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This Web site is to show the dedication and enthusiasm of the club D.A.D. D.A.D. is an organization that was formed in 2006 at West Liberty State College. The Daily Afternoon Drinking club was founded by Thomas Wright, Matthew McCall, and Kyle Hochevar. This club prides it self on its daily drinking and its knowledge of alcohol and how to act under the influence of it. The membership enrollment is currently at three, but it will be climbing with members coming off of their 45 day eveluation periods. We are proud to say that we have to members currently going through their evelauation periods. Katrina Fury is almost done with her evaluation and could be the first possible female member of the D.A.D. . Willow Zilmanski, also started his evaluation this month and will be ending it in his 45 days. We will be proud to have both members and are looking forward to their completion. To be a member, just let a current member know and we will decide if you are eliable for the eveluation. This site is currently under construction and will be updated daily. The guest book has been add please sign for your comments and if you are interested in joining let us know through there

Check out Out links and sign the guess book

D.A.D. Guest Book