Thousands of years ago Atlantis fell victim to the rage of a Goddess. She herself destroyed the homes and shelters of the gods, save for one. Serenity still remains, the home of the Courtesan Goddesses of Atlantis. The surviving Queen has since barred everyone and anyone from this place of peace and pleasure. After wiping out their memories and placing their powers into a long term slumber she scattered her goddesses all over the world, assuring their safety from those who would see her destroyed and her people enslaved for the selfish reasons of others. Now, she calls them home. The gates of Serenity are open again to the lost goddesses and their Companions, a race of Katagaria white tigers whose greatest pleasure in life is that of sating the wretched demon that lies within each goddess. To enter Serenity is not easy. An invitation must be given by the Queen or her daughter, heiress to the throne. Not many have entered, but those that have wish every day for an invite back. Here you will find the stories of the Goddesses, their companions and dearest friends.

When anyone enters Serenity, even the Goddesses themselves, they are announced here in the throne room upon arrival. Meet those that have passed through the gates.

The Companions of Serenity, a breed of katagari white tigers born into the service of the Courtesan Goddesses.

Close friends and visitors to Serenity, authors on our writing loops as well. This collection is made up of some of the most talented writers on the net, we here at Serenity adore them.

Looking for someone to write with? Looking for a character to RP with or create an SL for posting the writing loops? Here is the place to come. In this section you will find listings of people/characters searching for mates or otherwise to write with.

This is our yahoo group, where all the Courtesans, Companions and their friends gather to chat and first post chapters to their stories. If you have a Courtesan, Companion or friend of theirs you would like to see back home in Serenity please come in and join us.

A few of our Goddesses and treasured friends enjoy the nightlife so much that they have opened their own clubs. This is our brand new chat room where you can stop in to have a cocktail, cage fight or table top dance all night long with the staff and their guest lists full of people. The chat room is run by the owners of Yahoo! groups Chrysafi, Black Tides and Edge of Fantasy. Come on in and enjoy all the after hours fun.

These are some of our favorite links, websites, writing groups, fan groups, and 360 pages. This section will be added to as more links are found and new profiles are created by other writers we can't get enough of.

Questions or Comments? Email the website mistress

2006© by Serenity