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Back Row: Joy, Fran and Charles, Rachel, Rissia
Front Row: Matt holding Noah, Morgan, Lane, Caitlin, Carley,
Baby Cortney (the little bundle in front of Rissia), Charlie

The little ones belonging
to Charlie & Rissia are Lane, Carley, Cortney
to Matt & Joy are Caitlin, Morgan, Noah.

Greetings to Friends and Family

I hope this note finds you all well. We have had a devastating sorrow
with losing Robert and another sorrow with Granny's passing, knowing it was
time but still sad when it happened.

We have had two additions to our immediate family with Charlie's marriage
to Rissia and then their new baby, Cortney, who was born November 7th
(which also happens to be Rissia's birthday.)

We spent Thanksgiving with some of the family and really had a wonderful
time. Mom, Matt, Joy and the kids were able to make it from Tennessee. It
was five days of time and memory making that we won't soon forget.

Charles is busy on the farm. He is building a smokehouse to process all the
pork we have. He and Charlie have spent a couple of days enlarging the pig
pens and are working on perfecting their cooking techniques. He is also
working on the second pond for the farm. The last one took him four months
of day after day work. This one will be larger and he doesn't have as much
time to work on it so it will be a long process. Also, he has been studying the
Lord's word more and developing lessons to teach. Some of us know he is a
pretty good speaker. So he is staying pretty busy both mentally and physically.

Charlie has been working with his ex-wife with regards to the kids so it makes
life easier and allows him and Rissia to have Lane and Carly more. Rissia is a
Godsend to my son and to us and to the rest of the family as well. The
grandkids love her and like to go with her which tells me she is just as nice
and patient with them when we are not around. She and Charlie are working
towards moving over here with us. It will be great having them here. Charlie
is helping Charles get things done on the farm. He helps with the animals on
the days that Charles works even though he, himself, is working 10-12 hours
a day. Hopefully the move will take place next month.

Matt, Joy and family ...including Mom ... made it back home okay. They had to
battle the wind in a van pulling a trailer so it was a rough 12-hour ride. They are
also moving this month to an old farmhouse on 64 acres. It sounds like the one
we lived in years ago in Red Oak. They currently live on 14 acres but might as
well be in the center of town due to all the people around them. Matt is always
having people watching him and we guess complaining since his landlord has
made him get rid of some pigs he had. The landowner of the new place they
are moving to wants to take Matt trapping. Sounds like Matt will have more in
common with this guy. Joy is working full time at the same company Matt works
for and is also going to school working toward a nursing degree. When she
finishes they will look to moving towards northern Arkansas on a farm. Matt
is teaching at this congregation and has been asked to go twice a month and
preach at another congregation in Tennessee. He takes after his dad with his
teaching skills. The kids are all growing. The baby looks just like Charles and
everyone calls him "Little Papa". Carley looks just like her Mom and Morgan
looks just like Matt (and acts like him too!).

Rachel is also looking to move at the end of this month. She needs to get out
of the hood. It's been difficult finding a decent place but we think Carrolton is
the place. She has changed her major and decided to get through school with
a nursing degree then she can continue her studies and major in whatever she
chooses to pursue but be able to support herself. She has so many things she
wants to do but time and money doesn't permit it all at this time, hence my
suggestion for nursing school.

Charles and I are not moving this month...or the next ...or hopefully, not again
in this life! We do want to wish each of you Happy Holidays and a Good
New Year. We pray everyone will be healthy and if not happy, then okay with
life. We love each and everyone.

- Charles and Fran

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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Website created 12-25-2005