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Are You Ready For Some FOOTBALL!?!? $10 per square!

> > > >
   6  7  4  9  1  3  5  0  8  2
 3 Rob Pete Marisa Stacey Forest Kat&El Stacey Tanya Steph Risotti
 4 Jimmy Katie Pete Parsh JayR Ruth Steph Chris M Pattie Jimmy
 8 Michelle Chris M Tuna Jenny Leslie Greg Leslie Risotti Steph Jay
 1 Leslie Tuna Stacey Chris M Adan Theresa Leslie HOUSE Jimmy ChrisB
 5 Danny Elaine Ruth Keith Lisa Barb Pattie JayR Pete Tuna
 0 Danny Alonzo Parsh Theresa Car/Luck Kel K's mom Tanya HOUSE Rob
 6 Elaine JayR HOUSE JillW Lisa Greg HOUSE Max JillW Danny
 2 Danny Kel HOUSE Jenny Stacey Keith Chris M Katie Pete HOUSE
 9 ChrisB HOUSE TomB HOUSE Tuna K'smom Michelle Alonzo Elaine HOUSE
 7 HOUSE Max HOUSE HOUSE Craig Jimmy Keith ChrisB Tuna JayR



It's simple! Since we aren't webpage gurus yet, all you have to do is email Kelly or Chris and tell us the number that corresponds to the square(s) you want and we'll plug you in! (See above). For example: squares 11,35, and 76

You can use the convenient link below to send your picks, or you can find our email links at the bottom of the page!


                                                                                                Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Email your picks here!get this gear!
                                                                                Please let us know if your name does not appear in the grid within 24 hours


$10 per square- (at this moment, there is no limit on how many you can pick)

RULE 1: All picks need to be submitted and paid for BEFORE the start of the game. Any squares that are not paid for at that time will be cleared.
RULE 2: If the winning numbers fall on a square that has not been chosen, that money will be added to the FINAL WINNINGS.

Numbers will be added to the grid randomly on game day
Winning amounts will be calculated when all players have submitted their picks and will be posted on the site as soon as possible.
(Estimated winnings based on a full grid is $125 per quarter, $25 each score change, and final winner gets the $$pot!)

At the end of each quarter a winner is chosen based on the square that matches each team's score. If a score is double-digit, then we will use the last number.
                          For Example: The score is  Team A 23pts and Team B 7pts
                            The square that corresponds with the 3 on Team A side and the 7 on
                            Team B side will win
Each score change will also be a $25 win!!!

The TOTAL SCORE winner is calculated the same way

NOTE: FINAL SCORE = the score at the end of the 4th quarter. Any overtime scoring will NOT be recognized for this pool




Wanna talk trash? Brag about your winnings? Plan the Superbowl party? You can do it all right here on ChrisandKelly's Message Board!

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URL or Email


Photobucket - Video and Image HostingKelly Clifford:                    Photobucket - Video and Image HostingChris Mittell:
Email Kelly!
                        Email Chris!

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