Dana's fists destroy her older brother. (Picture)

Sixteen year old Dana destroys and shames her twenty year old brother Danny.

Dana Turner

Sixteen year old Dana Turner was sitting in her room thinking about the fun she and her friends were going to have tonight. Sherry, Nikki, Tami, Lindsey, and Susan were coming over for a pajama party and sleep over. She picked out a small pile of CD's that she wanted to play while her friends were there, and was changing into her cute short pajama bottoms and top. She decided to wear her white ones with the red roses on them. The girls were to be there in about an hour. Just as she finished getting dressed, her twenty year old brother Danny came strolling through her bedroom door. "I'm going over to Mike's house and help him work on his car. We want to listen to some tunes while we work. So I'm taking some of your CD's with me." He stated. "Hey!" "My friends are coming over and I need those CD's for us. So leave them alone Danny."

"You dumb little broads just giggle and talk about stupid shit and won't pay attention to the music anyway. So shut your mouth sis." He replied. "Leave my CD's alone Danny. I mean it." Dana warned. "What are you gonna do about it runt. I'll take what I like." "I'm not kidding Danny. Leave them alone or else. You're not going to bully me like you always do. They're mine." She stated. "You know if I want to take them I can. Now shut your stupid mouth while I pick out what I want to take." He said snarling. "Not this time Danny. You're not taking them. Now put them down and get out of my room." Danny grinned and shook his head. "Make me runt." He challenged. Dana slowly went to her bedroom door and closed it. Turning toward her brother, the cute little brunette replied. "OK I will." Danny ignored her and continued to look through the CD's. "You will what?" He asked. "I'll make you leave them alone." She said confidently. He looked at her like she was crazy. "WHAT?" "I said I will make you leave them alone Danny. Now put them down and leave my room or you're going to be very very sorry."

"Are you crazy you dumb twit? Did you hit your head or something?" "No. But I'm going to hit yours if you don't put down my CD'S and leave right now." She replied. Shaking his head, he continued looking through the CD's. Dana had been bullied by Danny all of her life. A friend of hers showed her she could beat up her 35 year old Father to prove a point to Dana and some other friends. She later talked the girls into taking fighting and wrestling lessons from her, so they could handle themselves and not be weak victims. Dana had been learning how to fight for over three months now. So she would be ready for this moment. Her independence day from Danny's bullying, was today. Slipping off her white cotton socks to get better traction while fighting, she turned to Danny and issued a final warning. "Put the CD's down and leave my room while you can still walk Danny." Through picking out what he wanted to take, the young man started toward the door. "Move out of my way runt." He warned.

Before he expected it, Dana punched him straight in his mouth. "SMACK!" Danny stumbled back in total surprise. "You crazy little bitch. What the hell is wrong with you?" He asked hatefully. "Nothing Danny. I'm going to stop you from taking my things like I said I would dumb ass." The cute little brunette replied. "I'm going out that door Dana. You better get the hell out of my way if you know whats good for you." "NOW MOVE." Danny said snarling. As he came near, Dana feinted with a left hook. Danny fell for it and moved his head to the left. Dana smacked him right on his left eye. "SMACK!" Danny fell back and grabbed the painful spot. "THATS IT!" "I'm going to really hurt you now. You might as well call your friends and tell them not to come. Because you're going to be hurting and crying to much to have fun with them." He said. "Come on Danny boy. I'm going to put you in your place." Dana replied with confidence.

Danny was 5 foot 11 inches tall and 185 pounds of lean male strength. He was a junior in college and on the wrestling team. He was undefeated on the mat for two straight years, and was expected to make it three this year. His body was solid muscle and he was very proud of it. He was always in the weight room building his body up. He was home for spring break and back to his bullying habits. Dana on the other hand was only 5 foot 3 inches tall and 100 pounds. Her body had become firm from taking the fighting and wrestling lessons from Lisa. She was positive she was ready to change her life. Confidence covered her pretty young face. Danny had bullied her for the last time. And he was about to painfully find out why.

Throwing down the CD's, Danny charged at his little sister with destruction on his mind. He threw a roundhouse right, intending to finish her quickly so he could go about his business. Dana ducked under the murderous punch and fired a right cross of her own to his nose. "SMACK!" "Damn you Dana. You're really in trouble now. I'm going to kill you." He told her hatefully. "Well you have to do better then you have so far Danny boy. And I don't think you're man enough to pull it off." She told him with a smile. Danny leaped up and reached out to grab Dana and drag her to the floor. He planned to pin her down and beat the shit out of her. But Dana was way to fast for him. She took a small step back and grabbed his right wrist. Then she began to swing him around in circles. Danny was slightly off balance when he reached for her, so it was easy to get him started.

