*IM conversation*

I don't live - I inhale says:
Are you still on?

Justa_Pansy says:
hi yes

I don't live - I inhale says:
Wanna chat for a minute?

Justa_Pansy says:
or two or three

Justa_Pansy says:
hold on let me fix my sn

I don't live - I inhale says:
ha ok

I don't give-I unveil says:
there better?

I don't live - I inhale says:
LOL very nice you didn't have to

I don't give-I unveil says:
oh but I did..had to look it up though, guess I'm not as hardcore as you

I don't live - I inhale says:
yea right whatever!

I don't give-I unveil says:
is Brad still there?

I don't live - I inhale says:
No he went to his room, he doesn't know I'm talking to you otherwise he would probably be over my shoulder.

I don't give-I unveil says:

I don't live - I inhale says:
So what's up with you two?

I don't give-I unveil says:
what do you mean?

I don't live - I inhale says:
I read your conversation.

I don't give-I unveil says:

I don't live - I inhale says:
Do you like my brother?

I don't give-I unveil says:
he's my bestfriend

I don't live - I inhale says:
You know what I mean.

I don't give-I unveil says:
you mean like like?

I don't live - I inhale says:

I don't give-I unveil says:
wow this is weird lol

I don't live - I inhale says:

I don't give-I unveil says:
just is

I don't live - I inhale says:
Are you avoiding my question?

I don't give-I unveil says:
um yes.

I don't live - I inhale says:
You don't have to talk to me if it makes you feel uncomfortable.

I don't give-I unveil says:
NO talking to you doesn't make me uncomfortable, but its just I really don't know how to answer that.

I don't live - I inhale says:
Do you like my brother? yes or no (does that help)

I don't give-I unveil says:
LOL! I think its more complicated then "yes or no" but for the sake of simplicity - yes.

I don't live - I inhale says:
See that wasn't so hard huh?

I don't give-I unveil says:
well no, but it also wasn't a complete answer...hence the complicated

I don't live - I inhale says:
Why is it complicated?

I don't give-I unveil says:
you sure have a lot of questions tonight!

I don't live - I inhale says:
I'm only trying to understand.

I don't give-I unveil says:
well why do you want to know?

I don't live - I inhale says:
ohh questions for me now... I'm curious about you and my brother and about some of the things you guys were talking about.

I don't give-I unveil says:
like what?

I don't live - I inhale says:
Well honestly I'm mostly curious about the stuff you said about me.

I don't give-I unveil says:
you mean the frosting stuff huh?

I don't live - I inhale says:
The frosting, the fucking...yep.

I don't give-I unveil says:

I don't live - I inhale says:
lol what?

I don't give-I unveil says:
I think he was the one that was talking about fucking not me.

I don't live - I inhale says:
Yeah I wonder why he said that though...somehow what you said gave him that vibe.

I don't give-I unveil says:
I guess but I was only kidding around.

I don't live - I inhale says:
He sounded kinda jealous, does he have any reason to be jealous?

I don't give-I unveil says:
you mean of you and me?

I don't live - I inhale says:

I don't give-I unveil says:

I don't live - I inhale says:

I don't give-I unveil says:
i don't know

I don't give-I unveil says:
are you sure he isn't standing right there and the two of you aren't laughing your asses off at me!

I don't live - I inhale says:
He's not here and I'm not trying to trick you.

I don't live - I inhale says:
I promise.

I don't live - I inhale says:

I don't give-I unveil says:
I'm here I just don't know what to say.

I don't live - I inhale says:
ok, hypothetically speaking lets say that you know for a fact that Brad only wanted to be your friend and nothing more.

I don't give-I unveil says:
uh huh...

I don't live - I inhale says:
Well then would you be interested in persuing something more than friendship with me?

I don't give-I unveil says:
I think so..yes

I don't live - I inhale says:
Ok now lets say (hypothetically) Brad and I both want more then friendship from you, what then?

I don't give-I unveil says:
this isn't fair

I don't live - I inhale says:
You won't hurt my feelings. I'm pretty sure you would choose him, it's ok.

I don't give-I unveil says:
well no i would say both lol

I don't live - I inhale says:
You're laughing, does that mean you are kidding?

I don't give-I unveil says:
I'm not really laughing I'm just nervous. My answer is both because that would be the best scenerio in my opinion.

I don't live - I inhale says:
You're nervous? Really?

I don't give-I unveil says:
kinda, maybe nervous isn't the right word. this is awkward

I don't live - I inhale says:
Yea it is a little.

I don't give-I unveil says:
But whats the point anyways, you can come up with countless "what if" scenerios and the only one thats gonna matter is the one that really REAL.

I don't live - I inhale says:
That's true. I think the REAL one is that Brad and I both like you.

I don't give-I unveil says:
What?? Really??

I don't live - I inhale says:

I don't give-I unveil says:
you like me?

I don't live - I inhale says:
LOL yes I do.

I don't give-I unveil says:
what about that stuff he was saying about you having a girlfriend?

I don't live - I inhale says:
There was a girl I was wanting to go out with, but nothing happened with it. I'm not in a relationship with anyone, I wouln't be having this conversation if I was.

I don't give-I unveil says:

I don't live - I inhale says:
Like I said before, I think Brad was feeling kind of jealous and that's why he said that.

I don't give-I unveil says:
Let me ask you something

I don't live - I inhale says:

I don't give-I unveil says:
hypothetically (or whatever) lol You and your brother like the same person...do you persue it or do you let your brother?

I don't live - I inhale says:
hmmm let me think how to answer this...

I don't live - I inhale says:
I know Brad is your best friend, but he's mine too. I mean I've got other really good friends, but we're brothers. We've shared a lot of history. So, even though I'm a little older than him and don't see him as often I still consider him one of my best friends. Actually I've been a little jealous of you before being such good friends with him. But, anyways you want to know do I persue my interest (you) or do I step back and let my brother...I don't know. I want an easy way out like you, I want to say both also.

I don't give-I unveil says:
You can't say both though.

I don't live - I inhale says:
I know, but I really don't know. I think the decision would be up to you...and really you can't say both either you know.

I don't give-I unveil says:
yea i guess...maybe we better talk about something else

I don't live - I inhale says:

I don't give-I unveil says:
it's just if he saw any of this, well I wouldn't want it to end up with him hating me or you either

I don't live - I inhale says:
Me hating you or him hating me?

I don't give-I unveil says:
thats a stupid question, I wouldn't want any of those things to happen

I don't live - I inhale says:
me too

I don't give-I unveil says:
I probably need to get off here anyways it's late

I don't live - I inhale says:
Ok, but can we talk about this again sometime?

I don't give-I unveil says:
yes sure

I don't live - I inhale says:
goodnight then, sweet dreams

I don't give-I unveil says:
=D sweet dreams
