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Collections From c0lD^fIrE

Hi Lilia! Sory for this unfinished site.. anyway here's your Basic calculator made from Java Language.


1. Copy the code below and paste it in any text editor like notepad or Jcreator is better if its available...

2. Save it with a filename ""

3. if you use a text editor like notepad.. Compile it using the javac compiler and if your using the jcreator click the "compile file" and run it.

That's all.. Hope you like it!!

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.* ;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane ;

public class Calc extends JFrame
implements ActionListener {

private JButton One, Two, Three, Four, Five,
Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Zero, bExit,
bMult, bDiv, bSub, bPlus, bEquals, bHelp,
bAbout, bDecPt, bClear ;
private JTextField enterBox ;
private JPanel textPanel, exitPanel, buttonPanel, functionPanel ;
private Container c ;
private Font font;
private String firstNum = new String(""), secondNum = new String(""), tempStr ;
private boolean myDiag = false, result = true ,
firstNumSet = false, secondNumSet = false,
pendingOp = false ;
private double aNum, dNum1 = 0.0, dNum2 = 0.0 , answer = 0.0,
tempD = 0.0 , minusOne = -1.0 ;
private double dArray[] = new double[ 10 ] ;
private int opCode = -1, tempInt = 0, tempInt2 = 0,
dArrayPtr = 0, pendingOpCode = -1 ;

Calc() {

super( "Requested Calculator!!" );
setup() ;

setSize( 280, 230 );
setLocation( 200, 200 ) ;

private void setup() {
c = getContentPane() ;

setUpTextField() ;

setUpButtons() ;

setUpFunctionPanel() ;


setUpActionListener() ;

public void setUpTextField() {

enterBox = new JTextField( 15 ) ;
enterBox.setText( "??" );
enterBox.setEditable( false );
enterBox.setBackground( Color.white );
enterBox.setHorizontalAlignment( JTextField.RIGHT );

new KeyAdapter() {
public void keyPressed ( KeyEvent e ) {
if ( result ) {
MyPrint( "The value of result is " + result +
"this is from the enterbox keylistener." );
result = false ;
enterBox.setText( "" );
textPanel = new JPanel() ;
textPanel.add(enterBox ) ;

c.add( textPanel , BorderLayout.NORTH ) ;

public void setUpButtons() {
buttonPanel = new JPanel() ;
c.add( buttonPanel , BorderLayout.CENTER ) ;

Zero = new JButton( "0" ) ;
Zero.setFont( new Font("Sanserif", Font.BOLD, 16 ) );
One = new JButton( "1" ) ;
Two = new JButton( "2" ) ;
Three = new JButton( "3" ) ;
Four = new JButton( "4" ) ;
Five = new JButton( "5" ) ;
Six = new JButton( "6" ) ;
Seven = new JButton( "7" ) ;
Eight = new JButton( "8" ) ;
Nine = new JButton( "9" ) ;

bClear = new JButton( "Clear" ) ;
bClear.setBackground( ) ;
bClear.setForeground( Color.white );
bMult = new JButton( "*" ) ;
bMult.setFont( new Font("Sanserif", Font.BOLD, 20 ) );
bMult.setBackground( ) ;
bMult.setForeground( Color.white );
bDiv = new JButton( "/" ) ;
bDiv.setFont( new Font("Sanserif", Font.BOLD, 20 ) );
bDiv.setBackground( ) ;
bDiv.setForeground( Color.white );
bSub = new JButton( "-" ) ;
bSub.setFont( new Font("Sanserif", Font.BOLD, 24 ) );
bSub.setBackground( ) ;
bSub.setForeground( Color.white );
bPlus = new JButton( "+" ) ;
bPlus.setBackground( ) ;
bPlus.setForeground( Color.white );

bEquals = new JButton( "=" ) ;
bEquals.setFont( new Font("Sanserif", Font.BOLD, 16 ) );
bEquals.setBackground( ) ;
bEquals.setForeground( Color.white );
bDecPt = new JButton( "." ) ;
bDecPt.setFont( new Font("Sanserif", Font.BOLD, 22 ) );

buttonPanel.add( Seven ) ;
buttonPanel.add( Eight ) ;
buttonPanel.add( Nine ) ;

buttonPanel.add( Four ) ;
buttonPanel.add( Five ) ;
buttonPanel.add( Six ) ;
buttonPanel.add( One ) ;
buttonPanel.add( Two ) ;
buttonPanel.add( Three ) ;

buttonPanel.add( Zero ) ;
buttonPanel.add( bDecPt ) ;
buttonPanel.add( bEquals ) ;

