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The Colonel Goes To Riga

9 Guys, £30 Ryanair Flights, 2 days and 2 nights......Oh dear!

Countdown to the first day - Friday evening

All of the suspects met up in Holborn for a few quiet drinks in one of the local bars. All was good and getting a few sharpeners down us. As all expected this then descended in to a full on session with certain individuals leading the way. Not starting to look good for a 3am start the following morning. After having fleeced Lawson for all he had Alex, Matt and James were feeling good. As other returned to their abodes it was left for Alex and Matt to continue the charge ending up in The Griffin till around 1:30 am where Matt decided to abuse the taxi driver basically calling him a 2 bob c*nt which he thought was fair.

SLEEP TIME......................................... (for some)

Matt decided to slam all of the doors in Alex's house causing him to receive abuse.

0400 Hrs

James rocks up at Angel station to find no one there. Rings Matt continuously until he finally gets a response, still asleep. F*ck, here they come. Alex tries to put on his jeans to find they are soaking wet. it would seem that Matt had an accident with some orange juice (Alex had no orange juice in the house.....Go figure) Matt is now known as pampers. Emu and Dan rock up and we stand and wait. Matt and Alex rock up and we are on our way to Stansted via picking up Colin who is now Pac Man due to his taste in yellow jumpers.

Prelude to the longest flight in history.........

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