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Forget about Job Charnock

Please visit Sabarna Prithivi for details on this subject

The Sabarna Roy Choudhury Paribar Parishad on August 1, 2001 moved to the Calcutta High Court seeking Justice over the matter of baselessly regarding Job Charnock as the founder of Kolkata and celebrating the city’s birthday on 24th August wasting huge amount of public money. The appeal was a Public Interest Litigation where eminent historians, doctors, professors, journalists all had seek the truth of history. The court heard the matter from time to time. The Calcutta high Court in the meantime formed an Expert Committee to find out the truth about the foundation story of Kolkata. The Committee submitted its 9 page report to the Hon'ble court in Nov, 2002. The Committee comprised of five noted historians. They were Late Dr. Nimai Sadhan Bose, Prof. Sushil Chowdhury, Prof. Pradip Sinha, Prof. Barun De and Prof. Arun Dasgupta. The Court on May 16 TH, 2003 in its landmark Verdict based upon the findings of the Expert Committee dismissed the name of Job Charnock as founder of Kolkata and also the birth date. At last we are free from the colonialism. So forget about the age old story of Job Charnock.