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Dedicated to Phoenix

A man named Phoenix Thornill was struck down by a drunken driver on Thursday, December 22 2005. But Phoenix was not just any man, he was a great friend to everyone around him. A lover of lovers to whom he shared his heart with, an adored son by his family. This man was special, in so many ways, that he had a natural gift to make those near or far who knew him feel welcome and at home. He did not have enemies, nor was he hated by anyone. Although his taste in certain things were what some would see weird, he lived life to the fullest, each and everyday.

Yes, many of us are saddened, hurt, and even destroyed by this tragic outcome, but do not look at this like all is over for such a man. He gave us all so many memories, so many things to cherish and hold tight, to keep by our sides through-out all of time that should give each and everyone a certain smile, no matter how forbidden during these times it may seem. It is what he would want, it is how he knew his friends and family best, with a smile and a warm hug he tried to take care of everyone.

Take the time, to look through your hearts, and think about Phoenix for just a moment. Is the name "Phoenix" just a name? or perhaps more than what it seems? As the myth speaks, it says of how the Phoenix heals with its songs, and meanwhile tears do fall at it's death, it will also be reborn into another life, but with the same heart. The heart that he shared with all of us, the one who brings happiness to us, will be shown, revealed to another family, to more friends who will need the love and support he gives.

No, it doesn't seem fair that he was taken from us, but do not lose your hearts. Keep them warm, and Phoenix will always be with us, watching over, doing his best to keep us, and everyone else out there embraced within his wings.

I know this is not much, but to all who see this website. Please, share your memories, keep the Phoenix alive inside of us all. And if you have anything you'd like to post (ie. pictures, logs, etc.), Feel free to contact the website administrator at But for now I have made a Guest book for those who wish to post a comment. Thank you for visiting and hope the best for everyone.

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