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Welcome! This is the home site of the Council of Pie. The Council of Pie was formed to promote awareness of the greatness of Pie. This is where the members of the Council of Pie can come to get the latest news on the Council.


6/12/06-End of the year celebration
To celebrate the last fourth period lunch of the Brick Township Memorial High School 2005-06 year, the Council of Pie held a celebration. Only one Pie was brought to the celebration, but it was a fun time for all, nonetheless. In addition to Pie, there was alos Go-Gurt, cookies, soda, juice, pressies, and, ugghhh… sparkles. Still, the party was fun and we will all miss our lunch together.

6/10/06-Council of Pie Online Dictionary
The Council of Pie Online Dictionary has been set up here.

4/28/06-Can pizza technically be considered Pie?
The topic was considered today, and by decree of the ruling body, pizza is technicall considered to be Pie. Pizza is Pie.

A party is held to commemorate the formation of the Council of Pie. Pie Count: 9 (1 Apple. 3 small Chocolate Éclair, 1 small Chocolate Crème, 2 small Pineapple, and 2 small Banana Crème).

4/26/06-The Council of Pie is formed!
The Council of Pie is formed! Frank Ogrodowski and Sara DeGirolamo (President and Vice President, respectively) are the first two members. The purpose of the Council of Pie is simply to promote awareness of the greatness of Pie. The ruling body, whose sole purpose is to make important decisions in the Council, is made up of between Frank and Sara.

Number of members: Calculating...

Council of Pie Online Dictionary
