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Weekly Exhortations
Monday, 20 February 2006
Youth Day Exhortation
Theme: Shining in the house of God By: Eld.William Jones Kyeremeh Date of Sermon: 02/19/06 Key Points *Every form of light has a source. Christians' source of light is God *There are two means by which light originates *For christians our direct source of light comes right from God *With this direct light, our glory is such that we can impart this light onto other men. *The other source of light- alternating source- is one that we give and receive from our fellow believers. *We need to lead our lives such that we would shine wherever we go. By shining, people would look at our lifestyles and would learn to follow. *Just like the stars which are farther away from the earth are the brightest and the biggest, the more we're closer to God in heaven, the brighter we shine and the more glory we have. Posted By: Ivy

Posted by planet/copbostonyouth at 4:10 PM EST
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Monday, 6 February 2006
Power of the thumb part II
Topic: Weekly Exhortation
Hello Everyone, How is everyone doing on this wonderful Monday afternoon? I hope by his Grace everyone is doing well. Before we start, let us bow down our heads and thank God for this week; for not letting anything happen to us and for letting us witness the beginning of another week. AMEN!!! I hope the Holy Spirit uses this message to make a difference in your life. Last week, I had told you about the Power of the Thumb, and this week, I would like to continue. Our thumbs make us perfect, unique and different because he created us just like himself. Genesis 1:27 says “God created man in his own image; in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” We all know God is perfect and if he created us in his own image, then we are perfect as well. I believe that what makes this perfection complete and separates us from the devil is our thumbs. As I had stated last week, the devil has only 4 fingers on each hand, therefore he is 2 fingers short of perfection. These two fingers that the devil lacks are the thumbs. So this forces the devil to use those 4 fingers to push us against a wall to commit sins. With that in mind, God has made us realize that with the devil around, he will always protect us because we are his sons and daughters. The thumb makes us more powerful than the devil and his angels. For example, if God were to ask u to identify the devil, it will be difficult because you will not have one specific thing to say about him. There will be several. But if the devil were to ask God to identify us individually, he will not use our name, age, or even economic status. It will be our thumbs. Take immigration services for example, if u go there for finger prints, the first finger they start out with is your thumb. Why? Because it is the only finger print that cannot be duplicated. Not even your twin can duplicate your thumb print. The thumb print identifies u and u only. That means your whole finger print process will not be considered complete by immigration without the addition of your thumb prints. This just goes to tell u how unique, important, and perfect your thumb makes u. Your thumb is the only finger with a pulse of its own. If any doctor checks your pulse, it is always with the other fingers because if he uses the thumb, the doctor will not be able to determine whether u have a pulse or not. Ladies and gentlemen, my point here is that God is good and we are rather fortunate, for he created us in his own image and he made us perfect through our thumb. Now if God is not afraid of the devil and we are a replica of God on earth; then why do we allow the devil to push us around to do some of the things we do? God is not afraid therefore we should not be either. It is my prayer that we use our thumbs as an advantage over the devil and can overcome anything that he throws at us. AMEN!!! May God bless u all Same place same time next week - John

Posted by planet/copbostonyouth at 12:01 AM EST
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Monday, 30 January 2006
Power of the thumb
Topic: Weekly Exhortation
Hello everyone, How is everyone doing? I hope by His Grace everything is fine. Before we start, let us bow down our heads and thank God for this week. Today, I want us to try this little exercise. Put a coin on the floor or any surface, now try to pick it up with all your fingers except the thumb. So, just use the 4 remaining fingers. And by the way, DO NOT LEAN the coin against any object. Just pick it up straight from the surface. Do u see how difficult it is to pick up the coin? Now try to pick the coin up with the same 4 fingers except this time use the wall. Well, that is exactly how the devil works. See, unlike God and Us; the devil does not have a thumb. Therefore, anytime he wants us to do something against God, he pushes us gradually and when the time reaches, we actually go ahead and do those evil things without realizing them. Since the devil does not have any thumbs, he pushes us into a corner with his four fingers and when we reach that corner, he squeezes us against a wall to commit whatever sins he has plan for us. As long as we are the Children of God, the devil will always fall short. Now, I said the devil has four fingers on each hand. Together it equals 8. Now, God being God, he made himself and us perfect. We have 5 fingers on each hand. Together equals 10. Meaning that the devil will always be 2 fingers short of perfection. Just look at things in life. How many times have u heard things being measured to the number 10? If u watch David Letterman, he always has his top ten list, ESPN sportscenter, has it top 10 highlights. If u are doing a survey, you are almost always asked to pick from 1 to 10, with 10 being the most important or the highest. Even when u compare it to a WORLDLY sense; if u ask somebody on the street to rate their boyfriend or girlfriend on a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, they will tell u a 10. For those who speak ebonics, they refer to their significant other as their DIME PIECE, meaning a 10. I have never heard of an 8 being more important than a 10. 10 x 10 = 100. How many times have u heard your parents or loved ones say “get an 80 or a 90 on a test, a quiz, or any exams?” Never, because they know 100 is perfection. Why does the bible say we should take one tenth of what we make as our tithe? God has made us perfect as a result of our thumbs. Therefore, with the devil coming up 2 fingers short, he is always pushing us into a corner with his 4 fingers hoping to squeeze us to commit sins against God. But, when we are faced with situations like these, we should always remember and realize that we have someone who has a thumb who can release us from all our trials and temptation. With God on our side, the devil can never trap us. May God bless u all Same time same place next week. -John

Posted by planet/copbostonyouth at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 20 February 2006 5:21 PM EST
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