Danny was stumbling backwards out of control and unable to stop himself. After two complete circles Dana released his arm. He staggered back and crashed into the wall. "SLAM!" Danny fell to the floor on his hands and knees shaking his head. "OK Danny. This is your last chance. Leave my room now and I won't hurt you anymore." Dana told the groggy young man. Danny climbed to his feet and replied. "I'm going to tear you in half you little bitch." He went at her throwing punches as fast as he could to knock her fucking head off. But to Dana, his fast punches looked like slow motion. She could tell what he was going to throw and where. So she was easily able to bob and weave to evade them all. When he slowed his attack, Dana went on the offense. She taunted her older brother while her crisp punches took him apart. "That was pathetic Danny boy." "SMACK!" She punched him in the mouth. "You shouldn't make threats you can't carry out little man." "SMACK!" She jabbed him in the right eye. "People will only fear you if you can do what you say you can." "SMACK!" Her right cross landed on his jaw.

"You can't talk a good fight Danny, you have to fight it." "THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!" Two hard punches drilled into his flat stomach, and the straight right made his left eye sore. "Like this wimp." "SMACK!" His nose felt excruciating pain. "See. That's how its done Danny boy." "SMACK!..SMACK!" Both cheeks turned red. His face was flushed with anger as he stared at his mouthy little sister. She always backed down and ran. Or just cried while he done anything he wanted to in the past. So why wasn't she now? Well it didn't matter. She was going to be crying in a minute and begging him to leave her alone. He advanced on the shapely young girl with determination on his face. He threw a jab at her cute nose, expecting it to land.

But Dana dodged it and punched him in the mouth again. "SMACK!" Getting madder by the second, Danny started throwing punches in bunches with murderous intent. But he only managed to hit air again. While the nimble female fighter danced around every one of his pitiful attempts. When he tired after a few minutes, she went on the attack. A right to his eye. "SMACK!" A left to his cheek. "SMACK!" Another jab to his nose. "SMACK!" A combination to his hard firm stomach. "THUD!..THUD!" And a final right hook to his chin. "SMACK!" Sent him stumbling back. "Don't you wish you could do that Danny boy?". Dana asked grinning. That smirk had to go. The young man thought to himself as he fired a right cross at her mouth. But missing again just brought the boy more pain. "Here I come Danny. Stop me if you can wimp." "SMACK!..SMACK!" A double jab to his nose hurt like hell. "SMACK!" A right hook to his chin turned it red. "THUD!..THUD!" Two hard punches to his stomach made him wince. "CRACK!" The uppercut sent him reeling back off balance again.

"SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" A right cross to his eye, a left hook to his other eye, and a straight shot to his lips, had the young man confused and completely lost on how to stop her. "This is easier then I thought it would be you pathetic weakling." The young fighting tigress replied. "You really are nothing but a big pussy Danny boy. And I'm going to teach you a lesson you'll never forget." He should be on his way to Mike's with his little sister crying on her bed. So why the hell wasn't he? Danny asked himself? This just can't be happening. Could it? I must have slipped trying to hit her or something. Because she can't be beating me in a fair fight. RIGHT? Throwing caution to the wind, Danny let go with a flurry of punches with mean intentions. Dana evaded them all and taunted his pitiful efforts. "You're not very good at this are you pansy ass? In fact, you're pathetic. Really pathetic."

Danny was beginning to breathe a little heavy and his face and stomach was getting a little sore. Her smart ass mouth was really pissing him off, and that ugly little smirk was irritating as hell. Changing tactics, he again reached out to grab her to drag Dana in the floor. Quick as a cat, Dana stepped to her left and grabbed his wrist. She rotated it to the left, then up and over, turning her young body in a circle. When she was finished with the maneuver, his arm was twisted savagely straight out from his body. Danny was bent over and wincing in pain. Bending her shapely right leg, Dana kicked the surprised young man in the face with her bare foot. "WHAP!" She turned loose of his arm and watched as he flopped to the floor on his back. "Come on Danny get up. You can't kill me lying in the floor." She taunted. The young man quickly got to his feet. He was completely embarrassed he was even down there. What the hell is going on? He thought. Trying to control his anger and fight a smart fight, Danny raised his fist and slowly advanced toward his little sister.

He took his time and threw a left jab that missed. Hesitating a second, he tried a right cross and left hook. Both of which drew the same results. A straight right and left missed her pretty face next. Getting frustrated he threw a right and left roundhouse and still came up empty handed. Smiling, Dana retaliated with her own punches. Which always seemed to find their mark. "SMACK!" A left jab to his nose made his eyes water. "SMACK!" A right cross to his mouth and his lip was cut. "THUD!..THUD!" A combination to his stomach made him wince. "SMACK!" A left hook to his eye really hurt. "SMACK!" A right hook to his other eye and it was in pain too.

"SMACK!..SMACK!" Two straight punches to his face snapped his head back. "SMACK!" A final right to his chin and he fell to the floor again. "If you can't do any better then that big brother, then you're in for a really bad beating." The proud young girl taunted. He had to do something. Because he was beginning to feel ashamed of himself. But what? He tried everything he could think of and nothing had worked so far. "THIS JUST CAN'T BE HAPPENING!" His foolish male brain said. So why am I hurting all over? Dana was very happy over how it was going. She put him down several times now and he hadn't touched her yet.

