Dana and her friends play with and humiliate her beaten brother. (Pictures)

Dana and her friends completely terrorize her Champion wrestling brother Danny.

Dana Turner

When we left poor Danny he was kneeling in the corner of his sixteen year old sister Dana's room crying his eyes out. His sister Dana had beaten him to a pulp when he tried to take the CD'S she wanted to play when her friends came for her pajama party and sleep over. The young girls came in when Dana was about half way through with her brothers beating. They sat and watched while Dana beat and humiliated her brother until he was crying and obeying her wishes. The six young girls all dressed in short pajamas, were lying on Dana's bed talking while he knelt in the corner crying in shame. Dana looked his way and spoke to the battered young man. "I told you to hold it down Danny so we can hear each other talk. Stop that damn loud crying or I will give you something to cry about." "DO YOU UNDERSTAND WIMP?" She sternly asked. "Y.es.. D.Dana. I.. un.underst.stand. Pl.please.. d.don't.. hurt.. m.me..any.m.more." He pleaded.

The beaten young man was reduced to sobbing as low as possible so he wouldn't disturb his sister and her friends. It was very hard for him to do. He was twenty years old and much bigger then his sixteen year old sister. Yet she had beaten him like he was a small child. He felt humiliated and ashamed because he hadn't been able to beat her. And now he was totally afraid of his sister. His fear of her made him obey. As he thought about how she had even beaten him at wrestling when he was an undefeated wrestling champion at college, his tears and wailing increased again. "Danny. This is your last warning. Do you want to make me angry so I will beat you senseless again?" Dana asked. "NOOOOOO.. s.sis. I'm.. s.sorry. Pl.pl.please.. d.don't.. b.beat.. m.me. ag.gain. Pl.please." He begged. "Then keep it down little man. Or your ass is getting knocked out again." The pretty brunette told her beaten brother.

He forced himself to remain quiet. The fear of getting another beating from his sister, and the humiliation of having it done in front of her friends scared him beyond belief. His face was already a black and blue battered mess. And his mighty muscular body he was so proud of was wracked with pain. Kneeling in the corner as they talked and ignored him unless he disturb them, was very degrading. The fist fight he lost against his sister was weighing heavy on his mind. He just couldn't understand how she could have beaten him so easily. But losing to her while wrestling was the biggest shame he felt. That seemed totally impossible. But it happened. She easily beat him at that too. As he was pondering these things in his bewildered mind, he noticed the girls had quit talking and giggling.

When he looked over at the bed where the six young girls were laying, his multi colored face almost turned white. Danny became very afraid. They were all looking at him with an evil grin on their pretty faces. As his mighty body shook with fear, Dana ordered him to the bed. "Come here Danny boy and kneel at my feet." His sobbing increased while he crawled to his domineering young sister and knelt at her pretty bare feet. "Take off all of your clothes Danny." She ordered. "Huh?" Was all he said. Dana back handed him across the face and knocked him to the floor. "SLAP!" "I said remove your clothes wimp. And you had better be quick about it." "NOW MOVE!" Crying like a small child he removed his clothing. When he was down to only his underwear he pleadingly looked at his sister. "That to young man." He bowed his head in shame and removed his shorts while crying uncontrollably.

The six young girls climbed off of the bed and laughed. "MY GOD! Look at his thing." Tami said with a smile. "It's ugly looking." "Yeah." Susan replied. "But it's kind of big isn't it?" "How should I know." Was Tami's response. "I've never seen one before." "Me either." They all chimed in together. "Stand up Danny so we can get a better look at you." "PL.PLease.. Dana. D.don't.. m.make.. me.. do.. th.this." "SHUT UP DANNY AND GET UP!" "NOW!" She ordered. The humiliated young man climbed to his feet while his thick legs shook from the shame. "Can I touch it Dana?" Sherry shyly asked. "Sure Sherry. He won't object." "WILL YOU WEAKLING?" All the degraded young man could do was shake his head no. Sherry stepped up to Danny and smiled. He was bawling like crazy being humiliated like this. But knew he had no choice but to accept it.

