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You Can Choose to be Healthy All Your Life!

No one lives on this planet forever.  However, while you're here, making the right choices for a healthier, happier, more active life only makes good sense. No matter when or where you were born, you can always take a more proactive role in developing a positive relationship with the only group of cells your body is ever going to have.

     Many harmful agents are constantly attacking your cells both inside and outside of your body.  Fungi, bacteria, allergens, viruses and parasites can hardly wait for you to come by.  Additionally, man-made pollution, toxic waste and nutritionally harmful foods add to the attack.  There is also a confusing array of toxic prescription medicines being used in an attempt to override all these effects. Overdependence on pharmaceuticals may actually prevent you from getting well. This book explains how your body has the potential to heal itself by applying the concept of "tender loving care".

       To keep your cells operating at their optimal best, it takes a general understanding of how wonderfully made you are, a plan of action and a strong commitment to your plan. There are definite strategies to make it happen. The assumption is that, once the facts are presented, you will feel empowered to become intimately involved in your own continuous healing process.  By paying attention to the many warning signals your cells are sending you, you'll learn that you can actually create your own plan to keep your cells healthy.

       This book was written for non-technical readers who are actively seeking information regarding good health, reasonable fitness and mental well-being throughout their lives. It is designed for those individuals who desire to take personal responsibility for the health maintenance of their own bodies and who simply need enough basic knowledge to get started doing it.

Questions addressed in the book: (Click on the question to see the answer)

  • Is it possible for me to control the quality of my health?
  • Is what I eat really that important for good health?
  • Which foods are good for me?
  • Is drinking water as important as some sources claim?
  • What effect does the environment have on my health?
  • Why are so many of us getting sick?
  • Are more medicines needed to cure my health problems?
  • Which prescription drugs are toxic?
  • Why do I feel so rushed during a doctors visit?
  • How much does my doctor know about natural therapies?
  • Are there benefits from natural therapies over other approaches?
  • Are there dangers in eating fast foods?

  • For a General Overview of the new book from E.W. Armstrong, please click here.

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      ©2006 E.W. Armstrong.  All rights reserved.