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The Christians Duty

The Duty of Confession

Every child of God, those who have accepted Jesus Christ as savior, is to be telling others of his new relationship with God and what Jesus has done for him. Jesus said, "Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven." Matthew 10:32

The children of God do not seem to be very interested in confessing or testifying of their Heavenly Father or Jesus their Savior and then we act surprised when we see the world becoming more and more sinful around us. We have taken the influence of the Word of God from our children and the void this has created is being filled with the influence of Satan.

The Duty of Baptism

Once you have accepted Jesus Christ as savior and have confessed Him before men, you are to be Baptized.


Why Be Baptized

Jesus Was baptized: . . Matthew 3:13
Jesus was baptized which signified the beginning of his earthly ministry. This is our first true testimony that we have accepted Jesus and we are dead to sin and alive to God. Jesus said, ". . to fulfill all righteousness" Matthew 3:15

Jesus Instructs Baptism: . . Matthew 28:19 Those who become disciples are to be baptized.

It is a Prerequisite to Assembly: . . Acts 2:41-42 Those who had received His word were baptized and then they devoted themselves to the apostles' teachings and to fellowship.

The Duty of Attending Church

It is every child of God's duty to attend church. Not just attend but become an active part. We are each members of the Body of Christ, 1Corinthians 12:27

If any member of a body becomes weak or absent the body is weakened. When you as a child of God miss church, and do not take part in the work of the church, you weaken and hinder that work.

Why Should I attend Church

Because of Christ's Relation To it

He established it:. .Matthew 16:18

He died for it:. .
Ephesians 5:25
He is the Head of it:. .
Colossians 1:18

Because God's word Commands it: . .
"NOT forsaking the assembling of yourselves together. . . for worship". .
Hebrews 10:25

Because Man's Condition Demands it: . .
To grow spiritually: 2Peter 3:18
To Live righteously: . . 1Peter 2:24

To serve faithfully:. . Matthew 24:25 and Colossians 3:24

To influence properly:. . 1Timothy 4:12

Because World Conditions Demand it:. .Philippians 2:15
We are to be above reproach by this world that we would not be used as an excuse by others and bring harm to the precious Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

What Do I Do Now

If you have accepted the gift of salvation and become a child of God then you need to find a church home where you can begin to serve.

If you have a church home but you are not an active part of the body I urge you to become one. Your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ are praying for your fellowship.

The time is short and I believe the return of our Lord is close. What will you be found doing when he appears. Let us begin to redeem the time we have already wasted.