She was going to win this fight and change her life completely. That she was absolutely sure of. It was only a matter of time now. And Danny was going to pay for sixteen years of bullying her while she totally enjoyed it. Thanks to Lisa, she felt unbeatable. Unfortunately, poor Danny wasn't. Danny rose to his feet a little slower this time. Not only due to the beating he was taking and the tiring of his muscles, but because he was lost at coming up with an answer to his problem. And that taunting mouth along with that smart ass smirk was grating on his nerves. She's only sixteen damn it. You've bullied her all your life. His mind kept telling him. Do something quick, before she beats you to a pulp.

Stop her or you won't be able to show your face anywhere. Renewed determination helped him advance on her again. He shouldn't' have listened to his foolish male brain. Because it was about to cause him considerable pain. He just didn't know it yet. But Dana sure as hell did. Once more he fired punch after punch at the shapely brunette fighter. And again he came up empty. Danny was beginning to tire and that worried him. Dana ducked and dodged, bobbed and weaved, and laughed at his pitiful attempts the whole time. When he stopped, she attacked. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Hard straight punches drove Danny back. "SMACK!" A final punch to the jaw sent him to the floor again.

Looking at his very confused face caused Dana to burst out laughing. "You really look worried there Danny boy. And I know why. You're realising you're going to get your ass kicked by your sweet little sister. And there's nothing you can do to stop her. Which is the correct assumption weakling. I'm going to beat you like I own you. You'll soon be crawling at my feet and pleading with me to stop. Whether I will or not depends on my mood at the time." She explained. Danny slowly climbed to his feet. He was completely lost for an answer to this dilemma. Dana smiled and turned up her offense. She didn't want to give Danny a chance to clear his head. Two straight shots to his face. "SMACK!..SMACK!" A combination to his softening stomach. "THUD!..THUD!" A jab to his nose. "SMACK!" A right to his mouth. "SMACK!" A left to his eye. "SMACK!" A right to his other eye. "SMACK!" And two more to his jaw sent him down again. "SMACK!..SMACK!" His eyes were watering from the punches and his face was cut in several places.

"Awww, is the big bad bully boy crying because he's getting beaten up by his sweet sixteen year old sister?" Dana asked with a smile. "SHUT YOUR MOUTH YOU LITTLE BITCH!" Danny screamed. "Make me pansy ass." Dana challenged. "Because I don't think you can stop me from doing anything I want to you." "You'll see Dana. Just wait damn you." The stubborn young man replied. "Well come on then you little sissy. I'm having a ball kicking your stupid ass. And I'm going to kick it some more." "SO GET UP AND FIGHT PUSSY!" Danny rose to his feet trying to figure out how to resolve this situation. Dana didn't wait for him to punch. Her feminine fist began firing like pistons, driving the young man back to the wall. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" His back struck the wall to stop his retreat. "SLAM!" But it didn't stop her onslaught of punches that were raining down on him. "SMACK!..SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!" The final right caused him to slide down the wall.

Dana stood back admiring her work. The young man was really crying now. "GET UP PUSSY! I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU YET!" The proud young female told him. "GO TO HELL YOU LITTLE BITCH!" Danny cried. He wanted to get up and beat the shit out of her with all his might. But he was becoming afraid. Looking at Dana standing over him, struck terror in his heart. "GET UP! OR I'M GOING TO BEAT YOU RIGHT THERE ON THE FLOOR WIMP!" He got to his hands and knees and finally made it to his feet. His big muscular arms were tired and hard to hold up. While his strong thick legs shook as he stood there. His face and hard body was sore and marked all over. And his bewildered mind was lost in total confusion. Dana on the other hand was as fresh as when they started. And she didn't have a mark on her. She was very satisfied with how it had gone so far. And it was only going to get better.

Dana strolled to the middle of her room and beckoned Danny to her with her finger. "Come here Danny boy and get what your little sister has waiting for you." He shuffled toward her and slowly raised his fists. He threw a right and she easily dodged it. "SMACK!" A right to his face. He tried a left and she dodged it again. "SMACK!" A left to his face. He let go with a right roundhouse that she ducked under. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Four more to his face drove him back. Danny started to throw another punch. But the pert young fighter beat him to it. "SMACK!..SMACK!" Two more to his face dropped him to the floor again. He lay there crying with his swollen face and battered body hurting all over. "GET ON YOUR FEET!" Dana ordered. "Damn it Dana leave me alone." The young man cried. "Why should I. You can't make me. And I'm having to much fun to stop. So shut your whining mouth and get up." She demanded. "GO TO HELL YOU BITCH!" He screamed.

Dana grabbed him by his hair and shoulder and dragged him to his feet. He tried to push her away. But Dana grabbed his right wrist in her left hand and roughly twisted it. Then she drove three more punches into his battered face with her right. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Danny slumped to the floor sobbing like a baby. The hard punches cut his eye open, busted his lip, and broke his nose. Poor Danny's face was swelling badly. "You not only can't fight wimp, you're not very smart. You should know by now you're going to lose. So beg me to stop hurting you and I might do it. Then again I might not." She said smiling. With his face hurting like hell and his hard body slightly turning soft, Danny climbed to his feet and stood on trembling legs. He looked at his sister and cried louder.

