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Dr. Boxall's webpage is undergoing some badly needed renovation.

I hope to have some new stuff to look at soon.

In the meantime, here's some odds and ends of things I've put together over the years...

Celestial motion video: I put this video together as part of a summer class on "Technology in the Classroom." It's a combination of animations that I put together and video clips that I filmed to try to convey the sense that even the seeming stillness of the heavens is alive with motion.

Materials by Design presentation: the presentation I used for my university faculty interviews.

The Power of PowerPoint: A PowerPoint demo that I put together using my teaching presentations from the 2006-2007 school year (Note: the demo will only run properly in PowerPoint 2003 or newer).

Stoichiometry tutorials: More than you probably ever wanted to know about stoichiometry.
Simple one-step and two step stoichiometric conversions
How to use a balanced chemical reaction equation to do mole:mole conversions
Full-blown stoichiometric calculations

My first Java Happy Face!