Sherry slowly reached out a finger and flipped his penis. All the girls joined in the fun when she began to laugh. Danny just stood there with his head hanging down in shame. "Don't you guys play with your things or something like that?" Sherry asked. Danny was to ashamed to answer her. "SHE ASKED YOU A QUESTION PANSY ASS! YOU BETTER ANSWER HER!" Dana screamed. "Y.Yes.. we.. d.do.. pl.play.. w.with.. it.. somet.times." "Let me see." Sherry ordered. The other five laughed their heads off. His face was covered with shame and embarrassment. Danny took his manhood in his trembling hand and stroked it a few times to show her. "WOW! LOOK AT IT GROW YOU GUYS!" Nikki squealed. They all were laughing as the beaten young man stood there and cried. "Hey you guys. Lets make him show us how he cums." Lindsey said. "Yeah Dana, what do you say?" They all asked? "It would be humiliating for him to do it in front of us. But I have a better idea. It would be more degrading if we did it to him while he was helpless to stop us. What do you think girls?" "HELL YES!" They all screamed. "Lets do it."

Danny broke down. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" "PL.PLEASE.. SIS. (SOB) D.DON'T.. DO.. TH.THIS. PL.PLEASE!" "Shut up Danny. Now kneel down and keep quiet." She ordered. The broken hearted young man dropped to his knees and sobbed quietly. The girls put their heads together to come up with a plan. When they was ready, they approached the kneeling Danny while fear was showing all over his beaten, battered face. While Danny was kneeling in the floor, Susan and Lindsey each grabbed an arm and sat on the floor at his sides. Dana took his head and bent his upper body back, until his head was touching the floor between his feet. Susan and Lindsey put one bare foot each under his arm pit, and the other against the side of his head. That kept his head in place so he was staring up at the ceiling and unable to move it. They slightly leaned back while they pulled his arms straight out from his sides and twisted them until he screamed. "AARRGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

Dana took his shirt and placed it out in front of him between his knees. She spread it out to cover as much of the floor as possible. With his body bent back to his feet, he couldn't move anything. Nikki stood at the top of his head while Sherry stood to the side. Dana and Tami knelt down on each side of his knees. Tami was on his right so she could fondle his balls. While Dana was on his left so she could reach his penis with her right hand. "You guys ready?" Dana asked. "Yes." They all said in unison. "Lets do it." While Susan and Lindsey held him, Nikki placed her pretty bare foot on his face and covered his eyes and nose. Sherry put her lovely bare foot on his mouth. Nikki began rubbing her bare foot all over his face and nose, while Sherry rubbed hers on his lips. She occasionally stuck her pretty toes in his swollen mouth. Tami began fondling his balls while Dana reached over and took his penis in her soft smooth right hand. In two seconds, it sprang up into a rock solid hard on.

Dana burst out laughing. "Do you guys believe this? Susan and Lindsey are shaming him by having his whole body trapped and immobile. And they're twisting his arms causing him a great deal of pain. Sherry, you and Nikki are humiliating him by making him smell and taste your bare feet. Tami is shaming him by playing with his balls. And with just one touch of my soft hand, I can control his sexual urges and get him aroused. Do you guys see just how pitifully weak men really are? They're pathetic." Danny's tears were streaming down his black and blue battered face. And his once proud body was quivering with heavy sobs of shame. It was even more humiliating because it was his sister doing this to him. He tried to stop his penis from reacting to Dana's touch. But it was useless. The soft skin of her palm and her nimble fingers would not be denied. His dick rose up like it had a mind of it's own. In fact, he couldn't remember how long it had been since it was THIS HARD. Which made him feel even more ashamed to be humiliated by young girls while having the biggest hard on he could remember.

