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Hope Glimmer Gilmore Howling Coyote

Glimmer is Joe's ole lady. Been with him for 8 years and counting.

Orphaned at the age of 9, she was taken in by Joe. He taught her how to fight, how to survive, and the value of a good bike, as well as a good fire arm.

Hope "Glimmer" Gilmore was born in 2047 in the Seattle Metroplex to Frank and Stella Gilmore. Her father had been born 18 years before shortly after the Great Ghost dance brought about the end of the United States of America as it was known before, and returned most of the land west of the Mississippi back to the natives who had once ruled it completely. shortly before Hope was born, he and his wife chose to move out of what was now the Native American Nations land and into the great metro-plex of Seattle, hoping to find their fortunes, and futures.

Frank couldn't have known the situation he'd placed himself and his family into. They settled in the Puyalup barrens, an area not patrolled by any law enforcement contractors, and overall a rather rough and unwelcome place for those not rich enough to afford personal protection. Shortly after her 9th birthday, a gang war broke out in the family's neighborhood, and Frank had had enough. He decided to defend his family in any way he could, and that meant picking up a gun. In the process of ensuring the safety of his wife and daughter, he ended up killing the brother of one of the gangs' leaders. This put a big fat target on himself and his family. Two weeks after the incident, the gang came bursting through the door to Frank's hovel, shooting, and not stopping to question who it was they were shooting. Hope was smart enough to hide, but she saw both her parents killed, and brutally dragged out the door....she never saw their bodies again.

Three days later, her life changed again....this time in the form of her father's best friend....Joseph Howling Coyote...Joe to his friends....Coyote to everyone else.

Joe taught her about their native heritage, he taught her how to survive in the mean reality of the sixth world, and eventually he taught her how to live, and love again. She has traveled with Joe ever since.

Four years ago, she and Joe were traveling between Denver, and Seattle, when Joe had a vision. It told him that he should seek the fabled city of Shangrila, and told him how to get there and that he might not return, and Glimmer of course was not going to let her man out of her sight for that long. The two of them traveled to Shangrila, and following Joe's vision they eventually wound up in the desert south of the fabled city.

It was then that Glimmer's own medicine guide appeared to her, and directed her to leave Joe for a seek out her own vision-quest in the desert..but while she was out there, she fell prey to an evil sorceress who lured her into the city....and harvested the child she did not know she carried. Hope miscarried the child instead, and the sorceress discarded Hope as a damaged vessel. For nearly 2 years Hope wandered on her own, ashamed of herself for having been captured, further for having been used in such a way...and unwilling to face Joe and tell him she'd lost his child.

Eventually, though it became too much for her, and she disappeared. Joe followed soon after, and neither of them were seen or heard for several years. Recently they have both arrived, to find out their child was not lost. Glimmer knew of course, and had given the child up for adoption. The guilt had driven her away...but with Joe back, and her head on straight, the two of them decided to take their child, and raise her together.