buttonPanel.setLayout( new GridLayout( 5, 3, 5, 5 ) );

public void setUpActionListener() {

bDecPt.addActionListener( this );
Zero.addActionListener( this );
One.addActionListener( this );
Two.addActionListener( this );
Three.addActionListener( this );
Four.addActionListener( this );
Five.addActionListener( this );
Six.addActionListener( this );
Seven.addActionListener( this );
Eight.addActionListener( this );
Nine.addActionListener( this );

bMult.addActionListener( this );
bDiv.addActionListener( this );
bSub.addActionListener( this );
bPlus.addActionListener( this );
bEquals.addActionListener( this );
bClear.addActionListener( this );


public void setUpFunctionPanel() {

functionPanel = new JPanel() ;
c.add( functionPanel , BorderLayout.EAST ) ;
functionPanel.setLayout( new GridLayout( 6, 1, 5, 3 ) );

functionPanel.add( bMult ) ;
functionPanel.add( bDiv ) ;
functionPanel.add( bSub ) ;
functionPanel.add( bPlus ) ;
functionPanel.add( bClear ) ;

public void setUpExitPanel() {

exitPanel = new JPanel() ;
c.add( exitPanel , BorderLayout.SOUTH ) ;
bExit = new JButton( "Exit" ) ;
bExit.setFont( new Font("Sanserif", Font.BOLD, 16 ) );
bExit.setBackground( ) ;
bExit.setForeground( Color.white );
bHelp = new JButton( "Help" ) ;
bHelp.setFont( new Font("Sanserif", Font.BOLD, 16 ) );
bHelp.setBackground( ) ;
bHelp.setForeground( Color.white );
bAbout = new JButton( "About" ) ;
bAbout.setFont( new Font("Sanserif", Font.BOLD, 14 ) );
bAbout.setBackground( Color.darkGray ) ;
bAbout.setForeground( Color.white );

exitPanel.add( bExit ) ;
exitPanel.add( bHelp ) ;
exitPanel.add( bAbout ) ;


public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {
if ( result ) {
MyPrint( "The value of result is " + result );
result = false ;
enterBox.setText( "" );

if ( e.getSource() == bDecPt ) {
MyPrint( "The decimal point button was pressed." );
enterBox.setText( enterBox.getText() + "." ) ;
else if ( e.getSource() == Zero ) {
MyPrint( "The zero button was pressed. And pendingOp is " + pendingOp );
enterBox.setText( enterBox.getText() + "0" ) ;
else if ( e.getSource() == One ) {
MyPrint( "The one button was pressed. And pendingOp is " + pendingOp );
enterBox.setText( enterBox.getText() + "1" ) ;
else if ( e.getSource() == Two ) {
MyPrint( "The two button was pressed. And pendingOp is " + pendingOp );
enterBox.setText( enterBox.getText() + "2" ) ;
else if ( e.getSource() == Three ) {
MyPrint( "The Three button was pressed. And pendingOp is " + pendingOp);
enterBox.setText( enterBox.getText() + "3" ) ;
else if ( e.getSource() == Four ) {
MyPrint( "The Four button was pressed. And pendingOp is " + pendingOp );
enterBox.setText( enterBox.getText() + "4" ) ;
else if ( e.getSource() == Five ) {
MyPrint( "The Five button was pressed. And pendingOp is " + pendingOp );
enterBox.setText( enterBox.getText() + "5" ) ;
else if ( e.getSource() == Six ) {
MyPrint( "The Six button was pressed. And pendingOp is " + pendingOp );
enterBox.setText( enterBox.getText() + "6" ) ;
else if ( e.getSource() == Seven ) {
MyPrint( "The Seven button was pressed. And pendingOp is " + pendingOp );
enterBox.setText( enterBox.getText() + "7" ) ;
else if ( e.getSource() == Eight ) {
MyPrint( "The Eight button was pressed. And pendingOp is " + pendingOp );
enterBox.setText( enterBox.getText() + "8" ) ;
else if ( e.getSource() == Nine ) {
MyPrint( "The Nine button was pressed. And pendingOp is " + pendingOp );
enterBox.setText( enterBox.getText() + "9" ) ;