He felt humiliated standing there in front of his little sister crying. Especially since she was the reason he was doing it. And admitting that to himself made the humiliation spread over his mind even more. This had to end. With his last ounce of strength, he threw a hay maker of a punch at the cute young girls head. In hopes it would connect and free him from this nightmare. As usual he missed, and his face showed the fear when Dana began a punch of her own. "SMACK!" His eye swelled a little more. "SMACK!" His broken nose was mashed to his battered face. His whole body started to shake while she peppered him repeatedly and drove him to the wall again. "SMACK!" His other eye swelled. "SMACK!..SMACK!" His cheeks were changing color. "SMACK!..SMACK!" His jaw was marked while his head flopped back and forth. "SMACK!" A right put the sobbing young man back in the floor. Dana stood over him with a large smile on her pretty face.

Just as he dropped, Dana's bedroom door opened and in walked Sherry, Nikki, Tami, Lindsey and Susan. "You didn't..ah." Sherry stopped speaking a second while she looked at Danny on the floor. "Answer the door. So we came on in Dana." "Whats going on here?" The five asked looking at Danny? "Danny boy was going to take some of my CD's I wanted to play tonight. So I'm beating the shit out of him to teach him a lesson in manners." Dana replied with a smile. "You're kidding right?" They asked in disbelief. "He's twenty years old Dana. He must be letting you win." Tami said. "Why would he let me beat him up and put him in my floor crying?" Dana responded. "I don't know. But it makes as much sense as you beating him up." You're only sixteen. And he's your older, bigger brother that goes to College." Susan explained. "How could you beat him up?"

"I remember Dana. You said another friend of yours was teaching you to fight. Isn't that right?" "Yes. And she taught me well. Because I'm kicking his ass good. So find a seat and let me show you. I've got sixteen years of bullying to catch up with. And Danny needs to pay for everyone of them." Dana stood over Danny while the five young girls all dressed in their cute short pajamas took a seat. "Look Danny. We have an audience to watch me beat you up. So get up wimp. Its really going to go bad for you now." She said smiling. The shame he felt when the five young girls walked through the door and saw him lying in the floor crying was bad enough. But he couldn't let his little bitch sister beat him senseless while they watched. That would be to degrading. He dug down deep and found the courage to get to his feet and continue.

Danny stumbled toward Dana and threw a right. Having an audience, Dana decided to toy with him awhile to humiliate him further. She began to dance on her bare feet when he came at her. She dodged as he missed with a right. "SMACK!" His eye swelled further and began to turn black. She dodged his left. "SMACK!" His mouth became puffy. She ducked his right. "SMACK!..SMACK!" His other eye was turning black and swelling, and his jaw was bruised. She ducked another right. "SMACK!" His cheek swelled as he hit the floor crying his eyes out. Dana smiled and looked at her friends. "OH MY GOD! SHE'S TELLING THE TRUTH!" Nikki said as he hit the floor. "She really is beating him up." The other four stared in disbelief. "I told you guys didn't I. He's nothing but a wimp." Danny got to his feet and tried to throw a right. But the cute brunette fighter blocked it. "SMACK!" His nose felt mushy.

She blocked his next left. "SMACK!" His right cheek turned purple and swelled up further. His right and left were easily batted down. "SMACK!..SMACK!" His other cheek swelled and turned purple. While his mouth busted open more. One more right of his was blocked. "THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!" His stomach was turned to jello and the final right to his chin dropped him at her feet. The five young girls gasped, and then laughed at the young man's predicament. He lie there sobbing like a baby while pain spread over his entire body. He stopped himself from begging to try and save some dignity. But was sure he couldn't take much more. The trouble was, he didn't know how to get out of this mess.

Dana taunted the bruised and battered young man. "You're not much of a man are you wimp? I'm only sixteen and you're lying at my feet crying. Your face and body look pitiful sissy boy. And when you get up its just going to get worse for you. You're really pathetic you little weakling. Simply pathetic." Sherry, Nikki, Tami, Lindsey and Susan were laughing and clapping at the boy sobbing in the floor at Dana's feet. He always treated them like shit when they came over to visit. They were enjoying this almost as much as Dana. The proud brunette gladiator decided to really humiliate her big brother in front of her friends by beating him at his own game.

"I tell you what pansy ass. I'm going to give you a chance to pay me back. Since you're the undefeated big shot wrestler in college, I'm going to wrestle with you now. I swear I won't use my fist on you at all. So get up you big pussy and see if you can take me at your own sport. The five girls had a look of concern on their young faces. "Dana, are you crazy? I see you can beat him up with your fists. But he will kill you wrestling. He's never lost a match. And he's much bigger then you are girl. Are you nuts?" Lindsey asked? "Yeah." Said Sherry. "You're letting this go to your head if you think you can beat him at wrestling."

