS IT!" He kissed it five more times. Jerking him back up. "SLAP!..SLAP!" She pushed him back down to her right foot again. "KISS IT!" he kissed it five times again. "THAT'S MUCH BETTER YOU WHINEY BITCH!" She threw him back in the floor and walked eight feet away again. "NOW LETS TRY THIS AGAIN YOU PATHETIC WIMP! CRAWL TO ME AND GROVEL AT MY FEET WHILE YOU KISS THEM!" He crawled to her and firmly kissed both of her silky soft bare feet continuously until Jessica was satisfied he was under her control. "Enough Butch." She ordered. He obeyed. "Obey me or feel pain, it's that simple. Is that clear?" "Y.Yes.. J.Jess." "Good boy. It had better be weakling." "Now lets go join the others."

When they reached the living room, Jessica threw Butch in the floor. Snapping her fingers she ordered. "Grovel and kiss." He instantly obeyed. "As you can see, we have beaten all of you wimps senseless. Will you abide by the pact, or do you need further proof we are superior?" They all agreed to honor the deal. "Good boys. Remember, we will beat you in front of the fans if you don't obey us and play your best. So keep that in mind. You may all go now and recuperate from your beatings." The young men had only six days to mend before their next game. They still looked a little ragged by game time, but they put their hearts into it and won the game by ten points. The girls were satisfied. The next week they were in much better shape. Even though they were playing one of the better teams in the state, they won by twenty seven points. The girls were very proud of them.

Word spread around town about the turn around in the team. The next game the stands were full of fans. The girls were tickled pink. The boys went undefeated the rest of the season and made the state playoffs. By then, they were unstoppable and walked over everyone to become state Champions. Butch was touted as the best Quarterback in the state. Bruno and Beef were touted to be the best offensive linemen in the state, and maybe in the country. Alex gained more yards in one year then anyone in school history had in a three year career. Mark also caught more passes for more yards in one year then anyone in school history had in a three year career. Colleges were climbing all over each other trying to sign the young stars.

The school and the town were very happy with the team. Parades were thrown in their honor. The VFW, Moose club, Elk club, and all the rest held dinners for them in honor of what the young men had achieved. The Mayor presented them with the key to the city and the whole town applauded the young men. Only ten people knew exactly what turned the team into winners. The girls never told a soul. No one ever found out that five pretty cheerleaders cared more about their school, the town, and the people that lived there, then they did about the popularity and prestige that being a cheerleader brought them. The girls and the young men were destined to live happy ever after lives. And the pretty young cheerleaders were going to make sure their boyfriends obeyed them to make it come true. "OR ELSE THEY WOULD BE BEATEN SENSELESS!"