It took Dana a little while to get the rhythm down, because she never did this before. But she could tell by Danny's reaction she was doing it correctly. Even though he was struggling to stop the feeling, he was getting more and more aroused by the second. Dana smiled to herself. She knew when he did cum it was going to be his ultimate humiliation so far tonight. Dana made good progress after getting the rhythm down and learning how to use her palm and slim fingers to get the best reactions out of him. She worked him up to a frenzied sexual peak. He was breathing hard from the feeling building up inside of him. And what parts of his hips he could move, were bucking along with her smooth even strokes. Fifteen minutes after they started on him, he erupted and shot his load like a volcano spewing lava. He finally was drained dry after a full minute.

The girls were laughing and having a ball while the young man cried in shame. When it was finally over, he thought he was through. But the evil tormentors were not done torturing him. "OK!" Said Sherry. "I want a turn." Susan, Lindsey, and Tami were comfortable where they were. So the other three girls exchanged places. Sherry moved to his penis while Nikki went to make him suck on her pretty toes. Dana rubbed her bare foot over his face and nose. He was going to be forced to cum again by these young evil girls. And there was nothing he could do about it. The girls were enjoying themselves while they degraded him and watched Sherry try to make him cum. They never heard Danny and Dana's father come into the house. He heard all the commotion in Dana's room and went to investigate. When he opened her door, he didn't believe what his eyes were seeing. "WHAT IN THE HELL DO YOU GIRLS THINK YOU'RE DOING?" He shouted. Susan and Lindsey were so caught off guard by his appearance, they never released Danny. Nikki, Tami, and Sherry stopped what they were doing while they looked at Dana and her father.

Although embarrassed, Danny was very glad to see his father. Finally he was going to be free. Dana got over the shock of being discovered and stood her ground. She was bolstered by the confidence she gained from beating Danny up. "We're having fun with Danny dad. So beat it and leave us alone." She told him. Her father stared at Dana. He couldn't believe what he heard her say. "Stop this nonsense and let your older brother up Dana." He ordered the girls. Dana stepped up to her father and looked him square in the eyes. "No dad I won't. Now shut your mouth and get the hell out of my room. Or you'll be next." She threatened. "WHAT?" Her father asked? Dana got right in his face. "I'm pretty sure if you and Danny were to have a fist fight, Danny would win. Do you see Danny's face? I did that to him dad. Since I beat Danny to a pulp, I believe I can beat you just as easily. So you better shut your mouth and leave my room right now. Or I'll beat you senseless and humiliate you right along with Danny." She sternly told him.

"Dana, I'm your fath" Dana didn't let him finish. She grabbed his shirt and pulled him down to her face. She saw the fear in his eyes and noticed his lips were trembling. "One more word out of you and you'll eat my fist." "NOW BEAT IT OLD MAN! OR ELSE!" Dana commanded. He stared at her for a second before shaking his head yes. His whole body was trembling with fear. Dana reached up and patted his cheek. "PAT!..PAT!" She saw him wince, because he thought she was going to punch him. "Good boy. If mom hears about this your ass will be in that floor begging me to stop beating you." "IS THAT CLEAR?" The frightened man shook his head yes again. His face turned as white as a sheet. "IT BETTER BE OLD MAN! NOW BEAT IT!" She spun him around and planted her bare foot on his ass. Then she roughly shoved him out the door. She closed it behind him and turned to her friends. The girls stood there with their mouth's gaped open. Finally Nikki found her voice. "MY GOD DANA! THAT WAS AWESOME!"

"Danny's had this coming for a long time. No one is going to interrupt my pay back for all his shit I put up with over the years. Now where were we." She asked. The young girls giggled and went back to torturing Danny. He cried even more knowing he wasn't going to be saved from this nightmare. Nikki put her toes back in his mouth and Dana began rubbing her foot on his nose again. Tami went back to fondling his balls while Sherry returned to stroking the poor young man's dick. He shot his second load twenty minutes later. It was followed by screaming cheers from the happy girls. They let poor Danny go and fell on the bed laughing at him. He lie there bawling like a baby. The girls chatted while Danny continued to lie in the floor and cry. After a short talk, they came up with another way to torture him. Dana picked Danny up and smiled as she watched him try to remain standing on his unsteady legs. "OK wimp. They want to wrestle you. Since I've already beaten you, I will referee the matches."

