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Is the Church of Christ a cult – Answered

The webpage “is the Church of Christ a Cult” attacks us, his writings are in blue or black.

The answers are in red print and scripture in green.

What do the Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, Catholics, and the Church of Christ denomination all have in common? They each claim to have THE Way; THE Truth; and THE Life, and that no one gets to heaven without being a part of their organization! We do not have an organization!  Certainly they can't all be right since their individual doctrinal beliefs are diametrically opposed to one another. Yes one is right.  I know that you think that you are right, if you did not think you were right you would be going to church some where else. The Bible says that every man is right in his own sight. (Prov. 21:2) You condemn others and claim you do not make such judgments. Thinking that you are right is no great evil, we just openly admit what you will not.  On this web site we will endeavor to examine the claim of the Church of Christ to be God's sole representative on the earth today, and answer the question, "Is the Church of Christ Denomination A Cult? What is your definition of a cult.  If it is someone who is trying to go right by the scripture, then yes I am.  I am Church of Christ and I do not claim to be God’s sole representative on earth.  I just claim to go by the Bible and teach what it teaches and follow that, not the ideas of men.  You will notice that most scriptural quotations are taken from the New American Standard Bible, which is considered by most scholars to be the most literal word for word translation extant today. You make statements but do not give any proof of what you are saying is correct.  But it is ok with me, if you use the American Standard Bible.  I use the KJV, because I like it.  I learned scripture with it.  I grew up using it and can quote it.
We will break this study into three main concerns:

1. Who Is The Church of Christ? - Who are they
      A) Are They a Denomination? Answer

. What Do They Believe? 
      A) Baptismal Regeneration Answer
      B) No Musical Instruments In WorshipAnswer
      C) Rejection of the Holy Spirit Answer

3. Conclusions
- Answer to his conclusion
     A) Their Tactics 
      B) Are They a Cult?
      C) Closing Comments

The meat of this study will be contained in segment two where we will examine their beliefs in the Light of Scripture. Our goal is not to proclaim them to be outside of the Body of Christ, but to simply show the errors in their claim to be the only "True Body of Christ." And though most branches of this denomination are not considered to be an actual cult, much of the organization is "cultic," and this web site will attempt to show you why. We will show that you are wrong in this presentation, and that your interpretation of scripture is only partially correct.  The fact that every congregation answers to God and not to man or some council of men, the fact that we have no organization beyond the local congregation, provides for variations in the individual congregations.  If this makes us a cult, then we are guilty as accused.  We will discuss this in more detail later.