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Conditions Of Neutral


About 3 years ago, two bands were started. conditions of Neutral and Clear Thought were formed in the hopes of getting a message across to listeners and fans. Conditions of Neutral had a sort of Rock style and look to it while Clear Thought was more of a Pop band. Conditions of Neutral had three members to it. Tyler Fitzner, Tim Digan, and Liana Lessor, but it wasn't really working out and it had some complications. Clear thought had 4 members. Chani Feener, Sarah, Steph and Christina, but like CON it wasn't working either. Nothing was getting done between the two.

Sometime after, they decided to reform and come together. In the process, Sarah, Liana, Tim, Steph and Christina were dropped from the band. Even though it seemed awful, things had to be done. The new Conditions of Neutral was formed.

The new Conditions of Neutral has only two real members, Tyler and Chani, but it sometimes features compositions from Sarah, Tim, and Liana. We now hope to put our message in our music and convey it to everyone.

Recent Songs

"Paper Airplane"
Finally finished a new song! It is up for listen in the music section.
Please listen and comment! Thanks.

New Music has been added and up for listening. New lyrics on special page.


Site is Officially Up!

(November 12, 2006)

The site is finally all up and running normally now. Everything that is should be up is up and all the links work. Please take this opportunity and look at everything we have:

-New Music
-Guest Book
-Special Lyrics


New Pages and Song Links added!

(November 12, 2006)

As of today, new pages have been added and so have the links for you to listen to some of our songs. Also a chance for you to hear or new song as well. Check them out.


(November 11, 2006)

New songs and new information about upcoming songs and albums are up as of today! Please enjoy our band's website. Look around and feel free to send e-mail and comments please!


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