else if ( e.getSource() == bMult ) {
if ( !pendingOp ) {
if ( !getFirstNum( ) || !firstNumSet ) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "You have not entered a first number." ,
"First number blank",
else {
opCode = 0 ;
pendingOpCode = 0 ;
pendingOp = true ;
firstNumSet = true ;
result = true ;
MyPrint( "The pendingOp is " + pendingOp );
else {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "You have a pending operation." ,
"Pending Operation",
opCode = pendingOpCode ;
pendingOp = true ;
firstNumSet = true ;
result = true ;
MyPrint( "The Mult button was pressed. And pendingOp is " + pendingOp );
else if ( e.getSource() == bDiv ) {
if ( !pendingOp ) {
if ( !getFirstNum( ) || !firstNumSet ) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "You have not entered a first number." ,
"First number blank",
else if ( getFirstNum( ) ) {
opCode = 1 ;
pendingOpCode = 1 ;
pendingOp = true ;
firstNumSet = true ;
result = true ;
else {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "You have a pending operation." ,
"Pending Operation",
opCode = pendingOpCode ;
pendingOp = true ;
firstNumSet = true ;
result = true ;
MyPrint( "The Div button was pressed. And pendingOp is " + pendingOp );
else if ( e.getSource() == bSub ) {
if ( !pendingOp ) {
MyPrint( "The Sub button was pressed. And pendingOp is " + pendingOp );
if ( !getFirstNum( ) || !firstNumSet ) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "You have not entered a first number." ,
"First number blank",
else if ( getFirstNum( ) ) {
opCode = 2 ;
pendingOpCode = 2 ;
pendingOp = true ;
firstNumSet = true ;
result = true ;
else {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "You have a pending operation." ,
"Pending Operation",
opCode = pendingOpCode ;
pendingOp = true ;
firstNumSet = true ;
result = true ;
else if ( e.getSource() == bPlus ) {
if ( !pendingOp ) {
MyPrint( "The Plus button was pressed. And pendingOp is " + pendingOp );
if ( !getFirstNum( ) || !firstNumSet ) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "You have not entered a first number." ,
"First number blank",
else if ( getFirstNum( ) ) {
opCode = 3 ;
pendingOpCode = 3 ;
pendingOp = true ;
result = true ;
else {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "You have a pending operation." ,
"Pending Operation",
opCode = pendingOpCode ;
pendingOp = true ;
firstNumSet = true ;
result = true ;
else if ( e.getSource() == bEquals ) {
MyPrint( "The Equals button was pressed. And pendingOp is " + pendingOp +
" The opCode value is " + opCode );

if ( enterBox.getText().equals( "" ) || !firstNumSet ) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Equals a: You have not entered a first number." ,
"First number blank",
else if ( !pendingOp ) {
enterBox.setText( "" ) ;
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Equals b: You have not entered a first number and/or an operation." ,
"No operation entered",
else if ( pendingOp ) {
opCodeMethod() ;

firstNum = "" + answer ;
firstNumSet = true ;
else if ( e.getSource() == bClear ) {
MyPrint( "The Clear button was pressed." );
firstNum = "" ;
secondNum = "" ;
firstNumSet = false ;
opCode = -1 ;
pendingOpCode = -1 ;
pendingOp = false ;


private boolean getFirstNum( ) {
boolean retCode = false ;

if ( !firstNumSet ) {
if ( !enterBox.getText().equals( "" ) ) {
firstNum = enterBox.getText() ;
firstNumSet = true ;
result = true ;
retCode = true ;
MyPrint( "1a- In checkFirstNum( ) -- firstNum =s " + firstNum);
else if ( enterBox.getText().equals( "" ) ) {
MyPrint( "1b- In checkFirstNum( ) firstNumSet is " + enterBox.getText() );
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "The first number cannot be blank." ,
"Invalid Number",

retCode = false ;
else if ( firstNumSet ) {
firstNumSet = true ;
result = true ;
retCode = true ;
else if ( enterBox.getText().equals( "" ) ) {
MyPrint( "1c- In checkFirstNum( ) firstNumSet is " + enterBox.getText() );
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "The first number =s " +
enterBox.getText() + " cannot be blank." ,
"Invalid Number",

retCode = false ;

MyPrint( "1d- In checkFirstNum( ): retCode is " + retCode ) ;

return retCode ;

private void setResults() {

enterBox.setText( "" + answer );
firstNum = "" + answer ;
firstNumSet = true ;
result = true ;
pendingOp = false ;

private void opCodeMethod() {
int currentOpCode = -1 ;

