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New Page 1 Coffe Blossom











Spread Sheets

























Hey guys! as you can see this site is not yet done but hopefully on my next off I would be able to finish at least the front page. I still don't know what to put here. I am still doing the banner for the site. since we have a chatter box I think we don't need any guestbook ryt? I have put in some stuff here. we can post events here by the cork board and we can do poll surveys since you guys love to do that. now guys I think I will just link up the kodak gallery so that I don't have to copy and paste all of our pictures. in addition to that will also save us space here. Angelfire just gave me 100mb talk about cheap. anyhoo.. I will inform you of any other stuff that I will be putting up aight? any suggestions? msg. me.