"We'll jump him and help you out when he starts to hurt you. Because we owe him for treating us like dogs when we come to visit." Nikki said. "I'll be alright you guys, don't worry." "Dana. He's a champion wrestler. You have to be crazy." They said worrying. "Just watch girls. Danny is nothing but a pathetic wimp. I'll beat him easily." Thinking this was his chance, Danny got to his feet and stood before her. His battered, tear stained face was a total mess. But he was going to rectify that now and hurt her bad. He went to reach for her in the grappling style of wrestlers, not thinking she didn't know or care about the rules of wrestling etiquette. Dana grabbed his hair and pulled his head down while she placed her right hand under his chin. She rotated her body one half turn to her left while taking his head with her. She was still controlling his chin when she came to a stop with them back to back.

Dana pulled his head down until his neck was resting on her shoulder and he was staring up at the ceiling. His back was nearly bent in half, because he was a foot taller then she was. All Danny could do was flail his arms around while he tried not to get his neck broken. Dana stood there smiling for a minute before stepping out and letting him fall to the floor on his back. "SLAM!" As he rolled to his stomach to get to his hands and knees and get up, she jumped on his back and flattened him to the floor. She grasp his hair again and pulled his chin back. He reached up to break her hold and she quickly grabbed his arms by the wrists. She held his left arm in her right hand and his right arm in her left. Then Dana pulled them across his throat in front of him. Sitting down on her pert young butt, she placed her bare foot in the middle of his back. Then she pulled his arms hard across his throat, forcing him to strangle himself.

Dana held him for about two minutes while she laughed at his feeble attempts to get free. She released him when his face turned bright red so he wouldn't pass out. She was having to much fun showing him she was much more superior and didn't want it to end to quickly. Danny climbed to his feet while having a coughing fit. Being more cautious this time, Danny circled her waiting for his chance. Thinking it had come, he dove for her legs to take her down like he had so many large male opponents in his winning matches. But Dana was much quicker then those big husky brutes. She stepped back causing him to miss. Quick as a cat, she stepped forward again and trapped his head between her young firm legs just above the knees.

She reached down before he realized what was happening and picked up his large muscular arms in her strong hands. Then she pulled them both behind his back in a double hammerlock. He screamed in pain while all five girls giggled. "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHH!" "You're not doing very well at this either Danny boy." Dana teased. She held him for two minutes while the young girls laughed at his screaming. "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!" Humiliation was spreading through him while the tears began flowing down his battered face again. Dana released him and stood back waiting for Danny to get up. He got to his hands and knees and bolted out of his stance. He charged at Dana hoping to surprise her. But being on the alert, she grabbed his shoulders and stuck her bare foot into his soft stomach. Then she laid back and flipped him over her to land hard in the floor on his back. "SLAM!"

Scrambling to her feet, Dana reached his back just as he was starting to sit up. She knelt down and slipped her right arm around his neck while she grasp her left arm just above her elbow. She placed her left hand on the top of his head toward the back and applied pressure to the sleeper hold she now had him in. "I've got you now you big pussy. Time to go to sleep." The five girls laughed and clapped for Dana. She had been right all along. Danny was a wimp. His pitiful struggles to free himself made all the girls giggle continuously. Two minutes later, his large muscular arms dropped to his side while his eyes fluttered shut and he went to sleep. Dana stood as he collapsed to the floor on his back at her feet. Lifting her right leg, she placed the soft smooth sole of her bare foot across his bruised and battered face. Dana struck a double bicep pose while Sherry, Nikki, Lindsey, Tami and Susan clapped and cheered. "I told you guys not to worry." They cheered again.

Letting him sleep awhile, Dana and her friends went to the kitchen to grab some bags of chips, pretzels, and popcorn to snack on. And bottles of soda to quench their thirst. As they were gathering the supplies, they were all chattering together wanting to know how it felt to beat up a bigger and older male. Dana explained to them as best she could what she was feeling. "Its hard to describe if you haven't been there. I've never felt anything like it before. Its like finding the perfect outfit, to go along with the perfect shoes, to go to the perfect place, with that perfect someone, and everything turns out just perfect. Does that make any sense?" She asked smiling? "Its just the greatest feeling ever."

"I wonder if I could learn how to fight?" Sherry asked. "I've got two brothers that think they own the world. And they treat me and my little sister like crap. I sure would like to straighten them out I tell you." "Yeah." said Nikki. "I have two brothers that need to be taught a lesson too." "I only have one brother and he's not that bad." Tami added. "But I still would like to make him do what I want him to." "Susan and I don't have any brothers. But there is these two guys who bug us every time we go to the park for a walk. They need to be taught some manners real bad." Lyndsey said. "You got that right." Susan agreed. "You think you could teach us Dana?" They all asked. "Maybe. But it would be best if I introduced you to Lisa. She can teach you better. And I'm sure she would be glad to help."