Danny was scared to death. He was a College champion wrestler. But he had already been beaten up and out wrestled by Dana. He was forced to ejaculate twice and had been crying for hours. He had no physical or emotional strength left. Even though these girls knew nothing about wrestling, his chances of winning were very slim. And he had to wrestle naked, which would be even more embarrassing. He was also frightened that if he did win, Dana would beat him for it. His tears started falling again. His first opponent was Susan. They faced off against each other with Susan grinning from ear to ear. She was dancing around looking for her chance to strike. Danny was trying to keep an eye on her but he was physically and emotionally exhausted. Susan jumped to his right side and caught him off guard. She grabbed his wrist and began spinning him around in a circle. When she had him going fast enough, she let go and sent him stumbling backwards towards the bed.


As the back of his knees hit the side of the bed, he flopped to his back on the mattress. Susan sprinted after him when she had let him go. She jumped up and drove her knees into his stomach. "WHAM!..WHAM!" Danny was gasping for air. She climbed around him and sat behind his back. She raised him up she put her legs around his waist in a scissor hold. Then she slipped her arms under his and clasp her hands behind his neck to put him in a full nelson. She bent his upper body down with the full nelson until his mouth was on her feet. She easily held him there while she poured power to her body scissors. Dana stepped up and asked him if he submitted. Danny screamed his submission. "YES! I GIVE! I GIVE!" Susan smiled and let him go. All the girls clapped for her while poor Danny tried to catch his breath and cried his eyes out.


Lindsey stepped up to be next. They met in the middle of the floor. Danny tried to grab her and bring her down, but she was much to fast for him. She grabbed his wrist herself and jerked him down to the floor on his stomach. Then she quickly leaped on his back with her knees. "WHAM!..WHAM!" Danny groaned in pain. Lindsey grabbed both of his arms and put them behind his back in a double hammerlock. Then she knelt down on them with her left knee to keep them in place. When his arms were securely pinned she reached down to grab his legs and bent them at the knees. She crossed one over the other and took hold of the outside foot with her right hand. Now she was in control of his legs. Finally she reached down with her left hand and cupped his chin. Lindsey put her right leg out in front of her for leverage and began to pull his legs and head toward each other like she was trying to make them meet. Danny couldn't move a thing. Her hold was causing a great deal of pain to his neck, legs and back. Danny screamed out his submission through tightly clenched teeth. "I GIVE! I GIVE!" The girls all cheered Lindsey as she turned him loose.


They let him rest for a bit while they laughed and congratulated the two winners. While they were talking there was a knock at Dana's door. Dana opened it and saw her father standing there nervously rubbing his hands together. "Dana honey, we need to ta".. That's as far as he got before Dana punched him in the mouth with a powerful hay maker. "SMMMACK!" He back pedaled until he slammed into the wall behind him. "SLAM!" Then he slumped to his knees. His arms were dangling lifeless at his sides and his eyes rolled back in his head. He finally slumped to the floor on his face sound asleep. "PLOP!" Dana smiled as she looked down at him. "Good night dad." She said as she shut the door. He never came back. Tami was next to face Danny. Before he could do anything, Tami reached up and grabbed him by the throat. She bent him back over her right hip and reached down with her left hand to grab his right leg. Then she bent over a little further and jockeyed his body up until he was partially riding on her back. Tami pulled down on his leg and increased the power to her choke hold while she vigorously shook his body. His arms were flopping around and his face was turning bright red. He quickly gasped out his submission. "I GIVE! I GIVE! I GIVE!" Tami let him drop to the floor while the girls cheered for her. "SPLAT!"


