Werner von Doom

Real Name: Werner von Doom

Identity/Class: Human

Occupation: Healer

Group Membership: Zefiro

Affiliations: Boris

Enemies: Baron Sabbat and his royal guardsmen

Known Relatives: Cynthia von Doom (wife), Victor von Doom (son)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: mobile throughout Latveria

First Appearance: Fantastic Four Annual#2 (1964)

Powers/Abilities: Werner von Doom was experienced in folk medicine.

(Doom 2099#25) A time traveling Doom 2099 briefly passed through Latveria's past and saw Werner Von Doom as a youth. The young Werner was fascinated by the iron mask he saw on Doom 2099, so much so that his father created puppets with iron masks, which were later used to amuse young Victor.....

(Fantastic Four Annual#2 (fb) - BTS) - Werner was a healer within the group of Latverian Gypsies known as the Zefiro. He married Cynthia and they had a son, Victor.

(Marvel Graphic Novel: Dr. Strange and Dr. Doom: Triumph and Torment (fb)) - Unlike his wife, Werner accepted his lot in life, including the abuse the Zefiro received from the Baron. Cynthia made a magical pact with Mephisto, inadvertently slaughtered some townspeople, and was subsequently killed, and Werner found her seconds before she died; she only had time to tell him what had happened and to make him promise to shield Victor from the demonic power she had unleashed. Knowing the Baron would destroy the Zefiro if he knew Cynthia's involvement, Werner buried Cynthia in an unmarked grave, and then he led the Zefiro to flee before the dawn. At the first bridge they crossed, Werner dumped Cynthia's trunk of arcana into the water, but three nights later he found the trunk, dry and whole, back in his wagon.

(Marvel Graphic Novel: Dr. Strange and Dr. Doom: Triumph and Torment (fb) - BTs) - Over the next year, Werner tried over and over to destroy the Trunk, using fire, large rocks, an axe, etc., but it could not be destroyed. Eventually, Werner gave up and tried to lose the trunk amongst his own meager belongings.


(Fantastic Four Annual#2) - Eventually returning to the Latverian Steppes, Werner's fame as a healer drew unwanted attention. He was ordered to minister to the Baron's dying wife. Werner realized that the cancer that consumed her was beyond his ability to save and that she would not survive the night. He gave her a potion and returned to the village, knowing that the Baron's men would come for him when she died, and he took Victor and fled into the woods. The cold harsh winter devastated them and Werner died trying to keep Victor warm. Werner's old friend Boris found them and returned them to the camp, but Werner died soon after. His last words were "You must protect...you must protect...protect."
    Only Boris understood that Werner had not meant to protect the lad, but rather that the world will need protection from the boy who wears the name of Doom.





Thanks to The Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe for all the information contained in this bio. For more bios o some of the lesser known characters in the marvel universe, visit their website by clicking the link below.
 The Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe


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