"All right. What ever you think." The girls said as they started back to the bedroom. When they opened the door, Danny was still sleeping like a baby. "Time to wake sleeping beauty and have some more fun." The five young girls took their seats with refreshments to watch. Dana was feeling invincible. Danny was beaten and she knew it. His days of bullying her were over. And hers were about to start. She couldn't wait to have him obeying her every command. Dana went to Danny and knelt down to slap the young man awake. "OK Danny boy, enough rest. Lets continue your lesson." The young man crawled to his hands and knees and finally made it to his feet. His whole body was aching everywhere, and he wasn't sure he had the strength to continue. But Dana giving him orders was to much to handle. Somehow, he had to find a way to win this battle and reassert himself as the one to fear in this house.

"Get those pitiful fists up boy so I can finish teaching you your lesson." "NOW YOU WEAKLING!" Looking as if he wasn't sure where he was at, he stared at his sister with a blank look on his battered face. Smiling, Dana went to him and grabbed him by the shirt with her left hand while she curled her fingers in it to hold him steady. "Let me refresh your memory wimp so you'll remember how bad I'm beating you to a pulp." "SMACK!..SMACK!.. SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Six hard rights snapped his head back as he stumbled around the room. "Is it coming back to you now sissy boy?" He threw a right of his own, but there was only about half his strength remaining. Dana easily blocked it with her slender left arm.

His left was then blocked by her right arm, making Danny look like an incompetent fool. One more pitiful right met the same results, before she started to taunt the beaten young man. "I don't think you're going to last much longer Danny boy. Not if that's as hard as you can punch. Let me show you how to do it you pathetic loser. Now pay attention." "Its done like this you little sissy." "SMACK!" A right to his eye turned it black and blue. "SMACK!" A left to the other eye made a matched set. "THUD!.. THUD!" Two hard punches to his softened stomach made him grunt in pain. "SMACK!..SMACK!" Two left jabs to his chin left a large bruise. "SMACK!" Another left jab to his lip puffed it up further. "Are you having as much fun as I am Danny boy? Probably not." She said as she laughed in his face.

"SMACK!..SMACK!" A right left combination to his swelling purple cheeks. "SMACK!" One more right to his busted up mouth. "SMACK!" And a right hook to his jaw that dropped him in the floor. He tried to stop the tears from coming, but it was impossible. They poured down his swollen cheeks like a water fall. "OH MY GOD! HE'S CRYING LIKE A BABY!" Tami screamed as they all laughed. "GO TO HELL YOU BITCHES!" The sobbing young man screamed as he climbed to his feet. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Six hard fast punches were planted in his face as Dana screamed. "DON'T YOU EVER TALK TO MY FRIENDS LIKE THAT AGAIN YOU WEAKLING!" Danny dropped to the floor again. He was barely conscious and crying his heart out. "GET UP!" "I'm going to teach you some manners you'll never forget pansy ass." Danny just lay there sobbing. So the irate brunette grabbed him and hauled him to his feet.

"I SAID GET UP BOY!" "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Four more shots to his swollen battered face and he slumped to the floor again. "STAY ON YOUR FEET SISSY! OR ELSE!" "NOW GET UP!" "I can't Dana." The young man cried in shame. "Pl.please.. Dana. L.leave.. me.. al.l.lone." "NO DANNY NOT YET! NOW GET UP." Whimpering, the young man struggled to his unsteady feet and faced his terrifying younger sister. Grabbing his shirt again to hold him steady, she turned him toward the young girls sitting on her bed and in the two chairs that were in her room. Staring into his swollen black eyes, she smiled as she saw the fear. She felt elated. Danny was afraid of her. THAT was the greatest feeling she had ever experienced in her life. She wanted more.

"YOU!" "SMACK!" "WILL" "SMACK!" "APOLOGISE" "SMACK!" "TO" "SMACK!" "THEM" "SMACK!" "RIGHT" "SMACK!" "NOW" "SMACK!" "DANNY" "SMACK!" He landed at Sherry's feet crying uncontrollably. Dana was thoroughly pissed at her older brother for talking to her friends like that. He needed to learn some respect and she was going to teach him some. Even if she had to beat him half to death. Danny would learn or else. Dana grabbed both of his muscular weak arms and jerked them up his back in a double hammerlock. He screamed in pain. "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She put her thumb and first finger around the top wrist and the other three around the bottom. She was easily able to hold both of his arms with one hand. Dana grabbed him by the hair with her left hand and dragged him to his knees while she held him in front of Sherry.

She pushed his face down to Sherry's bare feet and jerked his arms up hard while giving him his orders. "KISS EACH BARE FOOT ONE AT A TIME FOR ONE MINUTE! OR I WILL BREAK YOUR PITIFUL ARMS DANNY!" "And you better do a good job you little pussy. Because if they don't forgive you, your beating is going to get worse. Crying as hard as he ever had in his life, he kissed Sherry's bare feet like he loved doing it. The fear of what Dana might do to him if he didn't obey, made him degrade himself completely. At the end of the two minutes, Dana held him up on his knees facing the pretty young girl.

