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poetry by alan clientele
Saturday, 31 December 2005
life with my ex and the day i left her
Battered by waves of desolation
Tossed in a sea of despair
Sucked in spiralling whirlpools
Clutched by an icy hand

I struggle to ride out the storm
Progressivly weaker, I thrash about, but
As the seventh wave gathers, fear paralyses me
I become helpless and swamped

I plunge deeper and deeper into black oblivion
All is silent and still right now
Quietly, I languish in the sudden tranquility
But this, this is just, transitory

The effects of miss-use have taken their toll
The clammy coldness slowly destroys me
Now I look for an end to the darkest of storms
I long to sink deeper and deeper and deeper

I yearn for the cool calming caress of gentleness
I want to surrender to the peace it offers
I know now I am to be in this storm alone
That I well fight until my dying day

Posted by planet/clientele at 8:23 PM GMT
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he looked up
He looked up to her face
And saw the hurt she felt
He looked into her eyes
And saw the tears there welt

He looked into her heart
And saw the hardness grow
He looked into her soul
And saw bitterness then show

He looked up to her face
And beauty he saw there
He looked into her eyes
And saw such pride and care

He looked into her heart
And saw tenderness inside
He looked into her soul
And saw deep love inside

He turn’s away and smiled
For all emotions he had seen
And she had taught him all of them
Her student he had been

He thought of all the things
That she had said and done
And in his heart and soul
He was proud she was his best friend

Posted by planet/clientele at 8:22 PM GMT
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i first saw you

I first saw you on my doorstep
So tall pretty and smartly dress
I said to myself pews
Look at her I had flutters in my heart

The weekend went without a hitch
We got on from the start
But our time together is still going strong
And soon it came the love we felt

At this point I am ok with you
Though a little flatted you see
As I wasn’t expecting to feel as I do
Feelings I thought I had where locked up in my heart

But all as we have talked everyday
And its not long now before we meet
So roll on April as I hope I will be there
And we will be able to see each other for real

Posted by planet/clientele at 8:21 PM GMT
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if only i knew
If only I knew
That meeting you
Would make me feel
The way I do

I’m like a kid
It all feels new
I owe this tingle
Just to you

To walk with you
Along the sand
To feel your warmth
And hold your hand

To see your face
The sweet surprise
To wallow deep
Within yours eyes

To touch your lips
And hold your face
There could not be
A better place

So keep with me
Enjoy my heart
It fell for you
Right from the start

Posted by planet/clientele at 8:19 PM GMT
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Impressions on my life
A whispered breeze upon my brow
That showered me with love
But love has left me now

A kiss that can’t be felt
A smile on photo’s seen
A voice no longer heard
A gentle touch that might have been

A shattered dream within me
A heart that once did glow
But now lays dormant deep inside
For a love I’ll never know

A smile that now has faded
The eyes no longer shine
Both are showing emptiness
For love that was never mine

I sit here in my silence
If only springs to mind
The hurting and the heartache
For a love that’s left behind

Oh please was this love ever real
Or my minds side show slide
Well the tears flow for it was deeply felt
This love now cast aside

So the soul that bides within me
That now has lost its way
Falls broken and crushed but hoping
Another time another place one day

Posted by planet/clientele at 8:17 PM GMT
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there is little in life
There is little in life that comes without a price
But it is those things that have the most value
Precious moments that form our memories
Faded with time but etched forever on our hearts

With our eyes we can see such little things
The first frosty morning, premiere of a dawn
A smile of a child, a wave crashing the shore
A summer evening dusk and the look of love

With our ears we can hear such little things
A solo bird embracing the dawn chorus
Hello laughter an oblivious hum I am here
Roll of thunder, a contented sigh and silence

The smells and taste of such little things
Rain in the summer, fresh sheets on a bed
A cake being baked, a loved ones aroma
Warm crispy bread, a kiss, and first tang of an orange

A whole new year, a brand-new start
Awake with a smile every day; embrace all I do with passion
Tell the ones I love how dear they all are
And forever be thankful for such little things in my life

Posted by planet/clientele at 8:15 PM GMT
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