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Great Depression Resource Center

Welcome to the Great Depression Resource Center. There are links to other Great Depression sites, Great Depression lessons, links to how to make a webquest, and a link to a few webquests that I have made. My goal is to create a series of web pages that cover each California Content Standard. I have started with Standard 11.6, which states "students analyze the different explanations for the Great Depression and how the New Deal fundamentally changed the role of the federal government" because I have a special interest in the subject.

My late grandparents were bottomless pits of information when it came to the 1930's. Contrary to most people's opinions, they couldn't stand Franklin Delano Roosevelt and what he did to(for) the country. One story I am especially fond of was the story of when they drove across the country in 1936 in a Ford Model A. It took them over two weeks to go from Massachusetts to Loma Linda, CA. Apparently, their car broke down somewhere in the middle and they spent the night at a farmers house. The next morning the farmer drove my grandfather to the nearest town to buy the part needed and they were on their way. Another subject that interests me is the buildings made by the WPA. I work near a school that was built in that era and the design of the school is incredibly unique.

Having said all that, I am looking forward to using the information found on these pages in my US History classes. From the lesson plans to the images that are found within the links, I hope to create an enriching learning experience for my students. I also hope that my fellow teachers at Mojave High school will be able to use my creation to enrich their students as well. And lastly, I hope that if anybody else is interested in the Great Depression they can use my web site as a spring board to the many things great and small of the Great Depression.

Brian Wendell
Mojave High School

(Above photo taken from Somewhere near Bakersfield.)


Lesson Plans
Great Depression Web Sites
Making Webquests
Foundations of America Resource Center
EDCI 572 Links
