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My Sims 2


A link would go here

Another link could be had here

Here is where a savvy HTML LIbrary user would place another link

A "hyper-link" could go here

Welcome To the Site!

The Best Game!

Okay, now you have to admit it. The Sims2 is the best game ever! You can do anything you could possibly dream of that you can't do in your own world! It is truly the ultimate people simulator.

I love The Sims 2 game so much, I've decided to make a whole page dedicated to the great game. I've gathered information from every sitte on the web, and I've written a few faqs and stuff.

This site has downloads, cheats upon cheats, faqs, screen shots, tips, info, and everything elso you could possibly imagine in a fansite!

I know the site is not too fancy, but the information inside it, makes up for the un-appealingness. I hope you enjoy! I sure had a great time designing this thing!