Nikki was his next opponent. They eyed each other while waiting for an opening. Nikki faked to her right causing him to turn that way. Quick as a cat, she grabbed his right wrist and began swinging him in a circle. He was back pedaling at a pretty good pace when she let him go. He slammed into the wall and slumped to the floor on his face. "SLAM!..SPLAT!" Nikki planted her bare feet on each side of his body facing his head. She reached down and lifted his groggy head by his hair. She took hold of his left wrist with her right hand and pulled it across his throat. Then she grabbed his right wrist with her left hand and crossed it over his left. Finally she pulled him up to his knees while she sat down behind him and braced her back against the wall. She raised her right leg and put it up on his left shoulder. Then her left leg crossed her right to rest on his right shoulder. The back of his neck was resting in the crease of her crossed ankles. She stretched her toes so they would be flat against the sides of his face. When she was ready she pulled on his arms and choked him in her hold. His face was bright red and he was about to pass out before Dana heard him gasp out another submission. "I give. "Please. I give." Nikki let him drop to the floor and received cheers from her friends. "SPLAT!"

They let him rest again before he had to face Sherry. As they were talking, Sherry pulled Dana aside and whispered in her ear. Dana had a big grin on her pretty face when she looked at her. "Sure Sherry, if that's what you want to do. I don't have a problem with it. But I bet Danny boy will." They both laughed as they joined the others. After his brief rest, he and Sherry went to the middle of the floor. Sherry reached out with both arms to grapple with Danny like he was used to. A thought crossed his mind that he might win one since she was giving him a chance to do it right. They locked arms and pushed against each other. She was stronger then Danny expected, but he still thought he could win. Sherry put her right leg behind his right leg and tripped him. She dumped him in the floor on his ass in an old fashion back yard take down. But she didn't take advantage of him being down. She smiled and let him get up.


When they started to grapple again, Danny tried to take her down just like she had him. But she was to fast and dumped him in the floor again. She let him up once more while she smiled. She stuck out her arms to grapple with Danny again. But this time it was a ploy. When he went to lock up with her, she quickly reached down and grabbed both of his legs. She jerked them up and slammed him to the floor on his back and head. "SLAM!..BAM!" He hit hard and was seeing stars. Sherry bent his body in half and put his toes next to his head. Then she kicked his arms where she wanted them and straddled his legs. When she was in position she knelt down across his arms and wrists with her knees. Now she had his entire body pinned to the floor. She placed the soles of her bare feet against the sides of his head to hold it up straight. With a large smile on her pretty face, Sherry sat her nicely shaped butt right in Danny's face while her friends cheered her on. She had his whole body trapped and was face sitting him. She sat there for over a minute while she laughed at his feeble struggles to get out of her hold. Danny couldn't move much of his body at all.

Finally she raised up a bit and Danny screamed out his submission. "I GIVE! I GIVE! PLEASE DANA! I GIVE!" Dana decided to tease him. "Are you sure Danny boy?" "YES DANA! YES! PLEASE! I GIVE! I GIVE!" Sherry smiled and spoke to the pleading male wrestler. "Sorry you pathetic little wimp. I don't believe you." She calmly sat back down. Danny soon stopped struggling and passed out. When Sherry released his legs and started to get up, all the girls gasped and laughed out loud. Danny had another rock solid hard on. They congratulated Sherry on her win and for making Danny shame and humiliate himself. Getting a hard on while being pinned to the floor and forced to go to sleep by a pretty girls butt, would thoroughly humiliate the young man. Sherry reveled in their praise. She was glad she came up with the idea.

Dana woke Danny up and forced him to kiss the bare feet of all the victors. He was sobbing his heart out while he kissed the silky soft skin of the five young girls bare feet. They had beaten and humiliated him at his own sport. The girls decided they were getting tired so Dana ordered Danny to kneel in the corner to sleep for the night. She turned off the lights when all the girls were settled and they all said good night to each other. Danny knelt in his corner crying. His life had turned into a nightmare. He wished he had never entered his sisters room that day and tried to bully her. His sobbing was loud in the silence of the room and Dana ordered him to shut up. "SHUT UP DANNY AND GO TO SLEEP!" He tried to obey her, but he felt so lost and helpless that his tears kept running. Dana got pissed and issued a final warning. "GO TO SLEEP WIMP! OR I WILL PUT YOU TO SLEEP WITH MY FIST!" She sternly warned. He quickly and obediently shut up. He had enough humiliation for one day.