"Give him one good punch Sherry for speaking to you like that." "Really?" Sherry asked. "Yes. Let him have it as hard as you can." Sherry drew back her female fist and punched him in the mouth. "SMACK!" "NOW APOLOGIZE TO HER YOU PATHETIC LITTLE WEAKLING!" Dana commanded. "I'm s.sorry..S.S.Sherry. R.really..I..am. Pl.please..for.g.give..me." "I forgive you wimp." Sherry said giggling. "NOW THANK HER FOR FORGIVING YOU PANSY ASS!" "Thank.. you..S.S.Sherry." "You're welcome wimp." The beautiful Sherry told him as she laughed in his swollen face. "You're lucky she has a kind heart you little piss ant. Now lets go see Tami."

Next was Tami sitting on the bed. He kissed her soft bare feet and received a punch. "SMACK!" Then he thanked her. Then Lindsey's soft bare feet. Her punch. "SMACK!" And thanked her. Susan's soft bare feet. Her punch. "SMACK!" And thanked her. Nikki who was sitting in the other chair was last. After kissing her soft bare feet and receiving her punch. "SMACK!" He asked for her forgiveness. She decided to have some fun with the whimpering young man. "I don't know Danny. You really hurt my feelings." His swollen battered face turned white as he whined. "Pl.please.. n.no.. N.Nikki. D.don't.. do.. t.this. Forg.g.give.. m.me. Pl.please.. N.N.Nikki. Pl.pl.please." Laughing out loud, Nikki answered the whimpering man. "Alright sissy I forgive you."

Dana dragged him to the center of the room so he could see all of the young girls. Then she hauled him to his feet. She grabbed the back of his collar as she turned him toward them and sternly ordered. "THANK THEM ALL FOR BEING SO UNDERSTANDING YOU PUSSY!" "T.Thank.. y.you.. g.g.girls." He whimpered. His tears flowed down his beaten black and blue face. The shame of being degraded by her friends was overwhelming. Satisfied, Dana continued his lesson with a stern look on her pretty face. "Now where were we Danny? Oh yes." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!" She beat his swollen face and battered body until he collapsed to the floor wailing like a frightened little child. Dana reached down and grabbed him by the hair and lifted his head slightly off the floor. She stuck her bare foot under his face and gave him an order. "KISS IT NOW!" Humiliation spread through him while he leaned down and placed soft kisses on her toes and silky smooth skin. He tried not to get sick doing the disgusting act.

When she ordered him to switch and kiss her other bare foot, he balked. "Please.. D.D.Dana. N.no.. m.more. T.thats.. e.enough. Pl.please." "You just don't learn do you you moron." Dana lifted the sobbing and begging young man to his feet. Then she sternly explained things to him. "You will mind me Danny or else." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" His mouth busted wide open and both eyes were starting to close. He tried to plead, but she didn't give him a chance to speak. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" He hit the floor at her feet, sobbing like a baby.

Dana turned away and walked to the center of the room before she turned to face him. "Now lets start over weakling. Crawl to me and kiss my feet until I order you to stop. Both of them Danny boy. Or this time I won't stop beating you until your face is unrecognizable." The beaten young man crawled with as much speed as his bruised and battered body would allow. When he reached her, he obeyed her commands completely. He had to save himself from further harm. The young girls were clapping and cheering, which made him feel totally shamed and humiliated. But he couldn't face those hard feminine fists again. He was beaten. Dana had won. The thought of trying to stand up to her and fight again, totally frightened him out of his mind. She was just to tough.

After kissing each silky soft bare foot for about ten minutes apiece, he was ordered to his back. He repeated the degrading act by kissing and smelling her soft smooth bare soles for another ten minutes. He cried through the whole terrible ordeal while he felt sorry for himself. Dana picked the whimpering boy up from the floor. "Now Danny boy. I will tell you how your miserable life is going to be from now on." She held him firmly by his shirt and looked into his fear filled swollen black eyes. "SMACK!" "You will mind me Danny." "SMACK!" "No matter what order I give you." "SMACK!" "You will follow it without hesitation." "SMACK!" "If you don't, you will receive another beating from me." "SMACK!" "You will never disobey me." SMACK!" "You will feel pain if you try." "SMACK!" "There are no exceptions to these rules." "SMACK!" "IS THAT CLEAR WEAKLING?" "SMACK!" "Yes Dana it's c.clear." "IT BETTER BE SISSY BOY! I AM THE BOSS!"

Dana jerked his battered body up for one more good punch. Her pretty smile made the fear spread over his battered face. "Now hold still little Danny for your sweet sister." She slowly drew back her hard right fist and snapped it to his face. "SMMMACK!" Dana turned him loose and watched along with the other five young girls. Danny was out on his feet while he stood there like a statue. His muscular arms were dangling useless at his side and his thick legs were buckled. His head was back on his shoulders with his black eyes shut and his mouth hanging open. Then he slowly toppled forward and slammed into the floor at her pretty bare feet. He was sound asleep.

