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Welcome to Canadian Bush Air

August 13th 2006 13:14(GMT)

We are sorry to say that we have scrapped the support for FS2002 and FS2004. We won't scrap FSX 'cus I'll be buying it when it comes out. Sorry for any inconveniencies. 

We have also created a stats page so you can look at our stats for each month. You can find it on the toolbar.

August 1st 2006 15:26(GMT)

To keep you flying, we are giving each pilot £5,000 for every 10th flight they make. So get flying!

July 26th 2006 12:15(GMT)


We have changed hosts from Angelfire to Byethost. First of all I would like to thank Angelfire for their very basic free hosting services. Our new change of host means that we now have:

150MB storage, 20GB bandwidth, 20 Sub domains and 10 SQL Databases.

So now we will shortly have an automated database feature so you won't have to wait 48 hours for your forms to be received.

July 26th 2006 11:15(GMT)

We have added Four new Special Operations.

July 25th 2006 16:32(GMT)


A new special operation has been added. Please check out the special operations page for more info (Routes>>>Special Operations) Please note it must be flown on August 1st.

July 25th 2006 13:11(GMT)

Hello all.

Right, yet again our flying rules have changed. If you already own an aircraft in our hangar then their is no need to go and buy another one from us. Instead you can just use your own version.

July 24th 2006 18:54(GMT)

A very warm welcome to Kris Jake(CBA-757), our newest member!

E-Mail confusions, if anyone sends a message to then you will get a reply from because the CBA email is just a forwarder.

July 7th 2006 17:17(GMT)

We will shortly be adding a 'Special Operations' section to the routes list. This will involve all sorts of well paid missions from shipping supplies onto the battlefield to transporting the queen across Canada for a tour! 

July 1st 2006 18:55(GMT)

England's dream of winning the world cup broke down in tears today as Portugal beat them in the penalty shout out.

PS. Whoever this is I hope it hurt...A lot

June 14th 2006 17:31(GMT)

A warm welcome to Jean-Pierre(CBA-15), our first member!

Also we have just added a weather feature so if the MSFS 'get real world weather' doesn't work then you can use this.

June 12th 2006 20:26(GMT)

On the 22nd June we will be having an FS2000 fly-in from The Pas to Moose Lake. All ranks are welcome. Host IP will be released nearer the time. For more info check the calender.

June 10th 2006 17:44(GMT)

We have completely changed the way that we fly. Instead of flying a fixed route, we now have a list of recommended airfields that you can fly to. Your wage will be based on how far/ long you fly for so you can fly wherever you want. Check out the route page for more info.

We have also set up a Blog. Any members that sign up on automatically get signed up on the Blog so they can post as well. Please see the Blog rules. The address is

June 4th 2006 14:42(GMT)

We are now supporting FS2002 and FS2004. So if you own one of these, join now!

June 1st 2006 20:20(GMT)

We are hoping to make our website fully automated soon so you don't have to wait for us to manually check you PIREPs. We are also going to expand our fleet to support FS2002/2004/X.

I've added lots of stuff today. I have painted the Piper Cub in CBA colours. Also there are some replacement textures for water and the runway.

May 10th 2006 19:14(GMT)

Now that we almost have a full fleet we are in desperate need of modellers and painters. Please sign up now by click join us.

May 8th 2006 20:24(GMT)

All of the routes have been added but it will be expanding all the time. The forums are now up. Visit them at

May 1st 2006 19:14(GMT)

First of all a warm welcome to Canadian Bush Air.

At the moment we only support FS2000, so we would be grateful if someone would design and paint aircraft for FS2002/FS2004/FSX.




Wage calculator

New stats page

Current hit count to date: 577!

Don't miss the new special operaiton

New FS2000 Piper repaint available

Welcome Kris Jake(CBA-757)

CBA PDA has been delayed

Canadian Bush Air PDA program to be released soon

145 hits and counting!

Runway and water replacement textures now available Check downloads section

New Piper Cub texture, done by me!!!

Forums are now up

Canadian Bush Air goes online