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The C Programming Language



Originally developed by Dennis M. Ritchie and Brian W. Kernighan at Bell Labs for the UNIX system as language to develop applications and maintain the operating system. The language is small in memory footprint, fast and as close to assembly as you can get without using assembly to accomplish the tasks at hand. The continued and grow beyond the UNIX system and was later taken up by ANSI committee and several standards were developed as a result of the committee's work.
Bjarne Stroustrup developed the language as a subset of the C Programming language
to be easier to use without having to enforce a particular style or thinking to it. Since the language was close to the UNIX operating system, it could be used on the system without much change in portability. The Object Oriented aspect of the language was influenced by the language Simula67 and incorporated the ideas from it. The name C++ comes from the C increment operator ++, which adds 1 to the value of a variable. The name C++ suggests a version that incrementally changed.
Developed by Ramus Lerdorf as the Personal Home Page Tools and used for Web publishing macros, the language was rewritten to include a package called the Form Intepreter. Three years later, a team of developers were working on the language to extend it farther and its used grew. With the release of PHP3, more refinements were added, most notably by Zeev Suraski and Andi Gutmans who wrote a new parser, syntax and other refinements to improve the usably of the language. The language is used most extensibly with Apache Server and mySQL database as it lends itself to easy integregation with mySQL database. The resulting web page is from one of these setups always has the .php extension on it.


Javascript was originally developed by Brendan Eich of Netscape under the name Mocha. Later, the name was changed to LiveScript then changed again to Javascript. At the time, Sun was releasing Java and wanted Netscape to include the Java runtime with the Netscape browser. Javascript is much like the C syntax and uses some of the naming conventions of Java but the two languages are unrelated. Javascript is considered a functional programming language like Scheme because it uses closures and high-order functions. In recent years, Javascript has been combined with XML to create another Web based language called Ajax. This is the use of Javascript, XML, XSLT, XHTML and CSS. The Javascript on the client side communicates with a Java applet on the server side in order use the data.





Plantz, Alan C. C Quick Reference. Indiana: Que Publishing, 1988.

Prata, Stephen. C++ Primer Plus. Indiana: Sams Publishing, 1998.

Zandstra, Matt. SAMS Teach Yourself PHP4 in 24 Hours. Indiana: Sams Publishing, 2000.





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