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October 31

On Halloween

The witches fly
Across the sky
The owls go who
The blackcats go yowl
The green ghosts howl
"scary Halloween to you"
~Nina Willis Walter~


December 25

There's More to Christmass

There's more, much more to Christmass
Than candle-light and cheer;
It's the spirit of sweet friendship
That brightens all year:
It's thoughtfullness and kindness,
It's hope reborn agian,
For peace, for understanding
And goodwill to men!
~Author Unknown~

New Years

January 1st

Coming, coming, coming! Listen! perhaps you'll hear Over the snow the bugles blow To welcome the glad new year. In the steeple tongues are swinging, There are merry sleigh bells ringing, And the people for joy are singing, It's coming, coming near. Flying, sighing, dying, Going away tonight, Weary and old, its story told, The year that was full and bright. Oh, we are half sorry it's leaving Good-by has a sound of grieving; But its work is done and its weaving; God speed its parting flight! Tripping, slipping, skipping, Like a child in its wooing grace, With never a tear and never a fear, And a light in its laughing face; With hands held out to greet us, With gay little steps to meet us, With sweet eyes that entreat us, The new year comes to its place. Coming, coming, coming! Promising lovely things - The gold and the gray of the summer day, The winter with fleecy-wings; Promising swift birds glancing, And the patter of raindrops dancing, And the sunbeam's arrowy lancing, Dear gifts the new year brings. Coming, coming, coming! The world is a vision of white; From the powdered eaves to the sere-brown leaves That are hidden out of sight. In the steeple tongues are swinging, The bells are merrily ringing, And "Happy New Year" we're singing, For the old year goes tonight.

Veterans Day

November 11

By Jared Jenkins In war, there are lives risked and lives taken Men and women giving their best to defend what they love They defend their country Their honor Their people Some call them soldiers Others call them heroes Our veterans have risked their lives for us They have lived through hell and fought with honor Many have killed And regret doing so For every life, there is a soul For every soul, there is a life For those who have died, we show great appreciation and remembrance For those who live, along with them live the horrific memories of battle Some, memories of defeat Some, memories of victory Our veterans were more than soldiers They were, and still are heroes

To John Adam Jouce Be safe See you soon! Love Candi.


I Had an Easter Bunny I had an Easter bunny, One day she ran away. I looked for her by moonlight, I looked for her by day. I found her in the meadow With her babies 1, 2, 3. So now I have four rabbit pets To run and jump with me.

Sant Patricks Day

An Irish Blessing May you always have work for your hands to do. May your pockets hold always a coin or two. May the sun shine bright on your windowpane. May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain. May the hand of a friend always be near you. And may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.

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