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Mrs. Carlton's Fabulous Fifth Grade

Classroom Web Page

Class Rules



Daily Schedule

Field Trips


Important Testing Dates

Parent Volunteers

Parent Conferences

Student Absence


We hope the information provided here will be helpful.

Just click on any topic to the left for specific information. Much of this information is provided at the beginning of the school year in packets sent home with the students.

Please feel free to contact me through the school office at 492-4952 or by email at

Mrs. Carlton, Teacher


Class Rules

1. Always raise your hand before you speak.

2. Be kind and respect others.

3. Bring materials daily and complete your work on time.

4. Pay attention and follow directions.

5. Take care of school and personal property.

6. Do your own work.

7. Follow school code of conduct at all times.

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1. If a student makes lower than an 85 in conduct, he or she will miss P.E. the following week.

2. Cheating is an automatic ZERO and a phone call to a parent.

3. Bullying is not tolerated. If caught, the student WILL be paddled and written up.

4. Other offenses may cause the student to receive conduct marks. For every conduct mark, five points is deducted from the student's weekly conduct grade.

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Alabama Course of Study for 5th Grade:

Click here to visit the Alabama Course of Study web page which provides links per grade to curriculum areas.

On website, highlight 'Publications' with mouse, select 'Subject'. Then, under specific subjects, select fifth grade. If you have any questions or problems, please contact me via email.

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Daily Schedule

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
7:45-7:55 Students arrive, unpack, turn in homework; take up snack
7:55-8:25 Physical Education
8:25-9:00 Math Music Math Counseling Math
9:00-10:30 Reading
10:30 - 11:30 Math D.A.R.E. (11 am) Math Math Math
11:30-12:00 Lunch
12:00-1:15 Language
1:15-2:00 Science and Social Studies
2:00-2:20 Accelerated Reader (AR)
2:25 Dismissal

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Field Trips

Students will sometimes have the opportunity to go on field trips. Signed permission slips along with any associated cost must be turned in by the specified date in order for the student to participate!

If a parent would like to accompany a student on a field trip, please let Mrs. Carlton know in advance!

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Students must complete homework as assigned. Failing to do so will result in a lower grade for the student, as homework counts as a percentage of the final average. If a student does not complete homework, he or she will have points deducted, then stay in from P.E. to complete the assignment anyway. Homework is NOT given as punishment - it is given to help the students learn the material and prepare for testing!!

Click the link below to see current homework assignments:

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Important Testing Dates

Alabama Direct Assessment of Writing, February 23

Alabama Reading and Mathematics Test, April 3-14

Stanford Achievement Test, April 3-14

Parent Volunteers

We welcome parents to our room! One of the best ways you can help your child with his or her education is to be INVOLVED! A great way to do this is volunteering through PTO. Membership is $3.00, and guardians and extended family members may join. PTO meetings put you in touch with the teachers and administrators, and they allow you to become more aware of your child's educational environment.

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Parent Conferences

Parents may schedule conferences by calling the school. My planning period is from 7:55 to 8:25 everyday. To ensure that you get as much time as possible, please be sure to schedule at least 24 hours in advance!

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Student Absence

When a student misses a day of school, he or she must bring an excuse within TWO days upon returning. This must be done in order to make up any work the student might have missed.

If you would like to come pick up assignments for an absent student, please call the office to let them know you will be coming by, then come after school. This way, the student's work will be ready without having taken away any learning time from any students at school.

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Students begin the school year with a list of supplies they need for class. It is important that students always have paper and pencils (these are the supplies that run out the quickest!).

We also have a shortage of Kleenex and community notebook paper in our room. If you would like to send these items with your child, he or she will get extra points for bringing them in!

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**Assignments Due Every Week:

Current Event - Due every FRIDAY

Quiz on World News - Daily (basic information taken from previous day's newscast)

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How Does Stuff Work?
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Girls Only - Girl Scouts
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Washington Post for Kids