MyPrint( "In opCodeMethod() with an opCode of " + opCode );

if ( pendingOp ) {
currentOpCode = pendingOpCode ;
pendingOp = false ;
else {
currentOpCode = opCode ;

switch ( currentOpCode ) {
case 0 :
multOp() ;
break ;
case 1 :

divOp() ;
break ;
case 2 :
MyPrint( "opCodeMethod(): opCode =s " + currentOpCode ) ;

subOp() ;
break ;
case 3 :

plusOp() ;
break ;
case 4 :
break ;
case 5 :
break ;
default :
setResults() ;
secondNum = "0.0" ;
dNum2 = 0.0 ;
MyPrint( "Case default: firstNum =s " + firstNum);

break ;
opCode = -1 ;


private void multOp() {

if ( opCode == 0 ) {
pendingOp = false ;
secondNum = enterBox.getText() ;
pendingOp = true ;
MyPrint( "2a- multOp(): opCode is " + opCode + " The value of secondNum is " + secondNum );
if ( secondNum.equals( "" ) ) {
secondNum = "1.0" ;
MyPrint( "2b- multOp(): opCode is " + opCode + " The value of secondNum is " + secondNum );
MyPrint( "3a- multOp(): opCode is " + opCode + " secondNum is " + secondNum ) ;
convertNumsToDouble() ;
answer = dNum1 * dNum2 ;
setResults() ;
MyPrint( "3b- multOp(): opCode is " + opCode + " The value of answer is " + answer );
dNum1 = answer ;
secondNum = "0.0" ;
secondNumSet = true ;

private void divOp() {

secondNum = enterBox.getText() ;
MyPrint( "2a- divOp(): opCode is " + opCode + " firstNum is " +
firstNum + " secondNum is " + secondNum ) ;
if ( secondNum.equals( "" ) || opCode < 0 ) {
MyPrint( "2b- divOp(): opCode is " + opCode + " firstNum is " +
firstNum + " secondNum is " + secondNum ) ;
else {
convertNumsToDouble() ;
if (dNum2 != 0.0 ) {
answer = dNum1 / dNum2 ;
setResults() ;
MyPrint( "2- divOp(): opCode is " + opCode + " firstNum is " +
firstNum + " secondNum is " + secondNum ) ;
else {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "The number " +
dNum2 + " cannot be used as a denometer" ,
"Attempted to Divide by Zero",
firstNumSet = false ;
firstNum = "" ;
opCode = -1 ;
opCode = 1 ;

result = true ;

private void subOp() {

if ( opCode == 2 ) {
pendingOp = false ;

secondNum = enterBox.getText() ;
if ( secondNum.equals( "" ) ) {
secondNum = "0.0" ;
MyPrint( "2a- subOp(): opCode is " + opCode + " secondNum is " + secondNum ) ;
convertNumsToDouble() ;
answer = dNum1 - dNum2 ;
setResults() ;
MyPrint( "2b- subOp(): opCode is " + opCode + " The value of answer is " + answer );
secondNum = "0.0" ;
opCode = -1 ;
secondNumSet = true ;

private void plusOp() {

if ( pendingOp ) {
opCodeMethod() ;
opCode = 3 ;
result = true ;
pendingOp = true ;
MyPrint( "plusOp() 1a: In pendingOp code. the opCode value is " + opCode) ;
else if ( !firstNumSet && getFirstNum() ) {
MyPrint( "1- plusOp(): opCode is " + opCode + " The value of answer is " + answer );
pendingOp = true ;
pendingOpCode = 3 ;
result = true ;
opCode = 3 ;
else if ( opCode == 3 ) {

secondNum = enterBox.getText() ;
if ( secondNum.equals( "" ) ) {
secondNum = "0.0" ;
MyPrint( "2a- plusOp(): opCode is " + opCode + " secondNum is " + secondNum ) ;
convertNumsToDouble() ;
answer = dNum1 + dNum2 ;
setResults() ;
MyPrint( "2b- plusOp(): opCode is " + opCode + " The value of answer is " + answer );
secondNum = "" ;
opCode = -1 ;
dNum2 = 0.0 ;
dNum1 = answer ;
secondNumSet = false ;
result = true ;
firstNum = "" + answer ;
enterBox.setText( firstNum ) ;
firstNumSet = true ;
pendingOp = false ;
else {
pendingOp = true ;
pendingOpCode = 3 ;
opCode = 3 ;
result = true ;
MyPrint( "3a- plusOp(): opCode is " + opCode + " The value of answer is " + answer );


private void convertNumsToDouble() {
if ( !firstNum.equals( "" ) )
dNum1 = Double.parseDouble( firstNum ) ;
if ( !secondNum.equals( "" ) )
dNum2 = Double.parseDouble( secondNum ) ;
MyPrint( "convertNumsToDouble(): The value of dNum1 is " + dNum1 );
MyPrint( "convertNumsToDouble(): The value of dNum2 is " + dNum2 );


private void sysExit() {
System.exit( 0 );


private void MyPrint( String str ) {
if ( myDiag )
System.out.println( str );


public static void main( String args[] ) {

final Calc app = new Calc () ;

new WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e )
app.sysExit() ;


Best Regards... Ryan!!!