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James Connolly - Irish Socialist
Media Technology CM110-Web Site Assignment
Student Name : James Doherty
Student ID number : 5592500

James Connolly - Irish Socialist

James Connolly is well known as an Irish Rebel who played a major role in the Easter Rising of 1916 by the Irish against the British. He is seen as a martyr who died for his cause which is certainly true but there are many other parts to James Connolly's life which are not as well known and in this web site i hope to explore these roles too. He played a huge role in socialism in Ireland, in Scotland and also worked in America campaigning for socialist causes among the many Irish immigrants.

Despite a lack of education as a child Connolly went on to become a fantastic motivational writer and writer Ted Grant said that he alone in the annals of the British and Irish Labour Movement succeeded in developing the ideas of Marxism. This website is written in a way that hopefully explores all of Connolly's work, not just the easter rising.

Coat of Arms

James Doherty 28 November, 2005