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Dodge Charger Girl's Homepage

About Me :

BRIEFING IN NET LINGO (for the Messenger Clueless)

LOL = Laughing out Loud

LMAO = Laughing my ass off

LMFAO = Laughing my Fat/F**ing Ass off

TTYL = Talk to you later

BRB = Be right Back
BBL/BBS =Be Back Later / Be Back soon

WB/WBS = Welcome Back/ Write Back/Write Back Soon

TY = Thank you

you'd be suprised how many people do not know these expressions!!!!

JUST A LITTLE TIP : if someone says NO or their Not interrested Except the Rejection and Move on!! don't sit and harrass them, name call them, and talk about how mature you are. Because if you have nothing better to do than change your screen name 10 times just to get around a block to harrass someone. that basically says what a loser you really are and how its time for you to grow up and take a hint. ADDING TO THAT FACTOR....INSTANT MESSENGER HAS AN FEATURE ON IT TO WHERE YOU CAN BLOCK EVERYONE EXCEPT PEOPLE YOU LIST THAT YOU WANNA TALK TO.

Anyways thats all for now....I will update and add more later on.

Websites for you to see

Discovery Health
Web MD
Liquid Generation
Goofy Humor