The girls all gasped while they clapped and cheered. Dana placed a bare foot on the side of his head and did a double bicep muscle pose. They all giggled together while they crowded around her. "That was awesome Dana. Simply awesome." The six pretty, sixteen year old girls giggled and talked to each other while lying across Dana's bed. Thirty five minutes later Danny finally woke up. "Its about time." Dana said as she approached the battered young man lying on the floor. "I thought I was going to have to wake you myself you little weakling."

Danny broke down crying. All thoughts of dignity or courage were completely gone. Humiliating himself, he begged his dominate younger sister for mercy. "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" Pl.pl.please..D.D.Dana. No.. m.m.more. Pl.pl.please. I.. g.give..up. L.leave.. m.me.. al.l.lone. Pl.please. I.. g.g.give.. up. St.stop.. h.hitting.. me.. s.s.sis." "I have to be sure you understand who is in charge here wimp. So just shut up and try to be a man." The broken young man could only sob pitifully while Dana climbed on his chest and pinned his weak useless arms to the floor with her knees.

She took her white cotton sock she picked up on her way to him and stuffed it in his swollen mouth. The five girls were laughing their heads off. Dana stared into his blackened eyes and smiled. Then she repeatedly slapped his swollen face back and forth while she explained how it was going to be. "SLAP!..SLAP!" "YOU ARE MINE SISSY!" "SLAP!..SLAP!" "I OWN YOU." "SLAP!..SLAP!" "YOU WILL MIND ME OR ELSE!" "SLAP!..SLAP!" "I AM YOUR BOSS!" "SLAP!..SLAP!" "YOU WILL BE BEATEN IF YOU TRY TO RESIST ME!" "I give the orders and you will obey you pansy ass. There are no exceptions. Is that clear weakling?" He could only shake his head yes, because his mouth was filled with her sock. He didn't care anymore. His spirit was broken, his will destroyed, his courage dissolved, and his mind and heart were completely lost. She owned him, and he knew it. As she removed the sock from his mouth, Dana climbed off of him and stood up.

He immediately groveled at her feet, kissing and sobbing like he belonged there. Humiliation and shame filled his soul while he degraded himself at her feet. But he couldn't take anymore beatings. Dana had put the fear of her in him. Those female fists of hers were to hard and fast. He would be defenseless against them and be beaten without remorse. Of that he was certain. She had won. All his defiance was gone. Dana was ecstatic with power. "SHE HAD THOROUGHLY BEATEN HIM!" She owned Danny and could do whatever she wished. She felt FANTASTIC! Her five friends were clapping and cheering loudly. She liked this foot groveling so he would do much more of it in the future. She ordered him to stand. He rose to his feet as fast as possible and waited for more instructions.

"I want you to stand perfectly still with your arms at your sides. She ordered. Do not attempt to raise your arms to defend yourself or strike any of my friends. Or I will beat you within an inch of your life." "IS THAT UNDERSTOOD WIMP?" "Yes Dana, I understand." "Good boy. you better remember what I said." "Tami, come over here please. Punch him as hard as you can for as many times as it takes to knock him out. He won't try to hit you back. So don't be afraid. Now go ahead and beat him." Tami raised her fists and punched Danny four times. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" He dropped at her feet fast asleep. "MAN THAT WAS GREAT!" "And fun too." He was slapped awake and made to repeat his docile stance while Susan, Lindsey, Nikki, and Sherry put him to sleep. It took Lindsey and Susan four punches themselves to put him to sleep. Sherry and Nikki only needed three to have him sleeping at their pretty bare feet.

But they admitted the brutal beating Dana had given him and the three girls knocking him out before them had softened Danny up. So they didn't need as many punches to knock him out. They all agreed it was a blast to knock him out and have him sleeping at their feet. He was ordered to grovel at each girls feet and thank them for knocking him out. He gently kissed their silky smooth feet and pretty toes as ordered. Next, Dana and the five girls lay across her bed on their stomach's. They were lined up in a row with their pretty bare feet hanging over the side. Danny was ordered to kneel at the side of the bed facing their feet. When Dana ordered him to, he lowered his black and blue battered face to her soft smooth soles and remained there not moving. She rubbed both of her bare soles over his battered face for five minutes.

She then said. "NEXT DANNY!" He crawled slightly to the right and laid his face on the smooth soft soles of Sherry's bare feet. She rubbed hers in his face for another five minutes. He repeated the humiliating act for the other four girls. Finally, Dana ordered him to go to the kitchen and bring back more soda's for all of them. When he finished that chore, Dana had him kneel at her feet. She took his battered head in her strong hands and looked him straight in the eyes. "Go kneel in the corner until you're needed to serve us again. Do it quietly and keep your mouth shut."

"If you make a sound I'll knock your ass out. Is that clear weakling?" The pretty female warrior asked. The beaten young man shook his battered head yes and went to kneel in the corner. The six sixteen year old girls chatted and giggled as if he wasn't even there. His life was over.