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Text Box: This website is dedicated to the sharing of cheese of all kinds. Be they movies, books, art, recipes, stories, tall tales, home-videos, web sites, or whatever else we deem cheesy, you’ll find it here.  Check out our other pages (<<<) to explore and we hope you have as much fun as we do!  
Text Box: Following is a play-by-play recap of the inspiration for this website.  We laughed till we cheesed, but to each his own.   
Text Box: It’s cheese Mom!
So, we're piling in the car one afternoon to take the kids out for "joyful" meals.  As my husband, Jeff, is backing out of the drive way, Rowan Faye, 3 years old at the time, says disgustedly (she has a thing about being icky or sticky, yet she's forever both), "There's somethin' on my finger mom."  
"Oh? What does it look like Rowan?" was my reply.  "It's yellow mom" she stated.  Before I could ask her another probing question, she blurts out, "It's cheese mom!  It's cheese!"  My husband and I turn around simultaneously to see her doing her best to eat said cheese from her finger. 
For those of you who do not see the humor here, I shall explain.  We all know babies use their mouths as a means of definition in their world...but by the age of 3, most parents hope they will grow out of this.  I mean, for all of you with kids, you know there is a moment when the things they do cease being cute and become grotesque at best.  And do you have any idea what has the potential to actually be on the finger of a 3 year old?  Ewwww is all I will say.