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Welcome to Alex and Multi

Hello. I belong to a Multiple System, and I also have Alexithymia (Alex), I just found out the very early morning of Monday September 4 2006. Insaently, that day is also when We all started to come out and introduce Ourselves to the Core. I hope you will deside to come and be a member of the board I have. I have deisded to make it part Multiple, and part for anyone in or out of a Multiple System, who has Alexithymia. I have being all over the net, and theres only about 2 boards for Alex people, and so I thought I would start another one... Please refer to the links, if you don't know what a Multiple (Multi) is, or an Alexithymia (Alex).

learning benefit
What is Multi?
What is Alex?

Our pages
About me
Please read about a fake who caller her/his self goes sofly

To the board

Links for Alex web sites
Alex 1
Alex 2
Alex 3

Links for Multi websites

Questions about MPD
Multi 1
Multi 2
Multi 3
Multi 4
Multi 5

Your links

Web ring